HE riS^-S/^r ^r' * *U^1 V I «t •J&!5fc MffiW •«! I ^» ^ - I m. 1 jbai IP BHHH H^^HT Wj. T A critical review of the controversial motion picture being shown at the Protestant-Orthodox pavilion of the New York World's Fair. THE PARABLE By WILLIAM F. FORE, Executive Director, broadcasting and Tilm Commission, National Council of Churches V,ISITORS TO THE Protestant and Orthodox Cen- is that Parable, or any film, was made at all. Its acclaim ter at the New York World's Fair come away from the by Newsweek as "possibly one of the best films at the showings of an extraordinary motion picture with a fair" is an evaluation not only of the film but also of wide variety of reactions. the Protestant church. Thus, Parable, at the very least, Seen in the perspective of the fair, Parable is really proclaims that Protestantism can use a contemporarv three different things: a film, a representation of art form, and can draw a crowd with a film which asks Protestantism, and a message. relevant and thought-provoking questions. As a film, it is a unification of sound and picture Finally, Parable is a message. Here it is less success- in motion instead of the usual illustrated slide lecture ful. If a parable is "a short fictitious narrative from (with the emphasis on lecture) produced by most which a moral or spiritual truth is drawn" then this church groups. Parable is not so much a parable as a film Rorschach One of the remarkable things about Parable is that, test, in which every viewer is invited to read into it except for a brief prologue, no words are spoken. In his own conclusions. an allegorical setting where words would lose their Is Clown the Christ figure? Perhaps for many. But I meaning and easily might become counterfeit, the re- many others would say that to be called a Christ figure lationships between Clown and the Water Carrier, the is the dutv of everv Christian. However, here is a Girl, Magnus, and the rest are refreshingly personal fundamental flaw, for Clown is too meek and mild, and direct. No claims of the sponsor intervene to spoil too simpleminded, too otherworldly, too intent on get- the human encounter. ting himself killed, whereas the Jesus Christ of history We are free to enjoy the visual images, and they are engaged his world, knew it. grappled with it. was dramatic and full of impact—the kind one plays and killed bv it, vet overcame it. replays in his mind long after the film itself is dim Who killed Clown? Obviously it was those for whom memory. Examples: the circus parade; the appearance Clown, in his simple honesty, posed a serious threat to of Clown, with an all-white face which is not alto- their way of life and thinking. But here is another flaw. gether clownlike; Magnus seated in his magnificent for the nature of that thinking and that way of life is red chair, manipulating the strings of a human Punch- not always made clear. and-Judy show; the face and cry of Clown as he is Could thev reallv have killed Clown in the main killed; Clown at the top of the circus tent, arms out- tent? Of course not. but neither would a circus parade stretched in death. These images mix with the wild really take place on an isolated countrv road. And who and sometimes discordant circus music in a cinematic is riding that donkev in the parade at the film's end? experience one cannot easily forget. Clown? Magnus? As a symbol of Protestantism, Parable is moderately No, this is not just a parable, it is a fantasy and an successful, especially when one considers alternatives. allegory as well. And. as in every allegory, you cannot What could quickly and interestingly summarize what push the comparisons too far without betraying the Protestant groups stand for—groups as diverse as the truths of comparison. Salvation Army, Episcopalians, Methodists? If "the Though its theology is shaky or at least unclear. simple Gospel storyi' then whose interpretation? If Parable contains moments of insight and poses search- "basic Bible truths" then whose selection? ing personal questions. It is, certainly, an exciting Amid the inevitable confusion surrounding develop- film—and a better representation of Protestantism, with ment of the Protestant exhibit for the fair, the miracle all its diversities, than we had a right to expect. Together /May 196! (L v J* m Li If ^^ . Clown, first seen riding a donkey behind the circus parade, mazes the weary Water Carrier by picking up his heavy pails and struggling p a steep slope with them to water the thirsty elephants. - •' *i v>. 2. Clown, followed by the Carrier and a Girl and a Negro he has liberated from indignities, cleans the children's shoes, interrupting the main show. Beside himself with fury, Magnus the Great violently jerks le strings that control his human puppets. They gyrate helplessly at the top f the circus tent in his cruel, living Punch-and-Judy Show. Clown, having released the living puppets and taken their place, angs in the harness. Now he is helpless against the attacks of men whose •ay of life he has threatened. Instinctively, they kill him. 5. Again the parade passes. Behind it trots a donkey, bearing a clown. Is it Clown come back to life? Or Magnus, who has put on Clown's makeup? — NEW AMERICAN TEMPERANCE PLAN PAYS '100 WEEKLY.. J even for life to Non-drinkers and Non-Smokers ! At last—a new kind of hospitalization plan for you thousands who realize drinking and smoking are harmful. Rates are fantastically low because "poor risk" drinkers and smok- ers are excluded. 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