The end· of geometry as we know it ? by Tracy Drake "Mr. Bosu, you lem High School, and all Mr. · from teaching is seeing his many students dislike doing forgot!" I exclaim, after Bosu has to say is, "It's just students after graduation, papers. searching the whole build­ time to retire." and the success that they As for life after re­ ing for him. It has been a chal- have achieved. "I've had tirement, Mr. Bosu says he "Oh! That's right," 1en ge for Mr. several students is going to "maybe work he says foolishly, as he Bosu. After all, who have gone part-time, relax ... and play , · 1 walks out of the teachers' he teaches the on to very suc­ golf. I would like to go to lounge. "Tracy, I just forget dreaded Geom­ cessful . careers." Florida or Arizona for the things. That's why I'm retir­ etry course, a Mr. Bosu hopes first three months of each ing." He starts laughing. problem area for that he has con­ year." Mrs. Bosu says Mr. "Seriously?'',I ask. many students. tributed to their Bosu likes to do many "No, not seri~ But many stu­ success. He also things (they both enjoy nice . ously." dents and believes that he weather, golfing, and bowl­ Actually, Mr. Ken teachers will tell has served the ing), so he won't have noth­ Bosu is seriol,lsly consider­ you that he has handled it school well, and he hopes ing to do. They aren't plan­ ing retirement simply be­ well. From my own personal others think that, too. ning on moving, though, cause he has put in .almost experience, I had never got­ ' However, there is because their family is in thirty years of service as a ten an A in any math class a down side to being a ge­ Salem. teacher; He says he is "98% ever until Geometry class my ometry teacher. "I dislike Mrs. Bosu also sure" that this school year sophomore year. grading papers," Mr. Bosu says her husband is going . will be his last. It has been The greatest ·says. That is okay, because to spend a lot of his time with twenty-seven years at Sa- honor Mr. Bosu has gotten his two grandsons, Kenny and Lance, who are 12 and 10 years old. "They're his ay_,l.. pride and joy," she says. by Tonya Barnard The last day of According to Th.e This great festival s1gm 1cance m I re 1an d . ·I. t 1s school for Mr. ·Bosu will Book of Holidays by J. '. .f. likely be a sad, yet proud . of national and religious de­ the day when the stocks are Walker McSpadden and votion isn'tjust "a great day driven out into the pastures day for hlm. "I will be some­ The American Book ofDays for the Irish", but for all of for the summer. " S a i n t what sad," he says, "and by George William Douglas, us. Patrick turns the warm side relieved." March 17 was not the day Saint Patrick's life of the stone uppermost," the Saint Patrick 'was born, but is so thickly strewn with lov­ old Irish saymg has it, and the day he died. Modern ing legends that separating farmers start planting their Catholic scholars placed his the historical from the imagi­ potatoes on that day. The birth year as 385 AD and the native is difficult. Legends very earth of Ireland, the year of his death as 461 AD also spread faster than fact. crops and cattle, follow him. This makes him seventy-six . We have all heard .that Saint Patrick's Day to you years old when he died, not Patrick drove the snakes out and me is a day to have fun well over a hundred as the of Ireland. Many of us have by wearing green and go­ legends have it, read how the sun refused to ing around giving a little March 17 is set for twelve whole days pinch to those without Ireland's greatest national and nights after he died, but green. Of course, we all want holiday as wefl as holy day. stood perfectly still s.o as not to find the pot of gold at the Wherever Irish people live, to bring· a new day without end of the rainbow. So all of the day is known for high him. Relatively few of us, you, on March 17, look for a spirits and deep feeling; a however, know the actual rainbow and only dream colorful, joyful occasion facts of his life. where it ends and what will which nobody wants to . Saint Patrick's.Day be found there. miss. has also been of a ricultural Page2 The Quaker Monday March 11, 1996 The torch 1995-96 QUAKER STAFF burns·on Editor~in-chief-JadeyBerger by Janet Metts EDITORI~ STAFF As most people Layout/Design- Jim Treharcn know, it is time once again {School News- Beth Arnoto ' for the Olympic Games; and for the first time in 12 years ·Entertainment- Jesse Vingle they will be held in the U.S., Student Concerns- Sara Caplinger in Atlanta, Georgia. But what most people don't Feature- Tracy Drake know is. how and why the Editorial PEfge- Megan Zagotti traditional Games were started. Sports- Crystal McCoy In 776 B.C. the Photo- Shawna Smith Games were dedicated to the Greek God Zeus. People ADVERTISING/BUSINESS thought the training would MANAGER ' bring honor, discipline, and friendliness. between na­ Lisa Hardin tions. These Games had ASSISTANT MANAGER been going on for 2, 700 years till they were discon­ Michelle Roberts tinued in 393 A.D., and REPORTING STAFF weren't started up again till 1896 by a frenchman, and Amanda.. Woodyard have been going on every­ Jim 'Treharn Olympiad since.(an Olym­ piad is the first year of a four Jennifer Weingart year cycle). Aprll Ramsayer During the Olym­ pics there are certain tradi­ Shawna Smith tions that are done. First of all, relay runners starting Travis A. Swedko from Olympia, Greece and Eri ka Leach go to where the games are to start, to light the torch for Theresa Frazier the Olympic Games . .During Lisa Hari;iin the running, a plane or ship is used when necessary to Michelle Roberts travel across water or other Todd McLaughlin obstacles. A torch is carried I which is lit by the rays .of Jason Humphreys the sun while the runners J enni Brown are running, and the torch stays lit till the end of the Tonya Barnard Games. Another tradition is Ross Coffee a parade that is held with the President or the Monarch of Katie Frank the Host country who walks Janet Metts in with all the athletes which are in National groups. PHOTOGRAPHERS When the Games are. over Trav~s A. Szwedko they all enter the stadium together to represent unity. Janet Metts . Participation in the · Erika :Ceach Olympics is a very challeng­ ing, but honorable position Jeqni Brown to be in. These athletes are ADMINISTRATION very goal-oriented,, and ,. have very positive attitudes. Advisor-Mr. J~ff .Ladner In a way that is somewhat Principal- Mr. Charles Mcshane of a requirement to partici- I pate. · Moriday March 11, 1996 The Quaker Page 3 A great olympian's last Olympics by Jenni Brown . Jackie Joyner­ Once Jackie and , While competing massage and slept with a Kersee will be making her her coach/husband, Bob · in die heptathlon during the mild electric current running last Olympic appearance ,t 1988 Olym­ through her knee. · Bob during the upcoming Olym­ pics in Seoul Kersee said, "some people pics in Atlanta, Georgia. Jackie wrote of the world record Kersee has had more ob­ Joyner- after the fi,rst day. They stacles disc_ouraging her Kersee had were the people who didn't athlete ability than most ·many ups know Jackie." people could have taken. and downs. The next day With the support of her fam­ She cruised Jackie did very well in the ily, friends and fans Joyner­ to 'an easy long jump, and then Jost 86 Kersee has overcome the victory in the points in the javelin throw. obstacles and became the 100-meter "The ·knee was sore. I world's greatest female ath­ hurdles, the wa5n't using the legs. I was lete. first of seven just aiming." said Jackie af­ The neighbor­ events. But ter het throw. With a prom­ hood Jackie Joyner-Kersee during the ise to her fans, she had to grew up in had·little for chil­ high jump give her best in the 800. She dren to do. There was a rec­ K e r s e 1 e did that by running an out­ reation center, but Jackie strained her standing time of2:08.51, her was to young to ·go there. left patellar best time ever. This was One man gave.her a place to tendon try­ good enough to give her a go. He let Jackie come to ing to clear ·world-record score of 7 ,291. the recreation center even the bar The Seoul Olym­ though she was. not old raised only pics were over, but Jackie's enough. Jacki.e ran with the 6' 1 ·:. ,This athletic career was not even older girls and· was soon was her sec- closet~ an end. Jackie com­ passing them. That one per­ ond worst peted in the 1992 Olympics son who gave 'a' little girl a Kersee were staying in die · performance of her career. and willbe competing in the place to play, also gave her same hotel as the big timy .She was behind the world­ 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, a very bright future.
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