PORTLAND DAILY Established June 23, 1862. Tol. 6. SA1URDAY APRIL Dollars POR1LAND, MORNING, 13, 18(\7. Terms Eight per annum, in advance 'Jin; i»obtlasi> (flftEV pbi:ss n pui.iisbed BUISKESS CARDS. Kill! OVALS. MERCHANDISE. 1UISCELLAHEOIIS. COI'ABTNEBSlflP. become one of the best everyday, (Sunday excepted,) at No. I Printers’ localities fcr business E\chaugc, Commercial Street. Portland. in New *»K. A. J. K DAILY England. N. A. FOSTER, riiOPiUETOK. LOCKE, £ 31 O V AL! TUB PRESS. Notice, LUMBER^ The of i KUMs: Dollars a in advance. Copartnership contemplated completion the Port- -Eight year DENTIST, U. S. CLAIM AGENCY of W. H. FESSEN- Wholesale and Itetail. Portland rpHE and & Rochester road is waking Dover I DEN has been removed to No. 23:1 i-‘i tsn- ami DOMESTIC OIL COMPANY up as J UK MAINE STATE PRESS, is at the So. 301 1-4 Mirrel. Plank, Shingles Scantling01 all sizes published C'ougrr.. Sre»s Street, corner Chestnut, near City Hall. on hand. ;lie latter fears Plains” will sit ■ year» constantly city “Norway get- |j’ iee very Thursday morning at $2.o0a April 1,1867. tl3ui BOARDS, now iindersigned having formed a Copartnership aprSdtw* Building material sawed to order. offer to the public Saturday Morning, April 13, 1867. In v .11 ;.ibly in advance. under theaj of “old Cocbeco.” Real estate in lioch- CHARLES THE the tirm name of ISAAC DYER. PEAKCET~~ k e m o No. yj Union Wharr. t'ter is more on the rise than Kates of advkktisinu.—tine imhot *pace,tu vxt: auglltf_ THE BEST, THE AHD largely here, SAFEST, (••rllaatl 4k Ogdeiisbnrg Kail mad. leuaili ot eoliiiun, constitute* a “square.' Mul iv hen the P. Jc R. road is built to the lat- ••• : J. & •V per square daily urst wc«dt rent*.per W. STOCKWELL CO, DOSNELL <£ GEE ELY, the Preen ja contmu- PLUMBER, ! To the Editor of ter look w..-ek a tier; three Insertions, or less, 11.00; LUMBER place, out for the building up of one cents. I iu7 other alter first week, 50 sale Tlie Oil No one can doubt—no one, does °* R*0 every day Manufacturer and Dealer in every description ot Will carry on Uic manufacture and ot Cheapest think, smartest and most or 75 enterprising places Mali square, three insert ions h‘ss, cents; one Commission AH kinds of ulter. Merchants, doubt—that vast advantages would result to ill New w ;v,... i.ici; f>0 ..uls p week Now ill the England. (■:men s,’ '82 00ner Water And Wholesale Dealers in Market! Under h. el oi “A?n square Fittings, Portland Irons the construction ot the pro- Rev. A. a. three in«erifons or less, si.50. HYDRAULIC CEMENT Willetts, D. D., of Brooklyn, lec pet' week; PIPE, Grocere?, Flour, Por)r, lard, Fi-h &c., SPRUCE mak- tiired m*e. tal N rrit •Ks.ii.-o p'*r square tor the first in- HEAD & OISTEBN PUMPS CUMBER, line of railway horn Montpelier, here last POBCE.DEOK, calibre from 3 to 34 Have reiTKivid trom No. 02 Commercial street jected evening on “Sunshine” or “The tion, and 25 cents per square ior each In inches, to No. WHOLEIALK AND NO MORE LAMP subsequent Sheet 33 Commercial street. BETAI1,. EXPLOSIONS! as it a close connection with Chi- eerct ot mv»rttr*n. Lead Pipe and Lead, mar 30- lmil.Vw ing, would, HappinP3s.” It was one of the keen- A«(\i u!;. :n"i:iN inserted in the FOR DRAINS, SEWERS, STENCH-TRAPS,MII.L NO MORE BROKEN CHIMNEYS! Lake er most “Maine State No. 5 Union Wired, ft'orllnud, Dlninr. cago, Milwaukee, Detroit aud other and Pri s,Mfwhich has a larse circulation Frames and Dimension ineresting satirical etlorts ever in every par- FLUMES, CHIMNEYS, WELLS, HOT and Ii M C > A L ! Lumber NO MORE SMOKY CHIMNEYS! listened to ol the State) for 81.00 per square tor first m v: ports, besides securing to our city the trade of by our citizens, and insertion4 Buildings, Hotels and Private Resi- sawed to every one * 1 -per tor {ryPnblic COLD AIR order at short notice. square each subsequent inter- lilted with Water Wash FLUES, &c., at least of went home with a dences up Closets, Basins, DAVIS £ one^frird of the State Vermont,— good hit” on hlrnor lier- Haih Boiiers and Warm and Cold Baths in the most DRUMMOND, selt. —AT THS— Clapboards, Shingles and Laths. the depot of one hundred millions per approved ami thorough manner. Orders respectlully Can be used without feet, solicited. any Chimneys. Gen. John L. Swift PERKINS, JACKSON Jr CO., annum, of lumber from the central aud moun- of Boston, well known R EFi'HENCF.—Mr. M. Stead, Architect, lirin Mess. Portland COUNSELLORS AT FISK & Cement LAW, High Street 0H2 tain of to Portland and as HATCH, Anderson, Bunnell & Co. Pipe Works, AND Wharf, Commercial, region New Hampshire,—the great vicinity one of the “bright- Mar 25—lm current of White est” luminaries in the Johnson 1C3 l>aiiforth street, Solicitors in janfdtl_ foot of High street. The annoyance from the use of CHIMNEYS in Mountain pleasure travel,— galaxy during H Bankruptcy, burning Kcrsene to go about the ami tlie dis- A. IV K K R S house, —competition with the Graud Trunk Hall- the last political campaign has—mirabtle MU. W. IIA V EM A NX, PORTLAND, MK. A’o. 100 Exchange Street, agreeable odor therefrom, as also the great danger die- COAL. ! COAL ! from volatile or fluid to the AND DEALERS IN using substances, lias been seri- way, it for that tu!—returned Republican con- and These are &3P’0ppt»sile Portland Savings Bank rendering necessary corpora- parly, Teacher of Music German Spanish, Pipes altogether ahead of those tnadeol Building. ously felt f >r tlie past lew years. brick, because are Portland. April 5, ISC7. apr tidtf tion to its road in fessed his sins and asked to lie Croueru incut and STREET. they >>iitooih«-r. uiorp «!u ru- Any invent Ion which successfblly overcomes these keep repair and yield to forgiven and other Desirable AT 26 FREE aplOUlw Buiri. aim! ble, fusil) cheaper. They cost less objections, can bo looked upon in no other than Portland the fair have been than hall as much as Coal for light advantage of her his tears of penitence wiped Securities, lead or iron, and do not rust or if EM( VVAlT Ranges Furnaces, a great public blessing. Inventors have sought for geographi- away corrwle in ol G. A. SU88KRAUT, any length time, but wiil deliver water —A NO— years to nivonipltsh this desired result, but all their cal (thereby itself a real bene- with the of Deputy Collector of an position doing appointment No. ,*> v distance, as pure aud sweet as when it leaves efforts have b en failures. After careful INassau .st, IV. AT., IIIPOKTEK, the complete as it will find in tbe the of Boston. “Alas! Yorick.”— fountain’s head. PARLOR STOVIOS, study and scientific experiment, the manufacturers fit, end),—aud, finally, port poor MANCFACTFRER AND DEALER IN TUev are used in New York Brook- Lord & feel Becommend to investor, tire City, Albany, Stevens, Haskell, At low assured that they can now offer to the public an without one or more lines of “The race is uot to the Swift nor the Hartford. and other Rato* far roi.li. doubt, weekly always lyn, Springfield, many cities, this article towns and Have day removed to the New Store llats anti villages. A small lot of steamships throughout tbe year between this battle to the strong.” The Argus will please Furs, Caps, The Western R. Connecticut Rockville, FIRST It., Itiver, to other Article now in the and note MORTGAGE BONDS ar.d Hartford use for Superior any Europe. the item. 130 Middle Street, & Springfield Railroads them Hr. s. 34 «C 36 Middle Street, NICE BLACKSMITH'S COAL. port -OF Till:- cu verts, &c. Market! Tbe open questions are only these—Can Rumor says a S'ate Constabulary MAINE. Justin Sackett, Superintendent of 100 TONH Lump LEHIEII. PORTLAND, Streets, Spriug- (Over Messrs. Woodman True & Co.’s,) and a Held, Mass.; Mi ton A. Clyde, It. R. Contractor; RJ- especially good SUBSTITUTE for the old the road be built? Will It be built? It is will be appointed for New Hampshire at Ur Vasli paid for Shipping Fur». un21dtl Also a lot of DRY SLAB WOOD, sawed In stove Burning Fluid, which is now the reach ot or- Ch]!VTBAL win chase, civil Mats.; Daniel Their old of beyond Engineer, Holyoke, place business previous to the in on to a the next — Prea. fire, length, delivered any partoftlie city, at. §8 per cord. dinary consumers account ot the high price ol the said be long and expensive line. Where session ot the iu .1 une Harris, Esu-, Conn. It. R.; Sam’l Bowles, Esq., material legislature where will which enlersiuto the composition. Page, Richardson & Oo., Smith A Wesson, Wasson & Co., Jessup & Laflin they keep constantly on hand at whole- PERKINS, JACKSON A CO., is the money to come from, and who are the The attempt to enforce the liquor law in this Paper ma- Manufacturer*, Westlield, Mass., among a can sale High Street Wharf, 302 Commercial, men that can or will furnish or find It? State is a and the above is ny others, tell of its merits. Remember, it will not Soil the Finest failure, course ihe Architects. Foot of H street. Pacific R. R, Co. Bankers & Merchants, Engineers, Manufacturers and Busi- Well Assorted Stock janldtf igb Fabric S 1. The money is already virtually secured only one which will cause the law to be carri- ness men who have used or seen this Pipe, adopt it OF to construct that ot the ed out.
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