PLYMOUTH MAIL ■THE HOME NEWSPAPER PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 18. 1930 TWELVE PAGES* FIVE CENTS »i so per year VOL. 42 NO. 35 Rotarians Hear E 175-Mile Week-End “Little Trip Pliny W. Marsh PLYMOUTH RIVERSIDE PARK Through Southeast Michigan ( i FORMER JUDGE RECALLS GIA- *' • N0L.A- VITALE FELD OF TO YELLOWSTONE 20 YEARS AGO. ATTRACTS LARGE CROWDS Gang wars such as are raging in De­ troit today "usually are the result of iL ’ intimidation, corruption or inefficiency ! of the law enforcing agencies." Pliny [ W. Marsh, former judge of recorder's Chief of Shriners I Many Improvements Have Been Made We are pleaswf to publish the fol­ ! court, who is candidate for a sent on lowing article written for the Mail by the circuit bench this fall, declared Miss Neva Parker of this village, who. Tuesday ikmui. Marsh spoke at the In The Past Several Months. with Miss Treva Damon of Ithaca, i Kiwanis Club luncheon at the May­ made an interesting trip to the Yel­ flower Hotel. lowstone Park, on which they depend­ I Marsh recalled the Gianola-Vitale ed entirely upbfl rides with passing, 1 feud that raged in Detroit from; B»1O motorists: _ i to 1920 and resulted in a dozen or more New Park To Form Unit In Wayne "We left Ithaca. Michigan, at « :<M) l murders. One judge was so completely o'clock on Tuesday, July first. It I intimidated the shaker said, tliut he County Parkway Plans. took us seven days to reach Cody. • had three police officers on guard at Wyoming.. Altogether, we spent about ' his home in eiglit hour shifts for pearly nineteen dollars apiece for actual ex­ , two years. penses. I took twenty-two dollars aud "Juries were intimidated by mes­ f Plymouth Riverside Park is fast be- a half with me. In Cody I spent near­ sages sent to some member off Hie ] coming a popular nercation center for ly three dollars for souvenirs, ami ar­ juror's family that in cast* of a e uivie- GAS STATION ' iwople from all over Wavin' County, rived home July loth, with three cents, ' tioii the juror's child would be kidnap­ i Every week day sees pieiiic parties "During our trip we rode in a vari­ ped. bis bouse bombed or some other scatten'd about beneath the shade disaster befall him. The feud culmin­ IS HELD UP trees with whieh the park is amply ety of cars. In fact we rode in near-1 [ supplied. lv‘evervthing from a Willys-Kniglit to ated in the murder of Gianolil. the Two men drove up ro the Palmer a Ford truck. We rode in six differ-] leader of one of the gangs, as he was ; Many improvements have been made Service Station at South Main ‘jin the park dni-ing tlic past several ent trucks. New Fords furnished most leaving a down-town bank at noon. An Golden roads, about 2:39 o'clock W of our rides, tine advantage we had) attempt was then made to persuade his ‘ I llioilt lis. The new pilblie enlllforl Sta­ ltcsday morning. They ordered tlic tion has been completed and the over tile ordinary tourist driving nephew to take life leadership <>f flu1 gasoliiit' tank of their car filled witli through was that the in-ople with gang. He refused and later was slmt grounds siirroiiiiding it have been on John It street in broad daylight. gas and tin n one of them pulled a gun graded and coiiereie uu^ks built. whom we rode knew the country ami "The murderers were apprehended, on George l’crkins. the attendant in called our attention to numerous. charge, ami l-obbed the -latioii cash The uiiderb’-ii'h tlirougliout the park points of interest tiiong the way. i promptly convicted and all senteiiced has been eleared oil! ami I lie cliaiinel to life imprisonment, which ended the register of $15.00. No cl th. •i tur first day we went from Ithaca. I robbers has hi ■ti | ' I lie Ritllge raigliiei Michigan, through Indiana to Joliet, j I'ciid." The meeting was in charge of ■ 1 ollt IU...I 1 i prevent. Ilood- Illinois, where we spent our lirst night. | the Dearborn Club, md s'-oiiriitg "f th'- banks. A cliil- The country through which we pa-sod A. Fletcher of Rochester. N. Y.. pl.ijground b.i- 1 <-ii i-leared out was similar to Michigan. -o no -pecial' » became the hew imperial j»0leH- Canning Contest ispiip|H-d wiih i ig-. -lidos, etc. inteve-t was aroused. Early life next Ann Arbor Man * of the Nobles of the Mystic J ic bridge I;,!'.- b.- -ii built across. morning We left Joliet, and arrived at Shrine at their convent ion in Toronto. Rouge. Duhmtue. Iowa, that atferuoon. <>ur Defendant In 2 Stirs Interest of Th.' park M|UI J- pel wiih plenty of longest hop that day was on.' of about ROUTE LEADS TIIROL tables and b .■I- t ,;<• eotiviMiienee IT." lllilcs. We crossed the Mississippi DOTTED AREAS TO ijllE OLD Famous Band At Big Law Suits LUTHER LOSEY Plymouth Women .'f picnic pa <ii!ie roiis drinking river at Dubuque. aud clear through PICTURESQUE LITTLE VIL­ fountains <l tiit'oiigli the abundance of pure TO Waterloo, where we stayed that LAGES OF DEALT FLL 1930 State Fair Victor K. Brown. 725 Church street, PASSES AWAY Six hundred dollars fur a quart jar nmls pr<< night. The country near the Illinois of canned food i otic jar of food ' drinking southeastern salesman l'or the Huron Valley Chev­ and Iowa border began to be more rolet. Inc., was named defendant in Plymouth friends .were grieved to lie worth tliat MICHIGAN. < •i-j-:i;i ore'-s famous concert- band, This is a i|iicst'ioii that is agitating i lie r ami picruresque. We went up and down wiih iiis dynuinic director conducring two damage suits yesterday aggregat­ learn of the death of Luther O. Losey, ! qrm-icd on both slde< a number of hills and were on the ing S75.IHHI as the result of ail anto- which occurred at St. Joseph's hospital. Plymouth hoiiicmakei-s since wm-d got ; ihi- will be lighted b lights highest elevation in Illinois. The Sou t liea r Mil-lug, in iM-nsou. will be a fcaliire at the around ,hat six hniulred dollars in , 'ti-pemled from i-ii-iii- poles. Micliigau Stale Fair. Michigan's great­ mobile tragedy that occurred in 192S. Ann Arbor. Monday. July 14th. Mr. third day we stayed at Sioux City. i>f tile aui.uiii cash would he paid for the best jar of 1’lynioiiih River-idc Park is olio unit est iiitiiliiur event. August 31 to Sept. 6. tine is for $5ti.titi(i and the other for ko<cy was taken suddenly ill I lie day fruit, vegetables or meat entered in Iowa. We started following highway hiked as one I' t lie 1 S25JMM1. before his-death, and was taken to tiie in llio parkway plans under develop- ; liou.-il centers of the acinrding tu announcement just made the second National Canning ('onte-i 2<>. but near Garner. Iowa, we got a by Fair officials. The .$50.(11X1 suit is brought by Kath­ hospital for trearmenr. Tiie deceased ' men; by Hie Board of County Park ride that took us off 29 but took us ; every hand ar ■ pportiiniii short leen Mulavey. Detroit, administrator in was 4S years of age. and leaves a wife which is being held at Shenandoah. j trustees. close to Sioux City. This was the ' trips and tour that lead iriciy This concert band, noted throughout the estate of Helen Mulavey. who was ind live children. He is also survived by Iowa, under the auspices of the House­ longest hop on mtr journey, nearly 299 ! of -pots that add to tin delight of the world, will officially open the Fair killed in an automobile collision on ills father and three brothers. hold Science institute. miles. The man with whom we rode , motoring. on •Sunday afternoon, Aug. 31, with a T1k> coiiiest seeks to fiirllier tin1 Plymouth Bride sacred concert in the Coliseum. In tin? Dctolier lb. 192$ at the intersection of Funeral services were held from his work of Hu' I'. S. Deparimeut of Agri­ disliked driving, so we took turns driv­ Miss Marie Johnson, m; the Plymouth road cut-off and Can­ late home on tiie Cherry Hill road. ing his ear the rest of our ride. , Plymouth Division of the Detroit Auto- evening it will present a fraternal and culture and the home demonsiraiioii , patriotic program. Throughout the ton Center road. Miss Mulavey was Thursday afternoon at 2:99 o'clock. agents tlirougliout tiie eoimtry by fo­ I Is Honored At "The fourth flight we spent in At­ mobile Clnli has outlined in the an occupant of tiie Chevrolet car driv­ Interment rook place at Grand Lawn kinson. Nebraska, which is a typical □mpauying map week-i week it will feature the Horse Show cusing the alteniioii of American program in the Coliseum each evening en by Mr. Brown at the time of the ac­ (tenictcry. Bridge Tea western town. By this time the coun­ omobile tour of appro? imatcly 1 cident. and zit is claimed in the bill housewives ou the economy and liealtli- | miles, that leads from Plymouth, and on Friday afternoon will present fulness (>f lioinc canned foods. ------- try had changed a great deal. The a special matinee program. of complaint that the defendant was roads were no longer paved except through Oakland County lake dotted guilty of gross negligence.
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