G1UU,T BOW.DIN. LEIOESTERSHIRE. [KILLy' B the rents of upwards of 25 acres of land, now let for about has 250 sittings. The Market Harborough workhouse and 1:90 a year, are applied partly to the repairfl of the parish Gas works and the wharf of the Union Canal Company, to­ church and highways and part to the relief of the poor; gether with the service reservoir on Burnmill hill, are in this James Clark, by will dated October 17th, 1755, left 26s. parish. Henry de Vere Vane esq. of 74 Eaton place, Lon­ yearly to be distributed to the poor every Sunday in don sw, is lord of the manor. The principal landowners are bread; in 1723 John Durrard left the interest of 1:20 to the Christ Church, Oxford, Thomas Tertins Paget esq. D.L.,'J.P. National school; the Rev. Robert Atkins, minister of this of Humberstone, J. W. Chater esq. Thomas Rowlatt esq. J. place in 1736, left" half quarter's land," 24S. of the proceeds C. Lefevre esq. William Henry Barfoot-Saunt esq. J.P. Mrs. to be given to the poor in bread, the remainder to go to the Powell, E. K. Fisher esq. and William Cranfield esq. The school for children attending divine service and learning the land is entirely used for grazing. The acreage (including Church catechism; William Wimants, in 1849, left 1:500, Market Harborough) is 3,c8o; rateable value, 1:20,571 j the now invested in 1:3 per Cent. Annuities, for the benefit of population of the township in 1881 was 1,985 (including 108 the National school; the interest amounts to £ 14 yearly; a officers and inmates in Market Harborough workhouse), and sum of £3 8s. 4d. being the interest of £1I4 IS. Id. the re­ 4,403 in the parish. sidue of moneys left by Mrs. Shuttleworth, is distributed to Parish Clerk, Arthur Wilford. ten poor persons not receiving parochial relief; Benjamin Cort, a former resident here, left £400, which in the year POST, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- 1889 was invested and the interest is distributed annually Mrs. Eliza March, postmistress. Letters received through at Michaelmas, at the discretion of the vicar of the parish Market Harborough ; arrive at 6.45 a.m. & at 4 p.m.; dis- and the churchwardens to poor persons over 70 years of age. patched at 6 p.m.; no sunday post The Congregational chapel, erected in 1886 in the place of National School (mixed), bnilt in 1839 & enlarged in 1873, an oldeT building at a cost of about £800, is of red brick for 160 children; average attendance, 130 ; Harry Hayter, from designs by·-Mr. Talbot Brown, of Wellingborough, and master; Mrs. Susall Hayter, infants'mi3tre.ss PRIVATE RESIDENTS. COlIf!lfERCIAL. March Eliza (Mrs.), carrier, Post office Bland Mrs. Ivy house AlIen Jane (Mrs.), coal dealer Neal William, jun. baker Brutz~rRev. HenryWilliam B.A.[vicarJ Archer Benjamin & John, tailors Northan Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Bull Mrs Atkins James, Royal Oak P.R Payne Thomas, baker Bullivant Thomas Bailey Thomas, Three Horse Shoes P.R Pearson Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Chat er John Woolston Bolton John, grazier Pepperday Robert, wheelwright Cunard Gordon, Highfield house Burditt David, Red Lion P. H Pettefer Thomas, carpenter & joiner Dudgeon William Burditt Wm. grazier, Beaconsfield viIs Reynolds John, draper Fisher Edward K. St. Mary's road Butler William, baker Robinson George, tailor Jameson Thomas M. Gt. Bowden hall Cemetery (W. W. Wartnaby, Market Saddington Thomas, blacksmith Jeffries Edwin Forbes, St. Mary's road Harboro', clerk to the burial board) Sansum George, shopkeeper Perkins Herbert, Beaconsfield villas Clarke Henry, butcher Shilcock Emma (Mrs:), grazier Pochin Captain Norman Vansittart Cox Mary (Mrs.), butcher Stokes Edwin William, horse dealer, Stonhouse B.A., J. P. Burnmill hill Deacon Joseph, grazier Springfield RippinerRev.Anthony[Congregational], D~xter Mary (Mrs.), Shoulder of Mut- STOKES JOHN HENRY, DEALER IN The Lodge, St. Mary's road ton P.R HUNTERS &. GRAZIER, Great Seabroke Thomas Pickforcl, The Grange Fox Charles, boot & shoe maker Bowden house; TELEGRAPHIC AD- Stokes Edwin William, Springfield Gilbert John, grocer DRESS, " HUNTERS" Stokes John Hy. Great Howden house Goodrum David, relieving officer, No. Webb George, grazier Stokes Mrs. sen 2 district, Market Harborough union Wells Edward, shopkeeper Tongue Miss Hodge Henry Peter, painter & decoratr West William, grazier Ward Mrs Hodson Charles, joiner Wilford Sam. shoeing & jobbing smith Warren George K. Rectory house Hubbard Thomas, grazier Willis William, beer retailer LITTLE BOWDEN is a parish and village on the river Parish Clerk, William Iliffe. Welland, adjacent to l\Iarket Harborough, I I miles north- Letters through Market Harborough, which is the nearest west from Kettering, 16 north-west from Northampton, in money order & telegraph office the union and county court district of Market Harborough, petty sessional division of Market Harborough, Tural deanery NORTHAMPTON COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR LITTLE BOWDEN of Rotbwell second portion, arch deaconry of 1\ orthampton PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION. and c1iocese of Peterborough. Under the provisions of the The parish of Little Bowden having been transferred to the Local Government Act, 1888, the whole of this parish has county of Leicester is not now included within this petty been transferred from Northamptonshire to this county, ex- sessional division, but the magistrates for this division of cept for Parliamentary purposes, and is within the district the county of Xorthampton stillllleet here as formerly controlled by the Market Harborough Local Board. The Stratton George esq. M.A. Wheler lodge, Husbands Bosworth, church of St. Nicholas is an edifice of stone, in the Early Lcicester, chairman English and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, cleres- Downe Viscount C. I.E. Dingley park, Market Harborough toried nave, north aisle, south porch and an embattled Brooke Sir Richard Lewis de Capell bart. lI1.A. The Elms, wooden tower, 3S feet in height, at the west end, containing Market Harborough 3 bells: there are memorial windows to Admiral Sir Robert Barfoot-Saunt Wm. Hy. Oxenden hall, Market Harborough Barlow a.C.B. d. May, 1843, and to the Rev. Thomas William De Trafforcl Charles Edmund esq. Hothorpe hall, Rngby Barlow, vicar of Halberton, Devon. The register dates from Foljambe CecH George Savile esq. lILP. 2 Carlton House about the year 1580. The living is a rectory, average terrace, Pall Mall, London sw tithe rent-charge £3. net yearly value £360, including Kennard Edward esq. Talbot house, Market Harborough ISO acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the trustees Naylor l{ichd. Christopheresq. Kelmarsh hall, Northampton of the late T. J. Jerwood esq. and held since I874 by the Pearson Captain George John Hook, Stoke Albany house, Rev. Thomas Frederick Jerwood 13.A. of Trinity Hall, Cam- Market Harborough bridge. The rectory house was built in the 17th century Pell Albert esq. Hazlebeech Hill, Northampton by Richard Mowse. There is a Wesleyan chapel. The Rokeby Rev. Henry Ralph B.A. Arthingworth manor, Market cemetery, situated on the Northampton road, was opened Harborough in 1878, at a cost of £4,000 j it is 4 acres in extent and Clerk to the Magistrates, George W. Lamb, West street, has two mortuary chapels: a burial board of 7 members Kettering was formed in 1878 ; meetings are held at the Clerk's office, Petty Sessions are held at the Police station every second Market Harborough, every first Tuesday in the month, tuesday in the month at II,30 a.m at 7.30 p.m. An estate producing £106 a year, to be ap- The places in the divi"iou are :-Arthingworth, Ashley, plied in charity, which had been lost, has been recovered; Brampton Ash, Braybrook£', Clipstone, Dingley, East one part of the yearly income, now amounting' to £30, is Farndon, Great Oxenden, Hothorpe, Kelmarsh, Maidwell, appropriated for apprenticing, and the remainder is applied Marston Trussell, Naseby, Sibbertoft, Stoke Albany, to the relief of sick and poor people: a snm of £4 10S. de- Sui by, Sutton Hassett, Weston-by-WeUand, Wilbarston, rived from thretl other charities is distributed in bread. Vis- Thorpe, Lubbenham count Downe C.I.E. is lord of the manor. The principal National School (infants), built by subscription in 1874, for landowners are Messrs. William Thomas 'Vest, William 70 children; average attendance, 47 Henry Barfoot-Saunt J.P. of Oxenden Hall, and 1<'. Hewson. J The elder children of this place attend Market Harborough The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The chief school crops are wheat and barley. The area is I,867 acres; rate- Cemetery, Gerard Martin, keeper, Northampton road able value, £9,531 ; the population in 1881 was 948. Police Station, George Wallace, inspector & one man Bailey Charles, Northflmpton road j Broughton George Henry, I Sunnyside pmVATE RESIDENTS. Beattie Philip, Northampton road villas, Northampton road Attenborough Mrs. Northampton road I Derkeley Misses, Northampton road Cam-Hunt Clement, The Chestnuts .
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