THE OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE Vol. Lf XXI, No. 23 MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA MAY 12, 1948 Jim Hall Heads Next Year's Dance Climaxes Depp and Claxton to Speak Festive May Day Campus Staff; Wible Advisor by Betsy Lichtenfels At Commencement Program by Robert Pryde A coronation ceremony, a formal by Martha Dengler The editor and staff of the Cam- dinner, and a formal dance are the Dr. W. Mark Depp, pastor of the pus for next year was announced main events of the May Day cele- Centenary Methodist Church of Sunday evening by Mr. Clarence bration over which Mary Lou Ful- Winston-Salem, N. C, will be the Wible, who has succeeded Dr. See- ton will reign as Queen on May 15. speaker at the commencement ex- ]y in the capacity of adviser to the The royal weekend will close with ercises of the class of '48 on June Campus. a reception for the May Queen and 14 in front of Bentley Hall. Jim Hall, class of '49, has been her court at the Phi Delta Theta Dr. Depp is a graduate of Alle- elected to fill the position of editor. chapter house from 3 until 5 on gheny, '16. He was awarded his Jim is a member of this year's Sunday, May 16. doctor of divinity degree from this Campus staff in the role of sports The coronation ceremony will college in 1931. He also received editor and is a member of Phi take place on the green in front of a degree in sacred theology from Gamma Delta social fraternity. A Bentley Hall. Mary Lou will be the Boston University School of senior next year, he is majoring dressed in white, while her attend- Theology. in English and plans to go on to ants will wear pastel colors. The Following his ordination into the graduate school for journalism. Queen and her court will march ministry in 1916, Dr. Depp served Mary Lou Richey, Bob Allexalt from Bentley to the site of the as pastor of St. Paul's Church at and John Kelly will work with him crowning, flanked by two flower Sykesville, Md., and the Rognel as editorial assistants. The feature bearers, Angela Bugbee and Maran Heights Church of Baltimore, Md. editor will be Judy St. Claire, as- Brown, and the crowd bearer, He has also been minister of Meth- sisted by Cassie Heskamp and Bobby Johnson. Mary Lou will be odist churches in Towson, Md.; George Henderson. Al Carpenter, crowned by Mrs. Priscilla Gartz, Washington, D. C, and Pittsburgh, who has handled a sports column '46, Allegheny's last May Queen. Pa. the past year, will be the sports After the crowning, the Chapel At present, Dr. Depp is a trustee editor, and Duff Hopper will be Choir, under the direction of Mr. of Baxter Seminary and a member copy editor on the new staff. Robert Johnson, will serenade the of the Methodist Commission for Jim has announced that the po- Queen with four numbers. The World Peace of the Crusade for sition of art editor is as yet un- Maypole dance will follow under Christ. filled, and that the Campus is anx- Musical Seniors the direction of Miss Hope Ayrault. Dr. Allen E. Claxton, pastor of ious to contact persons who have Twenty girls from modern dance Broadway Temple Washington ability in this line and are inter- To Begin Recitals classes and Orchesis will partici- Dr. W. Mark Depp Heights Methodist Church, in New ested in the work. pate, and Doris Carty will do a solo York City, will deliver the bacca- No business manager has been part as the court jester. laureate sermon Sunday, June 13, The first in a series of senior Two Programs Set chosen as yet. Mr. Clarence Wible Mr. Wilbur Kraft, superintendent at 10:45 a.m. in Old Stone Church. and Jim Hall will consider the ap- music recitals will be given Tuesday, Well known as a radio speaker May 18th at 8:15 p.m. Mary Tuve, of maintenance, is in charge of For Singers Group plications of qualified persons. building the throne and Dick Er- and a college lecturer, Dr. Claxton pianist, and Ann Boyd, soprano, will has also appeared as speaker sev- appear in the program to be given win will set up a loud speaker sys- tem. The Cwens will be in charge The Allegheny Singers will give .•ral times at Chautauqua Lake. He Presidential Panel in Ford Memorial Chapel. of programs for the ceremony. In a concert for the college students conducted the Religious Emphasis Miss Tuve, whose home is in case of rain, it will be held in the May 17 at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Mem- Week lectures at Allegheny in 1944. Cleveland, Ohio, began piano study chapel. orial Chapel. Students will be ad- Dr. Claxton is the father of Vir- Cuts Field to 15 mitted upon presentation of their ginia Claxton, a member of this with her mother and has had the At 6:00 a formal dinner will be opportunity of hearing and working activities tickets. year's graduating class. At a meeting held Friday night held in Brooks Hall for all women The commencement events will in Acting President C. A. Darling's with her family and other groups students. Dinner music will be The Singers will also give a con- in small ensembles. Later she be- begin with the president's recep- office, the committee to choose a played, and the Queen and her court cert for the residents of Meadville tion on Friday, June 11, at 8:30 new president for Allegheny cut the gan cello—using this training to ad- will preside. and surrounding communities on vantage in her high school orchestra, p.m. 'The reception, open to all field from 30 to 15 prospects. F'ddie Roe and his orchestra from Thursday, May 13, at 8:15 p.m. in seniors and their parents, will be the Western Reserve Summer Or- the chapel. The committee meeting was at- chestra, and the Cleveland Philhar- Erie will provide the music for the held in Cochran Hall. tended by all but two members and monic under the direction of Dr. Carl formal dance to be held from 9 to The following three-part program Appointments for committee was presided over by Chairman Leo 12 in Brooks Hall. chairmen on the 1948-49 A. W. S. McKay of Sharon, Pa. They de- F. Grossman. While at Allegheny, will be the same for both concerts: she has studied organ, voice, and Jackie Leggett is in charge of activities board were announced re- cided to invite the remaining candi- I cently by Hazel Lou Mclntosh, dates to the campus for personal piano. May Day activities. She will be assisted by Virginia Bowman, head "O Praise Him" Tschaikovsky president of A. W. S. interviews and to give them an op- Her program for May 18th. in- "Plorate Fill Israel from 'Jeph- portunity to view the physical plant. of the coronation committee; Mar- Committee chairmen appointed cludes the "Chromatic Fantasy" by garet Howell, head of the dinner tah" " J. Cruger were as follows: All of the 15 are college presi- J. S. Bach, "Sonata Op. 78" by committee, and Barbara Trigger and "Deck Thyself, My Soul" Publicity Committee__Reba Garvey dents or connected in some way Beethoven, Schuman's "Novellette Nancy McCune, heads of the dance Christiansen Social Committee Jill Robinson with a college. A few ministers in I) Major," and the Overture from committee. These girls are work- "O Savior Throw the Heavens Music Committee Betty Baum are still on the list. the "Ballet On Stage" by Delia Joio, Wide" Brahms The remaining 15 men have no ing under the guidance of the Phys- Program Committee To appear in recital with Mary ical Education Department. "Praise to the Lord" Constance Callahan direct knowledge of their being on Arranged by Christiansen the list. Any speculation on whether Tuve will be Ann Boyd, soprano, of House Committee Betty Rose or not they might accept would Indiana, Pennsylvania, who has II Library Committee-Joanne Fuerniss therefore be without foundation. been active in operettas, trios, and Students to Hear "Laud Him" Pepping Town Representative church choirs since her high school "From Heaven Above" Jean I slier wood days. She directed the choir of the Noted Cartoonist Arranged by Christiansen ALUMNI DAY FILLED Zion Lutheran Church in Meadville "O Blessed Night" Committees Named Saturday, June 12, is Alumni Day. during the winter of 1946, and was Cy Hungerford, cartoonist for the Jeanne Woodgate and David F"irst By Hugh Crawford soloist at the Episcopal Church in "Gladsome Radiance" •\t 11 a.m. the Alumni College will Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, will pre- hear Dr. Paul A. Knights speak Meadville in 1947. Miss Boyd has sent a cartoon talk for Allegheny A. Gretchaninoff Committees have been named for been a member of the Allegheny "O Day Full of Grace" on "Clues to Understanding Rus- students on Friday, May 14, at sia." This meeting will be held the Allegheny Undergraduate Coun- Singers for four years. Last spring 8:15 p.m. in I'ord Memorial Chapel. Arranged by Christiansen cil, Hugh Crawford, president, an- she sang several groups of songs in in Arter 26. one of the student recitals. Mr. Hungerford is coming to Al- III nounced Sunday night. legheny under the auspices of the At the same time, there will be Jean Raeburn will head the social "Exaltation" an open house held in Reis Library. Her program for May 18th includ- Sturtevant Lecture Foundation Arranged by Christiansen committee.
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