University of Michigan Law School University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository Miscellaneous Law School Publications Law School History and Publications 2006 The niU versity of Michigan Law School Report of Giving, July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 University of Michigan Law School Follow this and additional works at: https://repository.law.umich.edu/miscellaneous Part of the Legal Education Commons Citation University of Michigan Law School, "The nivU ersity of Michigan Law School Report of Giving, July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006" (2006). Miscellaneous Law School Publications. https://repository.law.umich.edu/miscellaneous/98 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School History and Publications at University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Miscellaneous Law School Publications by an authorized administrator of University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The University of Michigan Law School Report of Giving July 1, 2 - June 30, 2006 s ( hdir o{ the Lm School's campaign steering .::ommiltcc, I want to c>xpress my thanks A to all the aluinni dlHl fricnd:-. \\hose nanH:s appear in d1cM: pages. In a time when so many organizatiom arc dcscn ing of our care and concern, you ha\c chosen to make Mic.higan a phibnthrnpic priority, an<l I am cb:ply grateful. Your ~upport matters grcdtly, \\ hcthcr )<>Ur gifr cnablc<l student schohrslups, tac.ult) n.:tention or recruitment, pro"ram initiatives, l'aciliue~ r\.·novalions or the La\\' School h1ml. Even contribution ~ , Message made• l.:ist year count!' tm\·<lrd the Sll(LCss of our campaign - and. more impnrlantly, adds to the From curn:nt and futt11c ~1 r<'ngth of a unigu1.. cduLational institution that J!' clear to all of us. Bruce Bickner I ac1.:eptc<l the c.hairmmc;hip of thh vc•luntccr committee hccau::i\.' I ~trongly belie' c this is a piYOtal tinw for thi.: I ..m s.... huol I han· a great afft.:ction ror thi.: ~chool, and J n 1) much '"ant to sec it n.:­ mama \W)rl<l\\ 1dc: lcaJcr in leg<,( education. I trn'>l th.it you haw c:i "imilar \ i;;ion for out la\\ School. \Vh<'n I \\Cl1t to law !;thool in th<' mi<l-1960s, there \\"il'> so1m:t.hing or a euphoric 'ieO'le that the law could du \\Onckrs that it mule! right all t.hc "rungs that m: -;,m c:irouncl u~. The la\\ !>llll ha:- gn:at po\\c1, <lcspitc the claim\ of critic" an<l na~sa)crs. Bm lo c·,er<.ise that po•,·cr knov. ledgcably and responsibly, J,m vcrs need to be well grounded not onl) i11 traditional legal skill:-, but alc;o in ethics and the mnccpt of ju!itiLc:. Fm me. thi-. thrt'L'·part equal ion ha ... ah\.dy::- ddmcd MiC'higan \ Lav. ~Lhool. I WJlll to be -,urc that Lhc c·quation continues to rc~onatc with futur<' gcncratiom of law student<; as well as pr.ic.tic:ing la\\ ycrs. That \\'hy I am '>O apprct·iatiYe of your gcnero.,it~· during the pa:,t) car. To­ gcth<'r "e an· helping lo en sun: that the Law School 1<, among the leaden an<l bc:!>t for yea.rs to come. Bruce Bickncr, '68 Chair, La\\ School Campaign Steering Committee C'nlhusi.isl1cally share the gratituJe of our dcclkateJ campaign chairman, Bruce Bkkncr, towards all I of' you \\ho mack gilts to the La\\ SC'hool last: 1'ar. Your !--upport i-. vital I) impmt.mt to the School and rcpr<.'SC'llh a \\Olldci-fuJ \OtC of confidcnC..C.: in the \\Ork \\'Can· doing here. l\fa11), 111,lllV thar1ks. Thi<; year, a'> w~' considered hm' to prc<,cnl Michigan I.a'' to prosp~ctiH' o;t udents, \\'C' ickntifl<'<l tiw chaz actcrisuc.:; (h.it "c he line cJpt urc lhc <.>chool'~ esscmc: l' xccllcnc..c. cngagcnwnt , 1mpacl, t racli tion, and community. I think vou'cl .igr<'C that tl11.' \\Orris \\t-rc \h'll cho'l'n. No doubt on~: or t\\O of • • Message them Jia\'l' particular n·son,111~.'C rm· )'OU, C\ oking_ 111<'1110fiLs of :·our l''<j)t:ricllCC the people )'HI From "t'nt to -;d1ool with, the prokssors from \\ hon1 ) ou It arncd, the bc:autiful huilclings. the opporl u- Dean 111ti1•s for education inside and out~idc: the cb<;'>room. Your phiL111Lhropy helps ~·nsun: that the La\\ Caminker School v. ii I kl·cp getting high mark~ in .11! ti' c t\1kgt•ries, not only from the da~~ that \\ il I i.:nt1 r in tlw .;ummcr and fall of ~007, hut from ..:tucl<:nt s rnam \l ar~ int<l the rutun· and inclc·l·cl from otlwr:. J ; whose lhc~ the) touch. Gcnc1·osity f U\\·arcl any 01g,m1/.ation is a h1 ays, to a u:rtain extent, a "pa_1 it for.ward" propm.ition. Yem rn:9ucntl;· sec imnll:diatc r~~ull:., and lhcbL l'LSlllt'i ma) be tCJ rilic. But \I h,·n, f11r 1:~amplc, ;1>ll endcm a profcs~orship, )Oll tan on!~ imagme: the thousand:-; of stucknts \I ho\\ ill ha\ t· the pridkgc ol h :11 ning. rro1n t ht: t hairholcfl·r \\'hen you rndow a scholarship ..lllll \\· il1 nc11•r k.1101\ all th(' stud1..111~ you help or tlw pc0plC' anrl organintion:, the: J'>'il~t through thdr t:ar...-~:r'S. -i be rnnscqucnLC'S ol ~uc.:h gith arc prolound anc1 far-reaching. Our campaign is making good prngrcs:-.. I :im \Tr) pkasc<l b.» thC' rc~ulb to cfatc and n.<.itcd ahout "·hat these gihs arc ma.king possibk tor the School and for tho:-.c \\ hn learn and teach lh•r1 . But a:. \\ c pa:--> thC' midpoint of the public pha:.l' {>l'tlw campaign. l aho \\ant lO nolt' th.:it "'- h;:rH.. much work lo do in the rc'maming t WO ) ear~ or this critically important init1.1l h c. I lnok lorn a rel to W<il kmg \\ ith you. to ad1iew all our campaign goal-; and lo mak<' t.hc: Michigan differen~e togetJ1cr. Lvan Camink.cr Dean and Prof1::~sor uf la\" Cumulative Giving The cumulative gifts from $1,000,000 or Greater $500,000 - $999,999 $250,000 - $499,999 the following donors have Anonymous Barry A. Adelman, '69 Alan T. Ackerman, '72 Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Leo R. Beus, '70 Robert B. Aikens, '54 reached the extraordinary Bergstrom Fow1dation William J. Bogaard, '65 Kenneth D. Betz milestones indicated. Those Bruce P. Bickner, '68 Edith J. Clyne Estalc Richard R. Bums, '71 who moued to new catego­ Avcrn L. Cohn, '49 Compaq Computer Corporation Lucile Thomas Cecil Estate I lcrbcrl 11. and Crace A. Dow Foundation William J. Cowlin Estate De Roy Testamentary foundation ries or are new additions to Elkcs Family Foundation Ford Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund cumulative giving are indi­ Robert B. Fiske Jr.,' 55 Furth Family Foundation Dudley J. Godfrey Jr., '52 cated in red . Records prior to Thomas W. Ford Fund William J. Halliday Jr., '48 William Randolph Hearst Foundation Homeland Foundation. Inc. James and Lynelle Holden Fund Herbst Foundation, Inc. 1975 are incomplete. Any Wi Iiiam R., '56 and Jan Jcntcs Honigm•n Foundation, Inc. Daniel M. 1-lonigman omissions from this list are W.K. Kellogg Foundation Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Richard Katl'."hcr, '43 Kresge Foundation L. llatcs Lea, '49 W.M. Keck Foundation inadvertent and corrections Robert I~. '58 and Barbara A. Luciano Isabel I licks Nauman Estate Kirkland & Ellis LLP are welcome. Beatrice K. McDowell Charles F. Niemelh, '65 JamcsA. Leavengood, '57 Nippon Life Insurance Company John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. Melvyn I. Mark, '55 Richard W. Pogue, '53 Ronald L. Olson, '66 Jeffrey H, Miro, '67 Robert A. Sullivan Estate Thomas A. Reynolds Jr., '51 Myron j. Nadler, '49• Jack D. Sweet, '57 James F. Sams, '57* john M. Nannes, '73 E. Lisk Wyckoff Jr., '60 The Sumitomo Bank, Ltd. Robert E. Ncdcrlandcr, '58 S.K . Yee Foundation Harry A. and Margaret L>. Towsley Foundation The Necdmor Fund Walter and Odette Whipple Estates John F. Nickoll , '60 Roy E. Willy Trust Irene H. Perrine Estate Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr LLP Arthur C. Prine Jr., '49 Kathryn D. Wriston, '63 y,·onne S. Quinn, '76 Stanley R. Zax, '61 Republic National Bank ofNewYork Samuel Zell, '66 Harold Rosenn, '41 John Butler Schwemm, '59 Stefan F. Tucker, '63 * Deceased Leadership Gifts ------- CASH GIFTS $50,000 $99,999 The Law School acknowledges Anonymous Rohcrt ll. Aikm s, '54 the significant generosity of $500,000 or Greater flrcnda Althouse the donors who contributed I.co R. Beus, '70 Annie E. Casey foundation Julie Fingcrsh $25,000 or more i}1 cash, $250,000 - $499,999 Paul S. Fingcrsh E. James Gamble, '53 securities, or other assets Bruce I~ Bickner, '68 Lance J. Johnson, '65 1crrcnccA. Elkes, '58 during this fiscal year. Patricia L. Mann, '74 Robert B. riskc Jr., 'SS Neil R. Mann, '74 William R. Jcntcs, '56 John M. Nanncs, '73 Beatrice K. McDowell John F. Nickoll, '60 Da,•icl M. Rudnick $100,000 - $249,999 Sooncnschein, Nath & Rosenthal Barry A. Adelman, '69 Irving Stenn Jr., 'SS Kenneth D. Betz Jeffrey E. Susskind, '77 William J. flogaard, '65 Earl R. Boonstra, 'SO $25,000 - $49,999 Avcrn l. Cohn, '49 Harold S. Barron, '61 Alfred F. Conard Leonard J. Baxt, '72 Bruce A.
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