THE SAN FRAS?ISCO CALL. TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1912. 3 Californians Believed Lost in Disaster to the Titanic Broadside and bow views and some-of the public rooms of the ill fated Titanic, the 45.000 ton White Star liner. The enormous floating palace \ was 882 feet long and had an extreme breadth of 92 feet. It was famed as the most comfortable ship afloat. In addition to other luxuries it contained Turkish baths, a large gymnasium and a squash racquet court. _ «_ LISTS OF VOYAGERS ?I K-n i 1 1 ?? \u2666 ILL FATED SDIP IN TITANIC'S FIRST WAS LARGEST AND SECOND CABINS IN TDE WORLD Passengers Many Noted Persons Cabin Titanic Was 882 % Feet Long, On the Wrecked White Star Liner With Beam of 92'/ 2 , and of 66,000 Tons Displacement LONDON, April 1 s.? The first class passenger list of the steam- A length of SS2 T feet, beam of 92 V ship Titanic includes 318 names, as follows: 3 2 !feet, 06,000 tons displacement and 46,328 Miss E, Adams A. E. Icham jtons gross register made the Titanic Alls* E. AY. Allen Frederick 11. Hoyt and rrtfe jthe largest steamship in the world. H. ?). Allison, daughter, son, Mrs. Inmey )greater even that its sister ship, the tHiCk Olympic, Jakob ! of the same line. maid and nurse Birnhaiim \u25a0 From the top of its four immense Harry Anderson *'; J,°?r" to the measured ITS feet, H.£? K. Julian jfunnels keel Miss Cornelia I. Andrews land the funnels themselves rose ST l 2 Edward A. Ken* I feet above the upper mast deck. From Thomas Andrews F. H. Ken .ion and wife upper to was a and wife jthe mast deck the keel Mrs. B. r>. \nnlcton E. V. Kimball distance of feet. Raymond Artaga-Veylia Herman Klaber , of Aator, wife, man One tiie most remarkable features Colonel John .Jncoh William S. Iambert of the Titanic, and something that, it servant and maid Mrs. A. Leader was considered, unsink- <;. < j would make it Mr*. X. Anbert and maid E. Lewi* Iable, was the faci that the vessel was O. H. Barkwortli Mrs. Erne«« 11. lines [divided into 15 sections by tested steel J. Banmann Miss Mary C. Line* '\ jbulkheads. It was believed that even Mr*. James Baxter "Mr*. J. l.indstrom should half of these bulkheads be Qulgg Baxter Milton C. Long 1pierced the remaining half would float B. T. Bcckvrith and wife j. H. ! orlns Ithe ship safely. Kleven steel decks K. 11. Behr Miss Gretehen F. Longley jadded to the leviathan's staunchness. r». FL Bishop and wife Miss Ccnrgetta Alexandra Medlll But, while the vessel's monster size H, Biornstrom J. E. Metiulre ASTOR IS LOST, was the chief attraction for the world's Stephen Viear Blakewell Fierrlc Marochal Voyagers' List gaze, it was no more remarkable than Henry Blank D. \V. Marvin and wife the thousand innovations in the float- Ml** Caroline Bennett T. MeCaffey ing city. from (iMitimifrt The staterooms were LillyBonnell Timothy J. McCarthy X T S to 9Vi feet in height, and some of J. J. Borebank J. B. MeGough f Daniel Keane \u2666 I IS SAVED, the two berth cabins were 17 by lOV. Melody WIFE Miss Bo»ien A. J Norn A. Kano t j feet in size. But for all the accommo- Elsie Bonermaa Edward J. Meyer and wife Rev, C harles Klrkiand dations provided the promenade deck Mlllett 4 I John B. Brady Frank TL t F. Karnes 4 j space was not cramped, for It stretched E. Brandel* Dr. \V. E. Minahan, wife and daugh- \u2666 F. Kelly \u2666 I 190 yards on either side of the. vessel. fieorge Brayton *« r \u2666 John Henrlk Kvlllner f j The main dining saloon had a seat- Dr. Arthur Jackson Brew r?. Mnrkland Molaotn 1 Bene I,earnot * \u25a0 SAYS WIRELESS ing capacity of 600. and, in addition to Mrs. J. J. Brown Clarence Moore Jobn I Inliiii T it, an a la carte restaurant was pro- Mrs. J. M. Brown M. B Korean and wife 4 Bobert W. N. Leyson X vided, with seating room Tor 20a people. Mrs. i. \V. Buoknell and maid (baric* Kats.-li \u2666 Joseph Laroehe and wife 4 Midnight suppers, dinner parties, etc., Bult A. Xewell \u2666 \u2666 ' Millionaire's Son and Father in Malor Archibald W. Simonne Laroehe were to be held in this restaurant. E. P. Calderhead Miss \llce Newell \u2666 Louise Laroehe * A large swimming pool, squash Mrs. Churchill Cardell Miss Madeline Newell J. J. Lamhe f Law Overcome With Grief; racquet court, gymnasium and Turk- J deck, Mrs. J. V.". M. Cardera and maid Miss Helen Newaom 4 Jessie Lc!;ch a ish baths were all on the lower servant connecting T. D. M. Cardera and man %. «s. Ntehnlaon \u2666 Amelia Lamore First Reports False with elevators them with Frank Carlson E. O. Osthey J Charles l-ouoh * the upper decks. A Parisian cafe and F. M. Carran >liss Helen B. Ostbey ~- \u2666 Alice Louch \u2666 palm garden court were features of ,1. V. Carran ? S. Ovle* B. F. Levy T the vessel. wife daughter, J [Special Dispatch to The Call] Triple propelled thf> vessel, William E. Carter, m. H. W. Parr 4 Bertha Lehman screws 4 April ,"i.?There by son and maid August Partner \u2666 W illinm I antigen and wife 4 NEW YORK, 1 seems driven turbine and reciprocating Howard E. Case V. Payne \u2666 Emlllo Masglavaehl 4 to he no doubt that Colonel John Jacob engines. She left Cherbourg and Ply- T. S. Cavendish, wife and maid Thot.tas Pears and wife \u2666 \u2666 ' mouth Wednesday for the trans-Atlan- Mr. and Mrs. Marshall among and wlfa Victor and wife Astor was those drowned. tic trip and was due in New York to- Herbert F. Cahhee Penaseo 1 Ernest Moraweek * X. C Chambers and wife Major Arthur Peuehen Noel Malachard I Rradstreel's received a wireless dis- day. 4 patch tonight Olympic, Miss Gladys Charry V* alter Chamberlain Porter « James MeCrie from the stat- Three of her eleven steel decks were 4 ing that Astor lost, but that line, Paul Chevrc Mrs. Thomas Potter Jr. \u2666 Elizabeth Melllnger and child \u2666 was Mrs. above the main deck and the ai<* Mrs. E. M. Chibnall Jenkher Reuchllnjg \u2666 Joseph Mantvll \u2666 CCENE OF WRECK TITANIC LIES Astor was put into a lifeboat whose oc- rangenrunt of staterooms was such that Bobert ( George Bhelms t Frank 11. Maybery \u2666 cupants were afterward picked up h\- as much privacy as possible was given Walter M. Clark and wife Mrs. Edward S. Bobert Thomas F. Myles i T ?J 1 tn« Carpathia ami that the Carpathia is each occupant. It was aimed to malce IN DANGER ZONE TWO MILES DEEP steaming in with the res< ued, although George Quiney Clifford W. A. Bobllng Jr. 4 Mary Mack the cahins more like private suites in 4 dispatch merely E. T. Colley C. Bolmans \u2666 Thomas Mondd 4 the does not state the vessel's an apartment house than like Mrs. *. T. Compton Hugh Beed \u2666 Henry Mitchell \u2666 destination. rooms in a hotel. More Than 70 Vessels Sunk Mariners Estimate Vincent Astor, accompanied by of Miss B. W. Compton Miss Bosenhaum \u2666 A. Mallet and wife \u2666 Enor- X. The special pride of the directors A. T. Compton Jr. J. Hugo Boss I Master \. Mallet * Biddle and W. A. Dobbyns, Astor's sec- the White Star line was the main din- * Off Cape Kaoe in mous Depth of Sea Where retary, drove to the White Star offices of vessel. passenger Mrs. B. C. Cornell Countess Bothes and maid 4 W. J. Matthews 1 ing salon the The John B. Crofton M. Bothsehild and wife Peter MeKane in an automobile. As he entered the first descended the "grand staircase" to \u2666 4 Last 20 Years the Steamship Sank of Vincent heard Edward G. Crosby, wife and daughter Alfred Bowe \u2666 William Mellers offices the company a ithe main reception room, which led 4 dining gorgeous John Bradley Cummlnga ar.d wife Arthur Byerson and family \u2666 '-ugiist >leyer rumor that was current, btit which was Iinto th<=" salon. This 4 not confirmed, to the effect his of the P. H. Daly \dolph Saalfeld \u2666 wob Milling \u2666 The Titanic trill have grewsome com- HALIFAX. April 15.?The deathbed that Iroom stretched the full width \u2666 . \u2666 father had been drowned, but that Mrs. vessel amidships, and at* night, with Bobert W. Daniel A. 1.. Salomon Joseph Nlcholls pany in its grave on the sea bottom of the $10,000,000 steamer Titanic and Thornton Davidson and wife Mr. Schubert Bobert D. Norman f of those dragged down with it is two Astor was saved. 1 its thousands of electric lights, it pre- off cape Hate, fir the region wit- Young Astor to'the private dazzling spectacle. Mrs. B. Devllllers Frederick Seward \u2666 Elizabeth Nye I has miles below the surface of the sea. hurried sented a and wife Miss E. W. Sehntes \u2666 Masser and nessed the of than 70 ves- The office of Vice President Franklin, where One writer, describing the gathering X. A. Dick Nicholas wtf* 4 wreck m,ore calculation was made by an offi- voyagers pictured Dodge, wife and son Mr. Sllvcrtbome N*. Osson cer of the government he remained 15 minutes in conference of the as he them in Washington \u2666 J sels in the last 20 years. George Hard- marine depart- reception room just Mrs. F. Douglas William B. Sllvey and wife BJehnrd Otter ment, who finds that depth on the with that ofnciaL When lie re-entered the main before the t \u2666 ing, in an article entitled "The ma- weeping bitterly.
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