Questionnaire Section I Application of the World Heritage Convention by the State Party I. 1. Introduction a. Statc Party b. Year of ratification or acceptance of thc Conventmn c. Organization(s) or entity(ics1 responsible for the prcparatioi of the report d. Date of the report e. Signature on behalf of Statc Party I. 2. Identification of cultural and natural heritage properties a. National inventories b. Tentative List c. Nominations I. 3. Protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage a. Ckncral policy development b. Status of services for protection, conservation and presentation c. Scientific and technical studies and research d. Mcasures for identification, protection, conservation, presentation and rehabilitation e. Training I. 4. International co-operation and fund raising I. 5. Education, information and awareness building V I. 6. Conclusions and recommended action a. Main conclusions b. Proposed future action(s) c. Responsible implementing agency (ies) d. Timeframe for implementation e. Needs for international assistance I. 7. Assessment of the Periodic Reporting exercise for Section .[ I. 1. Introduction - - -- I I a. County (and State Pasty if differcnti: Republic of Korea ~~~ p~ ~ Year oi ratification or acceptance of the Convention: !lcccptcd th~Concention conc~rnirgthe Proie:tion~- of +the (Ki? World i'ultiirol and ~VoturolHeritare, Septeinher 1988 ~~ ~ -~~ - ~~ responsible for the preparation of this report: 1 I Organisation: Cultural Properties \dministra[ion I ' Pcrsun responsible: Administrator of rhe Cultural Properties .4drninistrstion i 1 ' Address: 920, Ilunsan-dong, Seo-gu City and post code Ilaejeon, 302-701 Telephone: 82-42-1X1-4(i00 Fax: 82-42-181-48150 E-mail: [email protected]~~ d. I Date of the report: ZM?.10 - ~ ~ ~ ~~~ Signature on behalf of the State Party ( Signature Name Functton: Admlnlstrator of the Cultural Propesties Administration. Rcqublic oi Korea ~~~~ ., 1 1 I . I . - -~~ I. 2. Identification of the Cultural and Natural Properties This item refers in particular to Articles 3. 4 and 11 of the Convention regarding the identification of cultural and natural hcrhge and thc nomination of properties ior inscriptjon on the World Heritage List -. .-- . ~ - Inventories of cultural and natural heritage of national significance iom the basis for the idcntilication o possible World Heritage properties. Indicate the orga~sationk)or institutionk) responsible for the oreparatior and updating oi these national inventories (if different from those named under question 0031. I Organization(s1Anstitution~sj: 1 Persods) responsible: Address: City and post codc: (Does not apply - same as 0031 I ! Tclcphone: Fax: E-mail: I 2. Continued ~p-~ -p Indicate if and to what extent invenCiri?s lists and;iir registers at the local, state andor national le,'el exist: I lo In the local government, cultural propestii3s are dcsigr~atedaftcr examination hi. related experts s~chas local 1 cultural pruperties committees, and on the national lcvel the Culti~ral Properties Administration designates, 1 1 national cultusa pnlperties based on esrniinatinhs by the Culturd Propertics C~!mmitkand relatd experts. Haw n~uundertaken the prepmtion of lists or of national inventories on one or scverd of thc followin,! lcvels: <-, ) I I Kational I \, Statell'rovince ('1 i ! 1 Local i 1 1 Ko inventory (list or registty) has becn developed j I : I When was (were) the inventory (inventories) compiled, please give datelsl: 0 The Cultural Propettics Protection Act was established and promulgated in October, 152, al~dcultural - properties are designated in accordance with this act. The nation and local self-gowning mdies are ~ ~ continuously examilung cultural properties, designating important cultml propcsties and compiling ( i inventories of designated cultural properties. These inventories are revised yearly. Tentative List ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- tArticle 11 oI the Convention refers to the submission hp States Parties of inventisies of pro~k?rties suitable for ~nclusionin the i2'orld Heritage List, so-callcd Tentative I.ists. H;~ve you suhrnitted a Tentative [.is of natural I 010 and/or cultural properties in your counin: YES 1 Provide the dates of submission of the Tentative List (if an!!: l o 1994. 9 1 011 - Cultural Heritages: Scokguram Grotto & Bulguksa Temple, Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeolr, Jongmyo Shrine. Changdeokgung Palace Complex, Hwaseong Fortress, S;imnyeon Fortrcss %'all, Tom) of King hluneong, Gangjingun Kiln Sites I - Natural Heritages: hlt. Smraksan liature Resenv hlt Hallasan Nature Reserve 0 19%. 7. 30 1 - Cultural Heritages: Hahoe Folk Village in Andong, Shilla Relics of Mt, Kamsan in Kyongju. Ilolmens in1 Goch'ang and llwasun 1 o 2002. I. 25 - Cultural Heritages: Yangdong Village of Wolseong - Natural Heritages: Sites of Fossilized Dinosaurs throughout the southern seacoast Provide the date iif any revision made since its submission (if any): o 1W. 6. 28: The "Shilla Rciics of blt. Kamsan. Kyongju" were renamed the "Gywngju Ilistoric Arcas." expinding th area arid range of the heritage. The "Dolmens in Goch'ang and Hi~asun" were renamed the "Gochany hasun, Ganghwa Dolmen Sites." adding an area to the heritage. 0 2002. I. 25 The "hlt. Hallasan Nature Reserve" was renamcd thta "Natural Heritage District of Jeju Island," expandin the area~ of~ the heritage. ~ ~ - Name institution(s1 resplnsible for identifying and delineating the properties in the Tentative List (it differen tom those named under question W3): Orga~sation(s)ilnstitution(s): Person(s) responsible: Address: City and post code: Not applicahle (same as 003) Telephone: E-mail: I - 1. I! Continued ~- -- ~ppp~~ ~p~-- De\crihe th&ivs of pseparation or revision of the Tentative List and give details (if applicahlel concerning,r~ 014 ~ I !the involvement of local aulhorities and population: I I 0 in order to prepare the Tentative List, applications sere received from each city and province, the Korean ITational Committee of the Inturnetional Council on k1onuments and Sites (ICOhlOS). 2nd he Korean Kational Committee of the International Council for Conservation of Nature and Mural liesourres IIUCN), and the Tcntative list was compiled after review by related experts. - Expests carried out field surveys and the Cultural Properties Committee (comprised of at least twmember joint subcommittees) reviewed the candidates and made the final selections for the Tentative List, and the Tentative List was then registered with 11KESCO. I 0 Appropriate local governments shared the duties with the Cultural t'rowrties Administration lry oflerin~' I inlomation concerning the compilation of documents such as applications lor the registsation ol World! Cultural Ileritages. Local self-governing bodies prepared and submitted materials including summ~nes(such as records of the locations and his to^ of Tcntative List candidatid, reports on the state of cmsemation and management, reports on problems in consewation, and maintenance plans for future consemtion to the' state. The central government also selected experts and conducted field surveys of the candidates lor the Tentative List nominated on the local level, taking into consideralion the character of the Tenative List. Following this, candidates for the Tentative List were selecttd alter comprehensive emhation and1 exammation on the national level. I I 0 As far as promoting the World Heritage List, the cooperation 01 the appropriate local self-governing bodies and tl~elocal population is essential, and o the process of gathering the opinions of approlmate governing bodies, regional KCOs, and the local population has taken priority in the submission ol the 'l'eniativc List,;i which is the initial stage of being registered an the World Heritage List. Through this prwess, local sell-governing bodies and the nation are publicizing World Heritages and educating the local p>pulations,:i and are work& to smoothly cariy out promotion duties related to the World Heritage List by examining possible problems that may arise in the future from many different angles and preparing counte.measures,, as well as Ioming plans to restore and protect heritages. Were the local authorities consulted for the identification: YES 013 0 Local experts, such as local cultural propzrties committees, participated in the preparation for subn~ittingthe Tentative List. I Was the local population consulted for the identification: 173 016 i 0 The opinions d the local populace were gathered when the Tentativt List was to be submitted, List the properties that have heen nominated for inscription on the World ll~ritagcList, giving tie name of the 017 property, the date of submission and, if applicable, the date of inscriplion or extension. Also include properties that : were defemd, rclerred, i~ithdrawnor not examined by the World Henrage Committee or its hrcau: i I o Properti' Kames ;ind Inscriptions 1 ~eokgknirotb and Rulglia TenpM ,' - Kominated for inscription: 134, 9 :Inscribed: 1995. 12. 9 a IIaeinsa Templc Janggyeong I'anjeon, the Depositories for the Tripitaka Korcana ivootlblochs , - Nominated for inscription: 1'1%. 9 i Inscribed: I!%. 12. 9 Jongmyc Shrine - Kominated for inscription: 1994. 9 / Inscribed: 1%:. I?. 9 The Changdeakgung Palace Com[)len - iomined or inscription: I.6 i lnscribcd: 137. 12. 4 Iiwaseong ~orness I - Kominated for inscription: 1%. 6 i Inscribed: 1997. 12. 4 .Gymngju Historic Areas - Nominated for inscription: 1W. 9. 15 i Inscribed: 2000. 12. 1 I .Dolmens in Goch'ang and Hwasun I - Iiominated for inscription:
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