DlftHbotioB Weath* TVMkjr Mgk ML. Fair tonight. Lew la 26^75 mtr Ms. Partly dandy ttuwr. Red Bank Area f raw. Mfh in mid Ng. Outlo* TT Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. Thursday fair and ivm. DIAL 7414)010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL 89 NO 6 b*u*d •""'• ciun P°«UH TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE (WE VUL- O!)' "*"'• ° P«ld at Kid illc OUtcw. Holiday Festivities Attack North Viet PT Boats SAIGON - U. S. Navy fighter- yesterday. The Fourth of July U. S. military headquarters The attack on the torpedo afterward one of the Skyhawk* bombers attacked two North targets included an oil storage reported relatively little ground boats came in the same general went down. Navy and Air Force Vietnamese torpedo boats off area 19 miles southeast of Hai- action in South Viet Natn, but it area where Navy planes sank search planes also reported anti- Haiphong early today as the air phong. appeared that the Communists three similar North Vietnamese aircraft fire from the shore. Attract Thousands war against the Communist Heavy Raids may have targeted isolated spe- vessels Friday as they were The downed pilot was rescued RED BANK - About 15,000 north continued without letup. An estimated 250 to 300 planes cial forces camps for the vic- headed for the 7tli fleet frigate about 7:30 a.m. by a Navy heli- persons viewed last night's fire- One of the two A4 Skyhawks made the raids, a number which tory that has so far been denied Coontz. Nineteen North Viet- copter from the carrier Kear- works display in Marine Park, that caught the torpedo boats 38 a qualified officer said was them in the 1966 monsoon sea- namese sailors were captured. carge. His name was withheld. here, after a band concert of miles southeast of the main above the average for the 16- son. Viet Cong raiders made The two Skyhawks took off It was the 278th U. S. plane re- patriotic music. North Vietnamese port was shot month-old air war against the four attacks on the lonely out- from the carrier Constellation at ported lost in action over North Deputy Police Chief Le Roy down, but the pilot was plucked north. But it was not a record posts in the past three days. 2:30 a.m. today after the torpe- Viet Nam and the Tonkin Gulf. McKnight estimated that at least from the Gulf of Tonkin by a number for a single day's raid. The heaviest action reported do boats had been picked up by The U. S. command reported 5,000 persons viewed the hour's rescue helicopter. A U. S. The Navy planes also hit an yesterday involved U. S. Ma- radar in a cluster of islands. that an HUiD "Huey" helicopter colorful display from the park. spokesman said he did not know oil storage area 25 miles west rines near the northern city of Plane Is Lost was shot down by Viet Cong Another 3,000 persons sought rel- if the torpedo boats were hit. of Thanh Hoa, down the coast, Da Nang. With the help of air Tlie planes dropped flares, a ground fire in the south six mile? atively cool viewing sites along Navy and Air Force plgnes as the intensified assault on strikes and artillery barrages u S. spokesman said, and were southwest of Vinh Long city and the Riverside Ave. waterfront. flew a record 91 multiplane mis- North Viet Nam's fuel supplies they reported killing 154 Viet fired on. The Skyhawks attacked about 75 miles southwest of Sai- The balance of the spectators, sions against North Viet Nam continued. Cong in various fights. the boats with rockets but soon (See VIET NAM. Page 2) • he said, were in boats anchored In the Navesink River, or were On the Mlddletown shoreline across the river. State Health Chief Concerned Over Burnt Fly The pyrotechnics display mm. memorating Independence Day waa sponsored by the borough's Parks and Recreation Depart ment and by (he Red Bank Jay Group Forms to Fight Bog Dump cees. MARLBORO — Armed with en- wamp for underground water "A variance has been granted taken this water supply will dwin- A non-partisan group of tax- 7,M0 AT FREEHOLD couragement from the state supplies. permitting the dumping of gar- dle and become polluted. payers is planning to take im- FREEHOLD—Upwards of 7,000 health commissioner, a private The MiddlesexTounty Planning bage on 133 acres of Burnt Fly "Indications are that this area mediate legal action to save this people packed the Freehold Race committee here has organized to Board and Board of Freeholders Bog, which is an important will be made into a regional area from becoming a garbage way last night to witness a half- initiate legal action to prevent lave indicated they will adopt charge and recharge area in di- dump for municipalities for miles lump and to gain time for coun- hour fireworks display as guests use of Burnt Fly Bog as a land- the same resolution, since the bog rect connection with the English- around. Marlboro already has y and state agencies to act. of the track. fill dump. crosses the county line into Madi- town sands water supply. .for adequate dumping sites. It does four contributions are urgently Police reported little traffic Under chairmanship of Louis J. son Township. 20 communities of Monmouth, not make sense to create a dump eedod." congestion and no mishaps. Kuhn, of Robertsville, the new "A -large portion of our water Middlesex, and Ocean Counties. for garbage from out of town, Said Dr. Kandle: The new track ownership re- organization calls itself the Com- supply is now in danger," the Will Dwindle while destroying a part of our ". .relative to a potential vived the fireworks show as a mittee to Save Burnt Fly Bog. committee appeal says. "Unless immediate a c t i o n is valuable water sypply. ... health hazard which may be cre- good will gesture after its prede- i Letters to be mailed to all resi- ated if a variance is permanently cessor had discontinued the event I dents tonight ask for contribu- granted. In 1965. ,tions to offset anticipated costs "The department has examined |of the promised litigation. report by John C. Maxwell, BAYSHORE EVENTS Enclosed with the committee head of the department of Geolo- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Tax Muddle Snarls gy at Princeton University, rela- appeal will be a letter from Dr. More than 500 persons turned out # I, Roscoe P. Kandle, health com- tive to the need to protect the En- last night for the fireworks dis- ' * missioner, to Mayor Walter C. ;lishtown sand aquifer from pol- play at the municipal yacht har- Grubb, Jr., and a copy of a Red lution sources as the area be- comes more populated and used bor. WATCHING SPECTACULAR — This is a part of the Bank Register editorial pointing The event was sponsored Joint- up the threat misuse of the bog Audit in Marlboro for waste disposal. crowd of an estimated 5,000 persons who watched the MARLBORO - Mayor Walter ly by the Harbor Commission, poses for underground water least $5,000 and authorize Mr. The mayor and Mr. Brodniak Advlie* Controls C. Grubb, Jr. disclosed yester- Eisner to make additional inves- md Mr. Arnold, who are the mi- the Yacht Club and Bor- July Fourth fireworks display in Red Bank last night. The streams. "This report was prepared for day that discrepancies amounting tigation, including a 100 per cent nority faction of the present coun- ough Council. In a departure from the state Conservation Depart- display was one of several in Monmouth County. Strests "Keep our Water Pure" is the to at least $2,000 between 1962 verification of tax payments from cil, bear the banner of the Citi- tradition, however, the an- ment. It provides information were jammed with traffic and almost all available park- rallying call of the new com- and 1965 have been found in lo- taxpayers. zens Committee. nual Firemen's Fair was not (See BURNT FLY, Page 1) mittee, Mr. Kuhn said. cal tax accounts. A special meeting was called Council President George L held this year, for the first time ing spaces were used. (Register photo, Don Lordj] Replying to a letter from the The mayor said the imbalance for Saturday by the mayor but Creevey, who was away and un In more than 20 years. mayor, Dr. Kandle urged that has been reported by Robert Eis- only Councilmen Brodniak and available over the weekend, and permanent use of the bog for a ner, of Highland Park, accoun- Philip Arnold attended. Business Councilmen Charles T. McCue KEANSBURG PROGRAM 100-Degree Heat Wave Broken dump be denied "until we have Heat JJps KEANSBURG - The fireworks tant engaged to make the 1965 could not be transacted for lack and Storer have the label of thi a chance to examine the geology audit, in advising that he was of a quorum. "Purpose and Principle Coa display sponsored by the Beacon of this area and the potential for Beach Association drew a record unable to meet last Friday's ition." Canada Sends Relief creating a health hazard." deadline for the audit report. When the Citizens Committee Water/ crowd of more than 400 last night Get Variance FREEHOLD — Monmoulh County's residents and visitors Errors apparently are rooted took charge of municipal, affair. The event capped a whole day The-council, in a 3 to 2 vote, At activltes featuring a children's were able to rest more comfortably last night and can breathe in mistakes which occurred be- tor the*'first-year of the presen a bit easier for the next couple of days.
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