REVIEW Contribution of Arabic Medicine and doi: 10.5455/medarh.2017.71.439-448 MED ARCH. 2017 DEC; 71(6): 439-448. Pharmacy to the Development of RECEIVED: OKT 19, 2017 | ACCEPTED: NOV 28, 2017 Health Care Protection in Bosnia and Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Second Part Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Izet Masic Corresponding author: prof Izet Masic, MD, PhD, FEFMI, FACMI, MIAHSI. ORCID ID: http// ABSTRACT www.orcid.org: 0000-0002-9080-5456. E-mail: After the collapse of the Arab rule, the Arab territorial expanses and cultural heritage were [email protected]; [email protected] taken over by the Turks. Although scientific progress in the Turkish period slowed down due to numerous unfavorable political-economic and other circumstances. Thanks to the Turks, Ar- abic culture and useful Islamic principles expanded to the territory of our homeland of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Significant role in the transfer of Arabic pharmaceutical knowledge was also attributed to the Sephardic Jews who, with their arrival, continued to perform their attar activities, which were largely based on Arab achievements. However, insufficiently elab- orated, rich funds of oriental medical and pharmaceutical handwriting testify that Oriental sci- ence has nurtured in these areas as well, and that the Arabic component in a specific way was intertwined with other cultures and traditions of B&H. The Franciscan monasteries in Bosnia and Herzegovina have museums which contain important exhibits and libraries rich in books, among which many from the field of medicine and pharmacy. Muslim mosques, also, had small libraries with Arabic books used for spreading medical knowledge. The second category was folk doctors and practitioners who were on disposition to the people of any religion. Some of them listened to lectures in medicine during the studies of theology and philosophy. How- ever, most did not have any medical education, but by reading books and teaching experience they made their own recipe collection. Special books, called “Ljekaruše” (Books of recipes) were also born during the study when they came into contact with an even larger number of health books. However, it should not be neglected that a lot of them contained folk medicines that were used in some environments depending on the habits and available herbs. Although it has been proven that many recipes from Ljekaruše are pharmacologically and medically justified, one should not ignore the knowledge and skill behind them. The true flowering of medicine in B&H happening thanks to graduate doctors in Italy, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, etc. Through their action, in a short time, they greatly improved health in B&H, educated the popu- lation. The Franciscans were important because they opened the first open-air clinics, the first pharmacies, and wrote the first pharmacopoeia and regulations for the work of health care institutions. Numerous works preserved in monasteries have mostly brought about the study in only one or two copies. Their contribution to the development of health care and the pre- vention of illness and treatment of the population in B&H during that period is very significant. Keywords: medicine, pharmacy, Arabic medicine, attars. 1. THE FALL OF THE ARAB AND among other things, have led to the THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE development of the health system. TURKISH RULE With the insight into the general po- litical and economic and health situ- In this part we will try to explain ation of the whole empire, we believe how the mighty Arabic caliph fell, that it will enable a more natural shift and that the rule of majority of his of focus to Bosnia and Herzegovina territories had established a Turkish (B&H) and a better understanding of © 2017 Izet Masic Empire created in the late 13th centu- its medical and pharmaceutical prac- This is an Open Access article distributed under the ry (1-10). With this enthusiasm, as it tices, complex and colorful due to terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non- is already known, the Turkish Empire various traditions and cultures, and Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/ takes over the Arabic cultural her- the integration of the Arabic compo- licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted itage (11-21). Chronologically and nent into that stained glass mosaic. non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction briefly, the most important political There is one interesting thesis of in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. and economic opportunities in the Ibn Khaldun, and it says “that science new empire are considered, which, only succeeds in wealthy societies” REVIEW | MED ARCH. 2017 DEC; 71(6): 439-448. 439 Contribution of Arabic Medicine and Pharmacy to the Development of Health Care Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Second Part Figure 1. Past times are best attested by Franciscan monasteries in Kraljeva Sutjeska, Kreševo and Fojnica, which, perhaps, do not possess the largest book and exhibition collections, but certainly the oldest and most valuable ones. (1). In essence, while there is an advanced economy and the explanation behind this is very simple. Th e West real- a stable atmosphere in the state, there is a great demand ized the seriousness of the growing power of the Turkish for scientifi c and technological contributions. Namely, Empire and sought to destabilize the empire in various the Arab rulers were guided by a policy that promoted ways: from military penetration, to various ways of boy- rationalism, communication and commerce, thus secur- cotting its trade, such as the Portuguese search for new ing economic prosperity. Along with such political and routes to India, which would bypass Islamic countries. economic prosperity of the empire, with the rich cultural Th at is why scientifi c circles will lose their vitality and heritage inherited and supplemented by the “Golden age creativity especially in the 16th century. In the second of Arabic science” (1-4). At a wider interval of time, from half of the 16th century, the Turkish Empire became more the 8th to the 16th century, the contribution of scholars to open to ideas coming from the West. European infl uenc- Arab countries, and later to Turkish rule, was very im- es are also due to the fact that due to the great freedom of pressive (22-30). However, due to the infl uence of some movement and trade in the empire, some new, unknown internal and external factors, the decline of the power illnesses have also been forced to seek western medicine and fall of the Arab caliphate has occurred. Th ese fac- (16, 22. 29). tors were fi rst of all new forces emerging from the East Regional political, economic and military vulnerabil- and from the West - fi rst the Mongols that destroyed the ities have led to a number of reforms in the Ottoman Baghdad, the largest Arab city of that time, in 1258. On Empire, but their intensive implementation began in that occasion, Abbasid Halifa al-Mu’tasim was killed and the early 19th century (16). Reforms also involve a health the eastern Arab caliph fell. As far as the western caliph- system that is regulated by the Western model. Th eir ate is concerned, Spain, weakened by internal disquisi- implementation was aimed at modernizing the pharma- tions and civil clashes, was conquered by the Christian ceutical and medical profession. Part of this intervention army in the 14th century. Th e last Islamic province in was also the construction of new modern pharmaceu- Spain, Granada, fell down in 1492 (1, 12, 13). Not only tical and medical schools and the implementation of the occupation by foreign powers hindered the cultural rigorous drug inspection on the market. Although these development of territories that from the 14th century fell measures were often disputed and resisted, the eff orts under the rule of the Turks. Considering Ibn Khaldun’s of Ottoman rulers and experts set the foundation for a thought, now in the case of the Turkish Empire, it re- modern health system in the countries that was ruled by mains to take into account the factors that have led to this empire. In short, medical and pharmaceutical prac- the decline of the political and economic power of the tices have benefi ted from a modern character, both in new empire and from which it will be off ered an answer the most eminent parts of the empire and in B&H, just to why the scientifi c progress did not continue in its full before the establishment of the new Austro-Hungarian swing as at the time of Golden Arabic Medicine. Th e rule, when signifi cant reforms were undertaken includ- geographic location was vulnerable to the invasion of the ing the opening of the fi rst modern pharmacy, the edu- East and the West. Th eir consequences were the destruc- cation of the fi rst professional medical staff and limiting tion of numerous cultural infl uences and fi erce depopu- the book of attars, on which will be more written later lation. Natural disasters and dry years in some parts of (16). Until then, throughout the Ottoman Empire, the the Ottoman Empire have led to hunger and poverty, but quality of medical assistance was inadequate and had they also helped the spread of various diseases (16). Ep- no good State support, and most health care institutions idemics such as plague are harassed by empires. Th e fall were funded by charity funds. Although for centuries in of international trade was the fruit of the West’s eff orts the Arab and Turkish empire there has been a sanitary to weaken the Ottoman Empire in various ways. Th us, inspection, Ottoman institutional reforms, collectively in the 16th century, Europe began to dominate in polit- known as Tanzimat, have made changes in this area of ical-economic stability, growth of the party, and scien- healthcare (1, 2, 16, 22).
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