A Rosh Hashana Tradition. A Year--Round Favorite. WHEN A CHILD IS ILL CHAI LIFELINE IS FA1\11LY Two-dozen, WE ALL TURN TO FAMILY For children, the highlight of our year­ for help and support in times of crisis. But round services is summer at (~amp free, year-round when a child is seriously ill the need for Simcha or Camp Simcha Special, two programs support never ends. Who takes care of extraordinary programs that refresh spirits and services. the family? Who provides emotional and and renew children's determination to fight psychosocial support for the parents' Who the effects of illness. helps the siblings get through the ordeal' The knowledge Chai Family Centers provide the counsel­ and experience To whom does the family turn' ing and support each member of the of professionals. family - child, parents, siblings and grand­ Chai Lifeline: parents - needs to cope with serious illness. The compassion Community services like (~hai House, Hope, Strength C:risis Intervention Services teams and and love of family. and Service programs that help schools understand the needs of chronicallv ill children offer Chai Lifeline's programs strengthen every a multitude of support options for everyone member of the family, from the child who whose lives are severely impacted by the is with a life-threatening oflifelong illness A counselor illness. spends quality to parents and siblings. Our goal is to time with help everyone in the tan1ily live as fully as When illness strikes, we all need a family. a camper at Campsimcha possible while fighting illness and despair. Call today and let Chai Lifeline join yours. A parent has a chance to relax and regroup at a family retreat Helping the child, the family, and the community INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Parents share 151 WEST 30TH ST., NY, i'<Y 10001 I 877.CHAI-LIFE ! 212.465.1300 212.465.0949 FAX experiences and support REGlOXAL OFJ'ICES CHAI HOUSE one another at FLORID:\ I !LLINOlS I CALIFORJ\:IA I )';.EV\! JERSEY I ISRAEL I ENGLAND PHILADELPHIA community events CHAI FAMILY CI:l':TERS held throughout BROOKLY:\', KY I LOl'G ISLAKD, 1'Y I ]';E\V YORK CITY, XY I CHICAGO, IL I r-<. MIAMI BEACH, FL the year. \V1NW.CHAILil'ELI J\: E.ORC Become a member of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation and get some of the world's most inspirational tapes FREE! Become a member of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage package of special membership benefits. More Foundation - the only organization devoted to removing importantly, you'll be helping to fulfill the Chofetz what the Chofetz Chaim said is the single biggest barrier Chaim's vision by supporting the strongest initiative ever to the Geulah. As a new member you will receive a for Shmiras Haloshon and Ahavas Yisrael. ------Membership Benefits------ Building Book Chazak Family Charter Dedicator Sponsor Sponsor Member Member Member Member Member $54 $36 $1,000 $360 $100 Benefits: Benefits: -Optloo: 12 !lmnthlypa)ments or $83 Option: 10 montb~·pavments of$36 Op1imr 4 monlh~' Jlil\'lllent> of S2; Benefits: Benefits: Benefits: • 'l\vo tapes specially made for •FREE children on Shmiras Halashon tape album • Dedication •One day by the masrer story !£Iler, of your in Chofetz U. !~~; dedication on Rabbi Fischel Schachter choice Chaim: the Chazak lJJving Inspiration Kindness Line • Your fiame tir the name of (Pocket a loved one inscribed at our Edition) new World Headquarters • Plaque for your home plus all Charter Benefits plus all Clliuter Benefits plus all Clliuter Benefits plus all Charter Benefits on tapes and 'oFF , • 10% dis.count 1.·.•.1.••.... o.·..·······o··.·· ..~ .. o..·.··.'.l.···.·. ·.•·..·.·.·~······ •.·.•.... ·•· •.· ••··.·.'.' ••• ·· ...· .. ·.•.·•·.· .. ·•. books · •.• <· ; • Membership Card ~:11~1.,, ' '""' ''' Call today to become a member 1-800-867-2482 .Q To become a member by mail send your check or credit card information and your membership choice to ~ The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation • 6 Melnick Drive, Mousey NY, 10952 lia1·Ad11l6~'fllii~t u~~·~d DAYAN, .KEHlw llAcnilElo~ ~i6f10oN) r .. - ___ ........ __ ... ,.._ - ~- ..... -.... ·--~- ...-~- - .......... ;..... ------- .......... -........ -~-- --------- ..-,.. ... _,.... •:- -.... ---.. -........... _.. l YES! f want to parti(:ipate in the Lei/ Hisorirus. 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SIGNAT~!L_ __ ,,_____ ··--·----···----- • Please mail this farm and your generous tax-deductible donation [payable to AIA Terror Victims Emergency Fund) to: •' • Lei/ Hisorirus • Agudath Israel of America • 42 Broadway, 14th Floor • New York, NY I 0004 ' Tel: 212-797-9000 •Fax: 646-254-1600 ' '• • Elul 5763 • September 2003 U.S.A.$3.50/Foreign $4.50 ·VOL XXXVI/NO. 7 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 42 Broadway, New York, NY10004. Periodicals postage paid in New York, NY. Subscription $24.00 per year; two years, $44.00; three years, $60.00. Outside of the United States (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $12.00 sur­ charge per year. Single copy $3.50; for­ eign $4.50. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Observer, 42 Broadway, NY., NY. 10004. Tel: 212-797-9000, Fax: 646-254-1600. Printed in the U.S.A. ANTI-SEMITISM: YESTERDAY, TODAY ... AND T OMORROWI RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR I I A Blow to the Heart of Jerusalem EDITORIAL BOARD RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS 11 Yes, We Are Different, Rabbi Aaron Brafman Chairman RABBI ABBA BRUONY I S The Truman Diaries in Retrospect, Yonoson Rosenblum JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI YISROEL MEIR KIRZNER RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN PROF. AARON TWERSKI 20 Reflections on the Passing of Moreinu Hagaon Rabbi DR. ERNST L BODENHEIMER Z"L Yechiel Michel Feinstein 7"Yr, Rabbi Rephael Moshe Gettinger RABBI MOSHE SHERER Z"L Founders MANAGEMENT BOARO AVI FISHOF, NAFTOLI HIRSCH ANTICIPATING THE NEW YEAR ISAAC KIRZNER, RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN 26 The King and i, Rabbi Yosef Levinson RABBI VOSEF C. GOLDING Managing Editor JO Great Expectations, Rabbi Avi Shafran Published by Agudath Israel of America J4 Guilt: A Positive Factor in Teshuva, Mrs. Shira Frank U.S. TRADE DISTRIBUTOR ISRAELI REPRESENTATIVE JS "I'm Sorry": Teshuva Begins at Home, Dr. Meir Wik/er Feldllelm Pub1isllers lnlnl. Media Placement 200 Airport Executive Park POB 7195 I 97 Jal1a Road Nanuet, NY 10954 Jerusalem 94340. ISRAEL BRITISH REPRESENTATIVE BELGIAN REPRESENTATIVE 44 Rabbi Nachman Bulman 7"Yr: M.T. Bibelman Mr. E. Apter Grosvenor Works Lange Kiev"itstr. 29 A Page From the Book of His Life, Rabbi Yechiel Perr Mount Pleasant Hill 2018 Antwerp London ES 9NE, ENGLAND BELGIUM FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE SOUTH AFRICAN Rabbi Bamberger REPRESENTATIVE SECOND LOOKS 21 Boulevard Paixhans Mr. V. Taback 57000 Metz PO Box 51552, FRANCE Raedene, Johannesburg 2124 SOUTH AFRICA 4 7 Alternative Closings, Rabbi Nachman Lapa SWISS REPRESENTATIVE Mr. S. Feldinger Leimanslrasse 36 49 A Tale of Two Students, Rabbi Avi Shafran 4051 Basel, SWITZERLAND S I The Day the Lights Went Out THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service advertised in its pages SJ Letters-to-the-Editor © Copyright 2003 SS Leshana Tovo Greetings September 2003 VOLUME XXXVl/NO. 7 ?i~Nl 11~ ?i~1l 11~ WHAT CAN WE SAY? HAT MUST WEDO? Just when we were hoping .... just when things seemed to brighten up ... just when we started to dream "maybe, just maybe" .... BUT IT WAS NOT TO BE. lives have been torn apart by the evil that plagues Eretz The barbaric bus bombing in Jerusalem has shattered Yisroel. And now, there are many more victims - bringing these dreams, and has shattered the lives of over 100 the total to over 1000 killed and thousands wounded - many of wonderful families. whose farni1ies need immediate assistance. THE AIA TERROR VICTIMS EMERGENCY FUND, We beg you to open your hearts, today, to help the founded by Agudath Israel of America a year ago, has orphans, the widows, and those main;;::;fOr crippled for life. already distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to We beg you to help alleviate the unbearable pain and suf­ families devastated by injury or death; families whose fering our brothers and sisters are enduring in Eretz HaKodesh. "Ri bono Shel Diam, please bring this terror to an end!" n1,.\·:1n y11 nN r1,:iyr.:i 'Dj:i_-r~fl' n?£in1 n:i1\!Jn1 ·------------------------------ PLEASE RESPOND GENEROUSLY! -------Chp hm and "'pond, today! ·----------- 0 YES { I want to assist Acheinu Beis Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel who are suffering as a result of terror. NAME ADDRESS Please send your generous tax-deductible donation to: ----- --- -- --···· ---- ------------ ---- -- ·····-··-··········· CITY STATE ZIP -- -- -- ----- AIA VICTIMS EMERGENCY FUND TEL_(DAY) (E'(E.)_ ______ Agudath Israel of America Enclosed is my contribution of___ _ 42 Broadway, 14th Floor_ 0 Check Enclosed J Charge my: J VISA J MasterCard (mi• $51 donation for c•d" card cha~~) New York, NY I0004 ACCOUNT NUMBER -·--·----.. ·~'"'''" ----- --- -- - -- - -- - -- -- --- ------------- Tel: 212-797-9000 I Fax: 646-254- 1600 EXP. DATE------ -- -- -- -- --- SIGNATURE------------------------ ANTI-SEMITISM: YEsTERDAY, TODAY•.. AND TOMORROW? to the Heart of Jerusalem piece of the Kosel was blown up mourning for them in their absence. as scores of people who frequented the by a suicide bomber \!J"' at 9 p.rn.
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