Monday, June 17, 1935 THE DAILY MIRROR Page 25 FOR ROYAL ASCOT ield Likely ,t CAN TIBERIUS BEAT BRANTOME f/> : IN THE GOLD CUP? Badniilillii LL the hard things tliat have been said about " weeping June " will be taken back ^ ^:F\ ^•*. if only the sun will play its proper part during the next few days. At least Ascot has been saved the dread of hard coing. The best horses in England and the V *•• best in the world, according to French opinion, will race on perfect turf during the - next lour days. The social .^ide needs only fine weather. If we get that it will be a perfect Ascot i. Last Ciiisndc-r, Cvririis t';iiy and l>i'iiii,!;(iil (left to rijjhf) in llic nie*^ for the ll<>ll.vl)iisli Cliitc at (iaiuiilc. I,;is( CriisaUer was tlie winner, Brantome is already on the spot lor the Gold Cup, and according to his admirers the most coveted trophy in E;ngli.sh racing is already as good, as won. With PelieitaLion, Tai Yang and ROYAL HUNT HARRINGAY GO SCOOP THE POOL AT Windsor • Lad irretrievably sone, there is apparently only Tiberius left. Is he g-ood SPEEDING ON GATWICK enough'to, bring' about the first defeat of a CUP FIELD challenger who with at least -some justification A.C.U. Cup Match Fifth Win Off It was all Richards and Rieliardfion at Probable Starters and Jockeys has been'calhvd the " horse of a century"? I Reel —Wimbledon Crash Gatwick on Saturday. Gordon Richards doubt' it. "' ''' brought off a double in the tirst two races and for Wednesday's Race Wimbledon were the luckless victims of a Albert Richardson—known as Midgc-^prp- vengeful Belle Vue on the Mimcbcster speed­ cceded to sweep the board by riding the win­ Probable starters and jockeys for the Royal Still, we have .seen these-good things come Hunt Cup, over 7f, 155y.. at Ascot on Wednes­ way track on Saturday iiiglit, when the home ners of the laRt four events on the card. unstuck before, especially at Ascot, where day, are:— team made amends for their second A,,C.U. de­ Gordon , Richards had ridden • seventeen French jockeys, for some reason, do not always 1 WV(";l]^^(lOll .\niitri', 4-9-7 feat by winning their Lea!',ue match by 43 points to 2(5. losers in succession before winning the Holly- shine. It may also be against Brantome that 10 IIT.A\1I;M(J. il-D-l ']! ".u,,,!:-: bush Selling Plate on Li',si. Grusader. He com­ the present trip is ti'.e first he has made out­ 31U SHlMMi 'roii, 4-90 rniyiuini Harringay gained their fU'th successive vic­ 00 TUn );l.t"l-: liOV, JR-U Carsluk,> tory in their group of the A.C.U. Cup tourna­ pleted a " double " when winninij the Salfoi'd side Paris. But Bouillon knows his mount, 00 BAl)l!l:]IDI\, <!-3-10 F, i-in ment, on their own track, when they beat West Three-Year-Old Plate on Spasm. and the colt will have plenty of time, to get 00 H0\1II-V, 4 8-9 ".'.".,, -- - 00 JI.VSTKl; Vl-:iMv 4-8-7 '.' _.... Ham by G4 pyints to 43. All of Richard.son'.s successes were rained on accustomed to his new surroundings. ' OL Jii« ni:\i:i(i;.M];, /i-e-a ,..., T iSiiirknn Jack Parker, the captain, was top scorer for horse.s from different stables. He won on The O BOKTUir.S, 4-8-5 ,\ov,(,i, Harringay. Reeve in the Gatwick Foal Plate, Eigg in the Mesa Doubts 01 B0N0S:M.\N, 4-8-4 1. Cliilds Harringay now seem almost certainties for June Handicap, Ban Sebastian in the Emlyn With Mesa and M.akila [here is also a danger 410 ]?li.\lUAS, 7 S-4 ..." the linal. Handicap and Golden Scroll in the Champney of the Hunt Cup going lo France, thougii it is 01 AI,:MOND ini,i., 48-3 s. WIa<'^ To-night's Meoiingr.—Thc first eliminating Plate. not nearly such a big one. Fillies iiave a poor 33 YOLi.M; NAT[\L;, !,.!!-! , U, Koul: round of the National League Riders' cham­ ,NF;GUM)0, 5-8 2 , , —- pionship will be decided to-niglit at Wimbledon. Clifford Richards was also in the limelight. record in this particular race, and from what I 0 l"IIOM'r.\ilY, 4 3-2 (;. I!i,hardi He finished second on Watciidog in the Emlyn have seen of IMcsa this year the doubt arises 421 Gl^l.N'KA i:\f', 43 2 , , - — Those racing include Vic Huxley, Eric Langton, Handicap. There was an- oli.iection to Watch­ as to whether she will find enough -speed in the 13 C.-\N'I'I:I':M-:](, S-B-I ]H.IHI(;1HEC I\'Iax Gros.skreutz, Dick Case. l''ra»ik Charles dog by the stewards and the objection was early stages to assure a good place in the last 312 BUTH'U.M;, 4-8 1 - and Tommy Croombs. sustained, . quarter of a mile. In any case, at the moment 02 I'EPINO, 4-8 I W. Biiliiilii' she is not a certain starter. 044 J.AW >!.\KI:R, 4 8-0 - - 0 BUCKI.AMI, 4.V.13 AUSTRALIA'S TEST TEAM PEACOCK AGAIN 13 .MKS.\., 3-7-13 .1, HiicU Most of the lorty-four horses left in the race 322 GAI.\".\>"1, (;7-I2 , Niriill Ron Johnson Picked but May Not Ride- Middleham Trainer Wins Another Big win be saddled nnd six can stay away and still' 400 inUAI.(;(] 4-7-11 i;, Ki<-i,:iiii:i leave a record field. The biggest ever was 00 ,M \K]I..\, 4-7-1.^ Leg Injury Race at Manchester 021 BiU'i'isii cjrn'r\, J-71O [•cmv thirty-seven in 1862. In recent years the big­ 31 I'l.NK Wives, 4-7-JO '. ... lliiic^ gest field was in 1S>26, when Cross Bow was 131 FAi'ri-:> vos jia.x. 4-77 -•- Tlie following riders have been .selected for Dobson Peacock, tlie Middleiiam trainer, successful in a field of thirtv-one. Lord Astor 052 ],I..\NA11\10.N. 4 7-7 . tho Australian team in th(^ second speedway who won the Manchester Cup on Friday with was the owner of the winner that year, and 003 eidoK, 4-7 e .s. :\iii)iiU'i-..i Test match with England at New Cro.'is ncxli there are much more than fanit hopes at Man- 0OBANM,.\W, 4-7-b , UimiiiilL Moneybox, carried off anotlier nice prize when 2S0 l.O.ST SOIL, 4-7-5 T. \\\-.-U'n Wednesday: — Auld Reekie proved an easy winner of the Sal-. ton tliat Law Maker will repeat Cross Bow's 313 COroKN 'rOL, 4-74 i\ llylmis V. Iliixlcy (Wimblcdoiil. caplain, ;md T,. van ford Borough Handicap on Saturday. victory on Wednesday. 010 ABA ins, 4-7-3 Praag (Wem))levl; li Ouwe ifliiekiioy) and M. Grcenore was backed to give the weight, but SWEET I.I-:I;I-:NJI. 4-7-2 — Gnwskreutu (Bollo VuO; li, Joluiwo)! iN(;w CrosKi after a great attempt was fairly and squarely Likely Half Dozen 0 S(WJ"i'i;it(;-\SII, 7-7.2 y.. Sniilh und A. Wilkinson (W(;sl, Ham I. iJcsc^i'ves: J, beaten. 03 i'oi:'r>i ei;ii)j-:, 4-71 c. .span;,-! Sharp (Wimbledon) and K. Bniythe (W(Mn1>]oy), Law Maker deserves a place in any " lively 0 liAtJnW, 4-7-0 Ihiijiplircv ]'\nii>r There is .'5ome doubt as to whether Ron By his victory Auld Reekie has incurred a half-dozen," but I do not think i should put 2U G.\1,[..\S, 4-B 13 , H. i-yn-h penalty of 71b. in the Wokingham Stakes at him so high in the list as Wychwood Abbot, 002 nOlJNSIA' KI.Si:. 4-f;-l0 K. IJi.ixi-Uoii Johnson will be available, as he ha.s strained Ascot, raising his weiglii to 7st.. Illb. 000 FKI.TON, 4-t;-0 --- his leg. Badruddin, The Blue Boy, Flamenco and 030 .M.\N'S P.M.. 4-0-8 .- • — Hidalgo. Law Maker was excused his Jubilee 023 BiHiKir; rii;.\u. 5 B-7 failure on tlie groiuid that the going was too 020 'J']U;it\il])IIK, 5-G-7 l;ivli;inli.i.ii HOW THEY ARE PLACED •firm, but I am not forgetting that Mr. Watney 0 COI.O.M-:!. i^.M'NT l-G-7 II. .^nt iuji'liilid 1i Mcsii iliii'? :uil [111. Si(.-u wJU cidc i.nu- M;iliri-. and his traii:ier were just; a little doubtful if I'. W, t). I,. \'\ A. FI.B. Wychwood Abbot was suflicicntly keyed up to l!,llp Vi.c 1',! 11> 1 1 4''fi SVr. 21 win tiiat day, MANCHESTER RESULTS Now CrL.ss 10 li 0 4 .lOfl MG IX Wimbh'don 12 0 0 0 41 [i fl:i2 la •2,0.-1KI;M.H Kiss (; (.1. Iliiii.;i, 1; IUUSM.\ (I'onj- West !l;ilii J« ;• I 0 I.'*'' liii il WOIIIWPV -"1 '' " '' -•''''^ ••^''''' • * On the Jubilee dead-heat British Quota maul, 2; SOO-NU (Wc-laiil, 5. Ili-itiiii;: 2 H<Mi<i, 'JA U-irriJiEliy II ''> 0 » Y,'n 407 6 sliould just beat Wychwood Abbot this time, Uiosma, 9-2 rid-JNCil KISS U. 8 i.m,<; I'-ord. 100-7 I.:KI.V niiiicaii, 20 l.^iytuu-ii, ISJii!;!iaTii, Sl.-,i<l,v 'I'l-iLdc, S.'iitiiitl, lliuidii^y n i 0 0 301 338 G but I doubt that she will, because the top- nestHinc, Uiibioii.!, 'I'liv KK-.
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