ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA ANNUAL REPORT (1 March 1968 - 14 February 1969) VOLUME I ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS: FORTY-SEVENTH SESSION UNITED NATIONS New York, 1969 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. E/4651 E/CN. 14/453 VOLUME I CONTENTS Para^Taphs X xi - 2 1 - 15 2 PART I - WORK OF THE COMMISSION SKCK THE EIGHTH SESSION ... 16 - 259 7 - 18 7 16 7 Administrative structure of the secretariat . IT 7 18 7 - 19T 8 Associate membership of Angola, Mozambique, Guinea, railed Portuguese Guinea, and Namibia - 21 3 - 52 8 - 52 10 , , . ko - 52 10 - 60 15 - 69 Ih - 91 l6 - 75 • 16 - 80 17 ... 81 - 85 18 - 91 18 - 98 20 iii- CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Bage B. SlMttRY OF WORK (continued) Transport 99 - llh 21 Air treuieport , 108 22 Inland waterways 109 - 110 22 Maritime transport 111-115 25 Tourism ........... .... 114 23 Telecommxinications 115 - 121 23 Agricvdture 122 - 132 23 tfoney and finance 133 - 138 27 Social development . 159 - 11*7 28 Housing, building and physical planning IhQ 157 30 Manpover and training 158 - 166 52 Public administration . 167 - 175 3h Statistics and demography ... 176 - 190 56 Technical co-operation ....... ... 191 - 197 59 C. MEETINGS OF SUBSIDIARY BODIES OF THE COMMISSION .... 198 - 201 hi List of conferences, meetings, seminars and training co\irses held in 1968 '42 Dc AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR ECONDMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING 202 - 209 kh Simmary of main activities 196T-I968 202 - 209 kh Training <>. 202 kh Research ............. 205 — 207 hh The Institute's second phase . 208 209 •h5 E. RELATIONS WITH SPECIAUZED AGENCIES AND OTHER 210 - h6 ORGANIZATIONS 236 - 2lh h6 Joint staffing 211 he Regional inter-agency meetings . 215 - 217 218 _ hi Joint meetings and projects ...... 219 -iv- CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page E. RELATIONS WITH SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS (continued) Participation in meetings 220 - 25^^ Inter-secretariat consultations and assistance .... 235 - 236 50 F. PROGRAMME OF TORK AND PRIORITIES FOR I967-I968 23T - 259 51 PART II - NINTH SESSION AND TENTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF THE COMMISSION , 2^^0 - 623 59 A. ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION OF WORK . 2kO - 23Q 59 Opening meeting 2k0 59 Membership and attendance . , 2kl - 2k8 59 Credentials 2i»-9 60 Election of officers 250 60 Activities of the tenth anniversary of the Commission 251 - 25T 60 Exhibition of small-scale industries . 252 - 257 61 Organization of vork . 258 62 B. AGENDA 259 - 260 65 C. ACCOUNT OF PROCEEDINGS . 26l - 623 ^9 I'fembership and associate membership of the Commission . 26I - 266 69 Tribute to the memory of Mr. Eduardo Mundlane . 267 70 Tenth anniversary celebration of the Economic Commission for Africa and review of economic and social conditions in the region 268 - 399 ^0 Commemorative resolutions of the Economic Commission for Africa . 390 - 399 92 Review of the activities of the Economic Commission for Africa during the biennium February I967- ' ' February I969 1+00 - 551 96 Economic development planning, projections and policies . 400 - 410 96 Economic co-operation 411 - 421 98 -V- CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page C. ACCOUKT OF PROCEEDINGS (continued) — i^35 99 kk5 101 — Development of nat\jral resources - 105 Transport and communications . — kGk lOU Fiscal and financial questions . — 478 106 491 108 - 510 110 - k99 110 - 510 111 - 516 n? . 517 52h 113 - Ilk . 525 555 . - 548 - 116 - 551 118 . 552 - -555 118 African Institute for Economic Development and - 563 119 . 56^^ - 581 120 - 581 122 Relations with other United Nations organs, the specialized agencies and intergovernmental organizations . - 58T 125 Report of the Committee on Staff Recruitment and Training , - 615 12U Programme of work on the problems of the least developed among the developing countries ...... 6lh 617 129 Date and place of the tenth session ............ 618 150 . Adoption of the report and closing of the session . , 6l9 - 625 I50 PART III - RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMISSION AT ITS NINTH SESSION , , 135 187 (IX) Commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Commission ..... 155 188 (IX) Institutional machinery of the Commission ... 155 189 (IX) Organization, struct\jre and functions of the secretariat of the Commission . 159 -vi- CONTENTS (continued) Rise PART III - RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMISSION AT ITS NINTH SESSION (continued) 190 (IX) Relations with the Organization of African Unity ........... 1^0 191 (IX) Transitional provisions I'+l 192 (IX) The equitable distribution and Africanization of posts in the secretariat 1^3 195 (IX) African Institute for Economic Development'and Planning ...... ikk 19k (IX) Associate membership for Angola, ^(bzambique, Guinea, called Fbrt\jguese Guinea, and Namibia (South West Africa) . 1^5 195 (IX) Manpower and training 1^6 196 (IX) World Weather Watch and economic development in Africa 197 (IX) Integrated approach to rural development in Africa 1^9 198 (IX) Transport 151 199 (IX) Intra-African trade 151 200 (IX) Small-scale industries 152 201 (IX) Agriculture 155 202 (IX) PtQjlic administration 15^ J 203 (IX) Industry 155 20U (IX) Ttourist trade 157 205 (IX) Development of mineral resoiirces ....... 157 206 (IX) Science and technology 158 207 (IX) The mobilization of domestic resources and international assistance to the African region 159 208 (IX) Sub-regional office for Central Africa .... 160 209 (IX) Housing, building and physical planning .... 160 -vii- CONTENTS (continued) PART III - RESOLUnONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMISSION AT ITS NINTH SESSION (continued) 210 (IX) Special measures in favour of the least developed among the developing countries • • • 211 (IX) The role of the Economic Commission for Africa in United Nations programmes of technica-T co-operation in Africa ..... 163 212 (IX) Futxire programmes of work and priorities • . 16U 215 (IX) Vote of thanks to His Imperial ffejesty Haile Selassie I, and to the Government and people of Ethiopia 165 Sik (IX) Vote of thanks to the Secretary-General of the United Nations 165 215 (IX) Congratulations to the officers of the ninth session . 166 216 (IX) Congratulations to the secretariat 166 EART IV - DRAFT RESOLUTION FOR ACTION BY THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL I67 PART V - PROGRAMME OF WORK AND PRIORITIES FOR THE BIENNIUM 1969-1970 WITH PROJECTIONS TO 1975 ^^P^^inted separately as volume Il7 l63 • ANNEXES I. LIST OF DELEGATIONS AND OBSERVERS AT THE NINTH , SESSION OF THE COI'MtSSION I69 ! II. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS AND PRINCIPAL DOCUMENTS ISSUED FOR THE NINTH SESSION OP THE COMMISSION ......... I8I III. TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA 137 IV. RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA i ^ ................ 191 V. ADDRESS BY HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY HAILE SELASSIE I, • EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA, AT THE INAUGURAL MEETING 211 VI. STATEMENT BY U THANT, SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS 217 -viii- CONTENTS (continued) ^ge ANNEXES (continued) VII. STATEMENT BY MR. ALLISON A. AYIDA, OUTGOING CHAIRMAN . 221 VIII. A. RESPONSE BY THE HON. TOM MBOYA, HEAD OF THE KENYA DELEGATION ........ 255 B. RESPONSE BY PROFESSOR P. LISSOUBA, HEAD OF THE CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) DELEGATION 255 IX. STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. DIALLO TELLI, ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY . 259 X. STATEMENT BY MR. DAVID OVffiN, DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR OF THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ........ 2^+5 XI. STATEIvENT BY DR. VICTOR HOO, COMMISSIONER FOR TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION, UNITED NATIONS ......... 2^9 XII. STATEMENT BY MR. R.K.A. GARDINER, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION 255 -ix- ABBREVIATIONB ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination EAC East African Community ECA Economic Commission for Africa ECAPE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East ECE Economic Commission for Europe ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade URHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ILO International Labour Organisation IMF International Monetary Fund rru International Telecommunication Union CAU Organization of African Unity OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme UWESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UHHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Sefugees UNICEP United Nations Children's Fund UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UPU Universal Postal Union WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization. -X- NOTE The various views expressed by the delegations of member States on the document entitled "A venture in self-reliance: ten years of EGA, I958-I968" (E/C¥, together with the summary of the discussions on the four commemorative resolutions of the Commission, are recorded in the "Summary of the proceedings of the tenth anniversary and ninth session of the Economic Commission for Africa: 3 to lU February I969"• -xi- IMTRODUCTION 1. This report of the Economic Commission for Africa covers the second part of the secretariat's progress report for the two years subsequent to the Commission's eighth session from 1 March I968 to 2 February 1969- l/ The first part of the report
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