See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351642437 Gradients of salinity in water sources of Batiaghata, Dacope and Koyra Upazila of Coastal Khulna District, Bangladesh Article · May 2021 DOI: 10.1016/j.envc.2021.100152 CITATION READS 1 163 6 authors, including: Molla Rahman Shaibur Shahnaz Parvin Jashore University of Science and Technology Jessore University of Science and Technology 85 PUBLICATIONS 640 CITATIONS 5 PUBLICATIONS 3 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Ishtiaque Ahmmed Md. Hasibur Rahaman Jessore University of Science and Technology Jashore University of Science and Technology 6 PUBLICATIONS 7 CITATIONS 21 PUBLICATIONS 174 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: APPLICATION OF CERAMIC FILTER FOR IMPROVING SURFACE WATER QUALITY View project Decolorization of anthraquinone dye Reactive Blue 4 by natural manganese mineral View project All content following this page was uploaded by Molla Rahman Shaibur on 30 May 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100152 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Environmental Challenges journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envc Gradients of salinity in water sources of Batiaghata, Dacope and Koyra Upazila of coastal Khulna district, Bangladesh Molla Rahman Shaibur ∗, Shahnaz Parvin, Ishtiaque Ahmmed, Md. Hasibur Rahaman, Tusar Kumar Das, Sabiha Sarwar Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry, Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore 7408, Bangladesh a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Keywords: Salinity intrusion affects the soils and water for irrigation and drinking purpose severely in coastal Khulna District. Coastal region Therefore, current research was done to find out the salinity gradients in different sources of surface water e.g.- EC river water, canal water, pond water, together with deep tube well water of Southern parts of Khulna District. FAO Previously, these sources were used for irrigation and drinking purposes. Water samples were collected from Salinity selected Unions of Batiaghata, Dacope and Koyra Upazila of Khulna District, because these Upzilas were situated South to Northern part in the Southern parts and near to the Bay of Bengal. A total of 51water samples were collected to determine the physical and chemical parameters e.g.- turbidity, electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids, salinity and 2− 3− the concentrations of iron (Fe), sulfate (SO4 ), phosphate (PO4 ), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). The results showed that in most of the cases, the concentrations of the mentioned parameters were very high in the water sources as compared to the standard value set by Bangladesh Bureau of Statics and World Health Organization. In Koyra, the salinity levels were 9500 mg L −1 in river water, 8535 mg L −1 in canal water, 2541 mg L −1 in deep tube well water and 1560 was in pond water. Similarly, in the case of canal water the salinity values were 8535 mg L −1 in Koyra, 7075 mg L −1 in Dacope and 4180 mg L −1 was in Batiaghata. It was found that the salinity was the highest in Koyra and was the lowest in Batiaghata, indicating that salinity increased from North to the South direction. This is because the Southern part is very near to the Bay of Bengal. Among the sources, river water contained the highest salinity and pond water contained the lowest. Salinity trend could be ranked as river water ≥ canal water ≥ deep tube well water ≥ pond water. Current study will be very effective to know the present scenario of salinity and to find out further effective solution in the coastal Khulna region of Bangladesh. 1. Introduction South and by Satkhira District on the West. The total area of the District is 4389.11 Km 2 . Khulna consists of 9 Upazilas e.g. Batiaghata, Dacope, Salinity is a great problem in the coastal region of the world. Dighalia, Dumuria, Koyra, Paikgachha, Phultala, Rupsa and Terokhada Bangladesh is also not an exceptional country. It is situated near the ( BBS, 2011a ). Among them, Batiaghata, Dacope and Koyra Upazila were coast of Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh is the 12th densely populated coun- our study area, because these Upazila are the most saline prone areas try in the world with the population density of 1115.62 people per in Khulna District ( SRDI, 2010 ). These Upazilas are thought to be very Km 2 ( WB, 2018 ). There are 64 Districts in Bangladesh. Khulna is one much affected with the climate change ( BMD, 2014 ). of them. Geographically, it is in the South-Western zone of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is being affected with various types of cyclones It is located at 22°12’ to 23°59’ North Latitudes and 89°14’ to 89°45’ ( Shaibur et al., 2017a ). Due to super cyclone Sidr and Aila, many drink- East Longitudes. Khulna is bounded by Jashore and Narail Districts on ing water sources in coastal areas were inundated with saline water and the North, by Bagerhat District on the East, by the Bay of Bengal on the became unusable for drinking purposes ( FAO, 2009 ; Mallaick al., 2011 ). Problems associated with coastal areas are primarily connected to conta- Abbreviations: BBS, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics; BMD, Bangladesh Meteorological Department; CIESIN, Center for International Earth Science Information in Network; CW, Canal Water; DoE, Department of Environment; DTW, Deep Tube-well Water; EC, Electrical Conductivity; FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization; GoB, Government of Bangladesh; IWM, Institute of Water Modeling; JUST, Jashore University of Science and Technology; MAR, Magnesium Adsorption Ratio; NTU, Nephelometric Turbidity Unit; PSF, Pond Sand Filter; PW, Pond Water; RW, River Water; SAR, Sodium Adsorption Ratio; SRDI, Soil Resource Development Institute; SSP, Soluble Sodium Percentage; TDS, Total Dissolved Solids; WB, World Bank; WHO, World Health Organization.. ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.R. Shaibur). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2021.100152 Received 15 April 2021; Received in revised form 13 May 2021; Accepted 13 May 2021 2667-0100/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ) M.R. Shaibur, S. Parvin, I. Ahmmed et al. Environmental Challenges 4 (2021) 100152 Table 1 Sample location with global positioning system (GPS) coordination of the different sources of water samples of Khulna District. Samples were collected as surface water (SW) and ground water (GW) from Batiaghata, Dacope, and Koyra Upazila. SID SW Sampling Site GPS Coordination SID GW Sampling Site GPS Coordination Union Location Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Union Location Latitude (N) Longitude (E) Batiaghata Upazila 1 SW Jalma Jalma 22° 44 ’ 45.60 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 54.0 ’’ 1 GW Jalma Jalma 22° 45 ’ 43.20 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 55.20 ’’ 2 SW Jalma Guptamari 22° 46 ’ 33.60 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 22.80 ’’ 2 GW Batiaghata Kismat Phultala 22° 43 ’ 44.40 ’’ 89° 34 ’ 1.20 ’’ 3 SW Batiaghata Kismat Phultala 22° 43 ’ 44.40 ’’ 89° 34 ’ .26.40 ’’ 3 GW Ganga rampur Andharia 22° 41 ’ 9.60 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 8.40 ’’ 4 SW Gangarampur Phultala 22° 41 ’ 16.80 ’’ 89° 33 ’ 46.80 ’’ 4 GW Surkhali Shukdara 22° 40 ’ 8.40 ’’ 89° 28 ’ 37.20 ’’ 5 SW Gangarampur Andharia 22° 41 ’ 6.0 ’’ 89° 32 ’ 6.0 ’’ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ 6 SW Surkhali Shukdara 22° 40 ’ 30.0 ’’ 89° 29 ’ 34.80 ’’ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ 7 SW Surkhali Shukdara 22 41 ’ 34.80 ’’ 89° 29 ’ 2.40 ’’ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ Dacope Upazila 8 SW Bajoa West bajoa 22° 33 ’ 45.4 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 50.38 ’’ 5 GW West bajoa West bajoa 22° 33 ’ 45.32 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 50.77 ’’ 9 SW Bajoa Middle west bajoa 22° 33 ’ 47.09 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 53.08 ’’ 6 GW Middle west bajoa Middle west bajoa 22° 33 ’ 55.01 ’’ 89° 32 ’ 3.7 ’’ 10 SW Dacope Shaberabad 22° 34 ’ 42.67 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 58.54 ’’ 7 GW Shaberabad Shaberabad 22° 34 ’ 44.33 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 59.26 ’’ 11 SW Dacope Shaberabad 22° 34 ’ 54.26 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 40.14 ’’ 8 GW Shaberabad Shaberabad 22° 34 ’ 43.75 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 0.91 ’’ 12 SW Chalna Gourkhati 22° 35 ’ 39.77 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 38.48 ’’ 9 GW Gourkhati Gourkhati 22° 35 ’ 43.12 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 33.91 ’’ 13 SW Chalna Gourkhati 22° 35 ’ 39.77 ’’ 89° 30 ’ 38.48 ’’ 10 GW Gourkhati Gourkhati 22° 35 ’ 59.53 ’’ 89° 31 ’ 6.18 ’’ 14 SW Sutar Khali Talirkona 22° 30 ’ 17.35 ’’ 89° 28 ’ 47.46 ’’ 11 GW Talirkona Talirkona 22° 29 ’ 52.91 ’’ 89° 28 ’ 46.09 ’’ 15 SW SutarKhali Talirkona 22° 29 ’ 58.67 ’’ 89° 28 ’ 48.86 ’’ 12 GW Talirkona Talirkona 22° 29 ’ 54. 46 ’’ 89° 28 ’ 45.44 ’’ 16 SW Kamarkhola Jaliakhali 22° 33 ’ 41.29 ’’ 89° 28 ’ 33.71 ’’ 13 GW Jaliakhali Joynagar 22° 32 ’ 42.72 ’’ 89° 27 ’ 14.29 ’’ 17 SW Kamarkhola Kamarkhola 22° 34 ’ 1.7 ’’ 89° 29 ’ 46.75 ’’ 14 GW Kamarkhola Borojaliakhali 22° 33 ’ 58.93 ’’ 89° 27 ’ 30.02 ’’ Koyra Upazila 18 SW Amadi Amadi 22° 28 ’ 21.83 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 19.75 ’’ 15 GW Amadi Amadi 22° 28 ’ 18.19 ’’ 89°17 ’ 11.54 ’’ 19 SW Amadi Gosh para 22° 28 ’ 17.8 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 1.9 ’’ 16 GW Amadi Gosh para 22° 28 ’ 13.22 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 2.76 ’’ 20 SW Bagali Naranpur 22° 27 ’ 21.74 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 24.94 ’’ 17 GW Bagali Naranpur 22° 27 ’ 20.12 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 29.76 ’’ 21 SW Bagali Kusudanga 22° 27 ’ 35.82 ’’ 89° 19 ’ 19.24 ’’ 18 GW Bagali Kusudanga 22° 27 ’ 34.78 ’’ 89° 19 ’ 21 ’’ 22 SW Maharajpur Maharajpur 22° 22 ’ 11.53 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 3.46 ’’ 19 GW Maharajpur Maharajpur 22° 21 ’ 41.72 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 33.29 ’’ 23 SW Maharajpur Mothbari 22° 22 ’ 50.95 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 37.04 ’’ 20 GW Maharajpur Mothbari 22° 20 ’ 31.85 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 43.59 ’’ 24 SW Uttar Bedkashi Padma-pukur 22° 16 ’ 27.34 ’’ 89° 19 ’ 56.42 ’’ 21 GW Uttar Bedkashi Kathkata 22° 18 ’ 9.18 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 32.15 ’’ 25 SW Uttar Bedkashi Gabbunia 22° 17 ’ 37.93 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 5.4 ’’ 22 GW Uttar Bedkashi Padma-pukur 22° 16 ’ 4.08 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 49.25 ’’ 26 SW Dakshin Bedkashi Chora-mukha 22° 15 ’ 15.19 ’’ 89° 17 ’ 44.59 ’’ 23 GW Dakshin Bedkashi Dakshin bedkashi 22° 16 ’ 4.08 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 49.25 ’’ 27 SW Dakshin Bedkashi Chora mukha 22° 15 ’ 47.41 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 29.2 ’’ 24 GW Dakshin Bedkashi Chora mukha 22° 15 ’ 10.04 ’’ 89° 18 ’ 11.74 ’’ N.B: GPS reading were taken on 30 March, 2018.
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