- Delivered ...~ws '.Eaeh Thursday .rosse .With' YOl,lr Moming Mail 99 Kercheva! ,TV. 2-1900 'Pointes VOLUME IO-NO, 2 lie ,Per Copy . $2.00 Per Yp.u . Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINES Park Election County .Attorney's Fund I.ijkely of Ihe Day Set For. '. To Take' Over \VEEK February 14 Opinion Asked In ~AIgerHou~e As Compiled by Ih. Gross. Pointe l'ews Three Commissioners ~nd Township Appears. O...t of Clerk Will Run. for Re- Thursday, Jan. 6 Picture Because of Neces- 'election; J,an, 28 Last Merger Problems On this day in 1938 S. F. B. sity to Hold Election Morse gave a private demon- Filing Day stration 0 f his "magnetic . Circulating of Petitions Being Held. Up' Pen'ding Decision ~rosse Pointe's War Mem- telegraph" •.. in 1896 U, S. Grosse Pomte Park wIll. On. Status of Residents in Macomb County and anal question is moving Treasury $100,000,300 30-year I elect three .Commissioners and Gr .t' t T. h' ' nearer to a final answer each 4% bonds are oversubscribed. a Clerk thIS year. The terms ' a 10 _own~ Ip week and definite plans which , . in 1942 the registration of men 20-25 is set for February of all are, two. :rears .. The S0I!l~ wonderment has been expressed in the Pointe why have been formulated at a 16 ... in 1943 U. S. bombers Board of <:::ommlssl0ners fixed the petItIOns for a vote on the consolidation of the area into a series of rece~t meetings may sink nine Japanese warships the primary' election day for single .city have hot yet made their .appearance. be approved. and revealed . in 1945 Halsey's ca.rriers February 1.4,. at th,e meeting' Inquiry in the. proper quarters';.~------------. shortly. A meeting of the hit the Chinese coast. of the Board on -Jan. 10. discloses that the petitions so far board of directors ,of the PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S mes- The Commissioners whQ,se' astheir.aescription of the' exaetMad Sp' ouSe Grosse ,Pointe War Memorial sage to Congress on the State terms expire are James McMillan, .meets-'and bounds of,the terri. Library Fund has been called of the Union yesterday calls for William Gillett and Elmer. Ul. tories proposed to be consolidated Gave Tl.P' off' for this Friday night, to be many new social aids and asks rich, The term of. William G. goes, have been -completed.. held in the Neighborhood for "a square deal for all" . ~amman, village clerk, also runs However tl.1e legal angie of Club at 8 p.m. former speaker Martin says that out. residents of that part of a muni~ On RAbbery "if the democratic Congress . All Are Candidatescipality which lies without' the . t7 Last Friday a group of the.' 'agrees to all his requests in full All of these will 'be candidates coUnty (as in the case of the Ma- . fund leaders and private citizens ' the country is in for some dizzy for reelection. comb cou t f f' h who are intensely iriterested in . n y por IOn ,0. ". e Attentions to Married Wom- convertm' g Alger House into the' days" President wants $4 bil- The last date for filing for n"6m- Shores), and of a mumcIpahty , , lion more in taxes. ination is January 28, Unless which has. a part of its territory: an lead to QUick Ar~est of . Pointe's war memorial, met with .. • * there are mon~ than two names in anotheLtownship(as in thej One of Alleged Burglars :epresez:tatives of the Alger fa~- filed f01\ each office. }o}be' filled' case of the Gratiot part of the Ily. It IS up.dersto~d several dlf. FERGUSON CLAIMS he has it wi.ll .lot be neces,:;wy to ~old Woods), peti~ioning for consoli- . Gordon Cameron, a 'ed 31, ferent plans were dIscussed. T~ese proof to blast Hook's charges. a prImary,and the names fIled dation with the proposed single . g '.. I are expecte~ to be further ~Ired . .. .. will go on the ballot at the elec- CI'ty . t b f 11 . d. one of three men who partlcl- at the meetmg of the fund dIrec- , mus, e care u Y examIne. t d' h bb d . RAYMOND T. WADE and his ti01: as.nominees. Att . .'- pa e In t e ro ery. arme torate Friday night. wife, Bessie Lou, officials of the ' ornt.ey Consult led d b I case at the Alex Phillos home ' Townshl'P Sends Letter Society of Good Neighbors, are Regilstration Dates Th IS ques IOn was pace e- t 10'38 N .tt' h D Voters who are not registered fore County ,Attorney Gerald a 0 mg am on . ec~m- On Monday, January 10, a .let- held for trial on conspiracy may register on Jan. 22 or 29 MacDonald' on Jan. 11. ", Iber 17, had an exammatlOn tel' was .sent by the Grosse POInte charges . accused of misusing I with-the registration board in It is not.the pur-pose of the pro .. before'Judge C. Jose1?h Bela~- TownshIp ~oard to Selde,n funds of the society. " the municipal bullding, or they_ ponents .of .consolidation to ask ger, on Jan. 7 and was held In Daume, preSIdent of the DetrOIt .. '" * may also register with the Vil- residents of Grosse Pointe to sign $20,000, bail for trial in Circuit Trust Co. and. a representative of THE .WAR ASSETS ADMIN~ ~~I~e C~~~~s~n.1::~e~~~ardyuri~g a p,etition for a consolidation Court. \ At ,the request of his th~ Alger helrs. The lett~r,.ap- ISTRATION announces that 19l/z ~ whIch could not be legall~r ef- attorney, Edward Beauchamp, pnsed Mr. Daume .of the WIlling. ( acres of the Fort Wayne reserva- fected. These questions. must be the' bail was 'reduced from ness of the townshIp to take ov.er L tion will be deeded to the city, , -Picture by Fred Runnel1~ determined in advance of the, cir- $25 000 t $20 000 the. Alger House })r.op~rty and Its i Poll.Ce Radl.O I i of Detroit within 60 days. When the NEWS photographer looked out. of his. window last Sunday morning c~latbn of the petitions and the' , 0 , '. ~esIre to c,onvert It mto a war 1 " • •• • January 9, he was startled to see these' two young ladies indulging in what is normally PI St II d petitions must be correct both as . Onl~. the Begll~nmg lAne.m0rial for the use of all Ll-,,? TWO BR OTH E R S, Robert ,. a warm we'\ther sport. One look at the thermometer proved that KATIiY LaBROSKI, an., a e. to t~e physical ~oundaries of .the Camerons troubles m thE' Park~ I Pomtes. Blackburn, aged 22, and William, left, and her sister BARBARA, ha'd every ri ght to think that spring might. be here. The terrItory descrIbed. and. legally h?w~,:er, seen: to be only the be 1 Daume Answers aged 19, are termed incorrigible! ~en:perature: was 57 when this picture w~s taken. The girls.are:the daughters of Farms, . By GP 'Woods correct a's t? the permissibility of I f~~~l~e f~~a~:~'o~~ ~a~ ~~ b:~ Mr. Daume answere~ this let- criminals by Judge Groat and I Pollee Sergeant and Mrs. Lester LaBroskI of Morass road .. - , _ . ~hese questIOnable areas to come "1' h b f J d ter on Tuesday. He scud that the are sentenced to 20-40 years each ,'~ '.' .', '.. c', 'J' ';, , ... "': -'. - . ';'., ::,<:.:.,.: ,:,,', , ::'.:' "'_ .:-~.~:.';,.:" .... .. __ ' _' ',' ,'. , ,. m. .'. .' " ~or:~. ~cil~e:sX;; of ~n~~:ter ~v~~ Alg~r .family ~s widely scattere.d. in Jackson penitentiary . , , Robert .is led struggling and A'~e>;;"~'l~a;'.;;~'1~:'D11l':0.>~t''0' S' .•A.:t' -t'empt' .4-.n. .P' '1.ck:...T~T.p""':'1:1'1"0" 'm', ":'a'" ':':n.,,~. -Vil~8~resi~.n+.",~h.~:.r: ..~,~:T::;~~~}i.:;~~:~~X~~?;~pt;r:'~\,;~~~ti~~~,~'rdC~:;;$l~,~.OO.:wi~',~~: ;~iP~:r;'~;b.;;~~t;r;~~a:o~;C;;et-._., cursing f:'om the courtroom .f:l, f, C If,.tl. tU ,..U. "'f , . VOices. Satisfaction With, VIors would also. requlre satls- _., . "" ". iorethey~'are;.all,.togdher;.Plri;' . both have a. long criminal ree- Ed' C '...''. .' . '. T" h' S' .. .,.' faction on these. Roints' before it ,The two other p~rtIe& W?O are but that he is sending them alr ord. .xpecte to Lea'ds t.O . 'apt'ure of Gang ," owns.p ystem .. , gave per~issi?n for such a vote all~ged to ha~e fIgured In ~he copies of t~e town?hip's letter .. .. .' '--- . .on ,cons6hdatIon and fixed the ~hIllos robbery, Herb~rt WIll- and resolutIon asking for the .d PI . .A de.} d f" St 1 L' t. 'Th€proposed change".in the date for such a vote, " lams and Sammy Lave1gne,'are property. c';;r~~F~~~~~~EJ~~ ~L~e~~~: A l anners n ar oa 0 0 en ,00' po~ice radip servi,ce in Grosse It. is ~o meet tHese questions sti.ll,at large. It was Cameron and; Apprehensive N. C., forg.::s his fathers name , Pomte has, run mto a snag. that the matter has been laid Y'lllIamst th PIw~o11forcedh them~elvesth j Mr. Daume further stated that to gain access to the iamily safe State to Make Air pictures of Alert Resident Phones in Tip and Scout' Cars Indulg' e In The pli:ui which has been be~ore the younty Attorney, as m~. e 11 os orne WI a 'while he cannot speak with cer- .Jeposl't bo'.o, takes $50,000 and • fostered'by the Shores Farms the Board of Supervisors' posi- ChrIst~as tree used as a sor~ of tainty for all the members of the hasu" a glorious spree for 3 months Ent'Ire' Sou th eas t ern Por t'Ion W'ldlaseCh Be f ore Forcmg.
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