PITTSBURGH^ «| (M CO <M i/i in h H lA H Q. (NJ Q£ O ' i.U O ' > 0 0 z o c a t h o l i c rsj 3 0 X 0 ’ - ■ •• I I B U B U J o oc > Z 3 •C C t </> 0 0 _______________ ———^ — —__________________________, 148 Y 2 3 3 h No. 25 25 cents Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, September 4, 1992 1 (DOUt- "......................... " 1111 11 ' ■ mi»........... ■■■... • 1 II' O ►-» 3 O *h O J O Jo. Diuuesan high school teachers O K contract PITTSBURGH — Teachers in contribution to secondary ed­ health care improvements in­ eight diocesan high schools ucation by the diocese." cluded in the new contract. have approved a four-year The contract, Dr. Cibik add­ The pension improvements contract. ed, also "rewards the teachers were especially important to The contract, effective with for their key role in providing the teachers, Scuglia said. the beginning of the fall term, academically excellent educa­ 'We are exceedingly pleased provides for across the board tion rooted in sound moral that Bishop Wuerl saw fit to increases-of $1,600 for 1992- values." modify the pension plan,” 93, $2,000 in 1993-94 and "Secondary teachers were Scuglia said. 1994-95 and $2,300 in 1995- extremely pleased with the Members of the diocesan 96. This would ______________ negotiating team, brin g the in addition to Dr. starting salaiy “ We are very happy that teachers in Catholic Cibik, included of a first year high schools. .voted overwhelmingly infa- Daniel Cooper, teacher with a vor of the new contract." Esq.; Anna Marie bachelor's de- Catanzaro, assis­ g r e e to Dr. Rosemarie E. Cibik tant superinten- $17,500 and “ dent for second­ one with a master’s degree contract," said Bruno Scuglia, ary schools; William C. Lloyd, and 20 years of service to union president and head of diocesan secondary schools $34,600 in the current school its negotiating team. He educational consultant; John year. thanked all who had a part in Maurer, principal, Canevin "We are very happy that the contract, especially Bishop High School; Brother Martin teachers in Catholic high Donald W. Wuerl and Very Zewe, FSC., principal. Central schools represented by the Rev. Thomas J. Tobin, dioce­ Catholic High School; Father Federation of Pittsburgh Dioc­ san vicar general and general Steven Sysol, OFM, principal, esan Teachers voted over­ secretary. Serra High School: and Dr. whelmingly in favor of the new The contract covers approxi­ Cibik. contract," said Dr. Rosemarie mately 220 teachers at Canev­ The union negotiating team, Relief for hurricane victims E. Cibik, diocesan secretary in, Central Catholic, North in addition to Scuglia, in­ for education and superinten­ Catholic, Oakland Catholic, cluded Dr. Thomas Hohler, Jose Sanchez is reunited with his puppies relief of victim s of Hurricane Andrew; or per-, dent of schools. "It is a gener­ Quigley, St. Joseph, Serra, North Catholic; George Rudol­ after Hurricane Andrew destroyed their sons can send contributions to Hurricane ous contract, reflecting the fi­ and Seton LaSalle High ph, Oakland Catholic; Charles home in a Florida trailer park. The Pitt­ Relief, Diocese of Pittsburgh, 111 Blvd. of the nancial sacrifice of parents of Schools. Rutter, Seton-LaSalle; and sburgh Diocese will take up a second collec­ Allies, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. See related students and the large There also were pension and Russell Delvecchio, Canevin. tion at all weekend Masses on Sept. 5-6 for story on page 3. Inclusive education’ program underway for students enrolled at St. Anthony School By PATRICIA BARTOS seven students: St. Colman in study and consultation, is And on the high school lev­ PITTSBURGH — St. An­ Turtle Creek, nine students: widely recognized as being el, the students are involved! thony School for Excep­ St. Joseph, Verona, seven stu­ both personally rewarding and in vocational training. tional Children, which for dents; St. Peter, Nbrth Side, effective. It allows for inclusive St. Anthony School now decades has educated chil­ eight; Resurrection in education of children with operates from an adminis­ dren with developmental Brookline, 11; and St. Thomas special needs in other Catho­ trative center at 2718 disabilities at its facility in More, Bethel Park, 11. St. lic schools of the diocese." Custer Ave., Carrick, on the Oakmont, has entered the Anthony students are also en­ The program at the eight grounds on St. Wendelin era of "inclusive education" rolled in two high schools: schools is staffed and oper­ Parish. Ms. Lieb will be by enrolling its students in Canevin, with 13 students, ated by the faculty at St. An­ making regular visits to eight area Catholic schools and North Catholic, with nine. thony. The children are placed each of the eight schools to this fall. The annual diocesan collec­ in home rooms where they will evaluate the program. Inclusive education, ac­ tion to slid St. Anthony .School be under the care of a special Children from St. Anthony cording to St. Anthony di­ for Exceptional Children will education teacher and assis­ have been at St. Thomas be taken up in all churches on tants for their regular classes. More for six years now, but The team ministry at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish will consist rector Kim Lieb, enables the of Fr. Mark Glasgow (left) and Fr. Henry Krawczyk. children to live at home with Sept. 13. They also will join in many it was just this fall that the their families, to interact In a letter to all priests pro­ school activities such as full, permanent conversion with children their own age moting the collection, Fr. Tho­ lunch, music, recess, prayer of the St. Anthony operation D uo to lead new parish and to learn at their own mas Tobin, general secretary- and gym classes with the was made. Where once the pace. vicar general of the diocese, other children in the school. children had to commute or in H om estead-M unhall area It reflects the "state of the wrote: "St. Anthony School Also, according to Ms. Lieb, remain in residence at St. has a long and rich tradition they may join in certain aca­ Anthony's Oakmont site, to­ By JOHN FRANKO Henry Krawczyk. Fr. Glasgow art" thinking in regard to PITTSBURGH — Raising will serve as the moderator.” > educating children with de­ of providing quality education demic classes if their learning day they can share the for children with special level permits. The St. Anthony school day with children of the social awareness of the " B y marshalling thq velopmental disabilities, she church to the economic strengths and resources of the added. needs." children are tested to deter­ their neighborhoods and re­ He added that the inclusive mine their individual educa­ main at home with their troubles facing local residents people we hope to become a This fall, St. Anthony's 75 will be a focus of the new big asset to the community,’* students will be studying at: education philosophy, "ac­ tional levels and they may families. cepted after long and careful share a class, if appropriate. (Continued on page 2) Homestead-Munhall cluster Fr. Krawczyk stated. “ Fri St. Anselm in Swissvale, parish of St. Maximilian Mark and I are looking forward Kolbe. to working with the people in The parish will encompass the community to build a ‘Charitable Gift Annuity’ the area formerly served by St. strong parish.” Anne, St. Anthony, St. Building a strong parish wifi Margaret, St. Michael, St. involve a close associattoii addresses financial needs Mary Magdalene and SS. Peter with the entire Homestead? By JOHN FRANKO is Just better." and Paul. Munhall area. PITTSBURGH - The diocese Other dioceses feature the St. Anne, St. Anthony, St. "The Church has to have a has initiated a "Charitable Gift gift annuity program but the Mary Magdalene and St. social awareness,” said Fri Annuity" plan as part of its concept here has been ap­ Michael have been designated Glasgow. “ The unemployed continuing efforts to fund proached in a unique fashion. worship sites. and underemployed of the more than 100 programs and "No other diocese has this The parish will be served by area have to be a very high charitable efforts. The pro­ typé of program," said Francis the two-priest team ministry priority for us.” gram is designed to support Devlin, director of the Office of Fathers Mark Glasgow and (Continued on page 2) the mission of the Church for Special Gifts. "It adminis­ while also addressing personal ters annually at the diocesan financial needs. level but it allows the individ­ A charitable gift annuity is ual more freedom to designate part gift and part sale. It pro­ the parish or organization that Editorials...,............... .....4 vides a guaranteed annual in­ will be the beneficiary of their H is t o r y Letters................ 5 - come with a fixed rate of re­ gift." Entertainment.«... .....6 turn for the rest of a person's Interested parties may ar­ Msgr. Francis Glenn B ib le Q u iz .............................8 life. At the annuitant's death, range for a charitable gift an­ presents the first of a two- C a th o lic L ife ....« .....................7 nuity with a minimum gift of part series on the history of Around Diocese...... 9*12 the remaining balance of the the Pittsburgh Diocese. S c h o o l ..... 10 annuity automatically trans­ $5,000. Deferred gift annu­ ............................................P a g e 7 fers to the diocesan parish ities can be arranged for a Obituaries ............12 125th anniversary in Reserve Twp. program or institution of their minimum of $10 ,000. M e r i t S t Aloystus Parish, Reserve Twp., observed its 125th anniver­ choice.
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