1 QUARK MODEL OF HADRONS 1 Quark model of hadrons 1.1 Symmetries and evidence for quarks 1 Hadrons as bound states of quarks – point-like spin- 2 objects, charged (‘coloured’) under the strong force. Baryons as qqq combinations. Mesons as qq¯ combinations. 1 Baryon number = 3 (N(q) − N(¯q)) and its conservation. You are not expected to know all of the names of the particles in the baryon and meson multiplets, but you are expected to know that such multiplets exist, and to be able to interpret them if presented with them. You should also know the quark contents of the simple light baryons and mesons (and their anti-particles): p = (uud) n = (udd) π0 = (mixture of uu¯ and dd¯) π+ = (ud¯) K0 = (ds¯) K+ = (us¯). and be able to work out others with some hints. P 1 + Lowest-lying baryons as L = 0 and J = 2 states of qqq. P 3 + Excited versions have L = 0 and J = 2 . Pauli exclusion and non existence of uuu, ddd, sss states in lowest lying multiplet. Lowest-lying mesons as qq¯0 states with L = 0 and J P = 0−. First excited levels (particles) with same quark content have L = 0 and J P = 1−. Ability to explain contents of these multiplets in terms of quarks. J/Ψ as a bound state of cc¯ Υ (upsilon) as a bound state of b¯b. Realization that these are hydrogenic-like states with suitable reduced mass (c.f. positronium), and subject to the strong force, so with energy levels paramaterized by αs rather than αEM Top is very heavy and decays before it can form hadrons, so no top hadrons exist. You should (for example) be able to ⇒ draw quark-flow diagrams for production and decay of resonances; ⇒ determine if a reaction can proceed via the strong force (no flavour changes, only strongly-interacting particles participate); ⇒ be able to apply Breit-Wigner formula to extract/interpret properties of new resonances (N.B. CM energy needed – first year relativity). Isospin was touched on in the problem set but is non-examinable. 1 1.2 Nucleons as bound states of quarks 2 THE STANDARD MODEL 1.2 Nucleons as bound states of quarks p = uud, n = udd You should be able to draw quark-flow and Feynman diagrams at the quark level for reactions involving protons and neutrons, e.g. β± decay, electron capture, solar reactions 1.3 Deep inelastic scattering Scattering of a very high-momentum ( 1 GeV) lepton probe from some target hadron (usually p or n). Probe has small wavelength and so scatters from what appear to be “temporarily free quarks” inside the hadron, rather than from hadron as a whole. Subsequently outgoing quarks cannot exist as free objects so generate ‘jets’ of hadrons along their direction of motion. Probe may be neutrino or charged lepton (usually e±). You should be able to draw Feynman diagrams at the quark level for charged- current (W ±) and neutral-current (Z0 and/or γ as appropriate). Vertex factors and relativistic propagators 1/ P · P − m2 for virtual particles You should be able to ⇒ work out the energy-momentum of the ZMF, and of the virtual/intermediate boson ⇒ indicate the vertex couplings and calculate the propagator factor(s). (Note, need basic relativistic kinematics again here. Life is easier with 4-vectors.) 2 The Standard Model 2.1 Quark and lepton families Members of the families (a.k.a. generations): quarks: (u, d), (c, s), (t, b); charged 1 leptons: e, µ, τ and their associated neutrinos. Spin= 2 . Point-like nature. Some idea of mass. Quantum numbers (baryon number, lepton number, strangeness, charm, bottomness, electric charge, colour charge [non-examinable: isospin]). Fundamental interactions: ⇒ electromagnetic charges and couplings of each to photon (vertex factor of Qge where Q is the charge in units of proton charge); ⇒ strong charges and couplings of each quark to the gluon (vertex factor of gs for quarks only) ; 2 2.2 Strong interaction, confinement 2 THE STANDARD MODEL ± 0 ⇒ vertices involving W and Z with vertex factors ≈ gw (W couplings involving quarks of different generations are in fact suppressed). Feynman diagrams involving each vertex. Flavour mixing: flavour changes only occur in quarks via W ± boson (weak eigen- states 6= mass/energy eigenstates). Inter-family mixing (e.g. usW or bcW ver- tices) suppressed relative to mixing within families (e.g. udW or csW vertices). No flavour-changing neutral currents. Flavour mixing: flavour changes only occur in leptons via neutrino oscillations (mass/energy eigenstates 6= flavour/weak eigenstates). 2.2 Strong interaction, confinement Force transmitted by massless, coloured gluons. Force is strong since αs = gs/(4π) ≈ 1. Gluons carry colour ⇒ gluon self-interactions. As quarks pulled apart potential energy continues to increase. If quarks pulled far apart, the energy in the field is transformed into new particles. qq¯ pairs are pulled out of the vacuum, allowing the formation of multiple colour-neutral states (mesons and baryons). Result is jets of hadrons in direction of original quark and/or anti- quark momenta. (The sprays or jets are created because of the relativistic headlight effect). Net result: quarks can’t be found free in nature – they are confined within colour- neutral hadrons of size ∼ fm. 2.3 Weak interaction Mediated by W ± and Z0 bosons. Couple to quarks and leptons with vertex factors ∼ gw. Universality of lepton couplings. For quarks W couplings suppressed for inter-generational W qq0 vertices. Weak boson vertices violate parity: amplitudes not the same after the parity oper- ation P: x → −x. Helicity is projection of spin in momentum direction h = S·p/|p|. We showed in the examples that the helicity eigen-states change sign under a parity operation. W ± bosons couple preferentially to negative-helicity quarks and leptons, and to positive- helicity anti-quarks and anti-leptons. In the relativistic limit the W ± bosons couple only to those helicities.1 The reactions rates are very, very nearly the same after the combined operations of parity (x → −x) and charge conjugation (replacement of particles with their corresponding anti-particles). The combined operation is known as CP. 1Non-examinable: in the relativistic limit the helicity of a spin-half particle coincides with a property of a spin-half particle which is called its chirality or ‘handedness’. 3 2.4 Production and decay of the W and Z bosons2 THE STANDARD MODEL 2.4 Production and decay of the W and Z bosons Production in hadron and lepton collisions. (Relativistic) calculations involving energy, momentum, CM energy. Experimental identification of final states involving leptons, jets and missing energy & momentum from neutrinos. Width of the Z0: + − + − + − Γ(Z) = Γ(qq,¯ q ∈ u, d, s, c, b) + Γe e + Γµ µ + Γµ µ + Nν × Γ(νν¯). Can measure full width from width of Breit-Wigner. Can calculate the partial widths to the visible final states from their rates. With a calculation of Γ(νν¯) we can then 0 infer Nν , the number of light neutrinos that couple to the Z . Find Nν = 3 to high precision. Good evidence for only three generations of leptons (and so we presume quarks). 2.5 Neutrino oscillations Individual lepton flavour [for any individual ` ∈ {e, µ , τ}, the lepton flavour number − + ± is L` = N(` ) − N(` ) + N(ν`) − N(¯ν`)] conserved at W vertices, however over long distances neutrinos found to change flavour. Experiments consistent with quantum oscillations. Calculation for two-state system (handout). Results in lepton flavour violation (but not violation of total lepton number: L = Le + Lµ + Lτ . Examples of solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations. Implication is that neutrinos must have (small, sub-eV) mass. 4 3 EXAMPLE: B1 2006 QUESTION 6 3 Example: B1 2006 question 6 Link to 2006 B1 paper The following list gives some combinations of quarks. State which combinations occur in nature, and in each such case give an example. q, qq, qqq, qqqq, qq, qqq, qqqq, qqqqq, qqq, qqq The D+ meson is the lowest-mass charmed meson with a mass of 1869 MeV/c2. The (D+)∗ meson has a mass of 2010 MeV/c2 and has spin-parity J P = 1−. Give the spin and parity of the D+ and explain how the D+ and (D+)∗ mesons fit into the quark model. + ∗0 + The D may decay into K µ νµ. What is the maximum possible momentum the muon could have in a decay in which the D+ has total energy of 1885 MeV? Enumerate the likely decay modes of the (D+)∗ meson and draw a Feynman diagram or quark flow diagram for each. ∗0 [The mass of K is 892 MeV/c2.] Of the combinations given, the candidates that might exist in nature must be colourless. The quark–antiquark combinations that can be made colourless are: quarks example quarks example hadron qqq uud proton qq¯ ud¯ π+ meson q¯q¯q¯ u¯d¯d¯ anti-neutron qqqqq¯ – – Only the baryons (qqq), mesons (qq¯) and the anti-baryons (q¯q¯q¯), are observed in nature. (The baryon–meson ‘molecule’ qqqqq¯ has not been confirmed to exist.) The D+ is the lowest lying charmed meson. It must therefore be a ground-state combination of a charmed quark with a first-generation quark. To get the positive charge the charm must be in the form of c rather than c¯ and the anti-quark must be a d¯; so it has quark content cd¯. All the lowest-lying mesons for light quark content have J = S = L = 0 and negative parity, so we would expect the same to be true for the D+. J P = 0− The (D+)∗ is an excited state of the D+.
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