H i g h t s t o w n G a z e t t e . 97th YEAR-NUMBER 38 HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEJ3RUARY 1946 PRICE—FIVE CENTS Potato Movement Poultry Business \D. W. Rich Named Tax Rate Will Requests Approval of During Last Year Is Incorporatedi Y .M .C .A , Officer Jump This Year Although New Jersey growers har­ A poultry processing business at Donald Bich was elected vice-pres-1 The problems of budget making with vested a much larger yield of potatoes Granbury which has been operated UO' School Budget Items idem of the Y.M.C.A. at the January: the thought in mind of making provi- last year than in 1944, the distribution der a partnership agreement, has been meeting of the Board of Directors. He sions to raise sufficient moneys to meet of the crop w’as not as widespread as in incorporated under the name of the The (^mWeWts that follow are jiromp-1 quarters have been available previously has been associated with the organiza-j the running expenses of the various former years. According to the sum­ Cranbnry Poultry Company and will ted by a knowledge of the schools ac- land with present scarcity, poor quality hon for several years and an active municipal departments and at the same mary prepared by the Bureau of Mar­ take over the assets of the business ac- .. » as jand prohibitive cost of material it seems kets of.th e State Department of Agri Board member for more than five time’ 'keep the tax rate to the lowest ,pupn, citizen, taxpayer and board m em -!that the chance to purchase the lob coniin gto papers filed Thursday in the years. culture, a total of 9,844 carlots of pota­ office of County Clerk Edward J, Peck. point wers before Council Tuesday |ber. Few people.can qow realize, how iproperty is providential Furthermore toes were shipped to other states and For the second year Fred Broadhurst night As midnight approached ad-jpoorly equipped, how poorly attended ;we need that land for further additior,: Identical papers were filed for the and Bob Engle have been chosen as to Canada in 1945, compared to 6,616 in juornment was taken until next Tues-iand how difficult to maintain tl^ey were I,akehurst Farms, Inc., also a poultry assemblymen to the N. J. Model Legis to the present high school building the previous year. M ore than 16,000 day evening. (over many of those years. which probably will be necessary in less processing business, and the Cranbnry lature for Youth at the State House. carlots, including rail, truck, and gov­ The mandatory items providing for ( ^As they improved, attendaijice became Feed Company. Each of the three com­ This will be held early in April and in than ten years and not to take advan­ ernment-purchase dshipraens, were payment of bonds and interest and the Tetter and more regular, for, with ,bet- tage of Mr. Job’s offer now might mean panies is incorporated with 150 shares March they will attend the committee estimated amounts for school, state | ter equipment and a broader e’ducation- a much heavier burden very shortly moved in 1945. of common .stock, which was subscribed planning meetings at Princeton Univer­ Spokesmen for the department at­ school, county and county library taxes a! program, more intel-est among par- equally by Michael Pack of Cranbnry, sity. when the owner would not be as kindly tribute the decline in widespread dis­ could only be considered as parts of ents and pupils became .evident. The disposed to tl?e school as Mr. Job has David Pack of Milford, Del., and Harry The Jr. Gra-Y Club have set the first tribution to the fact that potatoes did the grand total to be raised in H i^ ts - costs-have of necessity increased but it .always been. A vote in favor of the Pack of Dagsboro, Del. and second Tuesday nights of each not carry well in uniced refrigerator town by taxation. soon was show*' that the better the purchase of this property would mean month as their swim nights. The group cars. Another factor was the failure of In most of the departments larger scliools became the more able the t o - that the girls could begin their course is under the direction of Stanley Eld- sums appear to be necessary to take rail shipments to arrive at their des­ Ton of Garments payer has been to m eef his greatly m- jin Home Economics next fall, otherwise ridge and Fred Zinn, a trained life care of increased salaries and wages tination on time. creased obligations.. Never before has Jt might be many years before anything guard and swimming instructor. and the higher costs of materials and the expenditures for schools been less could be done. ^ ^ New York State absorbed almost For Overseas The basketball team of the Pioneer supplies. Replacements are an impor­ a burden than they are today. Do not fo'^et to press your legisla­ three times as many Garden State po­ Gra-Y lost a close game to the James- tant expense item. The fire department Schools are the outcome of the desire ture to provide some real help to oar tatoes this past year as in 1944. Due Mrs. Karl 0 . Baird, local chairman burg Jr. Hj-Y, 15-12, at Jamesburg on reports that another piece of equipment of parents to give succeeding genera- schools and bring our State from the to the early harvest in this State, New of the Victory Clothing Drive, reports Monday evening. The smaller Hights­ must be purchased. The police depart­ tions better opportunities and improved Icellar at least part way upstairs among Jersey growers were able to send 51 collections weighed 2,100 pounds. In­ town Doys outclassed their' rivals in ment seeks a new automobile. At pre­ surroundings and environments, hence |the states in the Union, now most of cars of potatoes to Canada before early cluded were approximately 2,800 gar­ teamwork, passing and floor play but vious meetings the Mayor and Coun- fthe j , o public aschool a Ua a i systemA ..A *— Ashould1.A.. 1 J V.be------ sothe money is raised through the State Canadian potatoes were ready for har­ ments, 265 pairs of shoes and 23 bed­ the height and size of the Jamesburg cilmen specified appropriations item by broad and complete as to give every vesting. ding items. School Tax as listed on your taxbill of boys accounted for an advantage not item. Tuesday night the paring knives child in any community as good a In addition to railroad movement, These articles were received and which 90% is handed back to the com ­ easily overcome. Dick Hood, Bobby were used. IJext Tuesday night the chance as the most favored child in munities. truck shipments increased from an packed through the cooperation of the Dey, Barry Ivins, Bob Clark, Harry prepared budget will be offered for ap­ any other community. To represent W A L T E R C. BLACK. equivalent of 4,100 carlots in 1944 to Baptist Ladies Aid, Beth El Sister­ Gudice and Bob George composed the proval. It will then be published and a 6,100 carlots in 1945, making the great­ , , 1 - 1 • T • ^rid to carry out this laudable hood, Woman's Society of Christian team. date set for the public hearing. It is desire a board of education is chosen est increase in truck movement since Service, Methodist Church; Women's Tonight a group from Groveville are indicated that the 19^ tax rates will be i^y tjje voters to represent them to the John B. Braun Sr. 1940. Service Guild, Presbyterian Church, and visiting and playing a basketball game higher than the 1945 rate, fullest, this board appoints various com- Truck shipments are expected to in­ Funeral services for John B. Braun, St. Anthony’s Church. with the Jr. H i-Y Club. Routine business included the receipt study each phase of school Sr., 80, who died Monday at Morris crease ip 1946 and may exceed the hTe cartons were collected by mem­ of monthly reports, _ payment of bills, j activity to make a careful study of Hall, Eawrenceville, will be held from 11,000 carlot mark set in 1940 if suffi­ bers o f the Lions Club and sent to the Mrs. Albert L. Anderson authorizing the police department to their department, discover its weak- the home of his son, A. J. Braun o f 221 cient trucks are available to distribu­ M ercer Baling Company, a Federal make improvements at the dog pound, nesses and the causes and its needs and Grant avenue, Thursday morning at 8 tors, according to the State agency. warehouse at the Trenton Fair grounds. Mrs. Mary E. Anderson, widow of and granting a plumbing license to Albert L. Anderson, died Thursday at the cost with a plan to correct and o’clock. Requiem high mass will be cel­ At this plant the articles are sorted and Thomas R. Williams. Sunnyfield Nursing Home. Mrs. A nder­ supply the needs that they deem neces­ ebrated at St. Anthony’s Church at Mr*. John Maloney baled for overseas shipment. William sary. These committees make their sev­ 9:30. Interment will be in St. Rose of C. Pullen moved the cartons to Tren­ son who was born near Freehold 82 Hudson Car on years ago, had lived near Hamilton eral reports to the finance committee Lima Cemetery, Freehold, under direc- Mrs. Mary Anna Maloney, widow of ton.
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