University of Central Florida STARS The Greeter Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-25-1933 Greeter: A guide: where to go, what to see, Orlando's Civic Weekly, week ending November 25 Hotel Greeters of Florida Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-thegreeter University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Greeter by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Hotel Greeters of Florida, "Greeter: A guide: where to go, what to see, Orlando's Civic Weekly, week ending November 25" (1933). The Greeter. 43. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-thegreeter/43 t. GUIDE-WHAT'S WHAT OFFICIAL CIVIC WI5J!KLY Week Ending November 25, '33 America's Finest Beers MUNCH'S - JAX - EDELBRAU · -- Central Florida Distributo.s BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTING CbMPANY 617 VI. Robinson St. Carl Tegder, Manager W THE GREETER this that and the other- A GUIDE ••• WHERE TO GO ••• WHAT TO SEE "What a man" MILLIGAN is -the talk of WHATS WHAT-DAY BY DAY the_ town. It i~ reported that it is all three CIVIC WEEKLY so~ial secretariE:s ~an do to book his ap­ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION pomtments begmnmg one month hence-­ CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER CHARTER 19 the date the REPORTER STAR that all HOTEL GREETERS OF AMERICA his bones ·w.iU be healed--'CAMERO ORLANDO APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS SHIPP and BILL STORY of the Winter SOCIETY Gar~en Journal are dodging inhibition ac­ A. P . PHILLIPS, JR., EDITOR A.ND PUBLISHER cordm~ ~o their last week's paper with a DON EMERY, DAYTONA. BEACH, ADVERTISING ve_ry_ VIVId departure from accepted journ­ LILLIAN SHAPPY, SECRETARY ah~tic layout-DR. LEMAN has moved his JOSE ARENTZ, ART DIRECTOR offices back to the WYOMING HOTEL HARRY FITZGERALD, FISHING EDITOR :Vhich re~inds us. that DEWI_TT MILLER JACK BRANHAM . L. O. MOTE, C. L. VARNER, 1s up to his ears m work1 agam-Since the CONTRIBUTORS DUBSDREAD COUNTRY CLUB issued PUBLISHED EACH SATURDAY their new and attractive folder JACK DISTRI BUTED BY BRANham prexy at the ORLANDO COU _ U. S. MAIL. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, TRY CLUB is getting ideas in the same THEATRES, HOTELS, APARTMENTS, direction-C_. C. COMMANDER, head man RESTAURANTS AND WHEREVER of the Florida Citrus Exchange, is a fre­ ' PEOPLE CONGREGATE quent visitor to these parts lately. Let's ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION not relinquish our plea for Exchange head­ PUBLICATION OFFICE quarters. This should be a major project SUITE 223 CHURCH AND MAIN BLDG. of the GREATER ORLANDO CHAMBER PHONE 4040 until it is accomplished-T. K. JOHNSO doing some nice work and we all wish him God speed in his endeavors-CRAWFORD radio at a glance ;BICKFOR_D, Countr Chamber Secretary, m the midst of his annual membership round-up. His next thoughts will be on the N. B. C. CHAIN Central Florida Exposition which remin is Station City Kilocycles us is duck soup for COL. R. M. SHEARER WJZ-New York .............. .......................... 760 -Congratulations to JANE W A,SHBUR WEAF-New York .... :........................ : ...... 660 an~ BILL_ CANTRELL, these two capable WSM-Nashville .......................................... 650 writers will keep the nation well-informed WSB-Atlan ta .............................................. 740 of the activities in Orlando this season­ WFAA-Dallas ............................................ 800 Many an office has suffered from the rig­ WSUN-St. Petersburg .............................. 6.20 ors of the cold in the last week and every­ WENR-Chicago ........................................ 870 where you go you are saluted v•ith a hani­ KFI-Los Angeles ........................................ 640 k~rchief-BI~L ~ANIER Cit·-1 Comptroller, COLUMBIA CHAIN bids a meetmg mterest payments in New York City-Cashier CAPEHART of the V/ABC-New York .................................... 860 Florida Bank greets everyone with a fond WHAS-Louisville ...................................... 820 "How do you do'!" But there are too many WET-Charlotte ...... , ................................... 1080 of us who do not "do so well" upon leaving WDBO-Orlando ........................................ 5 80 -Welcome to Orlando, ROY WHI'DI G, WLAC-Nashville ...................................... 1470 you have some shoes to fill for GEORGE MEXICO DA VIS of the Home Supply Organization­ XER ........ ................................................ ...... 730 J. W. FITZGERALD back home with JOE INDEPENDENT McCORMICK, out scouting for new lumber WWL--New Orleans .............. .................. 8.50 business-Which reminds us that SARAH McCORMICK JONES is now recunerating from an appendictomy-BURT SMITH and PROMPT and EFFICIENT C. M. McLE NAN have just issued a most 'ii RADIO SERVICE attractive and enlightening svmpo ium of e their FLORIDA FARM & GROVE which n ALL MAKES now boasts of over 65,000 circulation-and l.l. D. Waite Radio & Service while we are speaking of circulation we Phone 7661 111 E. Pine St. must remind you that the GREETER reach­ Crosley and Majestic Dealer es the "cream of the crop" of Orlando and Winter Park and affords the advertiser ti privileged entry to the better homes ~nd of­ fi""'S. WP. could rave on forever but JES­ C SI ALBEE of the Typesetting Compan7 d PETE THE TAILOR, Inc. is hollering for copy and we never keep a y Exdusive French Dry Cleaners and Dyers lady aiting. 1 Office-36 W. Central-Dial 6101 ORLA DO COU TRY CLUB- Eio-hteen•ho'e ,:0 r ti cour e (par 70). tennis, clear water bathin~. at• y Plant-11 7 South Bryant tractive, commodious cluh--ho·1. e. The rendezvon of the ocial i,,et. Only OT' e anif n half mile'l from the center of tbe downtown <li trict. a on and off winter park news the avenue rollin_s college notes The Art Gallery at Rolrm College is Would you like to know the really in­ open every afternoon until five o'clock from dividual gown shop of Orlando? Frances Monday through Friday, regularly, and Slater at 22 N. Orange Avenue is the an­ there will be several exhibitions before the rwer. Just a casual visit to this smart Christmas vacation. In add~tion to tihe shop is an, education "in itself. Here you work of members of the Art · faculty, sev­ l,... u .rind Just w nat the well dressed women eral paintings have been borrowed, among of Orlando will wear because Frances Slat­ them two water colors by F. Hopkinson er is always just ahead of the styles. Eve­ Smith, the noted author, engineer and ning gowns, wraps, and sport clothes are painter, which have been loaned to the Stu­ always featured. dio by President Hamilton Holt. Have you taken our oft-mentioned sug­ Herman F. Siewert's Organ Vespers pro­ gestion of driving out to the Flamingo for grams for Tuesday, November 21, will in­ a real evening of enjoyment? If you- have, clude numbers from Bach, Kinder, Strovin­ you know what those who have not have ski and Chaminade. These programs begin missed. Good music by Cherryl Owen's at 5:30 p. m. at Knowles Memorial Chapel, and his orchestra, excellent dance floor, and are open to the public. tempting Spanish or American style din­ The Rollins College football team will ners-everything for a perfect evening. meet a strong eleven from Lenoir Rhyne Just a short pleasant drive one-half mile College from Hickory, N. C., Thur sday out on the Cheney Highway. night, November 23, at Tinker Field. For years Lenoir Rhyne has been highly re­ spected in North Carolina football circles We'll wager · these cold winds have and the team brings with it a long estab­ brought to light the fact that your house lished reputation of playing high-grade could be made warmer by just a little re­ football. pairing or altering. Why not call Jack Stevens, general contractor, and have his A Problem-It is stated that a young ac­ figures and suggestions. You may reach tress in Hollywood "is seeking to insure him by calling 5870 or drop him a line at for 20,000 lbs. the 182 freckles which adorn Route 1, Box 97 B. her face.'~· 109 lbs. apiece seems a good price for what some people have considered Do you know that there isn't anything in a disfigurement. And if Freckle No. 137 the dressmaking line that Mrs. John Todd were to disappear? cannot do? She is simply marvelous when it comes to altering or remodeling, and the results achieved with yard material, of your choice, is beyond description. Why not calJ. on Mrs. Todd today at 17½ S. Or­ ange Ave? She will be more than glad tc, help you and you'll find her suggestions to be just what you had in mind. j ' • • . The Perrydell, Orlando's most attractive tea hous~ ar,d gift shop: located at 22 E. Gore, is a FREE TICKETS TO BEACHAM THEATRE beauty spot that out-of,town visitors should not Best wishes are extended by ilie Grce~cr to fa il to enjoy. Visitors are cordially greeted by the following friends and readers wh9 arc ccl, Mrs. Perry or M :ss Randall. Here, while wait, ebrating their birthday. A telephone ca,11, a note of congratulations, a visit or a little gift in g just a very short time for your order, you will make the day happier for them. may take in the bits of interesting surroundings To add to the birthday, the Greeter and the wh ich include paintings, antique furniture, drap, Beacham theatre invite each of these attend eries and odd gift novelties. Everything is to the current picture at the BEACHAM, as the maintained to make your stay and dinner a pleas, guest of the Greeter and the theatre.
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