May 2018 News from the Village of Hoffman Estates Village named Tree City USA for 27th consecutive year For the 27th consecutive year, the National Arbor Day Foundation has named the Village of Hoff man Estates a Tree City USA. Th e National Arbor Day Foundation, in cooperation with A municipality’s designation as a Tree City USA is refl ective the National Association of State Foresters and the of the level of stewardship necessary to build greater commu- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, nities for today and tomorrow, while continuously enhancing sponsors the Tree City USA program. To become a Tree City the beauty and value of Hoff man Estates property. USA, Hoff man Estates must meet four standards annually: Th e Tree City USA program has been greening up cities • Have an established tree board or department across America since 1976. It is a nationwide movement that • Have a tree care ordinance provides the framework necessary for communities to man- age and expand their public trees. • Have a community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita Th e Village’s annual Arbor Day celebration was held on • Have an Arbor Day observance and proclamation April 27 at Arbor Day Park. In this issue Community Fishing Derby . 2 Community briefs . 4 Clerk’s corner . 9 p2 p5 Historian’s notebook . 2 Water Quality Report . 5 Free advice on solving Be a good neighbor! . 3 Know the warning signs drainage concerns . .10 A message from of a stroke . 8 May calendar . 11 Mayor McLeod . 3 Health and Human Memorial Day Services news . 9 observance . .12 Community Historian’s Fishing Derby notebook By Pat Barch, Hoffman Estates Village Historian Grab your fi shing gear and head In early March, I learned that As I started down the fi rst over to South Ridge Lake, 1450 School District 54 had decid- hall, I noticed a cheerful ivy Freeman Road, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ed to tear down Twinbrook El- mural that had been painted on Saturday, June 2, for the 23rd ementary School. Twinbrook on a wall near the drinking annual Community Fishing Derby, was the fi rst school built by fountains. Had it made the sponsored by the Hoff man Estates F&S Construction when they students smile? I walked on, Chamber of Commerce and In- began developing our Village. and I saw something that dustry, Sears Holdings Corpora- Th e school was located on Ash tugged at my heart. It was a tion, Chicago Regional Council of Road in Parcel A, where the Twinbrook Elementar y School small red ball. I wondered how Carpenters, AMITA Health, Cabela’s fi rst Hoff man Estates homes opened in 1956. Over the many children had played were built in 1955. Parcel A is with that ball. I took a picture. and Muller’s Woodfi eld Acura. years, the school was well situated south of Golf Road utilized. After it closed to Going into the gym, I saw an Scores of tagged fi sh worth $10 to and north of Higgins Road, regular classes, Twinbrook was American fl ag on a small stick $120 (sponsored by local businesses) directly behind Hoff man used as a preschool as well as that had been tossed up into will be put into the lake for you Plaza. for programs for special needs the netting by, I’m guessing, some mischievous student. I to catch. Th ere will be door prizes students. It was fi nally put into Th e name Twinbrook came took a picture. My last stop awarded every 15 minutes, and a use as a storage facility. from the fact that the Village was in the school offi ce were T-shirt giveaway to the fi rst 150 was located between Poplar Time eventually took its toll, the intercom stood silent, its children. Back this year are hot air Creek to the west and Salt and plans to renovate Twin- wires pulled from the wall. I balloon rides. Creek to the east. Twinbrook brook were considered too took a picture. was also the fi rst telephone costly. Sadly, it was decided exchange for Hoff man Estates. that the building would come I knew that children hadn’t In the early days of the Village, down. been in the building in a long residents actually voted to time, but it seemed as if you change the name from Hoff - With grateful permission from could still feel them laughing man Estates to Twinbrook. School District 54, I was able and running in the halls. But Jack Hoff man didn’t favor to go inside Twinbrook for a name change since so much one last visit. I brought my I went back again on March money had been invested in camera along to take pictures 19 to take pictures as the the name of Hoff man Estates, of whatever I thought would school was being torn down. It and his infl uence led the be memorable for the history was sad to say goodbye. Th e Hoff man Estates Citizen Police homeowners association to of our Village. Academy Alumni Association dismiss the vote. Email Pat Barch at (HECPAAA) will be on hand to sell [email protected]. hotdogs, chips, soft drinks and other goodies, so you don’t have to pack a lunch. Th e local Boy Scouts will also Summer concerts start two weeks earlier be there selling bait. Each summer, the Arts Commission hosts popular concerts at the Th ere are no age or residency restric- Virginia Mary Hayter Village Green in western Hoff man Estates, tions, and no fi shing license is neces- just across the street from the Sears Center Arena. Th ese out- sary. Just be sure that you and all the door performances are free and open to the public. anglers in your group are registered Th is year, the concert season is moving up two weeks, before you start fi shing. and will begin on Th ursday, June 7, with One Foot in Pre-registration is available before the Groove. One Foot in the Groove is an eight-piece 3 p.m. on June 1 for $5, or you can horn-driven rock band that celebrates America’s register at the event for $8. classic rock heritage. All summer concerts begin at 7 p.m. Contact the Hoffman Estates Chamber The complete lineup of summer concerts is of Commerce and Industry at 847-781- available on the Arts Commission website at 9100 or visit www.hechamber.com for www.hoffmanestatesarts.com. Look for more info registration information. Good luck! in the next issue of the Citizen! The CITIZEN is published monthly by the Village of Hoffman Estates as a public information service for residents and businesses. Editor: Doug Schultz Previous editions are available online at www.hoffmanestates.org/citizen. This publication may not be reprinted or reproduced as [email protected] 2 a whole or in part without written permission from the Hoffman Estates Village Manager. © 2018. All rights reserved. Be a good neighbor! All residents play an important role in maintaining the quality of life in Hoff man Estates. It is important to make sure your yard and house are maintained in accordance with local property maintenance codes. Please do your part to make sure your home and property are well maintained. • Grass and weeds should be kept under 10 inches tall. • Garbage and recycling toters cannot be set out before 6 p.m. the evening before collection day, and they must be put away by 10 p.m. on collection day. Toters and waste containers must be stored behind the principal building line on the side or rear of the property, or inside a garage. Toter storage is not permitted in front of a house. A message from Mayor McLeod • Yard waste must be bagged and/or bundled appropriately. The Village’s free Spring has FINALLY arrived! branch pick-up program has begun. Visit the Village website for specifi c dates and requirements about yard waste. I’m pleased to say that our boards and commissions have • Motor vehicles that are inoperable or unlicensed cannot be stored outside. If been busy planning exciting programs for residents and a substantial repair is taking place, the vehicle must be kept in a garage. visitors of every age and background. Looking for some- • Recreational vehicles must meet all parking and storage location rules. Call thing unique to do with family and friends in the coming 847-781-2631 for guidance if you are unfamiliar with these rules. weeks? Read on ... • Accessory structures, such as fences, sheds and decks, must be kept in good repair and be structurally sound. A permit is required for the new On Monday, May 7, the Arts Commission will host its construction of these items. annual student artist appreciation reception at the Vil- • Public sidewalks must be kept clear of vehicles, objects and plant over- lage Hall. Th is free event will feature light refreshments growth at all times. and certifi cates of participation for kids from several area schools who contributed art for the Village’s gal- lery throughout the year. Th e Arts Commission will also promote upcoming events and provide information on how you can get involved. No reservations are necessary, and doors open at 6 p.m. Kids and parks go hand in hand, and what better way to combine the two than at Kids to Parks Day! Join me and the Village Board at Black Bear Park at 9 a.m.
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