To You Who Answered the Call The Monticello Drizzle Photo Supplement Produced by The Monticello Area Historical Society P.O. Box 463 Monticello, WI., 53570 John Marty John Marty, S2/c, who recently completed his boot training at Great Lakes, has been transferred to Replacement Group, NCTC, at Davisville, R.I. By the way, John, who is the husband of the former Irma Baebler, became the father of a dandy baby girl the other day, making him the third member of the Drizzle family to join the Daddy Division within recent weeks. Almost looks as though the stork hit the jackpot. Here are congratulations to the Baeblers, too. –Monticello Drizzle, March 1945 HERE ON LEAVE Seaman Second Class John Marty arrived in Monticello Friday to spend a 12-day leave with his wife and to make the acquaintance of his new daughter, patients at the St. Clare hospital, Monroe, the past week. Marty, who only recently completed his boot training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, is now a member of the Seabees. –Monticello Messenger John Marty John Marty American military cemetery on Guam containing U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corp battle casualties. War relics John Marty Melvin A. Marty S/Sgt. Melvin Marty Killed in Sgt. Marty was a member of a motorized unit Action in Germany, Sept. 20 of the 8th Infantry. Born in Mt. Pleasant Monticello Man Dies As U.S. First Army Drives Toward Aachen He was born in Mt. Pleasant Township Nov. 26, 1918, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Striking with a suddenness that stunned the Marty. On April 9, 1933, he was confirmed in entire community and plunged it into mourning the Monticello Reformed Church by the late Dr. a telegram was received here Saturday night an- A. Muehlmeier. He attended the Monticello nouncing the death of SSgt. Melvin A. Marty, High School and graduated with the class of age 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marty, Mt. 1936. During his prep Pleasant Township, school days here he while in action on took a prominent part German soil Sept. 20. in athletics and was His wife, the for- especially proficient in mer Mary Ellen Stoll, basketball, being a Monroe, received the regular member of the telegram Saturday teams during his last night from the war de- three years in school. partment. He assisted his father Sgt. Marty had with farming until been with Lt. Gen. called for service with Courtney H. Hodge’s the Army. On Feb. 6, First Army since D- 1943, he was united in Day. Press dispatches marriage to Miss of Sept. 20 tell that the Mary Ellen Stoll, U. S. First Army was Monroe, the ceremony engaged in fierce taking place in North fighting with German Augusta, Ga., while forces in a breach Sgt. Marty was sta- which the American tioned at Camp Gor- First had inflicted in don. Mrs. Marty re- the Siegfried line mained there with him north of Aachen, Ger- for some time. His many, and that the first service duty was American forces were at Camp Wolters, repulsing heavy tank Texas. and infantry attacks by the desperate Germans. Sgt. Marty was one of two sons in service, Sgt. Marty had seen three and one-half years the only sons in the Marty family. His brother, of Army service having been the first Monticello S/Sgt. Wilbert Marty, arrived home from Eng- man to leave for service. He had been overseas land in June after completing 27 missions as a for the past nine months, landing in France on tail gunner on a Flying Fortress over Nazi occu- D-Day from England. He was inducted March pied country. He is now attending instructor’s 16, 1941, and arrived in England in January of school at Laredo, Texas. this year. His last letter to his parents was dated News of Sgt. Marty's supreme sacrifice for Sept. 12. his country was received with deep regret by his Melvin A. Marty many friends and acquaintances in Monticello RE-BURIAL RITES FOR and vicinity. His sincere and friendly disposition won him the respect and high esteem of all MELVIN A. MARTY TO BE whom he numbered among his acquaintances. HELD ON SATURDAY Surviving are his widow and a daughter, Mar- Remains of War Hero To Arrive ilyn, who had her first birthday in September In Monticello Friday P. M. and whom he saw only once, his parents, the The flag draped casket bearing the remains of brother, and a sister, Miss Irene, at home. Staff Sergeant Melvin A. Marty will arrive in —Monticello Messenger clipping in the possession of “Bo” Woelffer Monroe by train Friday, June 24, at 1:05 p. m. • and will be met there and escorted to Monticello by members of the Amstutz-Marty Post No. 256 Corp. Melvin Marty American Legion. Ceremony Takes Place in Funeral Saturday North Atlanta, Ga., Feb.6 In a pretty military ceremony performed at 4 The body will lie in state at the Voegeli fu- p. m. Saturday, Feb. 6, in North Augusta, Ga., neral home Friday evening. Private services will Miss Mary Ellen Stoll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the funeral home Frank Stoll, 1124 23rd Avenue, Monroe, became conducted by the Rev. A. R. Achtemeier, pastor the bride of Corp. Melvin A. Marty, Camp Gor- of the Zwingli Evangelical and Reformed don, Augusta, Ga., son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Church. Marty, Mt. Pleasant township. Public services will be conducted by the Pfc. and Mrs. Walter Muezall, Arken, S. C, American Legion, at Highland Cemetery, at 2:30 attended the couple. p. m. Saturday. Full military honors will be ac- corded the departed war hero. The bride was attired in a street length, two- piece frock of powder blue with black acces- Flags at Half Mast sories, and she wore a shoulder corsage of pink All flags in Monticello will fly at half-mast roses. Mrs. Muazall wore a blue suit with blue beginning at noon Friday and all day Saturday in accessories. Her corsage was identical to that tribute to the departed veteran. worn by the bride. All Monticello business places will be closed Mrs. Marty attended rural school and the from 1 to 3 Saturday afternoon. Monroe High School. Before her marriage she Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- was employed in the Old Fashioned Ice Cream bert Marty, Mt. Pleasant Township, a daughter Store, Monroe. Marilyn, Forreston, Ill, his wife Mary Ellen Stoll Local Graduate Marty, now Mrs. Walt Laeser, Forreston, Ill., a Corp. Marty attended the Elmer rural school sister, Miss Irene Marty, Monticello, and a near his home and is a graduate of the Monti- brother, Wilbert Marty, Monticello. cello High School, having received his diploma Melvin, who was 25 years of age at the time with the class of 1936. He was engaged in farm- he made the supreme sacrifice, was killed near ing before entering the military service as the Aachen, Germany, Sept. 20, 1944. He was a first Monticello selectee March 16, 1941. member of Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodge’s First Mrs. Marty returned home recently after Army and landed in France on D-day. spending a month with her husband. He was connected with a motorized unit of —Monticello Messenger, March 18, 1943 the 8th Infantry. Sgt. Marty had been in service for three and Melvin A. Marty one-half years before he fell to the withering fire try’s call to duty. He was stationed in Texas and of the Germans. He was the first Monticello boy Georgia before leaving for England in January to enter service via the Selective Service system, 1944. having been inducted March 16, 1941. On Feb. 6, 1943, he was united in marriage to He was awarded the Purple Heart posthu- Miss Mary Ellen Stoll, Monroe, the ceremony mously. taking place in North Augusta, Ga., while Sgt. The Amstutz-Marty post of the American Le- Marty was stationed at Camp Gordon. gion here is named after Melvin and the late The memory of their pleasant association Fred Amstutz, who gave his life during World with Melvin will always be tenderly cherished War I. by everyone who knew Friends numbering him. He was a young into the hundreds paid man of the highest their tributes to the de- ideals, possessed an in- parted soldier at Memo- delible character and rial Services in his was known and re- honor at the Zwingli spected for his unques- Evangelical and Re- tionable honesty and formed Church here in friendly, pleasant dispo- October 1944. sition. Born in Mt. Pleasant A true sportsman and a keen competitor, Melvin was born in Melvin earned the well- Mt. Pleasant Township justified honor and Nov. 26, 1918, son of wholesome respect of Mr. and Mrs. Albert all of his fellowmen. Marty. He was con- Yes, the memory of firmed April 9, 1933, in Melvin will never be the Monticello Re- forgotten. formed Church by the He died for the cause late Dr. Muehlmeier. of freedom. He could He attended the Monti- have chosen another cello High School and path, but men of graduated with the class Melvin’s type didn't of 1936. He took a choose an easy course. prominent part in athlet- ics and was especially He gave his all for outstanding in the sport his country and for the of basketball, being a regular member of the preservation of humanity during the fierce fight- teams during his last three years in school.
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