W a h tk h z Poneart af 0 . K W«ail%M - .-1 ' • d Taoishl Iffir. aa 4MU.YMIM ert Mar' 6 6 . $ M ii|y m m i ' ay and qalto BdU. n g is il ■■arWL^ MANCHESTER, CONN,^ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26; 1960 (ClMMliled AdveriiMag oa fa g * '9 ) PRICE FIVE CENTS AMPLE PREE PARKING R«ar of Our Sfor* StUteNews Roundup Protests Ban Crime Prober Subpoenas 25 OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 Waahington, Nov. 26 VPy— President Eisenhower today Hartford, Nov. 26 {PP)— bluntly rejected a Nov. 20 Subpoenas have been issued r protest by the president o t for some 25 persons to appear the Republic of Guinea that before a one-man grand jury the United States has sup­ investigating alleged vice and ported “the portion of the corruption in the Hartford Nuclear Fire Ousted Qerife DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS enemies of African emancipa­ area. tion” in The Congo. Retired State Supreme Court Brigade Urged Eisenhower told President Chief Justice Ernest A. Inglis will Calls Situation Sekou Toure of Guinea in a begin the investigation Dec. 6, it was announced yesterday. cablegram that the United By NATO Unit ^Too Delicate’ TONIGHT AND TOMORROW State's Attorney John D. La- States hah been in the fore­ Belle said the subpoenas were dis­ front of those nations which - i w - tributed this week as detectives Paris, Nov. 26 (/P)— Parlia­ Vatican City, Nov. 26 (/FO— have favored emancipation of continued their Inquiries prior to mentarians from 15 North At­ The Vatican has officially WITH ALL CASH SALES all peoples, including Afri­ the formal hearing before Bnglis lantic Treaty countries today in the County Courthouse build­ protested to Haiti for the ex­ HOLIDAY TOPPING! cans. recommended the formation pulsion of Archbishop Fran­ ing. of a military fire brigade— LaBelle declined to reveal the cois Poirier, the Caribbean is­ OUR POINSETTIA BLOUSE Leopoldville, The Congo, names of those subpoenaed. The with nuclear weapons rt its land’s highest Roman Catho­ Nov. 26 (/P)—One of the most sessions are expected to be secret. disposal— to meet any type of lic prelate. H A V E A CUP troublesome feuds of 'the Among the subjects the former Communist threats to the al­ The VaUcan newspaper L’Osaer* feud-ridden Congo— the seces­ jurist look into are allega­ liance. vatore Romano, indicating that tions that members of the Hart­ The lawmakers unanimously ap­ those responsible for the expulsion sion of mineral-rich Katanga ford police force accepted payoffs OF COFFEE! province— may be on the proved the idea orig;inally put for­ may have incurred excommunica­ w&y from an illegal liquor dealer. La- ward by Gen. Lauris Norstad, su­ tion with consequent losa.of righto to a solution. Belle has said six policemen are preme allied military commander to the sacraments, said today: A dramatic announcement from tmder suspicion. in Europe. “We are informed that too Holy carafe with candle warmer EllBabethWIle in Katanga last He also said the inquiry will be At the same time, they asked See has already presented through night said three lea d i^ ministers directed at charges of narcotics that NATO be granted political dipIomaUc channels its (depression with the colorful holi­ from the central gt^^vernment in ■ales, gambling, prostitution and control of -‘omic arms and deliv­ of profound sorrow and its pro­ Leopoldville had reached an agree­ Illegal liquor sales in the Hartford ery systems. At present, practical tests for the grave episode.” day flower embroi- ment with Moise Tshomhe, 'presi­ area. control of such weapons in the al­ Now in Paris, the Blench bom dent of the breakaway province. liance rests with the United States. Archbishop said “The situation in 6.99 A communique said a 2-hour Negotiators to Meet The resolutions passed at the Haiti is too delicate for me to Jered in color on this meeting was held In a cordial at­ closing session of the annual con­ talk.” ___ mosphere and resulted in a “ per­ ■ V '..1f ; ‘i ' Bridgeport, Nov. 26 UP)— Union ference of NATO parliamentarians negotiators tonight' begin a aeries Strained relations between toe wonderful drip - dry fect idwitity of views” on a pro­ carry only adyisory weight. They Vatican and Haiti were emphasized serving»warm af any time . the gram. of action in the “Internal of meetings with rank and file bus will be sent to the NATO council drivers after rejecting a new of­ here today by toe absence ot» answer to holiday entertaining (or affairs of the former Belgian Con- for official consideration by mem­ HalU’s ambassador, Antonio T. overblouse, sizes 10 Actress Debbie Reynolds and millionaire shoe magnate Harry fer from the Connecticut Railway go. Karl are a happy pair after their marriage at O verly Hills, ber governments. Kebreau, from a memorial service gifts!) chrome oecorated and sus­ & Lighting Co. The proposed fire brigade would to 18. As a result, said one of the Ka­ Calif., last night. (A P Photofax). for Cardinals who died during the pended on a chrome stand. 50 ounce tanga participants in the meeting, The company offered a stag­ not necessarily have Its own nu­ past year. Pope John XXm pre­ capacity. a round-table conference on the gered 6 -cent pay Increase— five clear weapons, although this had sided at the ceremony. future political structure o f The cents retroactive to Oct. 1 and an­ been one part of the resolution All other members of toe diplo­ housewares Congo probably will be held in other cents April 1—during when it Was first debated. The matic corps accredited to toe Vat­ ElisahethvUle next month. bargaining talks yesterday aimed final resolution simply said that ican, as well as 23 Cardinals and Debbie Reynolds Wed at averting a strike scheduled for Tqhombe set up Katanga as an the brigade “must be in a posi­ other high church prelates, were' sportswear Monday morning In Bridgeport, tion to use” nuclear weapons. Independent state with his capital present. at Elisabethville 11 days after The Waterbury, New Britain and Nor­ The parliamentarians is i d e walk. The Haitian ambassador said his Congo got its independence from To Shoe Millionaire stepped any mention of NATO as absence was due to rheumatism. FROM OUR CHRISTMAS Beli^um on June 30. Re took the But toe union representatives, a "fourth atomic power." Their "It would have been very diffi­ action, he said, because Patrice who originally asked for 16 resolution on the eventual control Thesa two men and two women were named by toe FBI as sus­ cult for me to kneel,” he said. Lumumba, then n ie Congo pre­ cents, rejected toe offer by com­ of atomic weapons simply urged pects In toe kidnap of Anthony Alesslo, 41, wealthy part-owner TREE SHOP!... mier, was using disruptive Com- By JAMES BACON ^back of the Beverly Hills Hotel pany president Paul A. Rust as Vatican sources ascribed his ab­ AP Movle-TV Writer the NATO council to establish its of the Oaliente race track at Tijuana, Mex. Top left, James sence to "diplomatio Illness” and . munist tactics to create disorder but the sudden marriage—there "nothing we could take back to own “political authority” over nu' Beverly Hills, Calif., Noy. 26 (A'l was no official prior announcement Gorman, 29. Monterery Park, Gallf.; lower left, Mrs. Ruby Gor­ the situation between toe VaUcan throughout the new country. our men.’’ The company’s best pre­ clear deliveiry systems and th«lr man, 30, his wife; upper right, Frank Marrone, Los Angeles; —Debbie Reynolds, who wanted her —caught him without a home of and Haiti. Katanga, with its riches of ura­ vious offer was cents. use. lower right, Mrs. Selma Marrone, 26, his wife. All but Mar­ the tree that goes on forever! nium, copper and other minerals, two children by Eddie Fisher to his own. Archie Cutobertson, president of The VaUeon newspaper shatply have a family Christmas, wed mul­ A t present, Gen. Norstad needs rone have been arrested. (AP Photofax). criUdsed toe manner in vriuen la the economic backbone of The The wedding was performed at Bridgeport Local 459 o f toe Amal- permission from toe White House timillionaire shoe tycoon Harry the huge mansion of Mr. and Mrs. gimated Association of Street, Archbishop Poirier was expelled erreen, everlastine: aluminum . fuller than the most Karl, 46, last night. hefora emplo3ring atomic devices, and praised his conduct as digni­ magnificent evergreen (and twice as real!) THE EX­ (Continued on Page Nine) Saul Pollack, Karl’s brother-in-law laectric Railway and Motor Coach although he Is pledged to consult The wedding—Karl's fourth— and sister. > Employes of America, said toe ne­ fied. TRA TOUCH . THE ROTATING COLOR WHEEL! was no mirprise. But the timing the NATO Oouncll if there is time. $200,000 Ransom Paid “A t toe same tiinar’''(||ld. VO»* .Wrils, pastor of gotiations were also far apart,on Giving NATO political authori­ was:-The 3fryear-old actress hur* non-wage iaaues. servatore, “toe haste and lame of the' non-d€fiominational Little ty over toe use of thess weo|>ona 9.88 Bonn Cancels ried home from a day of film-mak­ Brown Church of the San Fer­ This included certain working due regart with which toe expul­ __ w ing, slipped into an Eldith. Head conditions and the union’s proposal appeared to mean that in toe fu­ sion order waa executed is truly wedding dress, and was married nando "Valley, performed the ture toe supreme commander electrically approved . , . and the most exciting addition double-ring ceremony before a for a clause in toe new contract surprising.’* at a friend's home.
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