Original language: English PC23 Doc. 29.1 (Rev. 1) CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA ____________ Twenty-third meeting of the Plants Committee Geneva (Switzerland), 22 and 24-27 July 2017 Species specific matters Maintenance of the Appendices Periodic review of species included in Appendices I and II OVERVIEW OF SPECIES UNDER PERIODIC REVIEW 1. This document has been prepared by the Secretariat. 2. In Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP17) on Periodic review of species included in Appendices I and II, the Conference of the Parties agrees on a process and guidelines for the Animals and Plants Committees to undertake a periodic review of animal or plant species included in the CITES Appendices and in paragraph 6: DIRECTS the Secretariat to maintain a record of species selected for periodic review, including: species previously and currently reviewed, dates of relevant Committee documents, recommendations from the reviews, and any reports and associated documents. 3. Annex 1 shows the record of plant species selected for review between the 13th and 15th meetings of the Conference of the Parties (CoP13, Bangkok, 2004; CoP15, Doha, 2010). 4. The record of plant species to be reviewed between CoP15 and the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP17, Johannesburg, 2016) is shown in Annex 2. 5. At its 21th meeting (PC21; Veracruz, May 2014), the Plants Committee reviewed records of species selected for periodic review and made several recommendations concerning species under review which are reflected in the tables shown in Annexes 1 and 2. 6. Annex 3 shows the List of abbreviations of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and Annex 4 presents the list of ISO country codes. Both review periods are summarized below: PC23 Doc. 29.1 (Rev. 1) – p. 1 Review period Result of the periodic review process Resulting amendments to the Appendices 79 species reviews were completed 1 species transferred from Appendix II to Appendix I 37 taxa were retained in Appendix I 27 taxa were retained in Appendix II 1 species deleted from Appendix I 13 taxa/species were deleted CoP13-CoP15: from Appendix II 106 species 23 species reviews were stopped as the listings were 1 species deleted from selected for review amended before the Periodic Review was completed Appendix I 19 species deleted from Appendix II 1 species transferred from Appendix I to II 2 species review stopped without changes 1 species reviews ongoing1 2 species to be reconsidered by the CoP15-CoP17 Review (see Annex 2) Period (reviewer required) 3 species review were completed 1 species retained in Appendix I 1 species retained in Appendix II CoP15-CoP17: 1 species to delete from 8 species selected Appendix II for review 1 species review was stopped as the listing was amended 1 species deleted from before the Periodic Review was completed Appendix II 1 species review stopped – Species deleted from review 3 species reviews ongoing 7. The records of species selected for Periodic Review, as presented in Annexes 1 to 3, follow the same form and format as previous submissions by the Secretariat. However, it is not clear if data fields containing information that may modify over time (conservation status; distribution) need to be kept up to date, and the Secretariat would appreciate guidance in this regard. Furthermore, in its comments on document CoP17 Doc. 82.1, the Secretariat indicated that maintaining the records for the Periodic Review was increasingly demanding. It would be preferable to develop a searchable and manageable online Periodic Review database. The Secretariat has no core funding for these activities, and external funding would need to be secured for establishing and maintaining a Periodic Review database. The costs could be in the order of USD 50,000 for the period between CoP17 and CoP18. 1 At PC18, the Committee maintained an intersessional working group on Aloe spp. and Euphorbia spp. – both listed in Appendix I – and Didiereaceae spp. The reviews required under the provisions of the Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP17) were presented in document PC18 Doc. 16.1.1, Annex 5, but it is not clear if there is enough information for the Committee to decide whether or not the listing criteria established by the Resolution Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP16) have been met. The Plants Committee, at its 21st meeting, agreed that there is insufficient information to determine if the 17 species of Aloe spp. in Appendix I; 17 species of Didiereaceae spp. in Appendix II and 10 species of Euphorbia spp. in Appendix I that were selected for the review period CoP13-CoP15 are appropriately listed in the Appendices. Madagascar was requested to submit a revised and updated version of Annex 5 of document PC18 Doc. 16.1.1 to PC22, which should contain recommendations for the appropriate listing of the species and which should be translated. At PC22, Madagascar introduced document PC22 Doc. 20.3.1. While noting that Didieraceae was not endemic to Madagascar, speakers supported the conclusion reached by Madagascar, proposing no change to the current listing of these species. The review of Aloe helenae from Madagascar is ongoing (see Annex 1). PC23 Doc. 29.1 (Rev. 1) – p. 2 Recommendations: 8. The Plants Committee is invited to: a) comment on the Secretariats’ observations in paragraph 7; and b) take note of this information and decide on further steps, based on progress reported by Parties on pending reviews. PC23 Doc. 29.1 (Rev. 1) – p. 3 PC23 Doc. 29.1 (Rev. 1) Annex 1 (English only / Seulement en anglais / Únicamente en inglés) Periodic Review of the Appendices – Plants REVIEW PERIOD BETWEEN COP13 (2004) AND COP15 (2010)2 3 Meeting Range States when the Date the Date the Document requested to IUCN Red List species Standing Recommen- Status of the Taxon; Parties were containing the submit category4 were Committee was dation review7, reviewing CITES Appendix informed review report proposal Range States selected informed [paragraph j)] Party, Notes [paragraph e)] [paragraph i)] [paragraph j and territories5 6 [paragraph [paragraph h)] (ii)] b)] Medicinal plants Saussurea costus (I) PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 PC19 Inf. 7 PC19 SumRec --- n/a Review completed 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) Retain in IN, PK No. 2005/037 Appendix I Dioscorea deltoidea (II) PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 --- --- --- n/a To be reconsidered 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) AF, BT, KH , CN, between CoP15 & No. 2005/037 IN , LA , NP, TH, CoP17 VN Timber species Balmea stormiae (I) PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 --- --- Species deleted n/a Review stopped. 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) from review GT, MX, SV PC22 Com. 2 No. 2005/037 2 In Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP17), the Conference of the Parties agreed that the Committee should establish a schedule for the Periodic Review of the Appendices and identify a list of taxa they propose to review during the next two intersessional periods between meetings of the CoP. The Plants Committee, however, made the current selection of species for review under the guidelines for conducting the periodic review adopted by the Standing Committee at its 51st meeting (Bangkok, October 2004). 3 Steps refer to the process laid out in Resolution Conf.14.8 (Rev. Cop17). 4 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2014.1, downloaded in June 2015, http://www.iucnredlist.org/search 5 Range states and territories as per CITES Species +, 2015, http://www.speciesplus.net/ 6 ISO counties codes used as abbreviations , see Annex4 or http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/country_names_and_code_elements.htm 7 As per document PC21 Doc. 19.1, it was agreed that the status of the review should be ascribed to one of the four categories below : – Review ongoing [species still being considered under paragraphs e) – k) of the Resolution Conf. 14.8 (Rev. CoP15)]. – Review completed (actions under paragraphs j) or k) of the Resolution fully undertaken). – Review stopped (paragraphs j) or k) of the Resolution not completed and no further action planned). – Species deleted from review (no volunteer offered to undertake a review, paragraph e) of the Resolution). PC23 Doc. 29.1 (Rev. 1) – p. 4 Meeting Range States when the Date the Date the Document requested to IUCN Red List species Standing Recommen- Status of the Taxon; Parties were containing the submit category4 were Committee was dation review7, reviewing CITES Appendix informed review report proposal Range States selected informed [paragraph j)] Party, Notes [paragraph e)] [paragraph i)] [paragraph j and territories5 6 [paragraph [paragraph h)] (ii)] b)] Platymiscium pleiostachyum PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 --- Delete in --- Endangered C1 Review completed. (II) 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) accordance with CR, SV, HN (Representative of No. 2005/037 para e) of Res. Central and South Conf. 14.8 America and the (Rev.CoP16) Caribbean) and revise the taxonomic status PC21 WG5 Doc. 1 Podocarpus parlatorei (I) PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 PC17 Doc. 11 The present Near Threatened Review completed. 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) PC18 Doc. 16.1.1 listing AR, BO, PE (AR) No. 2005/037 Annex 4 in Appendix I is appropriate Ornamental plants, small taxa Agave arizonica PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 --- --- --- n/a Review stopped. 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) US CoP14 Prop.22 No. 2005/037 US Deleted from Appendix I at CoP14 (2007) Agave parviflora (I) PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 PC17 Doc. 11 Annex Retain in n/a Review completed. 2005) Notification (SC55 Doc. 18) 2 Appendix I MX, US (US) No. 2005/037 Agave victoriae-reginae (II) PC15 (May 19 July 2005 2 June 2007 PC19 Inf.
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