The Pittsh» ti kh VToP^vv ìm of Pittsburgh—Founded in 1S44 100th YEAR—No. 25 ^H, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1943 TWO DOLLAB8 PEE YEAS SINGLE COPY FIVE GENT» The Pope's Address Parish SchojQls' Reopening Although arrangements had been mad| to receive by wire a report of the address delivered by Pope Pius XII yesterday morning, on the fourth anniversary of the To ShowwS-Time Changes breaking out of the second World War, it arrived too late to be included in this issue. A report, based upon 'Church in Actigp^ Two New Schools, Fewer Boys in Secondary; the official text, will appear jn next week's edition. Subject of Coming Course« Mark Resumption of Classes; Catholic Hour Talks Boarding Schools Crowded The resumption, next Tuesday, of the parish school« Di 3cesan Centenary Washington, Sept 1 HO—Mem- bers of the clergy who are lead- of the Pittsburgh Diocese, will be marked by the open- Monday, Oct. 25, has been selected by Most Rev. Hugh ers in the field of social action ing of two new schools, the reopening of one that has C. Boyle, Bishop of Pittsburgh, as the date for the cele- will be heard in a series of nine been closed for the past four years, and by changes in bration of the Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving in St. talks of "The Church in Action" Paul's Cathedral which will commemorate the 100th an- on successive Sundays on the enrollment and curriculum reflecting the war-time con- niversary of the erection of the diocese. Announcement "Catholic Hour" produced by the ditions that prevail. There are now 230 elementary and to this effect was made this week by Rev. Paul E. Camp- National Council of Catholic Men. 38 high schools in the diocesan school system, Rev. The program is carried on a bell, president of the Catholic Historical Society of country-wide network of the Na- Thomas J. Quigley, superintendent of schools, states. Western Pennsylvania. tional Broadcasting Company. —• A registration of some 70,(Wf children in the elementary grad« The speakers, their subjects 3,000 Altar Cloths is* expected, about the same M CENTRAL VEREIN, WOMEN'S UNION and the dates follow: For Chaplains' Use last year. In the pariah high ASK PARENTS TO HELP TO SOLVE Sept. 5, Rev. Aiphonse M. schools, indications are that there SchwkaHa, S.J., president of the Consecrated Here will be a decided falling off ia JUVENILE DELINQUENCY PROBLEM Catholic Hospital Association, the enrollment of boys, due to "The Church and the Sick"; Sept, All Priests with Army, Navy the large numbers who hare National Conventions in Springfield, III., Adopt 12, Rev. Paul F. Tanner, director taken industrial jobs during tbo of the Youth Department, Nation- Given Privilege of Using summer and who will probaWjr Resolutions, Elect Officers; Pittsburgher al Catholic Welfare Conference, Greek Rite Antimension retain them. Named to National Board of Trustees "The Church and Youth"; Sept. 1», Rev. William A. O'Connor, Catholic boarding schools in the In St. John's Cathedral (Greek district (not a part of the dioeesan Springfield, 111., Aug. 28 (NC)—Resolutions urging archdiocesan director of charities. Rite), Homestead, Most Rev. Basil Chicago, "The Church and Chari- system > report that enrollment parents to help in preventing juvenile delinquency by ful- Takach, Bishop of the Greek Rite will tax their facilities, due t* ty"; Sept. 26, Rt. Rev. Msgr. filling their obligations in the upbringing of their chil- Diocese of Pittsburgh, has con- the fact that many mothers who (Continued on Last Page, Col. 1> dren, urging a Catholic crusade for decency in women's secrated during the past several are engaged in war work aro dress, and expressing strong opposition to all forms ofj weeks over 3.000 antimension» placing their children where thejr square pieces of linen which are will have full-time care and super- race prejudice as "a serious blot on our American Priests Assigned used in Catholic churches of the Bajtion,"' were adopted here by the National Catholic! vision. Boarding schools through« Oriental Rites for the same pur- out the country find the same at the closing of its 27th annual conven- Kev. Charles N. Georgrvieh, or-1 pose as the altar stones are used conditions. tion. * ' * 1 - ~ - IT.™ dnined last June, ha* been *p-, m Latin Rite churches, as the . „New Schools pointed ansistant at RogShij essential part W the altarf that Resofiitions condemning attempts dents, Mrs. Rose Rohman. Mis- The two new parish schools to federalize education, particular-' souri. Rev. Victor T. Suren. Mis- C'oeli Church, North Side. j is, as a resting place for the Rev. Michael E. Kubaeky, ordain- chalice and Host. These antimen- which will open on Tuesday are ly a», manifested in a bill now souri, Mrs. Theresa Prem, Minne- St. Elizabeth's. Pleasant Hills, and pending before Congress which ! sota, and F. P. Kenkol. St. Louis; ed in June, ha» been appointed sions, however, were not for use asMMtauit at St. Rose's, Braden- in Eastern Rite churches, but for SS. Cyril and Methodius', Char- would appropriate $300.000,000 for ! recording secretary, Amalia Otzen- Icroi. public school purposes. were berger, Missouri: finance secretary, ville. the use of Catholic army and navy chaplains of all rites. St. Elizabeth's, of which Rev. adopted by the Women's Union Mrs. Emelia Pfeiffer: treasurer, Henry L. Immekus is pastor, will and by the Catholic Central Ver- | Sophia L. Jueneman. Minnesota; Appointed Assistant By special permission of the have about 100 children enrolled, ein of America, which heid its historian, Miss Anna Stelle, Spnng- For Millvale Parish Holy See all field chaplains are in grades one to six. The school 88th annual convention jointly I field, 111., and members of the given the privilege of using the will occupy the second floor of with the Women's Union. I board of trustees: -Mrs. Catherine Rev. Joseph Kletzel, C.S.Sp., pro- antimension instead of the altar the recently completed .church and Installation of officers closed ; Higgins. Pittsburgh. and Mrs. stone which would otherwise be 1 fessor at the Holy Ghost sem- school building and three Sisters the meetings. William H. Siefen. Margaret Lies, Kansas, inary, Cornwells Heights, Pa., has. required for the celebration of of Mercy, traveling daily to and of New Haven. Conn., continues ; Monday's activities included a been appointed assistant at St. Mass. The pieces of l.nen were from Mount Mercy,' will be the M president of the Central Ver- { "Youth Clinic" held in the K. of Anthonys Church, Millvale, sue- sent to Bishop Takach by the teachers: Sister Arsenia. the prin- ein, and Mrs. Mary Filser Lohr, j C. auditorium. Rev. Edward A. ceeding Rev. Joseph G. Nopping- Military Delegate, Most Rev. John cipal, Sister Lucia and Sister An* of New York, as president of the Bruemmer, of St. Louis, presided. er, C.S.Sp., who has been trans- F. O'Hara, of New York, and dre. ' Bernard E. Lutz, assistant director Women's Union ferred to the provincial house of the consecrated antimensions are of the Central Bureau of the being returned to him for distri- Rev. John P. Sedlak, pastor of Other Officer* Installed the Holy Ghost Order in Wash- the Charleroi parish, has arranged Verein in St. Louis, spoke on bution to the chaplains with the Other officers of the Vereiverein areare.: , .. fQr Qur Arfned Forces." A ington. D. C., to serve as a mis- for three teachers from Mount (Continued On Last Page Col. 5) Vice presidents. Joseph B. Engel- j talk on ,<The Hjgh g^^i victory sionary. Assisi, Bellevue, School Sisters of meyer, Quincy, III., and Mrs-. Lohr; j , ^ g.yen by Mafy Bruem_ the Third Order of St. Franci^ •ecretary, Albert A. Dobie, New executive secretary of the (OFFICIAL) to take charge of his school: Sla- Haven; treasurer. John A. Suel- Springfield DiocesaDi n C.Y.O. ter Maristella. the principal. Sis- lentrop, Michita. Named trustees Monday morning Rt. Rev. Msgr. ter Loretta and Sister Germain«. were E. A. Winkelmann, St. Louis; Collection for De Paul Institute Anthony T. Strauss, St. Charles, There will be three classrooms, Dr. A. W. Miller Ft. Wayne, and Mo., addressed the delegates on with 150 children attending. Sister Charles Herhard, Philadelphia. "Our Altars and Our Homes." The To the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Pitts- Alberta will be housekeeper of Pittsburgh Woman Named the convent. afternoon session included an ad- burgh : Officers installed in the Catholic dress on the "Maternity Guild St. Alphonsus' School, Wexford, Women'women s Unionunion, in additio¡»uuin«n» <•to« _ « , .. I have appointed Sunday, Sept. 12, as the day for closed four years ago when the the president, were: vice presi- (Continued on Last Page, UOI. v the annual collection for De Paul Institute for the building was condemned because Deaf in all the churches of the Diocese of Pitts- of fire hazard, has now been rec- Will Reorint 'Acta Apostolicae Sedis' burgh. onstructed and modernized and In this time of war, when everybody seems to will reopen Tuesday with a staff realize the need of prayer, whom does God hear? of three teaching Sisters from the motherhouse of the Sisters of the OFFICIAL VATICAN BULLETIN He hears those who are holy in His sight; those Holy Ghost, West View. Sister who pray and sacrifice. The sacrifice and prayer Josepha will be principal. Sevea TO BE PUBLISHED IN U. S. may be the humble submission of a little deaf child grades will be taught. Rev. Fer- FOR FOUR CONTINENTS to his affliction as he struggles with the problems dinand H.
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