EURO VOLUME 8(2) 1999 THE ASSOCIATION OF EUROPEAN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETIES ■ ■ ■ Bulletin Inside ■ ■ ■ EURO Working Groups EURO Member Societies Corner Belgian ORS Greek ORS Portuguese ORS Spanish ORS EURO Events Calendar Bulletin of the Association of European Operational Societies (EURO) distributed quarterly through the National Societies and on the Internet EURO web server. B.D.: Bruxelles X; A.K.: Brussel X Editor: Ph. Van Asbroeck, 108 av. Sleeckx, B-1030 Bruxelles, Belgium EURO Office ■ Université Libre de Bruxelles ■ Service de mathémati- ques de la gestion ■ Bld du Triomphe CP 210/01 ■ B-1050 Brussels ■ Belgium ■ Fax: +32 2 650 59 70 ■ E-mail: euro@ulb.ac.be ■ URL: http://www.ulb.ac.be/euro/euro_welcome.html 2 ■ ■ ■ EURO Bulletin EURO MEMBER SOCIETIES CORNER This corner is devoted to news passed on by EURO Member societies to the EURO Bulletin. The Belgian OR Society Fourteenth Conference on Quantitative Methods for Decision Making A Meeting Place for Industry and University Call for Papers January 20-21, 2000 - FUCAM – Mons (B) SOGESCI-BVWB - The Belgian related fields. It will provide managers, practitioners Operations Research Society and researchers with a unique opportunity to exchange information on quantitative techniques for decision making. http://www.fucam.ac.be/orbel14 Invited presentations: The SOGESCI-BVWB invites you to attend the Plenary and tutorial sessions will be addressed by Fourteenth ORBEL conference which will take place international guests speakers. A session will be on January 20-21, 2000 at FUCAM, Ateliers de la reserved for the presentation of the SOGESCI – Fucam, Rue des Sœurs Noires, 7000 MONS (B). BVWB prizes. The SOGESCI-BVWB is the Belgian Operations Contributed presentation: Research (OR) Society and the Belgian representa- Contributed paper sessions will be devoted to tive in IFORS (International Federation of OR quantitative methods for decision making and ap- Societies) and in IAPR (International Association plied statistics. Among others, the following topics for Pattern Recognition). will be covered: mathematical programming, non- linear optimization, stochastic processes, decision aid, logistics, applied statistics and computer science. Organizing and program committee This list is not exhaustive: all aspects, methods, Chairman: F. JOMAUX (FUCAM) applications and domains may be considered. Con- tributions dealing with real world applications and Organizing Committee: A. ARTIBA, M. BEUTHE, A. software demonstrations are especially welcome. BULTEZ, C. DERBAIX, L. EECKHOUDT Software and book exhibition: Program Committee: Stands are available during the conference for the B. ADENSO-DIAZ (E), A. ARTIBA (B), P. BAPTISTE exhibition of commercial software and books. (F), G. BARBAROSOGLU (T), W. BERTRAND (Nl), Potential exhibitors are invited to contact the D. BOUYSSOU (F), R. BISDORFF (Lu), J. CARLIER (F), Organizing Committee for more details. D. CATTRYSSE (B), Y. CRAMA (B), B. DE BAETS (B), A. DREXL (G), Ph. FORTEMPS (B), B. FORTZ (B), X. GANDIBLEUX (F), M. GOURGAND (F), A. Call For papers GUINET (F), G. JANSSENS (B), J. LORIS-TEGHEM Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (B), A. MINGOZZI (I), H. PASTIJN (B), C. PERNEEL in LATEX format (up to two A4 pages), preferably (B), F. PLASTRIA (B), Y. POCHET (B), C. RACZY (B), electronically, to raulier@fucam.ac.be. A format F. RIANE (B), A. SARTENAER (B), M. WIDMER (CH) file is available on the Web site. The abstract should include a list of keywords and the name and e-mail address of the author(s). Structure of the conference Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 3, Objectives: 1999. The conference is intended as a meeting place for Authors will be notified of acceptance of their pre- researchers, users and potential users of Opera- sentation before December 1, 1999. tions Research, Statistics, Computer Science and ■ ■ ■ 3 EURO Bulletin EURO MEMBER SOCIETIES CORNER This corner is devoted to news passed on by EURO Member societies to the EURO Bulletin. 30 Minutes will be allocated to each presentation of: FUCAM - ORBEL 14, account n° 270-0582 (discussion time included). 000-53 or with a VISA card. After December 22, Standard overhead projector and blackboard are 1999, registration fees are raised by 1000 Bef for available. Request for special equipment should be each category. made along with the submission of abstracts. Proposals for software demonstration must indi- cate the equipment required. Important dates Authors are encouraged to submit their paper November 3, 1999: to JORBEL, the Belgian Journal of Operations Deadline for submission of abstracts Research and are invited to submit their full paper December 1, 1999: for refereeing. Notification of acceptance December 17, 1999: Deadline for early registration Registration and submission of abstracts The enclosed registration form and submitted abstracts are to be sent to: Social program The Conference Dinner will take place on Thursday ORBEL 14 - FUCAM evening January 20, 2000: a place to meet col- D. Raulier, Conference secretary leagues and a gastronomical event. Chaussée de Binche, 151 - 7000 MONS Fax: (32) 65 32 34 37 E-mail: raulier@fucam.ac.be Conference venue Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons Ateliers de la FUCAM Registration fee Rue des Sœurs Noires 6000 Bef including: 2000 Bef membership fee to B-7000 MONS (Belgium) SOGESCI - BVWB, lunches, coffee breaks, booklet of abstracts and Conference Dinner. 3000 Bef for Secrétariat: Diana Raulier students (with student card) including registration, Phone: (32) 65 32 32 17 coffee break, lunches, booklet of abstracts and Fax: (32) 65 32 34 37 Conference Dinner to be transferred to the order E-mail: raulier@fucam.ac.be The Greek OR Society Please note that the Administrative Committee of (Mr Yannis Darzentas, Mr. Dimitris Pergamalis, Mr. HELORS has changed since the 25th of February Alexandros Mourelatos, Mr. Yannis Georgiadis and 1999 as follows: Mrs Maro Vlahopoulou) are also members of the new Administrative Committee. President Prof. Yannis Siskos A' Vice-President Mr. Apostolos Bobos Please find on the next page the names, addresses, B' Vice-President Prof.(Mrs) Danai Diakoulaki telephone numbers etc. of all the members of our General Secretary Mr. George Dimas Administrative Committee. Treasurer Prof. Evangelos Sambrakos Deputy Gen. Secr. Prof. Costas Zopounidis 4 ■ ■ ■ EURO Bulletin EURO MEMBER SOCIETIES CORNER This corner is devoted to news passed on by EURO Member societies to the EURO Bulletin. Administrative Committee of HEL.O.R.S. President Technical University of Crete off +30821-37349 siskos@hra.ergasya.tuc.gr Pr. Yannis Siskos Decision Support Systems off +30821-64186 Laboratory fax +30821-64824 University Campus h. + 301-6143044 731 00 Chania, Greece 1st Vice-President Vatatzi 10, off +301-3807532 gbobos@hol.gr Mr. Apostolos Bobos 114 72 Athens, fax +301-3647578 Greece h. +301-6434388 2nd Vice-President Alkionis 16, off +301-7723254 diak@chemeng.ntua.gr Pr. Danai Diakoulaki 175 61 P. Faliro fax +301-7723155 Greece h. +301-9839360 General Secretary Argyrokastrou 44, off +301-8217710 ged@bheda.elea.gr Mr. George Dimas 156 69 Papagos fax +301-8215025 Greece h. +301-6541687 Deputy Gen. Technical University of Crete, off +30821-37236 kostas@dias.ergasya.tuc.gr Secretary Financial Engineering off +30821-69551 Pr. Constantin Laboratory, fax +30821-69410 Zopounidis University Campus fax +30821-37236 731 00 Chania, Greece h. +30821-46887 Treasurer Ag. Paraskeuis 6, off +301-4222926 sambra@unipi.gr Pr. Evangelos 191 00 Megara fax +301-4179064 Sambrakos Greece Members Pr. Yannis Darzentas Agamemnonos 38, off +0932-644114 idarz@aegean.gr 166 73 Boula fax +301-8995356 Greece h. +301-8995356 Mr. Dimitris Kefallinias 75, off +301-8670234 Dpergamalis@optimum.gr Pergamalis 112 51 Athens fax +301-8677747 Greece h. +301-2221625 Pr. Maro University of Macedonia off +3031-891867 mavla@macedonia.uom.gr Vlachopoulou Departement of Applied fax +3031-891290 Informatics fax +3031-288035 156, Egnatia Str h. +30392-616618 P.O. Box 1591 540 06 Thessaloniki Mr. Alexandros Heimaras 36, off +301-6749106 dsp@otenet.gr Mourelatos 104 43 Athens fax +301-6749504 Greece h. +301-5124351 Mr. Ioannis P.O. Box 14131 off +301-8670234 Igeorgiadis@optimum.gr Georgiadis 115 10 Athens fax +301-8677747 Greece h. +30295-22980 ■ ■ ■ 5 EURO Bulletin EURO MEMBER SOCIETIES CORNER This corner is devoted to news passed on by EURO Member societies to the EURO Bulletin. The Portuguese OR Society Conference on Systems and Information Technologies Lisbon, Portugal - 4-5 October 1999 - Organisation: APDIO and CEPI Programme Committee ■ Dr. Joao Paulo Silva (SAP) ■ Prof. Luis Valadares Tavares (President) (IST/UCP) ■ Eng. Francisco Gouveia Pedro (BP) ■ Dr. Manuel Joao Pereira (Organsiation ■ Eng. Carlos Romao (CAP-GEMINI) Coordinator) (UCP/IST) ■ Prof. Claudia Loebbecke - Guest speaker (Univ. ■ Prof. Edward Stohr - Guest speaker (New York Copenhaga) University) ■ Prof. Altamiro Machado (UCP/Univ. Minho) ■ Prof. Luis Amaral (Univ. Minho) ■ Prof. Joao Alvaro Carvalho (Univ. Minho/APSI) ■ Prof. Carlos Zorinho (Univ. de Evora) ■ Prof. Antonio Serrano (Univ. Evora) ■ Prof. José Dias Coelho (Univ. Nova de Lisboa) ■ Prof. Philip Ein-Dor - Guest speaker (Tel-Aviv For more information University) Zita Bento or Anabela Filipe ■ Prof.Tawfik Jelassi - Guest speaker E-mail: servicos@dislogo.ucp.pt (INSEAD/EAMS) Tel: +721 41 40 / +721 41 49 ■ Dr. Alexandre Fonseca (Compaq) Fax: +721 41 44 ■ Prof. Antonio Dourado (Univ. Coimbra) http://www.dislogo.ucp.pt
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