SYLVAN UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 15, 2019 M I N U T E S Members Present: Mmes. Christine Harvey, Cynthia Lindsey, and Jennifer Miyakawa. Messrs. David Collins and George Rawe. Members Absent: None District Admini- Debra Hendricks, Velma Beck, Yvonne Perez, Laura Wharff, stration Present: Didi Peterson, John Patten, Marti Reed, Laura Granger, Dawn Mori, and Lisa Sandoval. Audience Present: Scott Ferreira, Michael Stagnaro, Jennifer Anderson, Michele Calton, Nikki Codromac, Deanne Andrade-Freitas, Katie Bennett, Sara Bradley, Joann O’Brien, Alisa Eldridge, Melanie Dean, Jean Wiersema, Holly Gaylor, Sean Smith, Tedde’ Vaupel, Gretchen Griffin, Cory Simpson, John Fountain, Melinda Yegiyants, Kari Hendon, Brenda Flores, Mindy Engel, Raychel Cupit, Jennifer Blakey, Tricia Wessling, Gracriel Camacho, Mehrina Hexoeve, Julie Noel, Erica Amezcua, Rebecca Martino, Michelle Travao, Tami Gierhan, Eric Bjerke and about 20 other people. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:47 p.m. Adjourn to Closed The meeting adjourned to Closed Session for the following: Session: a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – POTENTIAL LITIGATION Number of Cases: Four (4) b. PUBLIC EMPLOPYEE EMPLOYMENT: SUPERINTENDENT’S EVALUATION c. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT Title: Administrative Assignments d. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EMPLOYMENT Title: Assistant Superintendents’ Contracts M I N U T E S Regular Meeting of the Board January 15, 2019 Page 2 CLOSED SESSION Continued e. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Title: Employee Organizations: All Groups (Sylvan Educators Association, California School Employees Association, Chapter 73, and Unrepresented Reconvene to Open The meeting reconvened to Open Session at 7:05 p.m. Session: Board President Mr. Collins advised all attendees that in accordance with Board Announcement: Policy, tonight’s Board Meeting was being recorded. He also advised any persons wishing to address the Board on any agenda or non- agendized item must fill out a speaker card. Report Out of Mr. Collins reported that direction was given to staff regarding all Closed Session: matters. Adoption of The motion was made by Mrs. Miyakawa, seconded by Mr. Rawe, Agenda: adopting the Agenda. AYES: Collins, Harvey, Lindsey, Miyakawa, Rawe NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTENTIONS: None Pledge of Mr. Collins welcomed everyone to the meeting. Scott Ferreira, Allegiance: principal at Somerset Middle School introduced Salana “Lana” Camacho an 8th grader, who has been selected to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Salana led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Ferreira shared that Salana was selected to be recognized tonight because she became a model tiger when she entered Somerset in the 7th grade. He stated that she truly embodies Somerset’s core values of being responsible, respectful, and safe. She is a hard worker, team player, and an all-around delightful student. She not only excels in her academics, but is a star on the wrestling mat. Last year Lana earned the prestigious award of State Champion in the 118 weight class. Lana became a WEB leader this year and assists incoming 6th grade students with any needs they may have and has done a M I N U T E S Regular Meeting of the Board January 15, 2019 Page 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Continued wonderful job in making them feel a part of the Somerset community. Lana truly believes in the Power of 1 where 1 student, herself, can make a difference in the lives of others. Mr. Ferreira added that Lana is a remarkable young lady who has a bright future ahead of her. Lana proudly introduced her parents and brothers to the Board of Trustees and audience. Mr. Collins presented Salana with a certificate for her accomplishment. Recognition The school selected to be recognized at tonight’s Board Meeting was Presentation: Somerset Middle School. Mr. Ferreira shared lots of good things happening at Somerset Middle School. Student representatives from each grade shared their important and fun roles and programs at Somerset. They talked about the WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Team/Program, PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support), M.A.G.I.C. (Motivate Achieve Grow Inspire Connect), STEAM, and Tiger Time. The WEB students thanked the Sylvan Educational Foundation for their web shirts this year. Communications: COMMUNICATIONS Written a. Mrs. Hendricks shared the following information with the Communication: Board: . No written communications at this time Public b. None. Participation: INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION Supt’s Update: a. Superintendent’s Update – 8th Grade Criteria for Promotion Update: Mrs. Hendricks provided an update on the current practice and criteria for the 8th grade promotion committee meetings held with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teachers. She thanked staff who participated and dedicated their time to research and provided feedback. Staff will be presenting a proposal to the Board of Trustees to begin at the start of the 2019-2020 school year. M I N U T E S Regular Meeting of the Board January 15, 2019 Page 4 INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION Continued Fall 2018 CA b. Fall 2018 CA School Dashboard: School Dashboard: Mrs. Reed shared the results of the district’s Fall 2018 CA School Dashboard. The new dashboard format is user friendly with many drill down options for each category and sub category. Overall, Sylvan Union School District performed very well. We are in green for ELA, Math, and chronic absenteeism. We have met all five local indicators. District results are compared to state standards as well. The dashboard results are available to the public online at californiaschooldashboard.org. The Governor’s c. The Governor’s Proposals for Fiscal Year 2019-20: Proposals for Fiscal Year 2019- Mrs. Sandoval review the information she received in Sacramento at 20: Governor Newsom’s 2019-20 State Budget Proposal meeting where the message was to “preserve your reserves for the future” when cost of education programs escalate and the recession occurs that money will be needed. A budget update will be provided when the Governor releases the May 2019 Budget Revision. The Fiscal Year 2018-19 Second Interim Report is due March 5, 2019. Governance Goal d. Governance Goal Update: Communication Plan: Update: Communication Mrs. Hendricks provided the Board of Trustees with a copy of the Plan: Communication Plan as part of the 2018-2019 Governance Team Goals. Educational e. Educational Services Update: Homework (Governance Services Update: Goal): Homework (Governance As part of the 2018-19 governance goals, staff provided the Board of Goal): Trustees with study results of research based information and materials supporting the most effective way to utilize homework, and the effect homework has on student success. Mrs. Wharff shared that homework should be purposeful, developmentally appropriate, and differentiated in order to be effective. She also shared that parents are encouraged to be supportive to their children, provide adequate space and supplies, and let them learn from their own mistakes. The purpose of homework is to determine if a child knows the concept and content of the material. M I N U T E S Regular Meeting of the Board January 15, 2019 Page 5 INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION Continued Education Services f. Educational Services Update: Science Update (Governance Update: Science Goal): Update (Governance Mrs. Wharff shared a report on how more science learning Goal): opportunities have been encouraged and implemented throughout the district in K-5 classrooms. Data was collected through a survey given to district staff to establish a baseline for how much science instruction is currently occurring in the classrooms. Based on survey results, science is currently being taught three to five days per week and on average of thirty to sixty minutes on days of science instruction. Mrs. Wharff indicated that many teachers shared interest to participate on the science adoption teams. She expects the teams to consider the issues of technology, potential integration with our language arts program, and real world relevance for all grade levels. Educational g. Educational Options Committee Update (Governance Options Committee Goal): Update (Governance Mrs. Mori provided information on the progress of the educational Goal): options Committee formed as part of the 2018-19 governance goals. Currently, the committee is still discussing and researching options for students have been expelled or are at risk for expulsion. The committee has met several times and plans to have one final meeting on January 23, 2019. Staff will be presenting more information and a recommendation with a few options at the next regular board meeting. Revised Job h. Revised Job Description for Assistant Superintendent of Description for Educational Services: Assistant Superintendent of Mrs. Peterson shared the draft revised job description for the Educational Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. The last update to Services: the job description was in 1995. The Board provided feedback and suggested the word innovate(s) be added to the text in the job description. Staff will be amending the job description to include the ability to innovate under personal qualities. M I N U T E S Regular Meeting of the Board January 15, 2019 Page 6 INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION Continued Technology Plan i. Technology Plan Update: Chromebooks (Governance Update: Goal): Chromebooks (Governance As part of the 2018-19 governance goals, Mr. Patten provided a Goal): technology update on curriculum, professional development, infrastructure hardware, technical support, software and technology needs, funding and budget, and monitoring/evaluation. All 6th grade teachers have participated in professional development training led by Mr. Patten and Instructional Coaches. Registrars will be attending an Aeries master workshop training to review master scheduling tomorrow. The IT staff configured 950 chromebooks over the winter break so they would be ready for students when they returned in January. The technology department is currently in the 2018-19 E- Rate process and proposals from vendors will be due on January 17, 2019. Special Education j. Special Education Report Update: Report Update: Mrs.
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