November 8, 2019 In This Issue ESSEESSENGERNGER M Serving the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky since 1926 2 Youth heading to NCYC ‘Blessed, Broken, Given’ ‘DioceseofCovington Guarantee’afinancial 2 Parish Kitchen commitmenttopassingonCatholic faith Fifth Thursday crew Laura Keener aid, until the total institutional aid received reaches, but does not Editor exceed, $20,000. 2 Knights and Dames of the Thomas More University has announced a new initiative aimed Non-institutional aid — like a student’s KEES money and feder- Holy Sepulchre at making a TMU education more financially attainable for local al or state grants — may be used in addition to the $20,000 from students — “The Diocese of Covington Guarantee.” With the TMU. 3 St. Vincent de Paul Diocese of Covington Guarantee, TMU is affirming its commitment “Our hope is that students from the diocese who qualify for full to students from the Diocese of federal and state grants will have Microloan program Covington by guaranteeing $20,000 nearly no cost to attend Thomas in institutional aid to students who More with this guarantee in 3 Congratulations choose TMU. place,” said Ms. Stratton. Matthew Grosser “In my inauguration speech, I All Diocese of Covington spoke of the importance of provid- graduates who meet the mini- 2019 National Distinguished ing every student in the Diocese of mum qualifications for admis- Principal Covington with a high-quality, sions — 2.5 GPA and 20 ACT — affordable Catholic education,” said starting with the graduating 3 School open houses Joseph Chillo, president, TMU. class of 2020 qualify for the guar- “The Diocese of Covington antee. Another convenience for Guarantee ensures that all diocesan 3 Cathedral Concert Series students is that there is not an graduates starting with this year’s additional form to complete to Salute to veterans high school graduating seniors who apply for the guarantee. A stu- meet our admission criteria will be dent’s admissions application 6 Catechesis and Adult Faith awarded $20,000 in institutional acts as the application, said Ms. Formation courses aid.” Stratton. The Diocese of Covington Guarantee is not a stand-alone schol- “Every diocesan student that wants to gain a Catholic higher arship, said Rebecca Stratton, director of communications, TMU. It education deserves the assistance to do so,” said President Chillo. 7 2020 DPAA chairs is designed to help bridge the gap so that each graduate of a “Creating opportunity for our diocesan high schools to effectively Catholic high school in the diocese receives $20,000 of institutional position the values and significance of a Catholic higher education aid. begins with our responsibility of being the diocesan university. The Many families who have a student in a Catholic high school in values and purpose of Catholic education are significant and rele- the diocese are familiar with TMU’s Parochial Promise. The vant and we must do our part to strengthen and advance the impor- Moving? Wrong address? Parochial Promise is a $14,000 scholarship offered to any student tant work that was started almost 100 years ago at Villa Madonna Call the circulation desk, who graduates from a Catholic high school nationwide and attends College.” (859) 392-1570 TMU. Diocesan high school students attending TMU will still qual- For information visit the Thomas More University website ify for the Parochial Promise. The Diocese of Covington Guarantee www.university.thomasmore.edu. will be added to the Parochial Promise, and any other institutional Bishop’s Schedule . .3 Commentary . .4 The idea for Civilize It originated in the People and Events . .10 Aheadof2020 election, campaign Social Action Office of the Archdiocese of Saint Snippet . .11 Cincinnati in 2016. Its success in southwest Ohio caught the attention of the USCCB, Entertainment . .15 stresses why civilityimportant which this year decided that the model, with Shopper’s Guide . .15 Dennis Sadowski a few tweaks, could be introduced nationwide. Classifieds . .16 Catholic News Service The effort also will incorporate the U.S. News Briefs . .19 WASHINGTON — Rancor in bishops’ quadrennial document, “Forming politics, especially these days, may Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.” The be the norm, but a nationwide document remains unchanged this year, but effort is underway to remind people Missed an edition? Current and back the bishops will vote on a letter and four short that civility in political discussions issues of the Messenger are available video scripts to supplement it during their online at covdio.org/messenger. is a virtue. annual fall assembly in Baltimore Nov. 11-13. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Andrew Musgrave, director of the Bishops is introducing the Civilize Cincinnati Archdiocese’s Social Action It campaign Nov. 3. It stresses that Office, said he planned to alert parishes that respectful dialogue — rather than the program is continuing for the next year. name-calling and nasty barbs — He said the effort there will build on the suc- can occur among people with differ- cess of the program in 2016, which saw ing political views. parishioners in dozens of parishes becoming “In part, this campaign is really involved. in response to the vitriol that we see The campaign’s cornerstone is a three-part in public discourse on both sides of pledge that individuals can take to respect the aisle,” said Jill Rauh, director of civility, to root political views in the Gospel education and outreach in the and a well-formed conscience, and to USCCB’s Department of Justice, encounter others with compassion. Peace and Human Development. Personal reflection is a significant compo- “Civility is something that we, at nent of the program. Resources developed by least in theory, should all agree on,” Rauh’s office will help guide participants in she told Catholic News Service. the tradition of an examination of conscience “Catholics don’t always come down so they can better understand how they can on the same side in terms of where respond to people with whom they disagree. they discern to be voting. But every- Other resources include a pastoral aid that one should agree that we can be includes homily guides for Masses Nov. 2-3, modeling love for neighbor and we promotional materials for use in parishes and can be modeling the example of Christ.” discussion groups, and examples of social media messaging. The date of the program’s introduction is significant because it The campaign “is a way the Church can be an example,” Rauh is precisely one year from the 2020 presidential election. (Continued on page 13) 2 November 8, 2019 Messenger National CatholicYouth Conference:‘Blessed,Broken,Given’ Messenger Staff Report Broken, Given,” and promises to provide opportunities for friends and have fun. In the Diocese of Covington, 233 youth, young adults, prayer, to hear dynamic speakers and participate in many Parishes and schools that are sending pilgrims to NCYC adult chaperones, three diocesan priests, two deacons, two workshops. There is also a “Reign Forest” thematic park include: Blessed Sacrament Parish, Ft. Mitchell; Cathedral religious and one seminarian, are traveling, Nov. 21, to for youth and their chaperones to grow in their faith, make Basilica of the Assumption, Covington; Cristo Rey Parish, Indianapolis, Ind., Florence; Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Burlington; to attend the Mary, Queen of Heaven Parish, Erlanger; St. Joseph National Catholic Parish, Cold Spring; St. Joseph Parish, Crescent Springs; Youth Conference Schedule for NCYC Live 2019 St. Mary Parish, Alexandria; St. Timothy Parish, Union; (NCYC). St. William Parish, Williamstown; St. Pius X Parish, NCYC is a three- Thursday, Nov. 21 Edgewood; Bishop Brossart High School, Alexandria; day youth confer- 7:30-11 p.m. — Evening opening session, “Blessed” Covington Latin School, Covington; Notre Dame Academy, ence focusing on Park Hills; St. Henry District High School, Erlanger; and the Catholic faith Friday, Nov. 22 the Curia Office Building, Covington. that combines the 8:30-10:45 am — Morning general session, “Broken” Once the conference is over, youth who attended the sacraments, praise conference will return to their parish and school commu- and worship music 10:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m. — Parent workshops, nities with a better understanding of their role as evangel- and witness talks. personality interviews, and sponsor highlight ists and with a deeper relationship with Jesus. The National Interviews. “It’s not just a 3-day event you immerse into and it dis- Federation for 7:30–11 p.m. — Evening general session, “Broken” appears,” said Mr. Isaak. “It’s very important that youth Catholic Youth also be ministers to the young people in their parish — Ministry hosts the event. In the Diocese of Covington, the Saturday, Nov. 23 peer-to-peer ministry — sharing the faith so that they real- Office of Catechesis and Faith Formation organizes the ly live the faith united in Christ.” trip. Four busloads of pilgrims will depart Northern 8:30–10:45 a.m. — Morning general session, “Given” Those youth and adults not able to travel to NCYC this Kentucky and join more than 25,000 youth from across the 10:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m. — Parent workshops, year can participate in other ways and support those who country for the biennial event. personality interviews, and sponsor highlight are going. The people of the diocese are invited to journey “It’s a pure Catholic event where youth can see their Interviews with the pilgrims through their prayers and encourage- national Church displayed,” said Isaak A. Isaak, co-direc- ments. tor, Office Catechesis and Faith Formation. “Youth come to 7:30–11 p.m. — Vigil closing Mass Both adults and youth alike can be virtual pilgrims by experience the faith of the Church right there with bish- following NCYC online. Key conference events will be Learn more: www.nfcym.org.
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