With reference of Advertisement Notice no. 03-26/2020-RMLH (HA-II)/3669 Dated: 04.08.2020 regarding recruitment of Senior Residents (regular basis), Final List of candidates is enclosed below. Candidates are advised to visit personally as per schedule (15 minutes before starting interview) in Exhibition Hall, Ground Floor, ABVIMS Building, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi for Interview. 2. Result, offer letters, terms & conditions, acceptance and schedule for joining will be uploaded on hospital website. Joining of selected candidates is subject to verification of original documents, failing which their selection will be terminated. 3. Candidates are advised to visit HA II Academic Section, Ground Floor, ABVIMS Building, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi for clarification, if any, before interview. Sd/- Office Superintendent HA II (Academic) Schedule of Interview S. No Department Date of Interview Time 01. Cardiac Anaesthesia 10.09.2020 10:00 A.M. 02. Anaesthesia 10.09.2020 10:30 A.M. 03. Orthopaedics 10.09.2020 02:00 P.M. 04. Radiology 11.09.2020 10:00 A.M. 05. Dermatology 11.09.2020 02:00 P.M. 06. Neonatology 14.09.2020 10:00 A.M 07. Paediatrics 14.09.2020 02: 00 P.M. 08. Surgery 16.09.2020 10: 00 A.M. 09. Pathology 16.09.2020 02: 00 P.M 10. Medicine 17.09.2020 10:00 A.M. 11. Gastroenterology 17.09.2020 02:00 P.M. 12. Endocrinology 17.09.2020 02:30 P.M. 13. Forensic Medicine 17.09.2020 03:00 P.M. 14. Obst. & Gynae 18.09.2020 10:00 A.M. 15. Microbiology 18.09.2020 12:00 Noon. 16. Ophthalmology 18.09.2020 02: 00 P.M. 17. Biochemistry 18.09.2020 03: 00 P.M 18. Dental 21.09.2020 10:00 A.M. 19. Psychiatry 21.09.2020 02:00 P.M. 20. PMR 21.09.2020 03:00 P.M 21. Transfusion Medicine 21.09.2020 03:30 P.M List of Candidates Department Wise Surgery Year of Previous Publication Communication S.No Name of Doctors Date of Birth Category Qualification University Passing Service Proof Address D - 184, West Patel 1 Dr. Pankaj Raina 22.03.1993 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Nagar, New Delhi - 110008 Sri Ram Kunj, H.No - 556, Nehru Nagar, 2 Dr. Abhishek Kumar 08.01.1987 UR MS 2020 Jaipur - Yes Patliputra, Patna, Bihar - 800013 Mukesh Nursing Home Kairana Road 3 Dr. Abhinav Garg 08.06.1992 UR MS 2020 Ghaziabad - - Shamil, Uttar Pradesh. A - 229/1, Street No - 4 Dr. Saifullah Nizam 21.03.1992 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes 07, Shaheen Bagh, New Delhi - 110025 11/66, Subhash 5 Dr. Vishesh Guglani 12.11.1991 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes Nagar, New Delhi - 110027 C-9, Sector-19, 6 Susmita Gupta 09.01.1992 UR MS 2019 Agra 11 Months - Noida UP 201301 R.no.336, Third Fl, Type II, Quarters, 7 Gautam Shubhankar 18.03.1991 UR MS 2019 Delhi 10 Months Yes MAMC Campus, New Delhi 110002 Flat no.106, Swastik Kunj, Sector-13, 8 Shalini Dabas 02.12.1992 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Rohini, New Delhi 110085 F58, Third Fl, back 9 Amrit Kumar Gupta 25.01.1990 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes Side West patel Nagar Delhi D-184, West patel 10 Rahul Rohitaj 07.02.1989 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Nagar New Delhi 110008 389, DG-3, Vikas 11 Mandeep Singh 09.10.1989 UR MS 2019 Delhi 9 Months - Puri, New Delhi 110018 H.no.9/1, Street No.3, Ram Bagh 12 Rihan Zaidi 28.01.1988 UR MS 2018 Dehradun - - Colony Near Nauchandi Ground Meerut G-1, Sant naar Extn. 13 Vikas Gupta 08.05.1989 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Tilak Nagar, New Delhi 110018 C/O Ratan Kumar H.no.A-487, Sector- 14 Ram Prasad Jaiswal 15.07.1982 UR MS 2020 Pune - - 46, Noida UP 201301 808, Sukhdev Market Opposite Defence 15 Rahul Saini 30.10.1990 UR MS 2019 Delhi 44 Days Yes Colony New Delhi 110003 C-136/1, Near Taiyyab Masjid Gali 16 Md. Shazid Akbal 10.05.1985 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes no.8, Shaheen Bagh, Jamia, Delhi 110025 B-1801 Shastri Nagar, 17 Kritika Tiwari 14.09.1990 UR DNB 2020 Delhi - Yes Delhi 110052 155, Amar Jyoti Kunj, 18 Sampad Dash 05.10.19914 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091 Room no.103, Doctor's Hostel RML 19 Md.Arshad Alam 05.11.1986 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes Hospital New Delhi 110001 Flat no.615, Wonder 20 Sahun 29.04.1987 UR MS 2020 Jaipur - - Heights Bhawani Top bMalviya Nagar C/O Dinesh Chand Sharma H.no. 836/22, 21 Raghvendra Sharma 16.05.1989 UR MS 2020 Manipur - - Gali no.5, Gandhi Nagar, Gurgaon 122001 D-20, Third Fl, 22 Bhawani Pathak 22.02.1987 UR MS 2019 Rohtak - - Gulmohar Park New Delhi C/O Dr. R.N. Rai 1 Year Parikhara PO- 23 Anshuman 11.08.1991 UR MS 2018 Karad Yes 7 Moths Tikhampur, Distt. Ballia UP 277001 C-2/176, Janak Puri 24 Rahil Singh 26.11.1988 UR MS 2019 Meerut 54 Days Yes New Delhi 110058 E-253-254, 2nd Fl, 2 Months Double Story Ramesh 25 Ankit Kaura 12.06.1990 UR MS 2019 Delhi Yes 2 Days Nagar New Delhi 110015 G-5, Pocket -I, DDA, 1 Year SFS Flats, Naraina 26 Suhas Agarwal 21.04.1990 UR MS 2019 Ghaziabad - 2 Months Vihar, New Delhi 110028 25/20, Third Fl, Old 27 Chandrashekhar 01.06.1991 UR MS 2020 Delhi - Yes Rajender Nagar, New Delhi 110060 261, Sector 5, Pushp 28 Shaphali Chandra 02.08.1992 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Vihar New Delhi 110017 D-13, Shivalok Plot - 29 Shivali Gupta 25.07.1991 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - 6, Sector-6, Dwarka New Delhi 110075 Room. No.105, Mohammad Aftab 30 10.11.1991 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Doctor's Hostel RML Iqbal Hospital New Delhi Chirag Colony, Dr. Dawood Iqbal Bathindi Morh, Near 31 11.06.1992 UR MS 2020 Jammu - Yes Chirag Public School, Wani Bathini, Jammu, J & K ORTHOPAEDICS Year of Previous Publication Communication S.No Name of Doctors Date of Birth Category Qualification University Passing Service Proof Address 318, Building 86, All India Institute of 01 Dr. Aakriti Jain 09.10.1990 UR MS 2020 Rishikesh - Yes Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand - 249201 Room No - 84 - 62B Dr. Sanny Kumar (Intern Hostel) AIIMS 02 21.01.1989 UR MS 2020 Rishikesh - Yes Singh Rishikesh, Uttrakhand - 249202 192, 1st Floor, Dr. Umesh 03 28.09.1991 UR DNB 2019 Hydrabad - - Gujranwala Town, Budhiraja Part - 2, Delhi. C - 20, Type III Quarters, Mirdard 04 Dr. Vikrant Chauhan 15.08.1992 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Lane, MAMC, New Delhi. WZ - 21, Jwala Heri, 05 Dr. Akash Yadav 08.02.1993 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110063 Flat 202, B - 61-62, Dr. Ahmed Abdul Gali No - 11, Sewak 06 30.10.1988 UR MS 2017 Dehradoon - - Ghaffar Park, Dwarka Mor, New Delhi - 110059 88B, Pocket B, 07 Dr. Mukesh Kumar 28.07.1982 UR MS 2018 Jaipur - Yes Dilshad Garden, New Delhi - 110095 Jamia Hamdard, D - 08 Dr. Yawar Haider 06.09.1990 UR MS 2018 Srinagar - Yes Block, Room 103, 110062 873, Plot - 4, Nav 1 Year 7 Sansad Vihar, Sector - 09 Dr. Aakash Tomar 09.08.1990 UR MS 2018 Delhi - Months 22, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110077 Room No - 122, Doctor Hostel, RML 10 Dr. Mohit Singh 06.08.1989 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Hospital, New Delhi - 110001 No - 5, Bangbandu Shaik Masjid Lane, 11 Dr. Guruprasad H B 26.04.1992 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Beside Talkatara Stadium Bus Stop, New Delhi - 110001 SCF - 27/78, Red Square Market CVE - 12 Dr. Akshay Lamba 31.07.1989 UR MS 2020 Rohtak - Yes I, Hisar - 125001 (Haryana) Room No - 128, Doctors Hostel, Dr. 13 Dr. Neeraj Jayant 05.01.1989 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - RML Hospital, New Delhi - 110001 M - 24, Delta III, 14 Dr. Sankalpa Jaiswal 21.12.1987 UR MS 2019 Puducherry - - Greater Noida - 201306 H.No - 153, Sector -5, 15 Dr. Pankaj Yadav 03.07.1990 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Part - 3, Gurugram, Haryana - 122006 69D, Kalkaji New 16 Akshay M.K. 26.04.1990 UR MS 2018 Karnataka 10 Months Yes Delhi 110019 Flat no. 302, third Fl, 194-A, Gautam 17 Andalib Kashani 28.02.1989 UR D. Ortho DNB 2017 2019 Aligarh Delhi - Yes Nagar New Delhi 110049 43, Second Fl, 20 Futta Raod, Opposite 18 Abu Gaufran 05.10.1989 UR MS 2019 Gujrat - Yes SBI ATM, Jamia Nagar Batla House New Delhi 110025 Room no. 02, Dr B.C. Roy Hostel Formerly 19 Abhijit Behera 26.02.1991 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - PG Mens Hostl MAMC, New Delhi 110002 H.no.42. First Fl. Saini Enclave 20 Vikas Deep Pandey 02.02.1982 UR MS 2018 Kathmandu - - Karkardooma, New Delhi 110092 C-12-F, Delhi Police Apartments Mayur 21 Sher Singh Bishnoi 23.07.1977 UR D. Orhto 2004 Lucknow - - Vihar Phase I, Near Ahlcon Internation School Delhi 110091 T-141, DLF Capital 2015 Bhopal 22 Anchal Navneet 27.08.1984 UR D. Orho DNB 1 Year Yes Greens, Moti Nagar 2019 Delhi New Delhi Kuws And DB Quarteers Kelagri 23 Nirup S. Naik 14.11.1992 UR MS 2020 Delhi - - Road Bharati Nagar , Dharwad, Karnataka 580001 H-5/4, Near Hitesh Mehta Park, Malviya 24 Ayush Tiwari 25.05.1990 UR MS 2018 Navi Mumbai 1 Year Yes Nagar, New Delhi 110017 H.no.
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