1933 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4061 Mr. TYDINGS. Mr. President, will the· Senator yield Mr. MOSES. Will the Senator be good -enoUgh to tell the to me? Senate the history of that loan-how much of it was paid, Mr. SHEPPARD. I yield. how often the interest was paid, how often they had to Mr. TYDINGS. Did I understand the Senator to say that readjust it? Mr. Smuts was not representing anybody? Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. I object, Mr. President. Mr. SHEPPARD. ~ He was representing South Africa, too. [Laughter.] Mr. TYDINGS. Lord Robert Cecil and Mr. Smuts both Mr. SHEPPARD. That would require a speech of almost were representing South Africa? the same length as the one I have made. I respectfully de­ Mr. SHEPPARD. That is true, if I am correctly advised. cline to answer to that extent. Mr. TYDINGS. That was rather a complete represen­ Mr. MOSES. I am entirely willing to listen. Will the tation. Senator permit still further questions? Does the Senator Mr. SHEPPARD. I think so myself. still yield to me for further questions? Mr. SHEPPARD continued his speech. After having Mr. SHEPPARD. I surrender the floor. spoken some time he said: Mr. MOSES. I do not want the Senator to surrender the . ' Mr. President, I ask that the statement under the title floor. I am seeking information. "Armenian and Greek Refugees" may be printed in the REc­ Mr. McNARY. Mr. President-- ORD without reading. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Oregon is The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? recognized. Mr. MOSES. Mr. President, I would like to ask the Sen­ Mr. McNARY. I ask unanimous consent that the Senate ator to state briefly what is set forth under that heading. shall vote on the pending motion at 1 o'clock to-morrow Mr. SHEPPARD. Would the Senator like to hear it afternoon. read? The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair Mr. MOSES. I would like to have a summary in the hears none, and it is so ordered. Senator's own words. Mr. BROOKHART. Mr. President, in view of the agree­ Mr. SHEPPARD. I shall read it for the Senator. ment to vote at 1 o'clock, it occurs to me that we should Mr. MOSES. If it means what was done by Doctor Nan­ modify the agreement previously entered into to meet at 11 sen and by the League of Nations, association, or whatever o'clock. Some of us want to attend committee meetings in they call it, in Athens, which seized the palace of Prince the morning. Nicholas and lived in it without rent and tried to charge up The VICE PRESIDENT. The unannnous-consent agree­ the expense to the United States-if that is what the Sena­ ment previously entered into is to recess until 11 o'clock tor has in mind, I want it read and I want to discuss it with to-morrow morning. hnn. · Mr. BROOKHART. I am wondering if the Senator from Mr. SHEPPARD. I shall read it, but the Senator did not Oregon will not agree to modify that agreement? ask me a question. · Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, in view of the fact that Mr. MOSES. Very well. Will the Senator read it and say we have a unannnous-consent agreement to vote at 1 o'clock whether it has to do with what I have just mentioned? to-morrow, and in order to accommodate the Senator from Mr. SHEPPARD. I shall read it. Iowa and others, I ask unanimous consent that the order Mr. MOSES. Just a minute. by which we agreed to meet at 11 o'clock to-morrow morn­ Mr. SHEPPARD. I decline to yield further. ing be vacated, and that when the Senate takes a recess Mr. MOSES. May I finish-- to-night it shall be until 12 o'clock noon to-monow. Mr. SHEPPARD. I decline to yield further. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair Mr. MOSES. May I not finish my question? hears none, and it is so ordered. Mr. SHEPPARD. I decline to yield further. ADDITIONAL REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE Mr. MOSES. I submit to the inevitable. Mr. SHEPPARD. I decline to yield further. Mr. BINGHAM, from the Committee on Territories and The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Texas de- Insular Affairs, to which was referred the bill <S. 5408) re­ cline~ to yield further. lating to the revolving fund established by the joint resolu­ Mr. SHEPPARD. I shall read it to the Senator. tion of December 21, 1928, for the relief of Puerto Rico, After the conclusion of Mr. SHEPPARD's speech- reported it without amendment and submitted a report Mr. MOSES. Mr. President, will the Senator yield to me (No. 1224) thereon. for a question? He also, from the same committee, to which was referred Mr. SHEPPARD. I yield. the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 183) to amend a joint reso­ Mr. MOSES. The Senator was speaking just now, was lution entitled" Joint resolution for the relief of Porto Rico,"'' he not, of that period when the League of Nations arranged approved December 21, 1928, as amended by the second for a loan to Austria, at the tnne when the Abbe Seipel was deficiency act, fiscal year 1929, approved March 4, 1929, re­ the Chancellor of Austria? Is not that so? ported it with amendments and submitted a report <No. Mr. SHEPPARD. I take it the Senator is familiar with 1225) thereon. that matter. RECESS Mr. MOSES. The Senator has just been talking about it Mr. McNARY. I now move that the Senate take a recess at length. until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow. Mr. SHEPPARD. Yes; but I have not gone completely The motion was agreed to; and the Senate (at 10 o'clock into the history of Austria. and 5 minutes p. m.) took a recess until to-morrow, Wednes­ Mr. MOSES. This is not the history of Austria, Mr. day, February 15, 1933, at 12 o'clock meridian. President; it is the history of the League of Nations in con­ nection with the Austrian Government, and I am asking the Senator whether he has not been speaking of that period HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when the League of Nations arranged for a loan to the TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1933 Austrian Government. Mr. SHEPPARD. It began its arrangements for the loan The House met at 12 o'clock noon. then; yes. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., Mr. MOSES. It was about 1923, was it not? offered the following prayer: Mr. SHEPPARD. Yes; it began to make the arrange­ Have mercy upon us, 0 God, according to Thy loving kind­ ments then. ness. According to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, blot Mr. MOSES. Does the Senator know the history of that out our transgressions. 0 speak to us, dear Lord, and a sense loan? of quiet duty, quiet thought, and fl'eshness of energy of life Mr. SHEPPARD. I know something about it. shall steal upon us. Life is so varied; there is such an array · 4062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 14 of possibilities! 0 let us work in the spirit of a noble faith NIGHT SESSION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1933 and consecration. Then we shall realize Thine approval and Mr. RAINEY. Mr. Speaker, I move the adoption of a our labors shall live in the heart of our Republic. Let Thy resolution <H. Res. 379) which I send to the desk. rule of justice and righteousness be our master law. By The Clerk read as follows: wise and persistent effort may we seek constructive good and Resolved, That on Thursday, February 16, 1933, it shall be in understand that true merit lies in hard work and personal order to move that the House take a recess until 8 o'clock p. m., sacrifice. Hear our prayer we beseech Thee. In the name of and that at the evening session, until 10.30 o'clock p. m., it shall Jesus our Savi or. Amen. be in order to consider bills on the Private Calendar unobjected to in the House as in Committee of the Whole, the call of bills The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and on said calendar to begin where the last call ended. approved. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the resolution will be MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE agreed to. A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal There was no objection. clerk, announced that the Senate had agreed to the amend­ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA APPROPRIATION. BILL, 1934 ments of the House to bills of the Senate of the following titles: Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House re­ S. 220. An act authorizing adjustment of the claim of the solve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the Van Camp Sea Food Co. Unc.) ; and state of the Union for the further consideration of the bill S. 3438. An act authorizing adjustment of the claim of <H. R. 14643) making appropriations for the government Lindley Nurseries Unc.) . of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable The message also announced that the Senate had agreed in whole or in part against the revenues of such District to the report of the committee of conference on the dis­ for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, and for other pur­ agreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the poses. Pending that, I would like to reach some agreement Senate to the bill <H. R. 13710) entitled "An act making as to time with the gentleman from Illinois.
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