DAVIDSONIAN HAS CONGRESSMEN CLARK CONTEST FOR AND BULWINKLE ARE PHOTOGRAPHERS INITIATED BY O. D. K. ALENDA LUX U B I ORTA LIBERTAS VoLXXO DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, NOVEMBER 21, 1934 No. 9 10 Prominent Davidson Founder TWO MADE HONORARY i Pioneer In Educational Field D IKTERS MEMBERS AT OMICRON r Robert Hall Morrison Believed In II I Education Of Women; Had TOC ETE TWELI Six Daughters DELTA KAPPA MEET EM I ALL MARRIED HIGHLY Hon. J. B. Clark And Maj. A. L. ION'S PRAISE Charlotte Observer Writes Un- FIRS TRYOU Bulwinkle, Congressmen, Letter* Received From Thirty TRY F RS PORl I usual Story Of Morrison's Prevention Of International Ship- Admitted To O. D. K. Different States By Program Family P 0 0 CONTEST ment Of Arms Is Debate SIX SEN IORS INITIATED Officials Subject A story of unusual interest. Imtli to Ceremony Followed By Banquet LAUDED BY BANDSMEN ANNOUNCM [ Davidson Students, and others, appeared POSSIBILITIES ARE GOOD In Chambers Building several weeks ago in the Junior League T E F05TEIED Congratulations Extended From Captain Pritchett Will Select Entire Freshman Team Of Last Delta Circle of Omicrou Delta Kappa, New Hampshire To issue of the Charlotte Observer. Three Students From Second This story concerned the life of six Year Returns national leadership fraternity, initiated Florida Audition two honorary and six student members daughters of Kev. Robert Hall Morri- Approximately thirty men have signi- BY at a meeting In Id last Monday night in Tlic Davidson College radio broad- A tentative list of twelve men was se- son, D.I)., who in 1X37 founded the fied their intentions of competing for Photographic Contest Sponsored the faculty room of Chambers. casts from Chambers Auditorium, which lected from a group of approximately training school for Presbyterian minis- positions on the debating team this year, Jointly By Charlotte Dealer At six-thirty the meeting was called to began Friday, November 3, have excited thirty students who turned out for the ters and named it for the Revolutionary according to Hob Smith, president of the And Davidsonian order by G. II. lirown, president, K. D. considerable comment from all parts. first competitive trial, Wednesday, Nov. General William l.ce Davidson, who gave Forensic Council, and a member of last \\ ceks then presented two loyal friends Station WBT. Pres. Lingle, and Prof. 14, to fill the announcing position for the land on which our own Davidson year's varsity debating team. A photographic contest is heini; eon Pfohl have received letters of praise College now stands. of Davidson, the Honorable J. B. Clark, the coming year. A general subject will be given lo ducted fur local photographers hy the from thirty states. of Fayetleville, and Major A. L. Bul- The twelve students sdectrd hy Cap- In those days, the emancipation cif wo- every man and the candidates will be at Davidsoniau in connection with Mr. \V. wiukle, of Gastouia, as candidates for The following night letter was received tain N. (1. Pritchett, professor of physi- men was a lliiui; so little thought of that liberty to choose either side be wishes. I. Van N'ess, Chailotle dealer in photo- very few even perceived the possibility admission. They were duly received and from Houston, Texas: "Your entire cal education, who is acting as judge in The subject on which the debaters will graphic supplies. Mr. Van Ness is offer- of its ever existing. Dr. Morrison, how- welcomed into the fellowship of Omicrou program enjoyed immensely. Band, Dr. deciding the representative, were chosen speak in the preliminary tryouts will be: ing as first pri/i' five dollars worth of ever, realized the important pan that in- Delta Kappa by all present. Lingle's talk, orchestra, glee club, and as outstanding members of the prelimin- Resolved, that the nations agree to pre- phot.graphic stork lo tin- student who telligent women play in the success that hollowing this ceremony the six stu- organ. You have a wonderful organiza- ary trial. These students were chosen vent the international shipment of arms eniers tlu- most valuable photograph prc great men achieve. He often said. "Edu- dents who received bids at the Annual tion, and one that Davidson can well be on quality of diction, clearness of and munitions. The lime for the first serving the history of 1 )a\ idson. The cate the women and you elevate the whole Tap Day exercises held two weeks ago proud of. We congratulate you and will enunciation of the adaptability of their tryuut has been postponed one week and Davidsouian is adding a second prize nf • ace of mankind." No doubt, this was a listen in each Friday evening. Recep- voice to the amplifying system. will be held on the evening of November ?J.5O and a third ol' $1.3(1. Any iiiioriua- were initiated. These students were: R. very bold statement for those limes, but tion excellent, better than CBS from A second audition will be held Wed- 17 instead ol November 11, as previously ikdi eimceniinij this contest may he se T. Coit, Richmond, Va.; C. T. Fort, Bar- he stood up fur his beliefs in the edu- same station." nesday or Thursday afternoon of this announced. cured at the Davidsonian oilier. ium Springs; John C. Mackorell, Hick- cation of his six daughters, all of whom ory; William A. Northern. Sarasota, This letter from a Davidson alumnus week, during the varsity and freshman The prospects this year seem to point The omiest is strictly limited to married outstanding men in Confeder- l-'l.i.; P. Minis Rogers, Florence, Ala.; in I.enoir: "We have just been listening scrimmage hour. Other requirements, to a very successful debating season. Davidson students. The photographs ate history. and George Wiuglield, Reidsville. to the initial broadcast from the Cham- which will begin then, are: rapid lire With this in mind, a very ambitious can portray, any phase ol lite at David- The body* then withdrew to the ban- bers Auditorium over station WBT. talk, clearness nf the voice and ability to Dr. Morrison gave his daughters all schedule has been planned including visits son athletics, student life, fraternity •While we had to contend with a certain announce play by play of the Davidson nf the religious, cultural, and intellect- life, nf anything that pertains lo David- quet hall, where they were joined by a J to: Kutgers, I'mckiiell, University of amount of static, the program came teams in action. ual advantages that he knew to be es- Richmond, Swcclhriar, Scwanee, Cell- son College or its students. The pictures group of charming ladies, the dinner through very nicely and we enjoyed it Captain Pritchett will select three stu- sential for a life of usefulness and en- Ire, University of Miami, I'nivcrsiiv uf are tn he judged "ii their originality and partners and guests of the various mem- very much indeed. It is indeed a far dents from the second audition, who are joyment, and these daughters rellected Florida. College nf Charleston and Mary value in prefer\ ing tin Injury of tlie bers. The dining room was tastefully cry to the music, or what passed for mu- to take quizzes on rules and regulations the influence of his Christian teachings 1'aldwiu College. College, and must he taken helween No decorated with autumnal Mowers through sic while I was a student at Davidson, throughout their lives, and they left to llu- efforts of a decorations' committee of football now in vogue. Kmjlish test With graduation taking only two men vemher Jl and Dee.niber 1-'. l'M4. They ' and Prof. Pfohl has done the college a the world many invaluable gifts in the under the leadership of Mrs. I.. U. and questions on intricate plays will be Irom the varsity debating roster last can he of any description whatever; service which we will be discovering new way of their Christian character and in- Scheiick. the basis of the writs. year and the entire freshman team re taken at night or in tin- daytitne, snap benefits from for a long time to come. tellectual attainment. Manuscripts extemporaneous talks or turning this year, the possibilities are shuis or lime exposure-, and of any si/e. Dr. W. L. I.ingle, president of the col- "The entire program tonight was one memorized passages are authorized for They were often and rightly called unusually promising. Among the other In those issues nt" the I )avi(K«'tiian lege, pronounced the blessing. Then fol- in which the college and its friends may material in rapid tire talk and the vuice "the remarkable Morrisons," and they men who have given notice of their ora- which will ;ippear during the duration ol lowed a well-cooked dinner of turkey, well take pride. Hearty congratulations tests on Wednesday and Thursday. certainly lived up to this title. Even torical hopes there is a large number the i-oulesl there will he puhlished a few dressing, and other seasonable foods. on the new move to broadcast direct Captain Pritcbelt stated, "Quite a when the time came for their formal who have had experience in forensic ac- pictures whii h haw Uen filtered in the Brown, as the lirst speaker of the eve- from the college. I feel that it will prove number of the students had good voices introduction into society, two were pre- tivities in the past. , contest. ning, welcomed new uiltfSlbers and gut st:; a distinct step forward." sented at a time, always one blonde and of tin: Circle and then presented Dr. J. and I was well pleased'with results." The list includes: The judges will he selected hy the The following word was sent from one brunette.
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