Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 50: 89–99 (2013) http://dx.doi.org/10.12697/fce.2013.50.12 Melaspilea galligena sp. nov. and some other lichenicolous fungi from Russia Mikhail P. Zhurbenko1 & Ilya S. Zhdanov2 1Laboratory of the Systematics and Geography of Fungi, Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professora Popova str., 2, St. Petersburg, 197376, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 2Laboratory for Synecology, A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii Prospect, 33, Moscow, 119071, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Thirty species of lichenicolous fungi are reported, many being new to various regions of Russia. Melaspilea galligena sp. nov. growing on Pertusaria cf. cribellata is described from Russian Far East. A possibly new lichenicolous Toninia species (on Parmelina tiliacea) and a species of Arthonia (on Cladonia) with 1–2-septate ascospores resembling poorly known A. lepidophila are described, illustrated and discussed. Dactylospora suburceolata is reported new to Russia and Asia, growing on a new host species Mycobilimbia carneoalbida. Tremella cetrariicola is new to Siberia and Clypeococcum cetrariae is newly documented on Vulpicida. INTRODUCTION Taxonomic diversity and distribution of licheni- All specimens have been collected by Ilya S. Zh- colous fungi of Russia is still far from being danov and identified by Mikhail P. Zhurbenko. reasonably revealed. This is proved by results Biogeographic novelties are mainly referred to of identification by the first author of miscel- the current administrative subdivision of Rus- laneous specimens of these fungi collected by sia. Examined specimens are deposited in LE- the second author in various regions of Russia Fungi herbarium. presented below. The aims of the paper are to describe a new lichenicolous Melaspilea species THE SPECIES and draw attention to another possibly new li- chenicolous Toninia species, as well as discuss ARTHONIA sp. – Krasnoyarsk Territory, Even- some insufficiently known species and provide kiya District, lower Podkamennaya Tunguska new information on distribution and ecology of River, Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, lichen-dwelling fungi. near Stolbovaya River mouth, 62°07'23.1''N, 91°30'54.8''E, Pinus sylvestris-Larix forest, on basal squamules of Cladonia sp. growing MATERIAL AND METHODS on bark of Pinus sylvestris, 14.08.2008 (LE The specimens were examined using Zeiss mi- 260900). croscopes Stemi 2000-CS and Axio Imager A1 Description – Vegetative hyphae immersed, equipped with Nomarski differential interference brown, flexuose, 2–4 µm diam. Ascomata contrast (DIC, ×1000) optics. Microscopical brownish black, glossy, rough, superficial, ir- examination was done in water, 10 % KOH (K), regularly convex to subglobose, 50–180 µm Lugol’s iodine directly (I) or after a KOH pre- diam., dispersed, contiguous or fused (then treatment (K/I), Brilliant Cresyl blue (BCr), 10% up to 500 µm across) (Fig. 1); section K– in HNO3 (N) or etanol solution of paraphenylene- all parts. Epithecium medium olive brown, ca. diamine (P). The length, breadth and length/ 5 µm tall. Hymenium pale olive brown above, breadth ratio (l/b) of ascospores are given as: hyaline below, 25–35 µm tall, I+ red, K/I+ blue (min–){ –SD}–{ +SD}(–max), where min and max with red stripes. Paraphyses rather indistinct. are the extreme values, the arithmetic mean, Hypothecium pale olive brown to almost hyaline, and SD the corresponding standard deviation. 20–30 µm tall. Asci broadly clavate, 24–28(–31) 90 Folia Cryptog. Estonica 62°07'56.3''N, 91°32'11.2''E, Pinus sylvestris- Picea obovata forest, on the upper side of Vulpi- cida pinastri lobes, 18.07.2009 (LE 260729). Notes – Ascomata 50–90 µm diam. Asci with 4 mature, but sometimes with 5–6 germinat- ing spores. Ascospores medium olive brown to dark brown, verruculose (clearly seen in mod- erately pigmented spores), halo not observed, (12.2–)13.4–15.0(–16.2) × (5.5–)5.8–7.0(–8.5) µm, l/b = (1.6–)2.0–2.4(–2.6) (n = 64, in water). In the species protologue (Hafellner, 1994) its ascomata were described being ca. 80–120 µm diam. and ascospores somewhat narrower (13– 17 × 4.5–6 µm) and with thin halo when young. The species was formerly known in Russia from a single finding in arctic Yakutiya (Zhurbenko, 2002a). Previously reported only from Cetraria and Flavocetraria species, Vulpicida being a new host genus. CORTICIFRAGA FUCKELII (Rehm) D. Hawksw. & R. Sant. – Murmansk Region, Lapponia Iman- drae, Kandalaksha Nature Reserve, Por’ya Bay, Glubokie Ludy Islands, Glubokii Island, Fig. 1. Arthonia sp. (LE 260900). A – habitus of 66°43'20.8''N, 33°48'58.4''E, Populus trem- apothecia; B – ascospores (left, in water; right, ula forest, on thallus of Peltigera rufescens, in I). Bars: A = 200 µm; B = 10 µm. 27.06.2010 (LE 260649). Note – Known from many regions of Russia, including Murmansk Region (Zhurbenko, 2001, × (11–)12–16(–17) µm (n = 12, in water or I), 2007). 8-spored. Ascospores hyaline, soleiform, with enlarged to often capitate upper cell, (9.0– DacTYLOSPORA AMYGdaLARIAE Triebel – Murmansk )10.7–13.1(–14.4) × (3.5–)3.9–4.7(–5.3) µm, l/b Region, Lapponia Imandrae, Iolgi-Tundry = (2.2–)2.5–3.1(–3.5) (n = 55, in water, I, K or Mountains, S bank of Maloe Glubokoe Lake, K/I), 1–2-septate, wall ca. 0.5 µm thick, smooth, 67°12'40''N, 33°14'40''E, rocks in Picea obovata- distinct halo not observed (Fig. 1). Grows on the Betula forest, on cephalodia of Amygdalaria upper side of Cladonia basal squamules and elegantior, 23.07.2001 (LE 260738). on its podetium, which are distinctly bleached Note – Known from many regions of Russia, under infection. including Murmansk Region (Zhurbenko, 2007, Notes – The only formerly known Arthonia spe- 2009). cies growing on Cladonia and having ascospores with more than one septum is A. lepidophila DacTYLOSPORA DEMINUTA (Th. Fr.) Triebel – Yamal- (Anzi) Clauzade, Diederich & Cl. Roux ined. Nenets Autonomous Area, E coast of Baidar- Description of this species, yet known only from atskaya Bay, near Yarayakha River mouth, old collections in the Alps (Anzi, 1868; Keissler, 69°16'13.2''N, 68°07'28.3''E, wooden house in 1930), fits in general examined material, but tundra, on apothecia and thallus of Biatora differs in stating ascomata with greenish pruina, subduplex growing on lignum, 6.08.2007 (LE longer asci (60 × 10–12 µm), and 1–3-septate 260648). ascospores. Note – Known from many regions of Russia, including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area CLYPEOCOccUM CETRARIAE Hafellner – Krasnoyarsk (Zhurbenko, 2007, 2009). Territory, Evenkiya District, lower Podkamen- naya Tunguska River, Central Siberian Bio- DACTYLOSPORA SUBURCEOLATA Coppins & Fryday sphere Reserve, near Stolbovaya River mouth, – Krasnoyarsk Territory, Turukhansk District, 91 near Podkamennaya Tunguska River mouth, bank, on thallus of Aspicilia sp., 28.07.2007 Central Siberian Biosphere Reserve, right bank (LE 260728). of Enisei River in front of N extremity of Kom- Note – Known from many regions of Russia, sinskii Island, 61°53'N, 89°20'E, Abies sibirica- including Murmansk Region and Yamal-Nenets Picea obovata forest, on thallus of Mycobilimbia Autonomous Area (Zhurbenko, 2007, 2009; carneoalbida growing on bark, 7.07.2009 (LE Urbanavichus et al., 2008). 260880). Notes – Ascospores (15.3–)16.2–21.0(–25.8) × GELTINGIA ASSOCIATA (Th. Fr.) Alstrup & D. Hawk- (5.0–)5.6–7.4(–8.9) µm, l/b = (2.1–)2.5–3.3(–3.9) sw. – Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, SW coast (n = 66, in K), (1–)3-septate, not to markedly of Baidaratskaya Bay, E of Ngoyuyakha River constricted at the septa, granulate (seen only mouth, 68°51'01.1''N, 66°53'03.0''E, tundra, on in DIC optics!), often guttulate. This recently thallus of Ochrolechia sp. growing on mosses, described species (Fryday & Coppins, 2012) is 30.07.2007 (LE 260698a); E coast of Baidar- remarkable for its granulate ascospores (Fig. atskaya Bay, near Yarayakha River mouth, 2), rarely occurring in the genus. It was so far 69°16'27.9''N, 68°08'58.9''E, tundra, on apo- known from Scotland and Switzerland (Fryday thecia and thallus of Ochrolechia inaequatula, & Coppins, 2012). New to Russia and Asia. My- 6.08.2007 (LE 260688). cobilimbia carneoalbida is a new host species. Note – New to Western Siberia. HOMOSTEGIA PIGGOTII (Berk. & Broome) P. Karst. – Murmansk Region, Karelia Keretina, Kan- dalaksha Nature Reserve, S coast of Velikii Island, NE of Cape Kindo, near Lobanikha Bay, 66°33'16.1''N, 33°15'08.6''E, rocks in Pinus syl- vestris forest, on thallus of Parmelia saxatilis, 26.08.2007 (LE 260629). Note – New to Murmansk Region. INTRALICHEN LICHENICOLA (M.S. Christ. & D. Hawk- sw.) D. Hawksw. & M.S. Cole – Central Federal District, Ryazan Region, Spassk District, Okskii Biosphere Reserve, near Lipovaya Gora Cabin, 54°44'00.1''N, 40°58'10.3''E, on hymenium of apothecia of Candelariella aurella growing on concrete pillar, 25.07.2010 (LE 260610). Note – The species was formerly known in Cen- tral Federal District only from Tver Region (Notov et al., 2011). LICHENOCHORA POLYCOccOIDES Hafellner & R. Sant. – Murmansk Region, Lapponia Imandrae, Fig. 2. Dactylospora suburceolata (LE 260880). Kandalaksha Nature Reserve, near Luven’ga, S Granulate ascospores (in K, 100× oil immersion coast of Vlasov Berezhnoi Island, 67°04'30''N, objective, DIC optics). 32°42'00''E, on thallus of Physcia dubia growing on coastal rocks, 8.07.2005 (LE 260609). ENDOCOCCUS RUGULOSUS Nyl. s. l. – Murmansk Note – New to Murmansk Region. Region, Lapponia Imandrae, Kolvitskie Tundry Mountains, top of Domashnyaya Mountain, LICHENOCONIUM PYXIDATAE (Oudem.) Petr. & Syd. 67°03'30''N, 32°58'00''E, alt. 460 m, rocks in – Krasnoyarsk Territory, Evenkiya District, mountain tundra, on thallus of Rhizocarpon lower Podkamennaya Tunguska River, Central copelandii, 4.09.2001 (LE 260779).
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