Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02671-1 - Syllabic Writing on Cyprus and its Context Edited by Philippa M. Steele Index More information INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS CITED Cypro-Minoan (second-millennium syllabaries / Bronze Age Cypriot script) inscriptions All inscriptions are listed by their HoChyMin number. ##001 (CM0 clay tablet, Enkomi) 9, 14, 30, ##093 (clay ostracon, Enkomi) 12, 82 50, 56–7, 82–3, 85, 91, 98, 127 ##095 (clay ‘weight’, Enkomi) 9, 17, 29, 56, ##008 (clay ball, Enkomi) 43 85, 111, 119–20 ##014 (clay ball, Enkomi) 43 ##097 (clay cylinder, Enkomi) 17, 28, 34, ##016 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 37, 42, 44, 45, 52, 111 ##020 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##098 (clay cylinder, Kalavassos) 28, 42, ##028 (clay ball, Enkomi) 43 52–3 ##034 (clay ball, Enkomi) 43 ##099 (clay cylinder, Kalavassos) 52–3 ##044 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##100 (clay cylinder, Kalavassos) 52–3 ##045 (clay ball, Enkomi) 44 ##101 (clay cylinder, Kalavassos) 13, 52–3 ##047 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##102 (clay cylinder, Kalavassos) 43, 52–3 ##048 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##105 (clay pithos fragment, Arpera) 43 ##051 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##106 (clay pithos fragment, Athienou) ##054 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 28, 37 ##055 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##109 (clay pithos fragment, Enkomi) 45 ##057 (clay ball, Enkomi) 44 ##112 (clay amphora handle, Enkomi) 45 ##058 (clay ball, Enkomi) 44 ##122 (clay jug handle, Hala Sultan ##063 (clay ball, Enkomi) 44 Tekke) 28 ##064 (clay ball, Enkomi) 28, 45 ##123 (clay pithos fragment, Idalion) 28 ##065 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45 ##127 (clay jug handle, Kaydhata) 56–7 ##071 (clay ball, Enkomi) 28 ##129 (clay jug handle, Kaydhata) 9, 56–7 ##072 (clay ball, Enkomi) 44 ##135 (clay jug handle, Kition) 116 ##080 (clay ball, Enkomi) 18 ##137 (clay jug handle, Kition) 118 ##082 (clay ball, Enkomi) 74 ##139 (clay jug handle, Kition) 116 ##083 (clay ball, Enkomi) 74 ##147 (clay jug handle, Kition) 118 ##084 (clay ball, Enkomi) 74 ##149 (clay amphora, Kourion) 117, 122 ##085 (clay ball, Enkomi) 45, 74 ##150 (clay amphora, Kourion) 122 ##086 (clay ball, Enkomi) 28, 74 ##151 (clay amphora fragment, ##088 (clay ball, Hala Sultan Tekke) 45, 60 Kourion) 122 ##089 (clay ball, Hala Sultan Tekke) 60 ##152 (clay amphora fragment, Kourion) 122 ##090 (clay ball, Kition) 60 ##153 (clay jar handle, Maa) 117 ##091 (clay ball, Kition) 60 ##154 (clay jug handle, Maa) 117 ##092 (clay disc, Athienou) 119–20 ##155 (clay jug handle, Maa) 117 181 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02671-1 - Syllabic Writing on Cyprus and its Context Edited by Philippa M. Steele Index More information index of inscriptions ##156 (clay jar handle, Maa) 117 ##197 (cylinder seal, Cyprus?) 120 ##161 (ivory tube, Kition) 43, 45, 117 ##202 (cylinder seal, Kourion) 45 ##162 (ivory baton, Kition) 13, 37 ##206 (glass bezel, Palaepaphos) 117 ##163 (ivory plaque, Kition) 28, 45, 116 ##207 (CM2 clay tablet, Enkomi) 13–15, ##165 (gold ring, Kalavassos) 29, 43 31, 37, 46, 55, 59–61, 64–70, 74–5, 111 ##166 (gold ring, Kalavassos) 29, 43 ##208 (CM2 clay tablet, Enkomi) 13–15, ##170 (bronze obelos, Opheltas inscription, 31, 37, 46, 55, 59–61, 64–70, 72, Palaepaphos) 6, 16–19, 27, 108–14, 117, 74–5, 111 120–3, 125, 126, 130, 138–40 ##209 (CM2 clay tablet, Enkomi) 13–15, ##171 (bronze pin, Palaepaphos) 114 31, 46, 55, 59–61, 64–70, 74–5 ##172 (bronze pin, Palaepaphos) 114 ##210 (CM3 clay label, Ugarit) 15, 55, 58 ##174 (miniature copper ingot, Enkomi) 53 ##211 (CM3 clay label, Ugarit) 15, 39, 55 ##175 (miniature copper ingot, Enkomi) 53, ##212 (CM3 clay tablet, Ugarit) 15, 47, 55, 112 57–8, 65, 69 ##176 (miniature copper ingot, Enkomi) 53 ##213 (CM3 clay tablet fragment, Ugarit) ##179 (bronze bowl, Cyprus) 28, 45, 116 13, 15, 55, 58, 82 ##182 (silver bowl, Enkomi) 13, 116 ##214 (CM3 clay tablet fragment, Ugarit) ##183 (bronze bowl, Enkomi) 45, 116 13, 15, 55, 58, 82 ##186 (bronze bowl, Palaepaphos) 116, 121 ##215 (CM3 clay tablet, Ugarit) 15, 39, ##189 (limestone block, Palaepaphos) 114 40–1, 47, 55, 57–8, 65, 69, 111 ##190 (limestone block, Palaepaphos) 29, ##216 (CM3 silver cup, Ugarit) 15, 55, 58 47, 115, 116 ##217 (CM3 cylinder seal, Syria) 15, 55, ##193 (cylinder seal, Cyprus?) 29 57–8, 65 Cypriot Syllabic (first-millennium syllabaries / nCMCs / Cypro-Greek) inscriptions Egetmeyer 2010a(Répertoire) Grèce no. 1 ICS 217 (bronze tablet, the Idalion Bronze) (amphora, Euboia) 21 11, 28, 135, 146–7 Egetmeyer 2010a(Répertoire) Paphos no. ICS 220 (statuette base, the Idalion 249 (bronze bowl, Paphos) 21 bilingual) 149–50 Egetmeyer 2010a(Répertoire) Proche ICS 257 (vase, Kition) 113 Orient no. 13 (seal, Cilicia) 21, 119 ICS 258a (pottery fragment, Kition) 21 ICS 15 (stone, Paphos) 135 ICS 319 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 16 (stone, Paphos) 135 ICS 320 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 17 (stone, Paphos) 135 ICS 321 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 18c (vase, Paphos = ICS1 174) 19, 21, ICS 322 (coin, Salamis) 135 117 ICS 323 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 18d (bronze sieve, Paphos) 21 ICS 324 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 90 (stone, Paphos) 135 ICS 325 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 91 (stone, Paphos) 135 ICS 326 (coin, Salamis) 135 ICS 176 (gold bracelets, Kourion) 135 ICS 421 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 180a (silver cup, Kourion) 135, 140 ICS 422 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 199 (coin, Amathous) 141 ICS 423 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 201 (coin, Amathous) 141 ICS 423a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 202 (coin, Amathous) 141 ICS 424 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 203 (coin, Amathous) 141 ICS 425 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 207 (pithos, Vouni) 141 ICS 426 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 211 (stone, Soloi) 141 ICS 426a (graffito, Karnak) 23 182 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02671-1 - Syllabic Writing on Cyprus and its Context Edited by Philippa M. Steele Index More information index of inscriptions ICS 427 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 444 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 427a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 444a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 427b (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 444b (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 427c (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 444c (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 428 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 445 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 428a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 446 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 428b (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 447 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 429 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 448 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 430 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 449 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 431 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 450 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 432 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 451 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 433 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 451a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 434 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 452 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 435 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 436 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 437 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453b (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 437a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453c (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 437b (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453d (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 437c (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453e (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 438 (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453f (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 438a (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453g (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 438b (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 453h (graffito, Karnak) 23 ICS 438c (graffito, Karnak) 23 *ICS 460 (stone tripod, unknown ICS 439 (graffito, Karnak) 23 provenance; alphabetic inscription) ICS 440 (graffito, Karnak) 23 154–5 ICS 441 (graffito, Karnak) 23 Kouklia 113 (stone drum, Paphos) 114 ICS 442 (graffito, Karnak) 23 Kouklia 115 (stone, Paphos) 114 ICS 442a (graffito, Karnak) 23 Kouklia 223 (limestone plaque, Paphos) 114 ICS 443 (graffito, Karnak) 23 Unpublished seal (Cesnola collection, ICS 443a (graffito, Karnak) 23 provenance unknown) 155–7 Linear A inscriptions SY Za 4 8 PH 9 56 183 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02671-1 - Syllabic Writing on Cyprus and its Context Edited by Philippa M. Steele Index More information INDEX OF SYLLABIC SIGNS DISCUSSED Cypro-Minoan (second-millennium syllabaries / Bronze Age Cypriot script) 001 42, 112 057 64 002 38 058 38 004 16–17, 28, 30, 41, 42, 113 059 31 005 30, 34, 42 061 28 006 28, 31, 34, 35, 37, 42, 115 064 16–17, 28, 36, 42, 113, 119–20, 123 007 38, 39 067 117–18 008 30, 34, 35, 42 069 30, 65, 113 009 118 071 38 011 16–17, 35, 42, 111–13, 120, 123 073 38, 39 012 16–17, 42, 113, 123 074 38 013 31, 64 075 31, 64 015 125 078 28 017 31, 114 082 31, 64, 117 019 17, 38, 64, 65 084 28 021 89 087 17, 28, 31, 37, 157 023 30, 34, 35, 36, 42, 64, 89, 116 088 117 024 16–17, 42, 64, 111, 113 091 64 025 28, 31, 37 094 38 027 31, 119 095 42–4 030 31, 64 096 42–4 033 42, 113 097 31, 119, 120 035 42 098 38 036 112 099 38, 65 037 114, 123 100 38 038 114 102 30, 34, 42, 114, 115, 116, 039 64 119, 123 040 38 103 38 041 28, 64 104 30, 117, 123 044 17, 30, 34, 42, 64 105 38 047 31 107 116, 118 050 38 108 120 051 38, 40, 116 109 115–16 053 38, 65 112 115 055 38, 64 & 28, 113 184 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02671-1 - Syllabic Writing on Cyprus and its Context Edited by Philippa M.
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