INDEX action theory, 23–26, 82, 84–85 Banks, Darryl, 240 Acton, Lord, 187, 189 Barkman, Adam, 187 Adams, Neal, 106, 122–25, 129–34 Batman, 21, 82, 84, 89–90, 98, 114, advanced technology, 264, 272–74 125, 155, 183, 229, 232 aesthetic admiration, 69–79 Baumeister, Roy, 28, 29 Aga’po, 40 Berg, Terry, 175–85 agent-centered prerogative, 112 Berkeley, George, 32n5 Alpha Lanterns, 64–65, 78–79, biological ontology, 203–11 152, 168 Black Canary, 98, 107, 116, 119 Amnee Pree, 141 Blackest Night, 7, 14, 46, 47, 48–49, Anaximander, 213n15 74, 76, 223, 271 Animal Man, 170–71 Blackest Night prophecy, 45, 59, Anti-Monitor, 17, 262 222–23 Arisia, 1, 47, 100, 140, 151–52 Black Hand, 272 Aristotle Black Lantern Corps, 46, 223 biological ontology, 205, 206, 210 Blue Lantern Corps, 7, 10–11, censorship debate with Plato, 123, 17, 30, 273 126, 128–29, 134 Bolovaxians, 140 emotions, 11–15, 17–18 Bolphunga the Unrelenting, 202 just society,COPYRIGHTED 185 Boodikka, MATERIAL 171 monism rejection, 204 Book of Oa, 8, 15, 38, 42–43, 45, 59, Pythagorean table, 39 152, 215, 218–21, 222 artistic creation, problem of, 245–47 brain, 22–23 atonement, 99–100 Brightest Day, 76, 271 Atrocitus, 8, 9–10, 13, 14 Brother’s Keeper, 175–85 autonomy, 27, 137–44 Buridan, Jean, 213n18 avarice, 7, 10, 30 Bzzd, 215, 216 283 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228383 33/14/11/14/11 88:41:59:41:59 AAMM 284 INDEX categorical imperative, 26–27 Dawkins, Richard, 210 catharsis, 123, 129 Day of Judgment, 84, 97, 98 causal determinism, 227 DC Comics, 2, 123, 125, 187 censorship, 124–29 Dearden, Mia, 120 Central Power Battery, 54, 93, 99, 111, “debt theory” of retributivism, 165–66 113, 195, 196, 218, 265, 271 Deeter, Sir, 62 Chance, Jack T., 57–59, 66 Descartes, René, 22, 36 Ch’p, 22, 34n37 desire-belief model of action, 23–26 Chronos, 232 Despotellis, 78, 142–43 Circle of Fire, 77 destiny, 225–35 Clarke, Arthur C., 264, 272–74 determinism, 23, 25 Coast City, 83–84, 96, 109–10, 195 deterrence, 163, 164 Coleman, Jules, 170 DeWitt, Alexandra, 78, 138 Collective, 209–11 dilemma, irresolvable, 157–58 color corps, 7–11, 30, 46, 217, 271–72 discrimination, 43 comics, censorship debate, 124–29 doctors, 149–60 Comics Code Authority (CCA), 123, Donchin, Anne, 143 124–25, 129, 133 Donovan, Sarah K., 35 communal mind, theory of, 214–23 Dream of the Endless, 77 community, 218–20 Dr. Mid-Nite, 154 compassion, 7, 30 drug abuse, 117, 123, 125, 133 Congo Bill, 170–71 Dryden, Jane, 69, 136 consciousness, 217 dualism, 22 context, 211 due process, 168 control, 84–91 Controllers, 10 Eddore, 22 Corpse, 58–59 Edison, Thomas, 248, 267 courage, 12 Electrocutioner, 120 creativity, 239–51 Emerald Dawn II, 70, 74, 98 crime Emerald Empress, 232 hate crimes, 175–85 Emerald Twilight, 72, 73, 93, 240 retributive justice, 162–72 emotion, 7–20 Cross, Pieter (Dr. Mid-Nite), 154 Aristotle’s account, 11–15 cultural norms, 71–72 autonomy and, 139 cursing, 220–21 color corps comparison, 7–11 Cyborg Superman, 81, 83, 195 gender differences, 36–37 Mill’s approach, 15–17 Dante, 206 moral sentimentalism and, 112–17 The Dark Knight Returns (Miller), 97 will and, 15, 17–18, 29–31 Darkseid, 65 emotion/reason divide. See reason/ Darkstars, 10 emotion divide Darowski, Joseph F., 92 Epictetus, 138, 150 Darwin, Charles, 207–8, 209, 210–11 eternalism, 230, 232–35 Darwin, Erasmus, 213n15 ethics Davidson, Donald, 23 vs. morality, 71–72 da Vinci, Leonardo, 213n18 thick vs. thin concepts, 60–61, 63–64 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228484 33/14/11/14/11 88:42:00:42:00 AAMM INDEX 285 See also morality and moral physical characteristics, 22 judgment secret executions by Alpha euthanasia, 150–51 Lanterns, 78 evil, 257–61 Sodam Yat’s death, 47 evolution, 207–8 stupid statements, 115 execution stage of invention, 247, Gatens, Moira, 36 248–49 gays, hate crimes against, 175–85 experience, imagination limited by, gender issues, reason/emotion divide, 243–45 37–46 expressivist theory of punishment, gene reductionism, 210 179–80 genetics, 143–44 Gibbons, Dave, 97, 149 fairness, 64–65 Gilligan, Carol, 37 false dichotomy, 41, 44, 46 Glaucon, 126, 127, 128, 188–89 Fatal Five, 232 G’nort, 22, 53, 244 fatalism, 226–27, 235 God, 227–28, 253–62 Fatality, 13, 165–66 Golden Mean (Aristotle), 12, 14 fear, 7, 8, 30, 84, 144, 217 Gould, Stephen Jay, 211 fearlessness, 56 Grandy, 122 Feinberg, Joel, 169, 179–80 Grayson, Dick, 155 feminism, 36–37, 41–42, 44–45, Green Arrow 141–42 creation of, 124 Feminist Politics and Human Nature O’Neil/Adams storyline, 124, ( Jaggar), 41–42 129–34 Ferris, Carol, 8, 23–24, 61, 95, 194–95 time travel, 232 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 75 See also Queen, Oliver “Ollie” Final Crisis, 162 Green Lantern character Final Night, 84, 97 vs. God, 255–57, 261–62 Finkelman, Leonard, 201 O’Neil/Adams story line, 124, Fischer, John Martin, 82, 84–88, 89 129–34 Flash, 21, 74, 172n3, 183, 185, 248–49 See also individual Green Lanterns Frankfurt, Harry, 85–86 Green Lantern Corps free will, 23, 25–26, 139, 227 Central Power Battery, 54, 93, 99, friendship, 123–25, 130–34 111, 113, 195, 196, 218, 265, 271 emotional representation, 7 Gaia hypothesis, 213n18 formation of, 188 Ganthet, 1, 10, 11, 17, 47, 54, 77 Hal Jordan’s destruction of, 83–84 Gardner, Guy moral judgment, 62–63 brain damage, 54 oaths, 151–55, 192 challenge of authority, 73 power of, 217 The Corpse and, 59 qualifi cations for membership, Green Lantern Corps rank, 152 53–54, 56, 191–93, 215–16, 239 Green Lantern Corps selection, 58 ranks and duties, 152–53 Ice and, 141 relationships between members, intelligence, lack of, 31 136–37 Natu’s revival, 155 role of, 1–2, 35 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228585 33/14/11/14/11 88:42:00:42:00 AAMM 286 INDEX Green Lantern Corps (Continued ) hope, 7, 10–11, 30 willpower, 15 human nature, 42 See also Guardians of the Universe Hume, David, 23, 112–14, 116, 118, Green Lantern: Rebirth, 7, 22, 28–29, 246, 250, 257–58 30, 73, 77, 84, 94, 98–99, 219 Hursthouse, Rosalind, 157–58 Green Lantern: Secret Origin, 70, 74, 220–21 Ice, 141 green light, 18n2 idea stage of invention, 247–48 Grundy, Solomon, 229 Identity Crisis, 114, 119 Guardians of the Universe imagination limits, 239–51 emotions, 16–17, 18 impressions, 246, 250 ethical concepts, 63 In a Different Voice (Gilligan), 37 fallibility, 222–23 independent will, 24–26 Green Lantern Corps formation, Indigo Tribe, 7, 8, 30, 46 188, 256 individuality-community balance, Green Lantern selection process, 56, 214–23 191–93 intention, 25 moral judgment, 54–63, 190–92 invention, 245, 247–49 moral rationalism, 108–9, 110 Iolande, 169 O’Neil/Adams portrayal, 130–31 Ion entity, 261 origins of, 38 Irigaray, Luce, 44–45 reason/emotion in confl ict with irresolvable dilemma, 157–58 Zamarons, 9, 35, 37–49 Isamot Kol, 154 revocation of Hal Jordan’s power, 83 Itty, 3n1 science, 268 Itzkoff, Dave, 97–98 guidance control, 87–89 guilt, 93 Jade, 178, 183, 270 Gur, Yalan, 193–94 Jaggar, Alison, 41–42 Jaissle, Paul R., 214 Hall, Carter, 229 James, William, 241 Hall, Lyta, 154 Jayd, 59–60 happiness, 180, 195 Johns, Geoff, 7, 30, 98–99, 149, 216, 217 Harper, Roy, 117, 119, 133 Jokerz, 235 hate crimes, 175–85 Jones, Andrew Zimmerman, 264 Hawkgirl, 225–26, 228–29 J’onn J’onzz, 84, 162 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Jordan, Hal 40–41, 70–71, 75, 165, 168 Blue Lantern recruitment, 11 Hellhole, 57–58 Carol Ferris and, 8 Heraclitus, 204 cursing, 220–21 heteronomous actions, 139 family, 140 Hippocratic Oath, 150–51, 153 fear, lack of, 15 Hirsh, Daniel, 181–82 greatness as Green Lantern, Holton, Richard, 28 69–70, 252 honesty, 56, 60–61 Green Lantern selection, 53 honor, 60 hands/boxing gloves, 2, 239–40, 244, Honor Guard, 152 247, 249, 250 bbindex.inddindex.indd 228686 33/14/11/14/11 88:42:01:42:01 AAMM INDEX 287 heroic qualities, 69–70, 72–74, 94 Kilowog, 1, 83, 110–11, 113, 140, 156, imagination limits, 239–40, 243–44 164, 195 intelligence, lack of, 31 Kind, Amy, 225 J’onn J’onzz death, 162 knowledge justice or vengeance, 165, 168, communities’ sharing of, 215, 170, 171 218–22, 223 Laira’s attempt to kill, 61 Descartes on, 36 moral mistakes, 194–96 of future, 226, 229, 235 moral rationalism, 106–12, 113, limitations of fi nite creatures, 261 117–20 omniscience, 259–60 moral responsibility, 81–91 perfection and, 253–54 motivations of, 93–100 Plato on, 95, 127 Oa avoidance, 204–5 three quests for, 266 Oliver Queen and, 105–6, 108–9, Kol, Isamot, 154 117–20 Kohlberg, Lawrence, 37 origin story, 93–94, 192 Korugar, 8, 55, 74, 75–76, 156, 194 under Parallax, 73–74, 82, 83–91, 93, Kraken, 62, 65 96–99, 143, 195–96 perfection of, 255 Laira, 59–63, 171 power rings, 14, 94–95, 249 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 213n15 Sinestro and, 22 Larfl eeze, 10, 14, 17 as Spectre host, 93–94, 97, 98, Laws of Oa. See Book of Oa 174n33 Leezle Pon, 216 willpower, 28, 29, 31–32 Leibniz, Gottfried, 36, 253–55, 258–62 See also Parallax entity lex talionis, 165 justice Lian, 112, 119, 171 enforcement of, 63–65 liberal feminism, 42–43 forms, 172 liberalism, 42–43 retributivism, 162–72 Libra, 162 vs.
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