, iL t t im MARIA GANDER JPL/UREI 8500 PALP OA PLY , NoRTHRIDGE CA 91329 " W rIt ci t ta • ;I A A i treauko, 1 • G-Sel 113 1 1 3 t t i r iI • 46-k ttig gigel t6' tl ' " a. F,Ctektreeritu ttmt ft*:311a. t t I t t I ! I l i ' I aI lii Ca- lki 4 h, le beAthe *b o w l* ur %tic. ikwriti•geoibil.it 4 3 0 01, 4 4 k WON 6 Itisheirirtrie r.. e.inne. 1 iterjt aittit rlail bliliff!.7i ..r 7-511 0itati,woftill.litli:_iii/r.5:11-1.1,11:i („ 5iIr --------,-:' ' ir t 1 tt ,k World's • .L most fir •mile ir`o• frequent - Shcwo Actual Irk Size er! Model ATI:15311/W Model AT853R Sure you'll see °the, brands hanging around from time to Quiet Please time, but when it comes to self- Our advanced electronics and supporting miniature condens- capsule design insure very lo% tern, and output from every ers, the Audio-Technica AT853 self-noise. Listen carefully to microphone in the a.:ea. You get seres, now in its foi_rth genera- ours and to theirs. You'll hear the same great sotmd above the tior., has been the Dver whehning theirs. And so will your criti- choir, mounted on a lectern, or chcice of both contractcrs and cal customers. used to reinforce rr,...sical instru- enc. users for years. ThE reason ments. Sound system operation is smple: It works s well. And New AT853R High Output and EQ are simplifi 3 d for superior, for some very impor:arr: reasons. Remote Power Model trouble-free day-to-day results. Full Choice of The standard AT853a output Very Refined Sound Pickup Patterns level is higher :han most others But the AT853 .R phantom-only Over the years we've been able When it comes to pickup pattern model eliminates the battery to fine-tune every aspect of the choice, the UniPcint" AT853 compartment and offers up to AT853 series. You can readily series is by far the most flexible. 3dB more sensitivity. hear the difference engineered Choose from cardioid, Ir,rpercar- Two more compro- into this tiny microphone. It's a dioid, subcarclioid or even an mises avoided! difference that speils customer omnidirectional pattern, simply satisfaction and builds your Consistency, by inserting a different good reputation. capsule. Test them all HYPERCARDIOID Consistency, Install the very h E st. The on-site in minutes. Consistency Audio-Technica AT E53 submini- That's flexibility The AT853 ature condenser microphones simply not series is part of that started a revolation in sound. available from a complete Available in the U.S. and Canada the others. UaiPoint system from Audio-Technica U.S., Inc., SUBCP_RDIOID of matched 1221 Commerce Dr_t-e, Stow, OH miniature microphones 44224. Phone (216) E86-2600 and accessories. The result is Fax (216) 686-0719_ In Canada consistent response, polar pat- call (800) 258-8552 OMNIDIRECT IONAL aucho-technica INNOVATION PRECISION INTEGRITY Circle 11 on Reader Service Card May/June1993 Vol. 27, No. 3 serving: recording, broadcast and sound contracting fields magazine THE RECORDING ENGINEER 6 Cover Story: The Post Group at Disney-MGM Studios by John Barilla Come with us to Orlando, Florida, where among the famous theme parks lies a sophisticated post production outfit. 17 Audio, Video, Stage and Lodging All under One Roof by Randy Savicky A super studio in an old NYC building. See page 6 21 Masterdisk—Re-Visited by Larry Zide Disk mastering is alive and well, and there's a changing future. 34 Historical Perspectives: by Peter Hammar and Don Osofske Return with us to the real beginnings of recording video and audio on tape. Ea THE ELECTRONIC COTTAGE 13 Hot Tips: Photo Opportunities in the Studio: by John Barilla 11.chniques and tips to help get you into this growing field. 32 Just a Mic and a Mac by Shelley Herman See page 13 He does it all at home, but he gets it onto good-selling CDs. DEPARTMENTS 2 Calendar 10 New Products 52 Buyer's Guide: Power Amplifiers 63 Classified 65 PPH About the Cover • Rob Hill is the Senior Audio Engineer at The Post Group at Dis- ney-MGM in Orlando, Florida. See our story on page 6. Calendar EQ60 Checklist YES NO, Switchable Notch Filters o oli" Parametric Controls o rii/ Digital o dr/ Built-in Analyzer o OK- MakesAnalogamd,re the Coffee wC ,ii/k* , . /oEV [Vo Editor/Publisher Ultra low Distortion clr'- o Ultra low Noise o Larry Zide Easy to Use EY" o • Sound in Entertainment: Sounds Great ctK' o Scecifying and DesigningAudio Associate Publisher Only 2 Flashing LEDs o Systems to Create Sound Envi- ronments is the long title of a se- Elaine Zide • 1 441 +1 0 +1+1 * *1 441144 +1 * • ries of seminars, sessions and exhibits that will take place Novem- w so oo Senior Editor • Ilaiift agi +Inlyaga l mplinit ber 13-15 at the Orange Country Convention Center in Orlando, John Barilla When ultra low noise (-98dB), sonic ac- Florida. The conference is supple- curacy and ease of use are your main pre. requisites in a Graphic Equalizer, you mented by the LDI93 show. Exhib- owe it to yourself to check out the EQ60, its will be open 10:00 am to 6:00 pm from: November 13th, 14th, and 15th Contributing Editors 1993. LDI93 is sponsored by Light- Bruce Bartlett I / N W Mr ing Dimensions magazine. For in- formation call Jacqueline Tien at Drew Daniels M W / Wi A 212 677-5997 or fax 212 677-3857. Systems You can write them at 135 Fifth Ave- Robyn Gately PO Box 842, Silverado CA 92676-0842 nue, New York, NY 10010 Len Feldman Phone 714-649 2346, Fax 714-649 3064 • It's not too early nor too late to start thinking about the 95th AES Shelley Herman Convention, which will be held Circle 14 on Reader Service Card Brent Harshbarger this year on October_7AOth inNew Dan Mockensturm EXCELLENCE is the result of uncompromising National Advertising Sales dedication to quality and service. Manager JRF is proud of its reputation as a leader in the field of magnetic hf-ads. Our technical and engineering staff is committed to providing David W. Frankel the finest products and services: 4 Wilton Crest • Magnetic Head Refurbishing Wilton CT 06897 • Optical/Digital Assembly Alignment 203 834-9936 • Full line of replacement heads IN STOCK • MCl/Sony parts dealer db, The Sound Engineering Magazine (ISSN 0011- • 3M parts dealer 7145) is published bi-monthly by db Magazine Publishing • Technical Assistance Company, Entire contents copyright 1993 by db Publish- ing Company, 293 Commack Road. Suite 1010, Com- • Fast,reliable service that's mack, NY 11725.Telephone: (516)586-6530. db Magazine is published for individuals and firms in professional audio unmatched for quality recording, broadcast audio-visual. sound reinforcement- contracting, consultants, video recording, film sound, etc. Application for subscription should be made on the sub- scription form in the rear of each issue. Subscriptions are $18.00 per year ($28.00 per year outside U.S. Posses- sions, $21.00 per year in Canada)and payable in U.S. funds. Single copies are $3.50 each. Editorial. Publishing, L:11M and Sales offices are at 203 Commack Road, Suite 1010, Commack NY 11725. Second Class postage paid at Com- MAGNETIC SCIENCES mack. NY 11725 and an additional mailing office. Post- master: Form 3579 should be sent to db Magazine,203 Commack Road, Suite 1010, Commack, NY 11725. Responsive to the needs of the recording industry, we at JRF feel Trademarked names are editorially used throughout this issue. Rather than place a trademark symbol next to there can be no substitute for EXCELLENCE. each occurrence, we state that thus') names are t..3er.loniy I in an editorial fashion and to the uenefit of the trademark owner, and that there is no intention of trader ',Irk infringe- 249 Kennedy Road • P.O. Box 121 • Greendell, NJ 07839 ment. Tel.: (201) 579-5773 • Fax: (201)579-6021 mow 2 db May/June 1993 1993 May/June db 2 Circle 15 on Reader Service Card The ELAR Audio Library Handbook of The Microphone Sound System Design. .Handbook. • John Ear& The Books You Need To Be A Better Professional • John Eargle'sHandbook of Sound System • The New Recording Studio Handbook by • If you are a professional in audio and use Design has the answers to those needs you John Woram and Alan P. Kefauver is for microphones in any aspect of you r work, you have for accurate technical information everyone involved in recording. It is already need John Eargle's definitive The Micro- about sound reinforcement. It contains established as the "bible" for learning all the phone Handbook. Amon gx t topics every thing from a small church to Madison basics of the recording studio operation. covered are: Usin p tively, Square Garden, from live sound for 60,000 This includes the latest in the many kinds of directional c tir gmote power- to canned sound for 600. Chapters: High- noise reduction, analog recording, digital ing of hones, se nsi t ivi ty rat- Frequency Speaker Systems, Mid-Fre- recording from multi-track to R-DAT, what ings a at they mean, proximity and quency Speaker Systems, Low-Frequency they are and how you use SMPTE and distance effects, multi-microphone inter- Speaker Systems, Dividing Networks, Cen- MIDI time codes, signal-processing equip- ference problems, stereo microphone tech- tral Loudspeaker Arrays, Distributed Sys- ment, microphones and loudspeakers niques, speech and music reinforcement, tems, Paging Systems, Microphones, —All (monitors), and all about the new auto- studio microphone techniques, and so this and more.
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