a monthly insight into PPLLC MARCH 2019 Employee Highlight—MARY LEBLANC This month PPLLC connues our quest to get to know and highlight our employees. The month of March we are highlighng our Human esource Director, Mary LeBlanc . Mary is the #rst employee hired by the founding members of PPLLC in 2010. Mary's kind and friendly spirit is always welcome and very much needed when dealing the many challenges the industry brings. Though Mary has been with the company for some me, I am sure there are few things you don't know about her. Below you will #nd her responses to quesons that will help us understand what makes Mary ck+. Check it out, Mary LeBlanc, Director of Human Resources Are you messy or organized? I used to be super organi-ed before Hurri. Employed 2ince3 cane /atrina. 2010 Choose your Lile Miss to describe your work personality? - Your home life personality? Li0le Miss Homebody at work1 Li0le Miss 2ocial Bu0er3y at home. Birth Place New Orleans Do you have an o)ce nickname? If so what is it? Not suitable for print. 5avorite 6uotes How do you de+ne success? 2uccess is in the eye of the beholder. If you feel successful, then you ?2tand sll and know that are a success. I am 6od.” If you were on death row what would your last meal be? My mom's pot roast, mac 5 cheese with ?This too shall pass.” a brownie. ,ell us something about yourself that would surprise us. I can be really funny and cra-y outside of .hat is the one thing you can7t resist? Chocolate work. ,ell us something about your family that might surprise us. My 6reat, 6reat 6randmother was a 5avorite 2port New 8rleans 2aints 5oot- 2panish Contessa. ball .hat is your number one life highlight? 7itnessing the birth of my nieces. 5avorite Music? .hat aspect of your role do you en/oy the most? Talking to and ge8ng to know our employees. ock and oll .hat did you want to be when growing up? Hair 2tylist. .hen are you happiest? 7hen I see my loved ones .hat do you like to do in your spare 0me? I like to read, go to fesvals, listen to live music9bands happy. :any kind of rock music), and watch classic movies. .hat has been the most important renova0on you have witnessed in your life0me? The dawn of the computer age. .hat is an ability you wish you had? To play the piano at a concert pianist level. .here do you see yourself in 1 years? Traveling to some of my bucket list desnaons1 Italy, 6er. 739 2. Clark 2t. many, 2pain, Portugal and back to Hawaii. New 8rleans LA 70119 (8) 104.A72.3199 And there you have it+ did our rock.and.roll H Director surprise you? 5) 104.714.7A2C www.pontchpartners.com 1 Mary LeBlanc Director of Human Resources mary.leblancApontchpartners.com 01902 Brennan Carline Foreman 02911 Fohn Earcia , 22HO 01907 Elenn Hughes , HHAC Maintenance Hugo Leiva , ,imothy Mathis , 6rounds Maintenance Field Eng.9Asst. PM9Asst. LC Fason 2cripture Operator 0291I Eeorge I2teveJ Rouse , .ELC8ME 01910 Reginald Arceneaux Fr Laborer ProMect Manager 01922 Fohn Earcia, 22HO Buford Dillard , NE. HIRE2 Foel Eonzalez 22HO Finish 6rade Operator 0192I .illiam Duee Laborer Ezra Benne , 0192E 2hawn Harding Operator Finish 6rade Operator 02904 David Brualt , 6eneral Labor *The (anuary new hires were not properly Brian Callaway , H25 E Director reco nized in the February edion of the 02906 Ryan Lawson , 6eneral Labor Lakeside, so they are included here. Hictor Berthelot , NCCO Crane Operator 1 Year 3 Years A Years 0391E eesha 7iley 0392I aymond Brown 0391I Miguel Montalvan Thank you all for your service and dedication. PPLLC appreciates you! In the February edion of the Lakeside our employees with February birthdays were not properly reco nized. We apolo ize for the error and would like to reco nize those indi- viduals now. May this year be your best one yet. Happy Belated Birthday and we appreciate each and everyone of you% 2D1 Eddie 7ilson 2D9 7ilton Mc6ee Nicky Dufrene 2D11 Brian 7eston 2D3 Todd 6raner 2D14 Brennan Carline 2DC Bart Cook Cason Eaton 2D11 7arren Turner Lee 6aines 2hantell Harris 2D2A 7ilson Bu0ram Cordan odosta 2D7 aymond Brown aven Melrose 3DC Cason 2cripture 3D11 Charlie 6reen III 3D12 /aren Dorsey 3D1C Phillip Cones 3D13 Maite Pinto 3D17 Lola Davis 2 NOLA HAPPENINGS ,ickets can be purchased at www.eventbrite.com 2019 6ueen Kulu 2019 Ling Kulu 2elect, /ailyn Lilly ainey Elect, 6eorge H. ainey The Nulu Lundi 6ras Fesval is a fun.#lled day allowing the people of New Orleans and our city visitors an up.close look at the Nulu Characters. This event is hosted by the I00 members of the Nulu 2ocial Aid 5 Pleasure Club and we welcome you to a fun and eO. cing day of food, music, arts, and craPs along the beau. ful riverfront of New Orleans. The 26th Annual Nulu Lundi 6ras Fesval will take place on Monday, March 4, 201E from 10:00am to 6:30pm in 7oldenberg Park along the Mississippi iver in the French Luarter. The fesval will feature local, world.renowned and 6rammy award winning entertainers performing on three :3) stages. Copyrights of www.lundigrasfesval.com 3 NOLA HAPPENINGS CARNIVAL SEASON, IT KEEPS GOING & GOING, & GOING…….. 5riday March 1 2unday March 3 5rench 6uarter Metairie /rewe of Bosom Buddies 11:30am /rewe of Athena R:30pm /rewe of Pandora 6:130pm Metairie /rewe of Centurions 6:30pm Mptown /rewe of Okeanos 11:00am Mptown /rewe of Mid.City 11:4Rpm /rewe of Hermes R:30pm /rewe of Thoth 12:00pm /rewe of d'Etat 6:30pm /rewe of Bacchus R:1Rpm /rewe of Morpheus 7:00pm .estbank 2lidell /rewe of Endymion 4:1Rpm /rewe of 2elene 6:30pm Bush /rewe of Bush E:00am Mandeville Original /rewe of Orpheus 7:00pm 2aturday March 2 Monday March 4 Metairie /rewe of Isis 6:30pm Mptown /rewe of Proteus R:1Rpm Mptown /rewe of Orpheus 6:00pm /rewe of Iris 11:00am ,uesday March 1 *Brooke Woods Ridin Float #27-C (Gar eld Float) Metairie Bo#om, neutral ground /rewe of Argus 10:00am 1st Posion /rewe of Elks CeSerson follows /rewe of CeSerson follows /rewe of Tucks 11:00am Mptown /rewe of Nulu I:00am .estbank /rewe of eO 10:00am /rewe of NOMTOC 10:4Ram /rewe of Elks Orleans follows /rewe of Crescent City follows Mid-City Covington /rewe of Endymion 4:1Rpm /rewe of Lyra 10:00am Bush 5olsom /rewe of Bush E:00am /rewe of Folsom 1:30pm 4 MARDI GRAS IS OVER BUT THE FUN CONTINUES….. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! Friday, October 19 (A Lile Passed) Half-.ay to 2t. PatrickNs Day March Time: Noon * 4 p.m. Annual event hosted by The Irish Channel 2t. Patrick's Day Parade Club. The fun will begin on the steps in front of Cackson 2quare near 76I Decatur 2t. and follow with parading throughout the French Luarter. March 14 Irish Channel 2t. PatrickNs Day Club block party 1:00p.m. This block party takes place on 2t. PatrickTs Day and is located at Annunciaon 2quare on the 1R00 block of Chippewa. This block party has Irish music, food, drinks, and dancers, and proceeds bene#t 2t. MichaelTs 2pecial 2chool. MollyNs at the Market O Fim MonaghanNs Parade -:00 p.m. NOLA HAPPENINGS In the French Luarter, riders in carriages and marching groups. Begins and ends at 1107 Decatur 2t. 16 ParasolNs Block Party Celebra0on 10 a.m. - . p.m. 3rd and Constance 10am to Ipm. Music, green beer, food and surprises. The start of the block pares on the day of the Irish Channel Parade. The fun runs from 10 am to I pm, both days. R NOLA HAPPENINGS ,raceyNs 2t. PaddyNs Day Party 11 a.m. ll Annual celebraon in the Irish Channel . 2604 Maga-ine 2treet. Lots of green beer, corned beef and cabbage and more fun. They are the party at the end of the Irish Channel Parade. Irish Channel Parade 1:00 p.m. The Irish Channel Parade starts on Napoleon Ave 5 Tchoupitoulas at 1:30 p.m. 2t. PatrickNs Day Parade on Metairie Road 12 Noon The annual Metairie oad 2t. PatrickTs Day parade will take place at noon in front of ummel High 2chool on 2evern Avenue, goes down 2evern to Metairie oad, then Metairie oad to the parish line. Downtown Irish Club Parade -:00 p.m. The annual downtown 2t. PatrickTs Day parade begins on the corner of Burgundy and Piety in the Bywater, proceeds roughly up oyal, across Esplanade to Decatur, up Canal to Bourbon. The parade makes several Upit stopsU on its way to Bourbon 2t. Italian-American 2t. FosephNs Parade in the 5rench 6uarter -:00 p.m. The 2t. CosephTs 2ociety celebrates 2t. Coseph with a parade through the French Luarter. The parade kicks oS at 6 p.m. at the intersecon of Convenon Center Blvd. and 6irod 2treet. It includes 16 3oats, nine marching bands and a whole lot of guys dressed in tuOedos. 6 2A5E,Y MA,,ER2 P8N,CHAR,RAIN PAR,NER2 LLC .ELC8ME2 NE. H2OE DIREC,8R Brian Callaway /012 3irector Pontchartrain Partners, LLC has hired Brian Callaway as the new Health, 2afety 5 Environmental brian.callawayApontchpartners.com :H25E) Director. Mr. Callaway comes to PPLLC with 20 years of knowledge and eOperience, 16 of which are as an H25E Director. 5acts3 A graduate of PAU University, Mr. Callaway received his Bachelor of 2cience in 6eological 2ci.
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