June 6, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 11 14955 pension and working conditions of his mem- my own funeral, listening to all these speech- implement the recommendations of the Iraq bership and demonstrating to all of San Diego es. I feel terribly small and humbled by it all.’’ Study Group (ISG)—also known as the ‘‘Baker the benefits of union membership. He has That statement explains the character of Rev- Hamilton Commission’’—as a bipartisan foun- spoken on the record before the Industrial erend Graham better than anything I can say. dation for long overdue strategic change in our Welfare Commission. Madam Speaker, the legacy of Billy Graham policy in Iraq. Nico is involved in all aspects of the Labor will live on long after he is gone, and I am I am pleased to be joined by my colleagues movement. He has had numerous pro-union proud to congratulate him on the opening of Representatives FRANK WOLF, MICHAEL letters to various editors of San Diego news- this new library which will help to carry his leg- MCCAUL, and DANIEL LIPINSKI—and 41 other papers published. To enhance his career as a acy forward. Billy Graham has served his Lord Members—in introducing this bill, and I am union officer, Nico enrolled in the Labor Stud- for a lifetime, and it is an honor to serve Rev- grateful for all their help in building support for ies Program at San Diego City College. He erend Graham in the United States Congress. this legislation. Representative WOLF deserves completed the program in 1994 and continued May God continue to bless Billy Graham. special recognition for the role he played in his studies, earning a Business and Labor f spearheading the creation of the Iraq Study Studies Degree and graduating with honors in D/FW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT’S Group and in pushing forward its rec- June 2000. ‘‘WELCOME HOME A HERO’’ PRO- ommendations. California Governor Gray Davis further hon- The ISG was created in March 2006 at the GRAM ored Nico by appointing him to the Industrial request of a bipartisan group of Members of Welfare Commission Wage Board, where he Congress, led by Representative WOLF, and was asked to determine the wages, work HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON was co-chaired by former Secretary of State hours and working conditions for the mining, OF TEXAS James Baker and former chairman of the For- drilling and construction industries. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eign Affairs Committee, Representative Lee Nico Ferraro truly has been an inspiration to Tuesday, June 5, 2007 Hamilton. In December 2006, the ISG re- all of San Diego. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. leased its recommendations and outlined a bi- f Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to partisan approach to bringing a responsible HONORING THE REVEREND BILLY the ‘‘Welcome Home a Hero’’ program at Dal- conclusion to the Iraq war. What this legislation does is to take these GRAHAM las-Fort Worth International Airport. The ‘‘Wel- come Home a Hero’’ program is a daily gath- recommendations and establish them as offi- ering of volunteers to celebrate the home- cial United States policy. Among the rec- HON. HEATH SHULER coming of soldiers returning from Iraq, Afghan- ommendations outlined in the bill are a new OF NORTH CAROLINA istan, and Kuwait. This program is one of the diplomatic offensive in the region that includes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nation’s foremost morale builders for our the creation of the Iraq International Support Tuesday, June 5, 2007 troops with over 150 civic organizations, gov- Group; giving the highest priority to training, Mr. SHULER. Madam Speaker, I rise today ernmental departments, and businesses volun- equipping and advising the Iraqi military and to recognize an important milestone in the his- teering during its 3-year tenure. This tremen- security forces; assessing the full budgetary toric ministry of the Reverend Billy Graham. dous effort has made the ‘‘Welcome Home a and personnel impact of the war in Iraq on the On Thursday, May 31, 1,500 of Reverend Hero’’ program one of the largest ongoing U.S. military; accelerating and increasing oil Graham’s friends gathered for the dedication community service efforts in north Texas. production and accountability including equi- of the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North These committed volunteers have given of table distribution of oil revenues in Iraq; imple- Carolina. Among those friends were all three their time so that our troops, as well as their menting and oversight of economic recon- of our living former Presidents. Reverend Gra- families, can see how proud we are as a com- struction programs in Iraq with the creation of ham’s ministry has touched more people in munity, and as a nation, of their service and a new Senior Advisor for Economic Recon- this world than could ever be able to attend sacrifice. struction; ensuring that the President includes such a dedication. Madam Speaker, the north Texans that par- the cost of the war in his annual budget re- I am honored to have Reverend and Mrs. ticipate in the ‘‘Welcome Home a Hero’’ pro- quest; and setting conditions that can lead to Graham as two of my constituents in Western gram are the first people the troops see upon redeployment of U.S. combat forces as early North Carolina. The Grahams moved to their return to the United States, and they as the first quarter of 2008, including nec- Montreat many decades ago, and have made speak on behalf of all Americans in thanking essary diplomatic, infrastructure and security an indelible mark on the area. I have the ut- them and celebrating the safe return of each benchmarks. most respect for Reverend Graham. soldier. On June 12, 2007, the 500,000th sol- It is clear to me that a Democratic majority The newly dedicated Billy Graham Library is dier will come home for a well-deserved 2 in Congress cannot unilaterally legislate an appropriately built in the shape of a barn, weeks of rest and recuperation, and I am end to this war and expect its architect and which no doubt reminds Reverend Graham of proud to share that the ‘‘Welcome Home a champion—President Bush—to sign on the his childhood on a nearby dairy farm. When Hero’’ program at Dallas-Fort Worth Inter- dotted line. In my view, the only way to end Billy Graham was born some 88 years ago no national Airport has been selected by the U.S. this war—and to end it in a way that mini- one but God knew the influence he would Military to host this celebration. I extend my mizes the likelihood of greater regional blood- have on the world. personal gratitude to the program’s volunteers shed—is to broaden the tent of opposition, Billy Graham has ministered to hundreds of for their efforts in supporting our dedicated and engage concerned Republicans in pres- millions of people across the world, over 210 men and women in uniform who are proudly suring the Bush Administration to change million of those contacts coming through the serving our Nation. course. That is why I worked last year with form of live audiences. Reverend Graham has Madam Speaker, I am indeed honored to Representative Joe Schwarz on a resolution ministered to Congressmen, celebrities, and pause and pay tribute to these wonderful vol- insisting on benchmarks for Iraqi political sta- heads of state. He has ministered to people unteers and valiant soldiers who represent the bility and a process to hold the Bush Adminis- without regard to their wealth, political affili- very best of the United States of America. tration accountable. ation, social status, or skin color; and he did f That is why I am introducing this bill today. it before such things were popular. Billy THE IRAQ STUDY GROUP REC- Democrats and Republicans must work to- Graham has stood for what is right throughout OMMENDATIONS IMPLEMENTA- gether to change the course in Iraq, and im- his long career. He paid Reverend Martin Lu- TION ACT plementing the major policy recommendations ther King’s bail on numerous occasions, re- of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group is an over- fused to speak in Little Rock while school seg- HON. MARK UDALL due step in this direction. regation was being insisted upon by the state As an early and consistent opponent of this OF COLORADO government, and he would not visit South Afri- war I do not believe that embracing these rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ca during Apartheid until The government ommendations is the only action we in Con- would allow a desegregated audience. Tuesday, June 5, 2007 gress must take, but it is important as a foun- Reverend Graham commented at last Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, dation. I, for one, will also continue to push for week’s dedication that ‘‘I feel like I’ve been at today I am pleased to introduce legislation to a strategy of military disengagement in Iraq VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:34 May 17, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR07\E06JN7.000 E06JN7 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD 14956 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 11 June 6, 2007 and phased redeployment of our forces, be- of the 61st Session of the United Nations Shah, Donald Soffer, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, cause I do not believe we should ask our sol- General Assembly. Toomas M. Sorra, MD, Debra Brown Stein- diers to referee a civil war. When the immigrant station at Ellis Island, berg, Esq., Daniel J.
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