Encyclopedia of COUNSELING Third Edition RRT58628_C000.inddT58628_C000.indd i 111/2/20071/2/2007 110:28:300:28:30 AAMM RRT58628_C000.inddT58628_C000.indd iiii 111/2/20071/2/2007 110:28:510:28:51 AAMM Encyclopedia of COUNSELING Third Edition Master Review and Tutorial for the National Counselor Examination, State Counseling Exams, and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination Howard Rosenthal New York London RRT58628_C000.inddT58628_C000.indd iiiiii 111/2/20071/2/2007 110:28:510:28:51 AAMM Routledge Routledge Taylor & Francis Group Taylor & Francis Group 270 Madison Avenue 2 Park Square New York, NY 10016 Milton Park, Abingdon Oxon OX14 4RN © 2008 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-415-95862-2 (Softcover) Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, trans- mitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rosenthal, Howard, 1952- Encyclopedia of counseling : master review and tutorial for the National Counselor Examination, state counseling exams, and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination / Howard Rosenthal. -- 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-415-95862-2 (softover) 1. Counseling psychology--Examinations, questions, etc. 2. Counseling psychology--Examinations--Study guides. I. Title. BF636.6.R67 2007 158’.3076--dc22 2007018416 Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the Routledge Web site at http://www.routledge.com RRT58628_C000.inddT58628_C000.indd iivv 111/2/20071/2/2007 110:28:510:28:51 AAMM Contents Acknowledgments vii Preface to the Third Edition: The Strangest Testimonial and Beyond ix List of Figures xiii 1 Study Guides: My Own Humble Beginnings 1 Audio Doctor to the Rescue / 4 Why This New Breed of Encyclopedia Can Benefi t All Mental Health Professionals / 8 2 How to End Exam Worries 11 What’s Different about This Master Review and Tutorial? / 13 Why This Book (Dare I Say It?) Actually Makes Exam Prep Enjoyable / 14 How to Improve Your Memory in One Evening / 15 A Passing Look at Questions and Answers with Some Good News for Perfectionists / 17 3 Human Growth and Development 37 4 Social and Cultural Foundations 87 5 Theories of Counseling and the Helping Relationship 139 6 Groups 243 v RRT58628_C000a.inddT58628_C000a.indd v 110/22/20070/22/2007 33:39:09:39:09 PPMM vi Contents 7 Lifestyle and Career Development 293 8 Appraisal 343 9 Research and Program Evaluation 385 10 Professional Orientation and Ethics 443 11 Counseling Families, Diagnosis, and Advanced Concepts 499 12 Final Overview and Last Minute Super Review Boot Camp 575 Rosenthal’s 40 Key Rules for Avoiding Lawsuits, Ethical Violations, and Malpractice Diffi culties / 575 Human Growth and Development / 579 Major Theories and Theorists / 579 Social and Cultural Foundations / 583 Multicultural Counseling / 585 The Helping Relationship / 586 Group Counseling / 598 Career Choice / 602 Appraisals (Tests and Diagnosis) / 603 Research and Program Evaluation / 606 Professional Orientation and Ethics / 609 13 Graphical Representations 611 14 Resources 619 Statistical Tests Used in Counseling Research / 620 Major Psychoeducational, Career Counseling, and Diagnostic Tools / 622 HIPAA Basics for Counselors / 628 Sources for Obtaining Ethical Guidelines / 629 Index 631 About the Author 653 RRT58628_C000a.inddT58628_C000a.indd vvii 110/22/20070/22/2007 33:39:34:39:34 PPMM Acknowledgments It’s here! The ultimate weapon against test anxiety—a user-friendly study guide that has no archetype. The ideas, information, and the style are my own, though it would be impossible to complete a com- plex work such as this on a solo basis. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the tremendous assistance afforded by others. First, hats off to my wife, Patricia, for her continued support. After all, trying to navigate through a house inundated with behav- ioral science books piled knee high isn’t exactly most people’s idea of a good time! Next I must mention the hard work and superb editing sugges- tions of Dr. Jennifer Grotpeter, Michael Slavkin, journalist Michael Heil, S. Amelia Goodwin, Meanie Franklin, Robin Simons, and my brother, Wayne Rosenthal, who fancies the challenge of a complex statistical problem. Then, of course, there’s Carolyn Duncan, who literally put her reputation (as well as her professional career) on the line by being the fi rst person to test the merits of the fi rst edition of this book on an actual licensing exam. She passed, I might add, and with more than fl ying colors, paving the way for literally thousands of counselors who would come after her. Peggy Grotpeter’s countless hours of diligent work stand out sec- ond to none and resulted in the fi nest, most comprehensive, and easy- to-use study guide index available. Special thanks are due to the late, great Arthur C. Myers for his assistance in the area of psychological testing. Honorable mention goes out to my very special student Kathleen Ogier, who worked long and hard to make the third edition a clear cut above the previous ver- sions. vii RRT58628_C000b.inddT58628_C000b.indd vviiii 111/2/20071/2/2007 99:58:43:58:43 AAMM viii Acknowledgments Last, credit goes out to a very special gentleman, Dr. Joseph Hol- lis, who believed in this idea and helped bring the original edition of this landmark preparation guide to print. RRT58628_C000b.inddT58628_C000b.indd vviiiiii 111/2/20071/2/2007 99:59:07:59:07 AAMM Preface to the Third Edition: The Strangest Testimonial and Beyond A friend of mine who had just written a popular book called me to share his good fortune. The book was taking off and things were look- ing fantastic. He had been a guest on a number of local and national radio talk shows and had even hired a professional publicist. The St. Louis Post Dispatch jumped on the bandwagon and did a huge story on him replete with a picture. I was excited, and needless to say, so was he. I pointed out that the World Wide Web was growing at an astronomical rate and I thus asked if he had any idea if Internet sales of his book were thriving. Since my friend knew very little about the web I told him I would at- tempt to check it out. Within the hour I punched in one of the top Internet bookstores and my mouth dropped open: The site noted that my friend’s book was the site’s 14th top seller in the entire St. Louis, Missouri area. Unbelievable, I thought—his book is doing fantastically well. Before I could catch my breath, nevertheless, I noticed something even more remarkable, though I was convinced it had to be a mistake: The book in the 15th slot was the original version of the book you have in your hot little hands—The Encyclopedia of Counseling. I chuckled to myself hypothesizing that it was just another com- puter error. The next day, however, I noted that sales of my book were indeed soaring and The Encyclopedia (as it was affectionately being called by counselors nationwide) was this major book dealer’s sixth ix RRT58628_C000b.inddT58628_C000b.indd iixx 111/2/20071/2/2007 99:59:07:59:07 AAMM x Preface to the Third Edition top seller in St. Louis. Now the situation had my attention. Bright and early the next morning I fi red up my computer to discover that The Encyclopedia had kicked into passing gear overnight and had shot up to the coveted number three spot. In another 24 hours my computer screen would reveal the most mind-blowing statistic yet: The Ency- clopedia was now the number two seller in St. Louis! Quite frankly, I was amazed. What were these Internet testimoni- als saying? How could a postgraduate clinical exam preparation book written in 1993 be dominating the book charts over seven years later? How could this professional work be blowing the socks off of popular trade books written by celebrities or local sports stars—even if it was just for a limited period of time? After all, this book was and is a study guide. It is decidedly not the type of publication Oprah calls you up about to feature on her talk show or perhaps include in her book club. However, if you happen to be reading this Oprah…. I then revised the text in 2002. After the new version hit the streets the news got even better. You could punch up the keyword counseling on the major Internet booksellers on nearly any day of the year and presto: The Encyclopedia would be sitting on its throne in the fi rst, second, or third spot. Again, the question: why? I believe that the answer to the aforementioned questions is in- credibly simple. The Encyclopedia works! This book delivers the goods and it actually makes studying enjoyable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: A COUNSELING SUPERSTAR TURNS 15 Some things just get better with age. This new version of the Ency- clopedia is even bigger, better, and more refi ned than either of its two markedly successful predecessors. Every single section has been improved. I still chuckle to myself when I think about the fact that the fi rst book publisher who perused this would-be icon rejected it! The editor insisted that study guides needed to be serious tomes (my translation, sleep therapy!).
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