** The AVALON HILL THE GENERAL real campaign. You are to be congrat- sets up with his and American units as k :VANl)ad @ENflEju ula*dl1, added the Colonel. they appear. Movement Procedure: In all fairness, we feel that it is I ) American brings his troop^ on .. a losing vrnturc publishcd bi-monthty, pretty Colonel Dickson who is to be congratu- board, declaring exact units and calling close to the first day of January, Mar* May, July, lated. Ria personal illustrations, pho- out movement, square-by-square. Jap September and November. tos, action sketches and pictorial hiato- duplicates this on hia board as grid co- The General is edited and published by The ry of this Island campaign are repro - ordinates are called out. Avalon Hill Company almost rolely for the cul- duced for the first timd inLeatheraeck*s 2) All battles are resolved. It's of turd edification adult ping. (It also helps to IlIustrabd, a pampl-det that is included easiest to just let the guy roll and have sell Avabn Hill produrn, too!) in the game itself. Rim tell you the result, but if you don1€ Artlclcs from subscribers art conaidcrtd for Colonel Dicksonl s arti~ticability is tru~thim, roll the die on the floor so publicmion on a grarts contributory bask. Such painting both can see. nr~iclcsmust be typcwrittcn and not excceh 700 reflected in the oil that provides Jap words. Eyamplu and diagrams that nwompany the background you see in our picture 3) player move without telling such articles must bt drawn in black ink, ready on the front cover. It is a first class American locations of any units except lor reproduction. No norkc can be given rcgar- job. as is the magazine that he those in open (assuming American haa ding acceptance of ~nictcslor publication. edits and publi~hesfor the Marine Corps. HF). The Jap must tell location of square All back i.saucs, except Vol.1, Nos. 1 & 4, which unit^ as they arrive; from what are out d .srwk, arc avnilablc at Sl.00 pcr iasuc. The True Picture In Viet Nam they originally move. Full-ycpr subscriptions B 34.98. 4) All battlea are reaolved. Q 1966 The Avalon Hill Compnnp, Baltimore, Leatherneck Magazine, with 100,000 5) Check time box, compute points, Maryland. printed in U.S.A. plus circulation, is a monthly magazine repeat of over 90 pages. It provides the only + i really truthful comments of the Vietnam to tell at a glance at his board if an situation since the articles are written American unit has bumped into him. Cover Story ... by Marine Corps soIdiers themrelvts The rystem also provides for a contin- who have seen action there fir st-hand. uous game without a constant up-and- Naturally the magazine is written for down action on the Arnericanls part. "I Was Blown Marine Corps peraromsl however we As a suggestion for even more of the feel that it would be of considerable limited intelligence: don't have the interest to the typical war game nut American tell what units are moving, ...by the Japanese right here on (like you) who is interested only in only for instance, "2 units moving from Guadalcanal, " joshes Colonel Dickson getting to the heart and core of realiam. square a to square b. This provide* to Avdon Hill persoanel: A. Eric Dott, Guadalcanal is an official Leatherneck for the most practical. 2-player limited Vice President; Tom Shaw, Marketing bookahre item and can also be ordered intelligence game yet devired. Director and Ed Adama, Publicity Di- directly from Leatherneck Magazine - Comments to: Kenneth Hoffman, 266 rector. Colonel Dickson points to the probably at a lower cost than when Carroll St., New Bedford, Mars. 02740. spot where his oueit was often pinned ordered directly from Avalon Hill. We do- by constant barrage of Japanese suggest that you write to Colonel Donald off- shore shelling. l1 This shelling L. Dickaon, c/o Leatherneck Magazine, Results of AH Suwe never redly hurt anyone, relatively P.O. Box 1918. Washington. D. C, Here are the final tabulation* speaking of course, but it sure didn't 20013, for subscription and individual survey May help our rnoraleaa~'.statedtheColoae1 copy coats. solicited in the who supplied the Avalon Hill design staff with much historical data during sign and publish. the game's decrign stages. Fast Hidden Movement Colonel Dickson proved quite an Title authority on the ~ubject. He landed on - opening day, himself, and raised the for Guadaltanal of August firat American Flag on the Island. by Robert Disli and Kenneth Hoffman Guns After asairnilation of his personal ob- Jutland servations AvalonHill came to the con- One of the greatest stumbling blocks Battle of Britain clusion that the Japanese should have in GUADALCANALrs excellent Hidden Korea won. Movement rule is its ability to take up Vietnam Warfare "Darn right they should have won," a great cxcesr of time. Here are the Guerilla Basketball commented Colonel Dickson. "But the requirements and procedure for a faster Strategy Shake Japaneas were as illprepared for jungle hidden movement game: epeare combat as we were; we simply adjuated 1) 2 complete GUADALCANAL sets to conditions a lot better", he further 2) two 44 X 14 boards (such as AK stated. "Those little Jap soldiers were or DISPATCHER) or another suitable real tough to find tn the jungle but we screen by Donald Greenwood overcame this deficiency by notpanick- 3) 2 O~ponentswho trust each other iag, and more important, by taking ad- (extremely rare) Due to a lack of such articler in the vantage of the fact that the Japcr simply General previouslyIhave beenpromphd couldn't organize. They were forever Procedure to submit the following. Below is a lilt changing their minder in mid- ertream. I of Avalon Hill's 22 games in the order might add that you fellows atAvalonHil1 The 2 boardm are set up opposite of their percentage of ownerrhip. To certainly werenlt in mid-stream when each other, each player with a complete come up with this result 1 took my per- it came to producing such a aplendid OB for both American and Jap troops. sonal records of my PBM associates game in Guadalcanal. You have re- With people of average height, the and other sources and came up with captured all the important elements, screen will exclude any view of the exactly 100 garners. The percentage even the psychological aspects of the other player's board. The Jap player following the name of the game is he i PAGE 3 THE GENERAL number of such games found in every complexity, and especially the multi• ceeding one zone per turn. Fleets may 100 wargamers, according to my sur• player gaming groups whose talented split up, join, etc., so long as a proper vey. Although this is not completely admirale are sulking while the generals record is kept of the zone location of accurate it should give a fairly accurate and air marshalls are cornering all the each ship. Ships are brought back when picture of which games the true game glory in Blitzkrieg, here is a sugges• desired to any square on the edge of fanatics keep dear to their bedside. One tion for optional rule s that provide that the board in the zone which they were must remember that this survey was missing dimension, the war at sea. It in on the preceding turn. For example, taken among PBM wargamers so that is necessary to add a few extra count• a ship could leave the board from zone the non PBM and recently released titles ers, I suggest adapting counters from A and proceed to zone B in one turn. came up with a poor showing. But all Midway and Bismarck, but you can just The next turn it could return to the in all the following is aprettyclearpic• as easily make your own. The only board on any square in zone B, or re• ture of what the PBM gamer needs. necessary addition to the board is imagi• main off the board and move to either nary -- simply assume that the Zones zone A or C or remain off the board in 1. Stalingrad 580/0 (A through E) that exi st on the pre sent Zone B: When a ship returns to the 2. Afrika Korps 490/0 board extend indefinitely out from its board it can proceed in that turn at the 3. D-Day 480/0 edge s. regular 20 square rate. The only re• 4. Tac tic s II 450/0 I sugge st that a fleet c'onsist of the striction is that amphibious invasions 5. Gettysburg 410/0 following vessels, and that both sides that turn are re stricted to the zone to 6. Waterloo 390/0 have identical fleets: 2 aircraft car• which the ships returned. 7. Battle of the Bulge 330/0 rier s which have no combat factor other 8. Bismarck 280/0 than the aircraft which they carry, the Combat 9. Midway 240/0 maximum complement for one carrier 10. Blitzkrieg 200/0 should be a total of 4 factor s of TAC Any number of naval units may be 11. U-Boat 190/0 and/or FTR, no MDM or SAC. These stacked on one square. Sea battles on 12. Chancellorsville 160/0 are assigned from the regular air• the board are fought in the same way 13. Football Strategy 130/0 power allotment. They can, of course, as land battles, using the Tournament 14. Baseball Strategy 130/0 still fly regular ground support mis• Attrition Table.
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