What’s Out There® Toronto Toronto, ON Welcome to What’s Out There Toronto, organized than 16,000 hectares. In the 1970s with urban renewal, the by The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) waterfront began to transition from an industrial landscape with invaluable support and guidance provided by to one with parks, retail, and housing—a transformation that numerous local partners. is ongoing. Today, alluding to its more than 1,400 parks and extensive system of ravines, Toronto is appropriately dubbed This guidebook provides fascinating details about the history the “City within a Park.” The diversity of public landscapes and design of just a sampling of Toronto’s unique ensemble of ranges from Picturesque and Victorian Gardenesque to Beaux vernacular and designed landscapes, historic sites, ravines, Arts, Modernist, and even Postmodernist. and waterfront spaces. The essays and photographs within these pages emerged from TCLF’s 2014 partnership with This guidebook is a complement to TCLF’s much more Professor Nina-Marie Lister at Ryerson University, whose comprehensive What’s Out There Toronto Guide, an interactive eighteen urban planning students spent a semester compiling online platform that includes all of the enclosed essays plus a list of Toronto’s significant landscapes and developing many others—as well overarching narratives, maps, and research about a diversity of sites, designers, and local themes. historic photographs— that elucidate the history of design The printing of this guidebook coincided with What’s Out There of the city’s extensive network of parks, open spaces, and Weekend Toronto, which took place in May 2015 and provided designed public landscapes. That Guide, viewable at tclf.org/ two days of free, expert-led tours of all of the sites described torontoguide, is one of a number of online compendia of urban HtO Park, photo © Neil Fox herein. These tours were complemented by TCLF’s Second landscapes, dovetailing with TCLF’s Web-based What’s Out Wave of Modernism III: Leading with Landscape conference, There database, which currently features more than 1,700 which invited a panel of international and local experts to sites, 10,000 images, and 900 designer profiles. Significantly, discuss Toronto’s innovative planning and design strategy and the addition of sites in the Toronto region expands the What’s reflect upon its worldwide implications. Out There database beyond the United States and inaugurates our coverage of the cultural landscape legacy of Canada. Occupied for centuries by indigenous people, the area known What’s Out There, optimized for iPhones and similar handheld as Toronto was established as the Town of York in 1793 by devices, includes What’s Nearby, a GPS-enabled function that British Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe and renamed The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) locates all landscapes in the database within a 40-kilometer in 1834 for an Iroquois word meaning “place where trees stand radius of any given location. TCLF provides the tools to see, understand and value landscape architecture in water.” Its location on a wooded, curving plateau embracing and its practitioners in the way many people have learned to do with buildings Lake Ontario led to the establishment of an active port and, On behalf of The Cultural Landscape Foundation, I appreciate and their designers. Through its Web site, lectures, outreach and publishing, by the mid-1850s, the emergence of a vibrant, multi-ethnic your interest in What’s Out There Toronto and I hope you will TCLF broadens the support and understanding for cultural landscapes to help community. Coincident with the City Beautiful movement at the enjoy discovering Toronto’s unparalleled landscape legacy. safeguard our priceless heritage for future generations. turn of the century, the Toronto Guild of Civic Art—comprising elite businessmen, artists, and architects—was established to Sincerely, learn more at tclf.org guide city planning and promote the conservation of natural surroundings. A boom in housing and business followed World War II and, in 1957, the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority was formed to manage watersheds Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, FAAR and to create recreational opportunities in an area of more PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE FOUNDATION 2 The Cultural Landscape Foundation www.tclf.org 3 Steeleeeless Steeles Steeles Fe nmar McNico ll k k r r ls ls t t d d l l e 400 404 e e e n n m m e e Pa Pa un un y y esor esor w w d d y y efiel efiel d d a a ov ov wa wa n n l l i i e e McNicoll BearBear en st en mo mo Re Re Se Se o n o a h a rkharkha n n Drewry Cummer ne ne h h C C rmacy rmacy psco ri psco a a rd ie rd view n n c l c a a g g e to to a a rc s rc Ta Ta M ffe nge M Midd ston Don Mills Midd M ay M Briml Briml Midl Midl Ke Ke Bi Bi W W Ph Ph VictorVictor Le B Yo Alness Alness Bathur Du Keel Signet Jane We Norfinc Isling Isling KiplinKiplin Marn Gr 427 27 Marn Gr Albion Finch FincFinchh e od e al o al w s s s s e e s h h ll C C we e e e e eadowv eadowv al S M Hwy 404 M kd Hunngwood onon gt gt Oa illowdal illowdal Senlac Senlac W W WilminWilmin ow clevin Arr M Sheppard Nugget n ingside ingside n so n s r r Mo Sheppard Neil Mo Consumers Rexd Bartor ilson Height al W e MilnerMilner 401 t n n il so so ansi ra T Tr y ay ay York Mills r Progress Milita Cl Cl Wilson 401 401 Belfield Ellesmere . .C 409 .C G G Hwy 2a gh gh rk rk n n ou ou Pa Pa y y or or w n n b b am Blac am ar ar rtrt UnioUnio Orto Orto Sc Sc Bell k Bell Po Dixon Po Skyw Carlingview Carlingvie Lawrence Cr ay SSc carle We ee a r k Lawrence le ston 427 401 DVP The Westway Trethewe y n n e lle n A Alle a d o r l Caledonia nfo Eglinton Wy S Eglinton GuildwooGuildwoodd y Va y e e s ugha s d d n n o o Oriole n Oriole rd rd i i m m orth orth r LaLa e er nf nf Davisville B B Re Re Rogers Overlea orth Danf Moore Rathburn Steeleseeles Steeles Steeles St.Clair Fe nmar McNico St.Clair ll k k r r ls ls t t d d l l e 400 404 e e e n n m m e e Pa Pa unun •• y y esor esor w w d d y y efiel efiel d d a a ov ov wa wa n s n l l i i McNicoll BearBear en st en momo Re Se Re Se o n o a h a rkharkha n n Drewry Cummer ne ne h h C C rmacyrmacy psco ri psco a a rd ie rd view n n c l c a a g Dunda g e to to a a rc s rc Ta Ta M ffe nge M Midd ston Don Mills Midd M ay M Brimle Brimle Midl Midl Ke Ke BiBi W W PhPh VictorVictor Le B Yo Alness Alness Bathur Du Keel Signet Jane We Norfinc IslingIsling KiplinKiplin Marn Gr 427 27 Marn Gr O'Connor Albion Burnhamthorpe List of sites Davenportvenport ➑ Finch FincFinchh e od ston e al o al l l Cosbusburn w s s s CENTRAL TORONTO ➋ s e e s h •• h ll C C King we Annee e e e e eadowv eadowv al S Mall M Hwy 404 M kd Hunngwood onon gt gt Mal Mal ➊ Allan Gardens Dupont Oa st 427 illowdalillowdal st st Mormer Senlac Senlac W W WilminWilmin ow sden t Lum Ea Ea n We ➋ Baldwin Steps e e •• •• clevi Arr M e e od od n n e e Sheppard s s Nugget n ingside ingside o o ne w ne n so n s i i r r l l d d ourt ourt n ➌ Cloud Gardens n a a d d rg rg l l to to Mo Neil Mo riri e e s ymed ymed rc rc Sheppard nw nw e e db db or or DVP nuenue ng eo w w e e o r ➍ o Consumers Bloo Fort York National Historical Site Bartor ffe ffe nlan nlan Geo Rexd y y pepe ilson Height ng ng .G oadvie re re al W ox e ox Ave Ave Lansdown Lansdown DuDu DoveDove OssingOssi Runn Main Ba G Runn Yo Spadin StSt. BedfBedf Ba Yo Do G Main Pa Pa C C Wo Wo Do Spadin Mt.Pleasan Br Dawe ➎ Victoria Memorial Square MilnerMilner Bloor ⓰ Danforth 401 t n n il so ⓬ so ansi a ➏ Gooderham and Worts ⓭ Tr Tr y ay ay York Mills r Progress Milita Cl Cl Wilson 401 e NORTH YORK Distillery Complex ⓯ t Harbord 401 s ⓮ Belfield s Ellesmere e Dundas ➐ Prospect Cemetery e Gerrard . .C 409 .C chch s G G Hwy 2a S. 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