arianas %riety;;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ews .Another batch of illegal cut takes toll migrants Tinian-bound By Jojo Dass Variety News Staff . A NEW batch of about 140 Chinese illegal migrants believed bound for Guam is now headed to Tinian, sources from the two islands yesterday disclosed. on Cstudents "They are coming," said one Tinian official insisting anonymity. By Aldwin R. Fajardo ing to help students who want to Th.ere were, however, conflicting reports about the Chinese na­ Variety News Staff attend college. I want them to tionals' attempt to enter Guam with at least one source stating that A REDUCTION in the granting meet with my staff to determine if the migrants' boat were actually diverted from Japan. of student financial aid under the we can do something to help There cmTently are at least three weather depressions in the Educational Assistance Program them," Tenorio said in a separate general area covering Guam and the CNMI's Northern Islands (EAP) for full-time college stu­ interview. which could explain why the migrants ended up somewhere near dents, has resulted to a low turn­ He added NMC officials have Japan, the same source said. out in the registration of part-time been instructed to make recom­ Tinian officials said they are preparing for the boat's affival students for the next semester. mendations that would help maxi­ which, they said, is expected to be within the next few days. Northern Marianas College mize the cash-strapped Scholar­ It was not exactly known when the boat was intercepted. Officials Bo.ard of Regents Chairman ship Fund which has depleted nevertheless said it is now being escorted by the US Coast Guard. Ramon Villagomez and other from $4 million to $2 million, in The new batch of Chinese migr;mts to be intercepted validated NMC officials met with Gov. light of slow business activity in concerns raised earlier by Rep. Herman T. Palacios (R-Saipan), the Pedro P. Tenorio Wednesday Ramon Villagomez the CNMI. Chair of the CNMI's House Committee on Labor and Immigration where the anticipated impact of The regulation limiting finan­ on .ihe closure of the holding facility constructed early this year on the new regulation to part-time ers after the meeting. cial assistance to full-time col­ Continued on page 54 college students who comprise The governor said, however, lege students was actually en­ over 50 percent ofEAP recipients his admin.istration would be more forced since last year but NMC was discussed. than willing to help the college students were given a one year Hofschneider hits. 'apathy' "We are concerned about explore other ways to find addi­ reprieve. The policy applies to whether part-time students can tional res_ources to continue with them starting next semester. towards patients at CHC go to college because some of the granting of financial aid to According to Villagomez, some them have reportedly decided not part-time students. of the alternatives the College is cation and Welfare. to register when they learned that "I have made it clear that our currently looking at include tap­ In an interview yesterday, Rep. they will no longer receive EAP resources are not that good. They ping unexpended amount from Heinz S. Hofschneider (R­ grants," Villagomez told report- have to understand that \\'e're try- Continued on page 54 Saipan) said he will be holding talks with Health Secretary Jo­ seph Kevin Villagomez to ad­ dress this growing concern. Palau gov't revenues decline "We are all humans, and some­ times without thinking we tend By Eileen 0. Tabaranza percent of tne total target in the slowly picking up, BNTDirec­ to blow steam unnecessarily ... For the Variety first three quarters of its fiscal tm Elbuchel Sadang explained and it hurts the other party, in KOROR (Palau Horizon) - year (FY) 1999. that tourism-related revenues this case the patients. I think it is Due to the current downturn in Revenue breakdown provided such as hotel occupancy and Heinz S. Hofschneider a matterof reminding them (doc­ the economy, Palau could hardly by B NT to Palau Horizon shows travelers' head taxes were far tors) that the only reason people meet its revenue collection tar­ that local revenues collected dur­ below projected amounts at 65 By Jojo Dass come to them is because they are get for the first nine months of ing the nine-month period hit only .percent and 57 percent, respec­ Variety News Staff ill, they are in pain or suffering. this year. $1 7 .008 mi Ilion against the pro­ tively. PHYSICIANS at the Common­ "It Joes not aJJ to their prob­ The Bureau of National Trea­ jected $18.567 mill ion. The gov­ Business gross revenue and weal th Health Center are fast gain­ lem having a physician bei!lg an sury (BNT) has reported that ernment has yet to collect $7. 7 48 import taxes were also below ing notoriety for their alleged irritant to them," saiJ the national government fell million for the remaining months the 75 percentile for the third "apathy" towards their patients, Hofschneidcr. short of its projected revenue by ofFY 1999. quarter, only collecting 66 per- according to the Chair of the Hofschneider said several Although the tourism sector is six percent, collecting only 69 Continued on page 54 House Committee on Health, Edu- Continued on ·page 54 Shipping service to Micronesia gets boost By Giff Johnson stock inventories as a hedge MAJURO - San Francisco­ against shortages. based Pacific Micronesia and "Businesses can reduce their Orient Line is increasing the fre­ costs of inventory on hand," he quency of its container ship visits said. "They'll be able to order less by adding a fourth vessel to its for an-ival more often." service to the Marshall Islands Local businesses are used to and Micronesia,.including Saipan, ordering well in advance and the company announced in stocking up to avoid shortages of Majuro yesterday. goods. Stepping up the frequency of During the past two months, ship affivals from every third week Majuro businesses have run out to every second week and from of rice, fresh milk, colas and other both Asia and the U.S. should be products, forcing customers to of "significant benefit to local wait for the next arriving ship. businesses," said Majuro-based PM&O's move is aimed at in­ PM&O regional manager Keith creasing its market share of the Fawcett because businesses will container business in the islands. Korean Women's Association representatives join senior citizens at the Aging Center in Garapan after no longer have to maintain huge Continued on page 54 making a donation to the Manamkos yesterday. Photo by Louie c. Alonso P/~,:· t\ __ .·. ·- j·J.,I --·' :·-.:~:·: :s 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 13, 1999 ---------------------------~FR~ID':::'.A~Y!_..'.,A~U::'..'G::'..'U::.:S~T~l3'._,__, ~19~9?_9-=1_-M·ARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND ymws-3 Japa110 M.retap bill Gov't completes EiC release THEDEP ARTMENT ofFinance them fortheirpatience and under­ Nielsen said, due to lack of The second batch of checks were TOKYO (AP) - Parliament vote. demanding more aggressive po­ this week completed the release standing while we searched for funds to pay the whole amount at released in June. gave Japanese police new powers After an all-night session punc­ lice action against potentially sub­ of earned income credit (EIC) funds to pay them." once, a decision was made to re­ The Secretary of Finance said to use wiretaps against organized tuated by naps by weary lawmak­ versive groups since a doomsday checks to eligible recipients, the Nielsen said that, for those who·. lease the first 25 percent of the the release of the checks is wel­ crime Thursday, overcoming an ers, three opposition parties sub­ religious cult attacked Tokyo sub­ Administration disclosed. filed for EiC refunds and have total amount for those who are come news to parents who have 'i all-night battle by opposition mitted censure motions against wayswf thnervegasin Ma.rch 1995. According to Finance Secre­ still not received their checks receiving $500 or more. children returning to schools ·, ·1 forces to defeat the measure. the ministers of finance, trade, killing 12 and injuring thousands. '· tary Lucy DLG. Nielsen, a total of within two weeks, must contact Those receiving less than $500 which opened this week. The I 42-99 vote in the upper health and education, and the chief Police have Jong sought the i 2,405 claims were processed for the Di vision ofRevenue and Taxa­ were paid the entire amount. She The EIC is a refund given to house followed the powerful cabinet secretary. The motions power to wiretap, saying it would I payment. Checks have been tion to determine if there were said the first batches of EIC re­ low-income taxpayers with de­ lower house's approval of the failed. strengthen their hand against the mailed to recipients this week. any problems with their claims. fund checks were issued in April. pendents as a tax break. anticrime package on June l and Opposition lawmakers also de­ yakuza, Japan's organized crime I Nielsen said this completes pay­ I gave police surveillance powers layed a motion to vote on the syndicates. ment of more than $6 million, similar to those enjoyed by inves­ package by staging a "cow walk," Two other bills in the package l which is the last payment for the tigators in other countries. in which members walk excmci­ would stiffen penalties for orga­ EiC after the tax incentive was Palacios: There still are many "We will apply these laws ap­ atingly slowly-or almost not at nized crime and inerease protec­ I repealed by law recently.
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