- 2 - February 24, 2019: Sunday of Meat Fare Epistle: 1 Cor. 8:8 - 9:2 Gospel: Mt. 25: 31-46 Mon., Feb. 25 to No Divine Liturgies This Week Fri., March 1 Sat., March 2 No Morning Divine Liturgy No Confessions Today 4:00 pm + Mary & George Marushock (Daughter, Ilona) Sun., March 3 9:00 + Christine Danylak (Leo Danylak) 11:30 For Our Parishioners On Monday, February 18th, 2019, Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops, the Vatican Information Service an- which met in September of 2018 in nounced that the Holy Father has ap- Lviv, Ukraine. pointed Most Rev. Borys Gudziak as The Archeparchy of Philadelphia Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrai- was declared by Pope Francis as “sede nians and Metropolitan for the Ukrai- vacante” following the resignation of nian Catholic Church in USA and thus Most Rev. Stefan Soroka on April 16, concurring with the recommenda- 2018. Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy was tion of the appointment offered by the named by Pope Francis as the Apostol- - 3 - ic Administrator of the Ukrainian Catho- the Ukrainian Catholic Church. lic Archeparchy of Philadelphia until the Bishop Andriy Rabiy, Apostolic Ad- appointment of the new Metropolitan- ministrator, Bishop John Bura, Auxil- Archbishop. iary Bishop, clergy, monastic orders and At the present time Most Rev. Bo- faithful of the Archeparchy of Philadel- rys Gudziak serves as the eparch of St. phia wholeheartedly and joyfully wel- Volodymyr the Great Ukrainian Catho- come the news and invite everyone to the lic Eparchy, which includes France, installation of Most Rev. Borys Gudziak Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg as the seventh Metropolitan-Archbishop and Switzerland. He is the founder and for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy president of the Ukrainian Catholic Uni- of Philadelphia, which will take place on versity in Lviv, Ukraine. In addition, Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at the Ukrainian Archbishop Borys is the head of Depart- Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate ment of External Church Relations of Conception in Philadelphia, PA. The Sunday of the Prodigal Son The Sunday of the Prodigal Son is and go…” (v. 18). To repent is not just to the second Sunday of a three-week peri- feel dissatisfied, but to make a decision od prior to the commencement of Great and to act upon it. Lent. As with the Sunday of the Publi- In the words of our Lord, we also can and the Pharisee, the theme of this learn of three things through this par- Sunday is repentance, and the focus on able: the condition of the sinner, the the parable of the Prodigal Son leads rule of repentance, and the greatness of Eastern Christians to contemplate the God’s compassion. The reading of this necessity of repentance in our relation- parable follows the Sunday of the Pub- ship with our Heavenly Father. lican and the Pharisee so that, seeing in The parable of the Prodigal Son the person of the Prodigal Son our own forms an exact icon of repentance at its sinful condition, we might come to our different stages. Sin is exile, enslave- senses and return to God through repen- ment to strangers, hunger. Repentance is tance. For those who have fallen into the return from exile to our true home; great despair over their sins thinking it is to receive back our inheritance and that there is no forgiveness, this parable freedom in the Father’s house. But re- offers hope. The Heavenly Father is pa- pentance implies action: “I will rise up tiently and lovingly waiting for our re- - 4 - turn. There is no sin that can overcome live is not a normal world, but a waste- His love for us. land. Finally, this parable offers us in- As a result of sin in our lives, we sight into the world in which we live. It lose the joy of communion with God, is a world where the activities of peo- we defile and lose our spiritual beauty, ple are disconnected and not ordered and we find ourselves far away from toward the fulfillment of God’s divine our real home, our real life. In true re- purpose for life. It is a world of inco- pentance, we realize this, and we ex- herent pursuits, of illusory strivings, press a deep desire to return, to recov- of craving for foods and drinks that er what has been lost. On this day the do not satisfy, a world where nothing Church reminds us of what we have ultimately makes sense, and a world abandoned and lost, and beckons us engulfed in untruth, deceit and sin. It to find the desire and power to return. is the exact opposite of the world as Our Heavenly Father is waiting and created by God and potentially recre- ready to receive us with His loving ated by his Son and Spirit. There is no forgiveness and His saving embrace. cure for the evils of our age unless we -Edited from goarch.org return to God. The world in which we In Case of Emergency... Father Nestor will be away this week. Father Myron Myronyuk at St. Vladi- In case of an emergency, please call mir’s at 570-342-7023. Its Cold Outside... After the 9:00 Divine Liturgy, Father Nestor to make arrangements. come over to the Little Hall for some The first Coffee Hour after the hot coffee or tea. 11:30 Divine Liturgy is scheduled for Also, looking for volunteers to Sunday, March 3, 2019 in the Little have a coffee hour after the other Di- Hall. Hope to see you there. vine Liturgies. If interested, please call Divine Liturgy Attendance on Snowy Days It is very rare that the Divine Liturgy is canceled, especially on a Sunday. - 5 - I want to encourage those of you who day. If attendance means putting your- must walk further or more importantly, self and others at risk, I am sure the Lord who drive to church, to PLEASE USE understands if you should decide to pray COMMON SENSE, when making a de- at home. Please use common sense and a termination about attending the Divine well-informed conscience when making Liturgy on the snowy, icy, inclement such a decision. weekend or even more so on the week- Myasopusna Celebration Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian pm., with borscht also available, as well Catholic Church announces its 14th an- as Ukrainian and other beverages. Din- nual Myasopusna Celebration, a Pre- ner is followed by entertainment until Lenten event, to be held on Meatfare 4:00 pm from the Holy Year Choir, Ka- (Myasopusna) Sunday, February 24, zka Ukrainian Folk Ensemble, and St. 2019. A dinner of holubtsi (stuffed cab- Mary’s Traditional Ukrainian Dancers. bage), kobasa, varenyky (Transfigura- Doors will open at noon, with Ukrainian tion pierogies), kapusta, blackbread, and crafts on display and for sale throughout dessert will be served at the Church’s the event. Dinner tickets are $13 if pur- Banquet Hall at 240 Center St., Hanover chased before 2/17, $15 afterwards, by Section of Nanticoke, from 12:30 to 2:00 calling 570-735-4654 or 570-824-3880. Pre-Lenten Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner Father Myron Myronyuk and his bage), mashed potatoes, vegetable, bread parish family of Scranton’s St. Vladimir and rolls, dessert, coffee, tea, beverages. Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church cor- Adults $13.00; Students $8.00 (age dially invite you to join us for our an- 6-12); Age 5 and under free. nual Pre-Lenten pork and sauerkraut/ Musical entertainment will be pro- kapusta dinner on Sunday, February 24, vided by the delightful Ihor and Regina 2019, beginning at 12:15pm at St. Vladi- Duo. mir Parish Center, 428 North Seventh Advance reservations for both sit- Avenue - between West Lackawanna down and take-out are required and can Avenue and West Linden Street. be made with Maria Black at 570 503- Menu: slow roasted pork loin, gravy, 1514 before Tuesday, February 19th. Ukrainian kapusta (sweet and sour cab- Take-outs available at 11:30a.m. but no - 6 - later than 12 noon. Door prizes will be awarded along with a 50/50 drawing. Upcoming L.U.C. Meeting The North Anthracite Council of the Discussion will focus on the National League of Ukrainian Catholics will Board structure, the upcoming Lenten meet on Thursday, February 28, 2019 Retreat, the May bus trip to New York at 5:00 pm at Grotto Pizza, 36 Gate- City, and 2019 meeting schedule. way Shopping Center, Edwardsville. Deanery Forgiveness Vespers On Sunday, March 3, 2019, Forgive- eve is the beginning of Great Lent. If ness Vespers will be held at Holy anyone can bring a “covered” dish to Transfiguration Ukrainian Catholic the reception, it would be appreciated. Church, 240 Center St., in Nanticoke (Ideas include fruit salad, no mayo at 4:00 pm. All the faithful are invited tuna salad, hummus and vegetables, to participate. There will be a small, “hair-ring”; ziti-no meat/cheese, bread simple reception following the service with oil and spice dip, chips, etc). with no meat or dairy as the Sunday Piggie Dinner Saints Peter & Paul Ukrainian Greek ner includes Piggies (meat stuffed Catholic Church, Wilkes- Barre will cabbage), mashed potatoes, vegetable, hold a take-out Piggie / Holubtsi Din- bread and butter and dessert. Dinners ner on Sunday, March 3, 2019. Din- will be $12.00 for adults and $6.00 ners may be picked up between 11:30 for children (12 and under). Walk-Ins am and 2:00 pm at the Parish School Welcome but Reservations are encour- Hall, corner of North River and West aged, call (570)829-3051.
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