J lfnil6d Nations *' BOOth GENERAL PLENARY MEETING ASSEMBLY Thur.day, 20 April 1961, FIFTEENTH SESSION (It 10.80 a.m. Official Records New York CONTENTS 4. At the very moment when world public opinion is Page Agenda itGIn 92: focused on the historic trial of the century, the new The situation in Angola............................ 381 trial at Jerusalem where a monster stands before his judges, at the very time when several Asian and American countries are working for the complete de­ , President: Mr. Frederick H. BOLAND (Ireland). colonization of all continents, Africa, the still down­ trodden Mrica, is wondering bitterly when the Eu,ropean nations will act to stay the butcher's ann of the tyrants among them, the A.(1olf Eichmanns in their midst. ' AGENDA ITEM 92 5. For day ~er day in these African lands Qf Angola The situation in Angola and Cabinda, the long, sad list of Mrican martyrs grows ever longer. Indeed, they are' t~rrible, the o ·1. The PRESIDENT: At the 966th meeting the butchers. of the Angolans and theCabindans. They ·Assembly decided that this item should be dealt· with began with, the shooting at Leopoldville on 4 January directly ,in plenary meeting. In connr-xion with this 1959. Congolese killed by Portuguese bullets were item, thirty-six Members of the Assembly, have sub­ buried. Yes, ,in the very heart of,Leppoldville, Por­ mitted a draft resolution [A/L.345 a:nd Add.1-5]. tuguese fired on Congolese during the riots at that 2; Mr. DADET (Congo, Brazzaville) (translated time. And today, with a truly Satanic cynical ""lee, they from French): On behalf of the. 'Government of the are continuing the sinister work of their fifteenth century Re'¥ublic of the Congo (Brazzaville)' and of the entire ancestors. grief-stricken Congolese people, my delegation pays a 6. Has the generous and liberal voice of humanism reverent tribute to the meJ:11ory ,of all AngQlan and been so completely stilled throughout Europe that' ..,no ,Cabindan nationalists, to the memory of the hundreds of European State can help to curb, if only in the name courageous women,' the hundreds of innocent children of humanity- and justice, that stream of madness which and young men and women of Angola and Cabinda is still sweeping an Africa that yearns only for· freedom treacherously.mown down by the bullets of a system and peace? ,still carefully and vigorously rn.aintained by a European ·nation which claims to be civilized and shamelessly 7. No! After all, there are limits, even to the worst boasts and vaunts that it is the country wnere Our abuses. The Portuguese abuses in Africa have lasted 1Lady of Fatima, revered by all Christians'of the Roman f(;)r too long. We believe that the Portuguese were the ·Catholic faith, revealed herself. But Fatima-as the first to become directly responsible for the ills from' world now realizes-is merely being used by the hypo­ which the African continent has suffered for hundreds critical Portuguese as a screen the better to mask Satan of.years. Liste!1 to this report by a French journalist, and a devilish regime. Mlchel 'C1erc~ In the French magazine· Paris-Match, of 1 April: 3. The names of all the Angolanand Cabindanfighters ·who fell for the principle of freedom are now enshrined "It is true that the first white men to arrive in the as those of heroes in the sacred pages of the history Congo. were not· all imbued with noble intentions. ·of the struggle of the Africans against men who believed That was in the ;fifteenth century. The Portuguese -who unfortunately still believe-that they· are pre- were hunting Moors on the Atlantic seaboard when idestined to subjugate and enslave, with impunity and the navigator, Diego ICaO, 'dropped anchor in the !for ever, other men on their own land. Yes, they are estuary of the great river. ' :dead, killed, the men and women of Buela, of Cacilha, , "He was chasing a mirage: the liberation of a '.0£ Quidiambo. Yes, they are dead, the dutiful sons and kingdom, the kingdom of 'Prester John', which had the' dear daughters, the martyrs of Angola and Cabinda, never existed save in the imagination of poets. He murdered by paratroopers thirsting for African blood believed that the Congo would lead him to the heart 'on special mission from the Iberian Peninsula. Yes, they ?f E~t wh~re ~e would be able to wipe out the are dead, those of Bemoo, of Cuimba and Madimba, all l1~dels l~ their laIr. Unfortunately the idealist Diego slain by the machine-guns of the Portuguese pirates. But Cao had madveitently opened the road for the dread­ yours is the glory, you dead 'of AngolaandlCabinda. ful anny of slave traders. Africa will not long continue to offer itself up as a "They swarmed in, .took possession of the estuary ~vholesale sacrifice to a country which is responsible for and turned M'Pinda, in a creek on the south bank Its age-old miseries. For other Africans will emerge from of the ri,:,er, into a great market for the export· of the shadows to' take the places of those who· are in human bemgs. Brought there in caravans, the captives their grav~s. For the Congolese firmly believe that were ... bound together, the nante of the trafficker Africa will, ineluctably, come into its own again. Heroic engraved. on their chains. To mark their road the dead of Angola and. Cabinda, your sacrifice will not Slave trad~rs used to plant.behind them rows of kapok have been in vain. trees, which grow very quickly and very hig-hand S81 AjPV.990 ........ '1 LI'" ,aL: i!!J 382 General Assembly-fifteenth 8elsioD-PleJUlry Meetlq. nati~OCl reproduce themselves over the centuries, so that even thing that is happening in Cabinda and Angola. But before going into detail, I propose to read to the work~Q today the former slave routes are lined by these lation ­ trees. In .four centuries, fifteen million negroes crossed Assembly three documents which were sent to me last the Atlantic. Five million were beaten to death by week for information by the political organizations of Africa the slave traders. As recently as 1877, the corpses the Angalanand Cabindan nationals who have taken the splf. of men who had refused to embark were found, refuge in the Congo. sta.l;1d(n chained together and drowned, near Banana". tries a 14. The fitist document is a memorandum J;:om the been c: And that is how the Portuguese begat! their grim work Alliance des ressortissants de Zombo [Alliance of the the mE in Africa, aithough they had never been called in by Nationals of Zombo] who are now refugees in the equalit~ any African people. Congo. It reads as follows: have n< 8. .The Portuguese are thus the first to be directly "Following the recent massacres perpetrated in "The responsible for all the massacres that have marked .its territory even while it continues to be believed tugal a African colonization. An those massacres are many. at meetings of the international community that no separab But Portugal believes that they are still not enough. problem exists in Angola,.the Alliance des ressor­ Portugt 9. In vain did Eichmann flee, in vain did Eichmann tissants de Zombo (ALIAZO), aware of its respon· commit hide and change his name; today Eichmann is on trial ~ibilities, protests most strongly against the false allegations of the Portuguese authorities and of their· "Sin< awaiting judgement. "Five million were beaten to death 4 Febn by the slave traders. As recently as 1877, the corpses delegates to the United Nations who, in desperation, continue to mislead world opinion by giving a com­ impriso: of men who had refused to embark were found, chained them b, together and drowned near Banana." And today, in pletely untrue version of the bloody incidents which have occurred in their colonies. been re Angola and Cabinda, thousands of Africans, men PortUgl women and children, are still dying all the time, -"A few days ago, the Security Council, having for so machine-gumled and massacred by the brutal Portuguese before it a well-founded request from Liberia that innumeJ soldiery. Why this. new African. sacrifice? Merely 'the situation resulting from the violation of the fun­ inflicted because the twentieth-century Angotans and Cabindans damental rights of the people of Angola' should be in theiJ are refusing to embark on the slave-ships of the Lisbon considered, was unable to obtain the requisite number animals slave traders. The infamy of Portugal! of votes to deal as it should with this question relat­ armed 10. Sickened to the core by the continual massacres ing to the plight of millions of people who are shame­ inflames which are taking place beneath the eyes of the Con­ fully persecuted and humiliated in their own country we wan golese, my Government has instructed me to call the im­ by the so-called Christian eivilizers from Portugal and hut mediate attention of our Organization to the gravity and who cry with all their being for international assistance in. putting pressure on blood-thirsty Por­ "\Ve of the situation, which is deteriorating from week to arE" free week. tugal to negotiate with its colonized peoples in peace and without violence. For need we recall that the Purtugt1 11. Indeed, in the past few days there has been such on the J a recrudescence of the .massacring of Angolans and time when our peaceful people could be intimidated by military parades is past and that force of arms and not Cabindans by the Porh:(guese army that the United whom t1 Nations must act immediately to put a stop to this can bJiing only misery and chaos, not a solution and friendship? cipated, butchery.
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