ft ICHTHYOFAUNAL DIVERSITY OF KOLLAR DAMO DIST' NAGPUR' MAHARASHTRA ST.{TE A.p" sAwAt{E, K. RAWLEKAR" S.B. ZADE,AND A.D. BOBDEY3 Aaand Niketan College ofAfts Commerce and Science. Warora, Dist. Chandrapur. (M.S.), India. pin- 442914 'Dr.Ambedkar College, Deekshabhoomi, Nagpur (M.S) India. 'PGTD af Zoology, RTM Nagpur University Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur 440033 ' Shd. Shivaji Science College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur, (lvf.S.; India E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] I rNrnooucrroN: order Siluriformes and Perciformes (8 species, i.e.2lah), and miscellaneous orders 12.8% (Table 2, Figure 1). The present Indian subcontinent has considerable ichthyofaunal diversity investigation is in corroborate with the findings of Bafful er a/., ar.rd Iridian fish population represents llYo of species 24o/o (2007 ), P aw ate e t a 1., (20 1 2) and K adam et al., (20 12). scnera and 57oh families OJBSAP, 2005). Fish resources of Since the study was mainly undertaken with the help L.rdia prove to be a rich source of income andplay a vital role in of local fisherman using only gill net, drag net and bhor jal, ausrnentins food supply and raising nutritional levei of the other sampling methods rural popuiation. In spite of rich ichthyofaunal diversity in such as angling and utilization of different types of traps India, studies on fish fauna of Kollar Dam, Village Junawani, would certainly increase the species list from the Taluka Saoner, District Nagpuq Maharashtra State, is yet to be Kollar dam" explored. Looking at this an attempt has been made to explore and study fish diversity and to prepare the check list offishes Table 2: Diversity ofSpecies from different Orders oflishes from Kollar Dam. The studies on fish diversity in freshwater Order Number Percentage rvetlands in India are made by Pawar et al. (2003),Jayabhaye et of al. (2006), Kadam and Gayakwad, (2006), Kamble and Mudkhede, (2009), Shinde et al., (2009), Thirupathaiah et ql. soecies Osteoglosiformes (2 0 1 0) and Sharma an dDutta (2012). 02 5.26 I Alguiliformes 01 2,63 M4TERIALS--4 Cypriniformes t'| 44.47 I ||OnS:,';11j:.,,1{:r:,::,,,1,,,t,. ,,, Siluriformes 08 21.40 For the present investigation, fishing sites of, Kollar Dam, Village Junawani, Taluka Saoner, District Nagpur, Cyprinodontiformes 01 2.63 Maharashtra State, was selected for fish collection. Fishes Perciformes 08 2i"00 were collected with the help of local fisherman by using Synbranchiformes 0l 3.63 different types of nets specifically gill net, cast net, drag net Total Number of Species 38 and Bhor Jal and also from local fish market. Sampling and datacoliection was carried out during February 2010 to March Figl: Fish percentage 2011. Photographs of the collected specimens were taken with diversity in from different orders offishes" the help of digital camera immediately after collection. Fishes s were brought to the laboratory and preserved in 100/o formalin r 0steoglosiformes Anguiliformes r Cyprinrformes solution in separate specimen jar according to the size. Fishes r Siluriformes x Cyrprinidontiformes r: pereiformes were identified up to the specimen level with the help of tx Synbranchiformes standard keys and literature (Day, 1967; Jhingran, 1991; iiiit, ,!,!.-j!it3fi Daniels,2002 and Gupta and Gupta,2006). i5i6i iL$.9* ilir:'rilitj k;li:i.li1i{ I nusur,rs Piscine weaith of Koilar Dam is composed of carps. mlnno\\'s. loaches, stone loaches, catfishes andperches, which are erouped into food fishes, game fishes, lawivorous fishes. bait fishes and ri,ild fishes. The present investigation reveals an inventon' of ichthyofaunal diversity consist of 38 species 24 gcnera and 1-1 tamiiies belonging to 7 orders (Table 1). Order Crprinilbrmes form major bulk of ichthyofauna with 17 species and contributes -170.o of the total fish catch, followed br. i :*(iitil;:::i'snry{;ii.tti6i!:*i.ii ::r a:rt;,i5}i:l];!;.iin;llit,ittltl lll:il j1 BIONANO FRONTIER ISS\ i|9T-i-0678 voi-. 5 (2 - r) NOV 2012 ( Tatrle 1: Fish diversity in Kollar Dam - ord; T f amill ScieDffic Ltral Comon Nemc sbtu Notoptcridae Feaiher PF.FD ++c Batul F.N., Rao K.R", Navale R"-A., Bagale M.B. and Shah N.V" Moy/Chital FD (2007): Fish diversity frorn Emrkh lake near Soiapur. Maharashtra. J. AnguiIidae l'mbu Indiil IonB-fin Eel FD Aqua.Biol" Voi 22(2): 68-72. rpnutorme! C-rprinidae Cha.l lage ruor belly minnow, ++c Daniels, R.J.R. (2002): Freshwater fishes o.f peninsular India. 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