burthens. Mr. Cabot held that led logi¬ rook of integrity and truth.' " la 1813, Mr. Picker¬ ¦onset that oImb in Munchtiww> who had aided Mosnooro a ronu Dktoooim. bought aft rather easier prices; manufacture. an MA8SACH18ETT8 UNITED STATES SEKATOES, priuciplea the war with Hol¬ Entered for Omemmption. airous to gtt them off their hands, that they may b* cally to the popular practice of "re-annexation." ing entered the U. B. House of Representatives, the general government durlop Phgi Value. Value. to the William BnUiran. of almost where he served until the close of the Fourteenth when was s»® for an individual to Pkgi. enabled to devote their attention solely pro¬ His friend, writing him, land, It scarcely MANWAonruH or nu. MAinrrAorvRM or TxrrTOif . duction of winter hence the Our Boston CorrnponikiiM. twenty yaare ago, said "It is well remembered Congress, in 1H17. During the war he waa considered do so in this part of the co*ntnr. He had nerved in Stlks.... 139 $140,374 (Jettons 587 9132,1 goods. greaterpienM- been one of Mi. Cabot's the leader of the Essex as he the the llou*' of from Uibbona. 71 22 ueoa of the article. A good inquiry prevails fur Boston, March 22, 1853. to liave opinions, Junto, represented United States Representatives t>0,826 Glnphama.... 8,013 uniform are ac¬ that this must, sooner or later, submit (as E~fex district. 1817 to 1821; but, thoitfh * democrat, Mr. Bilsbee Uoh..,, 30 15."89 PIukIi A 673 cloths at figures. Delaines tolerably Trutram Dalto»-Cultb Strong-George Cabot- country to the Mr. John Adams entered the United Btatea did to >'ackson which be^an to Hush..., 30 9,978 Velvets 15 4 244 tive and Bteady. Flannels are saleable and firm, I in ancient republics) termination of freedom, Quincy not belong the party, are to Jonathan Mason. delusion. He the natural Rente in 1MW. an successor to Jonathan Mason. show its tilout the time that he entered the Velvet*,. 11 5,530 Mu-Jim 16 4,408 jeans are inactive. Hhawls beginning appear. Benjamin Gcodhue. l>u'ir,ht through popular thought strength 4 1 686 Krnb do 12 a of in which American manu¬ of this was moat terrible in small com- He waa then a and the of Senate, lie w as * national and then a Crapes.., 6,903 This is species goods Fottrn.Samuel Dexter-Theodore action spirit federalist, poet-lanreite republican, Vettinga 0 4, <03 Handkerchiefs 13 2 177 arc the sum¬ Mgwick- fDUiiities, and that the prolonged of this his party, though it must be admitted that hu muse whip, Mr. Adams, and then Mr. Clay. Cotton lioae.. 565 facturers making great improvements. John Adams- safety supporting !-bawl».. 63 14,549 68,886 mer styles, now in preparation, will bear comparison Quinty Timothy Pickmnt-James fountry would lie found in the diffusion of itsi inhabi¬ was more vigorous than elegant more like an axe- The choice o( a successor to Mr. Sitobee gave rise Ciape do 78 12.635 Gloves 12 1 893 kinds. Satinets and tweeda h Siltix*. B Varnum a wide > than the a Mr. Adams, 5>9 14 with the best imported Uomd Sattm iel Joseph tants orer surface. He was. therefore, for wielder bearer of diamond pen. He car- to some very singidsr proceedings Cravat* . 3 1 Fringes 1,062 1 resumed life in 68 are active and command full price*. Christopher Gort.Harrison Gray Otis.Prentiss tontinuiug the unity of the American people, and ricd to the Senate, though but thirty-six yean old, after a brief retirement, public 1831, Pongees 09 19,213 Spool! 17,307 moderately less situated than the evils of wheua limited to greater amount of thin as a member of the United States House of Repre¬ Silk U worsted 30 18,663 Tapes 18 3.015 Foreign goods are favorably MdUn-E. J. Mills. Eli P. Ashmimr-DanxH1 Avoiding party feeling, diplomatic experience per¬ of and 26 Manufac's of.. 7 1.016 those of domestic They are in better narrow spaces and to small numbers." For a different haps ever was possessed by any other member.;er- sentatives. The anti-masons made much him, SI k& cotton. 10,208 production. whioh »'ebstfr-J>hn s Choite-lsaac *,. are of the same than new run him for 1 believe. In 1833 the whig Gloves 10,473 supply and daily becoming more abundant, Davts-Rufu reason, the democracy of to-day Uinly by any member. Beside having Governor, Total 1 293 $241,238 will as much of C. Roht. Rantoul, Jr.- with the federal statesman of been with his father a of his revolu¬ was in a here; but, in 1834, Hoce 3,142 impair their success, even should Bate-i.R- tVinthrop- fifty years during portion purty actually minority " 7,670 MANUKA! TaiMS OF FLAX them be ce. he had been in of Mr. Merrick's tothem Gimp* & frgs. required to supply the later spring demand Charles Sumner.Edward Everett. Ziniou tionary diplomatic career, earlyappoint¬ consequence ratting" Hraiil A bdgs. 3,886 Linens as has been occupy Mr. Cabot was a merchant, and had, I believe, ed to stations by Washington, it the from the anti- masons deserting and betraying the Few 2,629 Do and cot. the least anticipated. Regular importers Massachusetts has contributed her full share of as has ofdiplomatic " done" to which inga. agreeable have ordered been master of a merchant ship. Hat, been time toe embargo, he came out in support cf the latter, as he has every party 11a w 8,416 Iacpv invoices of position.which They to be able eminent men to the national Senate. It may be said of he was more than a merchant. administration. It will be a he has recovered their of Haudkorch'fs. large goods they uoped him, something always niystcry belonged.they posi¬ Manufaca. 7,542 to Mill to But a considerable number - freely jobbers. State ha- -sent as men He was a man of uncommon natural powers, which whether he was honest in thus Certain it is tion. The whig party was then pretty thoroughly Thread ..... .. doubted If any many superior acting. under¬ Total 711 Mauufacs. of. of these have imported their own stocks, and an she has sent small he had cultivated with great industry. With the ex- that if lie acted honestly, never before orM sinre waa organized, and it was very generally $048,489 now in of to that body, though occasionally of Mr. Mr. I if so Mr. Adams was to succeed Mr. Silsbee. MANCFAcrrotaa or wool. possession ample supplies and complete I ceptions Webster and Dexter, doubt honesty well rewarded, for the change made him stood that Total 692 assortments. will need none men there, and 1 much fear that the breed is not ex¬ Massachusetts ever had an abler man in the Senate Minister to Russia, Commissioner at Ghent, Minster This arrangement, however, fell through, in conse¬ Woollen* 206 $90 616 $135,341 Conrequently, they ; " aotha 67 M1SCKU-ANKOUS. from regular importers, who are thus left in the tinct Enthusiastic admirers of Mr. Webster say, thaa George Cabot. 1 have heard it said that the to England, of and President of the quence of what has been called Mr. Adams's im¬ 27,739 69 Secretary State, with Stuff good ... 14 2,038 Strnw goods. 21,036 background, oppressed with heavy stocks and still w that to her belongs the honor of having sent tho Cabote of this country are descended from the John United States. Truly, his career looks very Ike a prudent" conduct at the time of our dispute Worsted* 39 13,019 K'thm&ttowr'a 18 3,046 heavy unfulfilled engagements. In this condition, it Cabot, a Venetian, wno settled in Bristol (Eng.) in forcible on reaark, France, on the indemnity question. Mr. Webster Cotton & woro. 264 14 4.575 greatest of Senators to Washington. With all defer commentary Macaulay's pungent Mr. Adams 71,446 Millinery 4 810 is generally thought they have but two resources, the reign of Henir VIII., and who wan a great that many a success dates from a well-timed rat. took ground against General Jackson. Pe lainea 3 P64 Collara ouffa 7 viz., cither to dispose of their commodities at lower ence to their opinion, I do not think that Mr. Web¬ navigator, as was his sou Sebastiau ; but as offbnee at the action of the Massuchisetts sided with his o!d competitor for the Presidency, and Shawl* 80 18.883 Eajbrolderjr . 34 24,042 George Taking Mas¬ Blanket 119 Plu*h 1 28 J rutes, or retain them in their stores. It is not pro¬ ster vu a greater man than Mr. Calhoun or Mr. Cabot had blue eyes and light hair, it would not Legislature in choosing James Lloyd to succeed him, made strong patriotic speeches. The whigs of a. 19,887 bable that will avail themselves of the his , 7 2,454 Leatlir gloves, 8 9,299 they latter, of one seem that any of his ancestors were Venetians, Mr. Adams resigned his seat, and Mr. Lloyc was sachusetts were as much disgusted with conduct listings on the We should in our admiration ... 7 Kid do . 4 if their Clay. not, unless a great had taken in then chosen for the balance of his term. It was as the federalists had been with his course on the Covers 2,483 4.576 while, they press supplies market, so far as change place physical Hoe*,. 16 3,008 Corset a 2 1,020 will be obliged to acccpt less money for them great man, be unjust to others.
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