r The Denver Catholic Register W\A/PnhjesnAvEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBERccoTCAJOfB 12, 1979 ____ _ _ ^ V0L.LIVN0.48 Plkcs Peak Edltlon ae p a g e s 25 CENTS PER COPY Bob Palmer Off Camera Channel 7 Newsman Loves His Work By Julie Asher Register Staff Bob Palmer, a top anchorman for KMGH-Channel 7 TV news, is a sensitive and personable man who loves Denver — the city where he has shaped an entire career — and loves his work. “I was born here and grew up on the west side.” he said. “ When I see the growth and changes it fills me with pride and I'm glad to have been able to play some kind of role in all that.” His career has paralleled that city growth since he started on the local news scene in 1957. He is a 1956 graduate of the University of Colorado where he earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism. His college career was interrupted by four years of service in the U.S. Navy. From 1957 to 1968. Palmer worked as a news reporter news writer photographer and acting news director at KOA-TV. In 1968. he joined the news staff of KMGH. Exciting Career “I never wanted to be in anything else but journalism.” he said. “When you report in the morning, you never know who you will talk to and that’s why it's a most in­ teresting. meaningful and exciting career.” His first experience of appearing on television was a frightening one for Palmer. He said he was so terrified he could barely spieak. “The station manager wrote a memo saying. ‘Don't let that kid on our air ever again.’ ” Palmer said. “I thought my career was over but I managed to get back on the air. and it gets easier with experience.” Telethon Besides his weekday newscasts. Palmer is a familiar face as host of the local segment of the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon on KMGH. This year’s 20 hour telethon seg­ ment on KMGH was Sept. 2-3. When he was first asked to contribute time to the Muscular Dystrophy Association fund raiser. Palmer said he refused, because as a journalist, he said he felt it was not his job “to be asking for money” But he finally decided to get involved, and that was eight years ago. “Once I got involved personally with the kids and could see what good the money's doing — like buying braces paying summer camp fees and enabling research — I can't give it up.” he said. (Continued on Page 17) Channel 7’s Bob Palmer helps handicapped Kevin Valine bowl a strike. (Photo by Tom Mafamort) CATECHETICAL SUNDAY ^ e w Bringing the Word to God’s Famiiy Dear Family ic Christ: continuing need to highlight the Good News in P ik e s P e a k On September 16. 1979. we are called upion again to catechetical programs. This theme emphasizes the fami­ celebrate Catechetical Sunday. This year's theme: ly as the initial context within which the Word must be “Bringing the Word to God's Family " was chosen heard, proclaimed, experienced and nurtured. The whole because it reflects the relationship of catechesis to parish community, and not only the individuals within it Edition several other current priorities in the Church's life: the who have responded to specific roles in the catechetical / family, the parish as extended family, and evangeliza­ ministry, need to become more aware of the importance tion tance of proclaimine the Word in their dailv lives A monthly feature In the introduction to the Plan of Pastoral Action for As your Archbishop. I once again call you to see your Family .Ministry, the American Bishops affirm " that the role in bringing the Word to others through the many starting this week. faithful proclamation of the Gospel in word and sacra­ ways we touch and encounter one another ment is fundamental to all planning in the Church ' This May the Risen I>ord bless and guide you in sharing evangelical and catechetical focus is integral to total your faith Pages B1-12 family ministry during the decade of the 80 s. Your brother fn Christ, It is my hope that the theme "Bringing the Word to James V. Casey God's Family” will help catechists be more aware of the Archbishop of Denver ^ •••2 — TH I OtNVCn CATHOLIC ReOtSTeR, W«d.. S«pt. 12, 1272 ARCHBISHOP'.S O FFK'K Catechetical Sunday Sept 16 200 Joirphinr Slrrrl I)rn\rr. CUÄ020« [ Official ‘Bringing the Word* APPOINTMENT "Bringing the Word to All Souls Parish in the Sisters of Charity, one of for parish programs which Rfvprend Patrick M Valdez. C R . to be Administrator three religious education include ministry training, pro tern. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Denver God's Family” i.s the theme Englewood is planning for Catechetical Sunday on registration for all religious directors at Holy Trinity adult monthly discussions, education classes, according Parish in Westminster, said contemporary spirituality Sept 16. marking the formal and evangelization. SCHEDULES beginning of a new year of to Mike Gallagher, director Catechetical Sunday "makes religious learning in each of religious education. people aware of the need for .Material published by the ARCHBISHOP JAMES V. CASEY U.S. Catholic Conference is Sunday. Sept 16. 10 a m.. Buffalo Creek. St Elizabeth's parish, according to Georgia Across Lines continual Christian growth." Church. Concelebrated Mass. Pastoral Visit Dupree, archdiocesan direc­ Holy Trinity celebrated available to parishes for Sunday. Sept 16. 4 p m , Denver, St Thomas Seminary. tor of religious education. "I think the whole concept early with an adult educa­ planning activities from the Annual Lawn Party and Bazaar of Catholic education has to tion fair held Sept. 9. she archdiocesan office of Tuesday. Sept 18. 1130 a m.. Denver, Pastoral Center. Ms Dupree said each be defined beyond the said, because education religious education. The Luncheon .Meeting with Religious Order Pastors parish plans its own ac­ Catholic school and you have programs begin Sept. 16. At booklet offers suggestions Tuesday. Sept 18. 2pm.. Fort Collins. Loveland and tivities for the Sunday obser- to build awareness that the fair. T-shirts with "Let for music for liturgical Greeley. Northern Area Catholic Community Services vance to create parish catechesis goes across all in the Son " were distributed celebration, banners, Meeting awareness of the importance homilies and rites of com­ Thursday, Sept 20. 11 a m., Sedalia. Sacred Heart parish lines." he said. and 35 booths were set up for of catechists and religious Sister Laetitia Slusser of information and registration missioning for catechists. Retreat House. Closing of Priests' Retreat education. In a letter to the parishes. BISHOP GEORGE R. EVANS Friday. Sept 14. 9 a m.. Denver. Catholic Pastoral Archbishop James V. Casey Center, Housing Issues Task Force Meeting said the theme was chosen Permanent Deacons Friday. Sept 14. 6pm.. Denver. St Andrew of Avellino "because it reflects the Seminary. Dinner and Talk with Ladies Guild relationship of catechesis to Sunday. Sept 16. 9 a m.. Nederland. St. Rita's Church. several other current Concelebrated Mass and Parish Visitation priorities in the Church's life Convention Slated Sept 17 • 20. Sedalia. Sacred Heart Retreat House — the family, the parish as Priests' Retreat extended family and The sixth annual conven­ of the archdiocesan Evans will close the conven­ Thursday. Sept 20 . 7 30 p m.. Denver. Our Lady of Mount evangelization Carmel Church. Concelebrated Mass and Confirmation tion of the permanent diaconale program tion. All members of the deacons of the Rocky .Moun­ On Sept 30. a Mass clergy. Religious and laity- The Word celebrated by Bishop Oorge are invited to attend. BISHOP RICHARD C. HANIFEN tain area will be held Sept Sunday. Sept 16. 3 30 p m.. Colorado Springs. EU Pomar "The whole parish com­ 28-30 at the Bethlehem Center - El Pomar Promoters League Benefit Dinner munity .. needs to become Center in Broomfield Monday. Sept 17, 8 p m , Sedalia • Priests' Retreat more aware of the impor­ The theme of the conven The Denver Catholic Register tance of proclaiming the tion is "One Family" and (USPS 567-030) Word in their daily lives " the keynote speaker will be T h * Mo«t P everendJam *« V Ca»«y. D D .............................. P ublisher Rev C B W oodftch ................................................. Editor 7, Father John J Hedderman. Jam#«F.#di*f ................... Associate Editor This year's theme president of the National As­ Linus Riorden Contributing Editor* suggests a movement sociation of Permanent jtfn ptereon ........................Business M anager New Bishop Named, toward a new vision in Deacon Directors E'alher FrarMi Veccru«'e4ti Advertising Director R>ct\erd Tucfce». Julie Asher ........................................Editorial Staff catechetics that focuses on Hedderman is also Msr* K'^ut* ................................Staff Photographer evangelization, family and chancellor of the Diocese ot WiHiem Redovtch ............................. ............................... Circulation Another Resigns parish The National Salt Lake City P:eeee drroci ell inquiries regarding changes of address, subscrip- Oons etc to tne Circulation Office. Denver Catholic Register, 200 WASHINGTON (NCI - was bom Jan 25. 19.31. in Catechetical Directory links The convention will locus Joeephtne Sueet. Denver. 80206 Phone 3B8-A411. Ext. 270. Msgr Joseph A Fiorenza. Beaumont. Tex He studied catechesis. described as on the idea that permanent chancellor of the Diocese of at St Mary Seminary. "deepening the réponse in deacons as members of the Ednorial ofhcee located at 200 Josephine. Denver 80206 Galveston - Houston, has La Porte, where he was or­ faith to the word. " with clergy with families can Subecripbor>s 13 60 per year been appointed bishop of San dained May 29.
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