Wireless Sensing for Medical Applications Abdelwahed Khamis Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering School of Computer Science and Engineering Supervisor: Wen Hu Co-supervisors: Chun Tung Chou and Brano Kusy February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‘I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by another person, or substantial proportions of material which have been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at UNSW or any other educational institution, except where due acknowledgement is made in the thesis. Any contribution made to the research by others, with whom I have worked at UNSW or elsewhere, is explicitly acknowledged in the thesis. I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my own work, except to the extent that assistance from others in the project's design and conception or in style, presentation and linguistic expression is acknowledged.’ Signed …………………………………………….............. Date …………………………………………….............. %%'""!$&(! &%"'% &$$%$$%'&%'$ &$ &'$ %& & %% * &! $!'$ -%$,$('+' -+ $',# $*,# +$+$'%$ -(! #), *$! • &! &$'&$&$& !&! & & &"'&! %& ,"$$+'&!$-& &)%$%"! %"$$+!$&" *'&! "$"$&! !&)!$!$"'&! • &%""$!(&! '&"'&! &$&%% '! "&$ $!&$%'"$(%!$ !%&$'& !!$ &!$ • "'&! % !&%'&&! +!&! %!$! &$&'$ &%)&&$ "$&+&&)!'! %&$ &% '%! &&%% % &)&$&%&%%! & %"'%&$!$ !& %&%%! & % !"'&! %&$"'%!$%'&&!$"'&! !!&)!$%$ &%&%%% "'% &% !' & &$( & "&$%)& !) & %&%%%"'&! %&$"'%!$%'&&!$"'&! !$"!$& &!& '!"&$ &&%$"$% &!) 0 $&& • (!")&& %% * &! $!'$ • )$ ('%"'&! '! "&$&%&"'&! %!) &%&$#'$ &%&! ' &&%% '$, 0+& $"',-* , &&// %.# #&$+ ) ' "" $ !"' % #"! "!"!&#!$ " $ " $ # " ! " # ' "!! !! ""% "" $ !"' ! !% " % %"" """# "' "!%!#!!" '"!! !! ""!#!' """ "!!#""% ! "" ""#! "'"!! !! ""#"# % !!# ! "! !* ) '!#!"" "!' "" #!"!"!!% "" !! #!!" "' "" ! $ "# $ !""!!* ((((((((((((((((( "((((((((((((((((( ) "'""" '!""'! "#$""' $$ !'"!!* ((((((((((((((((( "((((((((((((((((( Abstract A transmitted wireless signal travelling at the speed of light in indoor spaces goes on an intriguing journey in which it reflects off ambient objects and gets modulated by human motion before reaching the receiver. Leveraging this fun- damental principle, this thesis exploits radio signals from commercial wireless devices to enable novel health sensing applications. The practical outcomes of this work range from wireless-based physiological vital sign monitoring to the first system for automatic tracking of Hand Hygiene practices of healthcare workers. To deliver this, we introduced techniques and algorithms to analyse human motions form reflected radio signals while addressing the practical challenges associated with the noise presence in Radio Frequency (RF) signal and the requirements of the sensing applications themselves. By relying purely on RF signals for sensing, these systems operate in a contact-less manner, agnostic to lighting conditions and can fit in residential and clinical environments without invading the privacy of the inhabitants. In effect, we show how the capabilities of commercially available RF devices can be harnessed for health and well- being sensing while addressing the downsides of alternative modalities (e.g., wearables and camera-based systems). Acknowledgements This work is partially funded by a CISCO Research Center University Grant. In the name of Almighty Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful. All praise to Him, who bestowed upon me the strength to accomplish this disseration. I cannot hope to thank adequately those who helped me in the prepara- tion of this dissertation. I am especially indebted to my advisor Wen Hu. During the past four years, I have thouroughly enjoyed our collaboration that involved intense intellectual discussions, getting me invloved in interesting re- search projects and personal support whenever I needed it. Without his sup- port, this dissertation would not have been possible. My sincere apprecitation goes to my co-supervisors Chun Tung Chou and Brano Kusy. I can’t thank them enough for their feedback, encouragment and involvement in every mile- stone of this dissertation. My thanks goes to Marylouise McLaws (School of Medicine, UNSW, Syd- ney) for introducing me to the Hand Hygiene tracking problem described in Chapter 3, and providing domain expert’s input. My conversations with Hong Jia (CSE, UNSW, Sydney) have always been enlighting and his suggestions improved the work presented in Chapter 3. I would like to express my grati- tudes to Sara Khalifa (CSIRO, Brisbane) for her comments and the engaging iii iv discussions during the thesis writing stage. I am blessed being in the company of Mahmoud Gamal, Mohammed Jad- doa, Firas Al-Doughman and Ahmed Saadeh. They have been there for me over the past few years, cheering me up on my darkest days. A very special words of gratitude go to my friends Khalifa Eissa and Mahmoud Saied. Despite the thousands of kilometers between us, their good memories always brought me happiness and helped me to survive hard times. I am deeply grateful to my parents whose prayers, commitment to education and unconditional love led me to where I am today. Above all, my profoundest thanks to my dear wife, Eman who went through the whole journey with me. This is as much her accomplishment as mine. The last word goes for Moez, my beloved son, who has always been the source of much joy and happiness for me. This dissertation is dedicated to him. Abdelwahed Khamis February 2020 Brisbane, Australia July 20, 2020 Publications Journal Publications 1. Abdelwahed Khamis, Chun Tung Chou, Branislav Kusy and Wen Hu, “WiRelax: Towards Real-time Respiratory Biofeedback During Meditation Using WiFi.” Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal , in- press, accepted in May 2020. Publication revised in Chapter 4 Conference Publications 2. Abdelwahed Khamis, Chun Tung Chou, Branislav Kusy and Wen Hu, “CardioFi: Enabling Heart Rate Monitoring on Unmodified COTS WiFi Devices.” In Proceedings of the International Confer- ence on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. MobiQuitous ’18. Publication revised in Chapter 5 3. Qi Lin, Weitao Xu, Jun Liu, Abdelwahed Khamis, Wen Hu, Mahbub Hassan, and Aruna Seneviratne. “H2B: Heartbeat-based Secret Key Generation using Piezo Vibration Sensors.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Net- works, IPSN ’19. v vi 4. Abdelwahed Khamis, Branislav Kusy, Chun Tung Chou, Marylouise McLaws and Wen Hu, “Poster: A Weakly Supervised Tracking of Hand Hygiene Technique.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks. IPSN ’20. Publication revised in Chapter 3 5. Isura Nirmal, Abdelwahed Khamis, Mahbub Hassan,Wen Hu and Xiao- qing Zhu, “Poster: Combating Transceiver Layout Variation in Device-Free WiFi Sensing using Convolutional Autoencoder.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Process- ing in Sensor Networks. IPSN ’20. Under Review 6. Abdelwahed Khamis, Branislav Kusy, Chun Tung Chou, Marylouise McLaws and Wen Hu, “RFWash: A Weakly Supervised Track- ing of Hand Hygiene Technique.” (Under review in a conference) Manuscript revised in Chapter 3 7. Isura Nirmal, Abdelwahed Khamis, Mahbub Hassan and Wen Hu, “Deep Learning for Radio-based Device-free Human Sensing: Recent Advances and Future Directions” (Under review in a journal) July 20, 2020 vii Statement of contributions of student author Publication Contributions 1 Designing and conducting the experiment and data analysis and writing the manuscript 2 Conducting video attack experiments and writing the relevant section in the manuscript. 3 Designing and conducting the experiments and data analysis and writing the manuscript 4 Designing and conducting the experiments and data analysis and writing the manuscript 5 Writing the manuscript 6 Designing and conducting the experiments and data analysis and writing the manuscript 7 Writing the manuscript July 20, 2020 Awards 1. Best Poster Award IPSN 2020 • Abdelwahed Khamis, Branislav Kusy, Chun Tung Chou, Marylouise McLaws and Wen Hu, “Poster: A Weakly Supervised Track- ing of Hand Hygiene Technique.” In Proceedings of the Inter- national Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks. IPSN ’20. viii Contents Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii Publications v Awards viii Acronyms xxi 1 Introduction 1 1.1WirelessSignalsforMedicalSensing..............
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