IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG DIGITAL WEB MAP 190 MOSCOW AND BOISE STEWART AND OTHERS present in exposures in the southern part of the map. Quartzite is feldspar The Johnson Creek shear zone is a major regional structure (Lund, 2004). To PIONEER GROUP (CH0776) poor. Thickness unknown because of complex internal folding and the the south of the quadrangle it can be traced as a series of faults (Fisher and 19DS16 GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE YELLOW PINE QUADRANGLE, VALLEY COUNTY, IDAHO The Pioneer group is a prospected area located northeast of the mouth of presence of a foliation that may or may not be transposed bedding. Likely others, 1992; Stewart and others, 2018), none of which appear to be as equivalent to the quartzite and schist unit in the Stibnite roof pendant silicified as in the Yellow Pine area. One splay likely connects to the Dead- Riordan Creek. One Defense Minerals Administration (DMA) application Cambrian y CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS and one Defense Minerals Exploration Administration (DMEA) loan appli- t i mapped by Stewart and others (2016). wood fault, which is locally mineralized at and southwest of the Deadwood l i lower cation were made in the 1950s for claims in this area, details of which are b Mine (Kiilsgaard and others, 2006). To the north, north of the Red Mountain a b Zmsm Marble of Moores Station Formation (Neoproterozoic)—Discontinuous lenses available in Frank (2016). Prospects at slightly lower elevation were termed o qtzite David E. Stewart, Reed S. Lewis, Eric D. Stewart, and Zachery M. Lifton stockwork, the fault zone is intruded by voluminous Eocene dikes (Lund, r p of buff to light-gray marble and lesser amounts of millimeter- to the Syringa Group (DMA Docket 1036). Information from DMEA Docket 2005). Foliation in the Cretaceous intrusive rocks is locally well developed e v i centimeter-scale laminated calc-silicate rock within the schist-rich Moores 2572 on the Pioneer Group indicates that overburden is extensive, and that t but the dikes appear undeformed. The Fawn Meadow fault northwest of a l 2021 Artificial Mass-movement Station Formation. Thickness as much as 40 m (130 ft). landslide activity is apparent. Small amounts of scheelite and stibnite are e Edwardsburg (Lewis and others, 2012) likely is part of the shear zone and R Deposits Alluvial Deposits Deposits Glacial Deposits one strand may connect beyond Fawn Meadow to the Golden Hand mine. reported from calc-silicate rocks in granitic gneiss. Zmscs Calc-silicate of Moores Station Formation (Neoproterozoic)—Discontinuous m Qal Holocene lenses of millimeter- to centimeter-scale laminated calc-silicate rock within Qaf Qls QUATERNARY the schist-rich Moores Station Formation. Thickness as much as 40 m (130 Qg Qgo Pleistocene SALT CREEK FAULT B Qg D O_mm ft). Kgd 20 Ÿ 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Ta Zqp ª Kgdsi Ÿ 22 Kgd Ts Date (Ma) 5 O_mq? The Salt Creek fault, striking northeast and dipping steeply to the northwest, C REFERENCES TrŸ Ÿ Kgd ¬ C Zqp BŸ Ÿ O_mm shows evidence of both normal and left-lateral motion in the adjoining Ÿ Zmss? Tr Ÿ Þ Ÿ 12 O_mmq Ÿ Tertiary Sedimentary Deposits Ÿ Þ Zqp ª Ÿ Tr 10 Þ Ÿ D Stibnite quadrangle to the east (Stewart and others, 2016). In the Yellow Ÿ C DETRITAL ZIRCON DATA Ÿ Tr Qg ¬ Bennett, E.H., and Gillerman, V.S., 1992, Mining and minerals in Idaho, Ÿ D Ÿ CENOZOIC Pine quadrangle, the motion is less certain, but down-on-the-northwest 19DS28 Td Zqp ª O_mm Ts 1991, Unpublished manuscript, Idaho Geological Survey, Available at Ÿ ¬ Missouri Ridge ¶ normal motion is suspected. Tr Ÿ Zqp https://www.idahogeology.org/current-historic-mining-activity (accessed Cambrian 76 22 fault Quartzite samples for detrital zircon dating were collected from five locali- y C t C i C 8 August 2020). 22 ª l 39 i 40 ¬ TERTIARY ties within the southern part of the quadrangle (see Symbols and Figure 2). C lower 87 b C ª B Bennett, E.H., and Gillerman, V.S., 1993, Mining and minerals in Idaho, a C 6 40 Intrusive Rocks Results from one locality to the north along Profile Creek has been reported 70 Tr Ÿ 24 39 B b Ÿ 1992, Unpublished manuscript, Idaho Geological Survey, Available at o Ÿ r qtzite C Ÿ previously (Stewart and others, 2016, sample 10RL893). U-Pb ages report- Ÿ B 16 p Ÿ ‰ 35 MINES AND PROSPECTS BB O_mm 40 Tr Tqd Td Ta Eocene https://www.idahogeology.org/current-historic-mining-activity (accessed e 23 ed here were obtained by Jim Crowley using laser-ablation ICP-MS meth- v ª 40 i B 22 29 May 2020). t a Kgd C B ods at Boise State University. Overall, the detrital zircon results support the l C 55 C Þ B e B Bennett, E.H., and Gillerman, V.S., 1997, Mining, Minerals, and the Environ- Mines and larger prospects present in the quadrangle are described below. R ª Zmss 28 conclusion that all the metasedimentary rocks in the Yellow Pine quadran- 12 O_mmq Kgdsi Kgd C ¬ Most are in the west, in or near the Johnson Creek shear zone. In addition ment in Idaho, 1994 Idaho Geological Survey Staff Report S-97-22, 81 p. 87 B 20 gle are Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic. N 7 CRETACEOUS MESOZOIC to the references below, unpublished maps and documents for individual Bookstrom, A.A., Johnson, B.R., Cookro, T.M., Lund, K., Watts, K.C., King, ª Tr Ÿ Zqp 14 Kgdo Kgdp properties are available by examining “Property Details” through the H.D., Kleinkopf, M.D., Pitkin, J.A., Sanchez, J.D., and Causey, J.D., 1998, Qls N Ÿ Qaf 18 Missouri Ridge Ÿ Profile Creek fault Two samples from the lower quartzite unit (Clq) have similar detrital zircon interactive map (“Mines” web app) on the Idaho Geological Survey website Potential Mineral Resources, Payette National Forest, ID—Description Tqd B ª fault 15 Zqp B ages (19DS16 and 19DS28, Figure 2). Most of the grains are between 1,700 (https://www.idahogeology.org/webmap). Property codes (e.g. CH0766) and probabilistic estimation: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 ¬ ª ¡ ¡ B ¡ are given below to assist with website searches. 98–219–A, 254 p. Date (Ma) ¬ and 1,850 Ma, matching results from the lower quartzite in the Stibnite area 23 ¡ 7 C Kgdsi ¡ Metasedimentary Rocks Kgd Þ Qls ¡ to the east reported by Stewart and others (2016). In contrast, two samples Box, S.E., Wintzer, N.E., Vazquez, J.A., 2016, New SHRIMP U-Pb ages 86 Þ ¡ C ª Zmss Þ ¡ bearing on Late Cretaceous evolution of central Idaho: Geological 26 Þ O_mq from differing quartzite intervals within the schist of the Moores Station Þ ª ¡ 55 ¡ CAMBRIAN/ 19DS26 ¡ Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 48, Available at: https://g- ¡ C Formation (19DS26 and 19DS27) have dissimilar detrital zircon ages, KISSINGER QUARTZ CREEK TUNGSTEN MINE (CH0766) B ¡ Td ¬ 20 ¡ Qls O_mmq O_mm ORDOVICIAN B sa.confex.com/gsa/2016RM/webprogram/Paper276025.html (accessed AB ¡ PALEOZOIC possibly due to unrecognized complexity in this formation. A peak at 626 32 ¡ C Zqp ª 15 Neoproterozoic ¡ 10 Located on the west side of Quartz Creek, this deposit was worked for 24 August, 2020). ¡ Ma in results from sample 19DS27 provides a clear maximum depositional y B ª ¡ 30 t i ª ª C88 ¡ _lq scheelite in the 1950s. Notes and a sketch map by Benjamin Leonard from Buehler, A.R., Linne, J.M., Causey, J.D., and M.S. Miller, 1993, Mineral l Moores Kissinger 39 C CAMBRIAN age and is similar to the 624 Ma peak obtained from a sample of quartzite i 18 10 b Quartz Creek 40 1956 (Book 2, U.S.G.S. Field Records Library, Denver, CO) indicate it was resources of the Secesh study area, Idaho and Valley counties, Idaho: a ¡ B C within the Moores Station Formation southwest of Moores Station in the b Station Fm. ¡ ª 10 Zlcf o ¡ ª r C staked in 1952 and that the initial operation was placering of rubble from tungsten mine C ª U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Mineral Land Assess- ª ¡ ª ª Gospel Peaks area (Lewis and others, unpublished mapping). Sample p ¡ Qls ¡ Qls e 7 48 ² the hill slope above the present adit. In 1956, 210 lbs. of WO3 concentrate ment Open-File Report 9-93, 54 p., 5 Appendices. v ª 19ES05 from a quartzite within a carbonate-rich part of the Moores Station 85 80 B i 25 ª t ª ª Zqp C NEOPROTEROZOIC was shipped. It reportedly ran 61.65% WO . Two samples of a ¬ Crowley, F.A., 1983, Geology and geochemistry 1982, Golden Gate proper- Zmss 3 l ª Formation has yet another set of ages, many Archean, but including some Ts e 7 C 7 C85 10RL893B ª arsenopyrite-bearing ore taken in the adit contained 0.10 and 0.02 oz gold, ty, Valley County, Idaho, for Golden Gate Corporation: Idaho Geological R 35 ª as young as 690 Ma. Additional mapping and detrital zircon sampling C70 ~ 10 Zmsm Zmss Zmscs 6.0 and 10.1 oz silver, and 0.5 and 6.2 percent lead. A map made in July Kgd 5! 10 ª would be required to better understand these age differences. The previous- Survey Mineral Property File MPF-CH0771_002. Available at https://ida- Tr C ª Whiskey Creek Ÿ 1972 by Benjamin Leonard (USGS Field Records Library) indicates that 37 45 ‰ C 22 ly reported Profile Creek sample (unit Zqp) has major populations at hogeomap.nkn.uidaho.edu/Data/MineDocs/CH0771_002.pdf (accessed ¬ Ÿ Kgd Tr B ª fault there were two short adits; the lower, longer adit was about 70 ft in length.
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