75¢ COLBY Thursday September 11, 2014 Volume 125, Number 142 Serving Thomas County since 1888 8 pages FFREEREE PPRESSRESS Marines to start off arts season The first program of the Western I am not there.” Plains Arts Association season, Established by an Act of Con- the U.S. Marine Band, co-spon- gress in 1798, the Marine Band sored by the Colby Free Press, is claims to be America’s oldest set for 3 p.m. Sunday at the Colby continuously active professional Community Building. musical organization. Its primary Word has been received that the mission is to provide music for the director, Lt. Col. Jason Fettig, will president of the United States and not be present Sunday due to a the commandant of the Marine major event in Washington. Corps. “Given our high profile mis- Free tickets are still available, sion back in D.C., this occurs though it is too late for them to be from time to time while we are on mailed. Pat Ziegelmeier of West- tour,” the colonel said. “The band ern Plains said she will bring those will be in the very capable hands tickets to the concert and have of my assistant director, 1st Lt. them in the lobby. Doors open to Ryan Nowlin, and I promise that the general public at 2:15 p.m. SAM DIETER/Colby Free Press the performance will be so suc- For information, call Ziegel- Jerry Hill (top) talked about how he prepares stones for jew- Jay, (below left, at right) the art instructor at the college who cessful that you won’t even notice meier at (785) 460-5518. elry, describing the materials he uses to polish and cut the holds Studio Friday in her classroom, spent some time chat- stones, Friday at Colby Community College. Hill was the first ting, and some people worked on their own projects (below Jail bidding guest for the college’s Studio Friday series this fall. Rebel right), but most spent a lot of time watching Hill work. may be skipped Facets of jewelry in studio The contract for Thomas Coun- law allows the design-build al- ty’s jail project may be awarded ternative in which the same firm to an architect on a design-build handles the design and general basis now that the commission- contracting. But the county must ers have decided, at their Monday first have a public hearing on the meeting, to pursue that method issue, said County Attorney Kevin rather than the more common de- Berens. sign-bid-build. Commissioner Mike Baughn Traditionally, projects are de- emphasized he wants a process in signed by one firm, then general which the county selects the archi- contractors bid on the cost to build the designed building. State See “BIDDING,” Page 2 Kite festival in second year Colby’s kite festival will mark Giebler said, he holds 15 similar its second year this weekend at the festivals across the country, in- high school. cluding one in Scottsbluff, Neb., The second annual “Winging every Labor Day weekend. Last It on the Plains” will run from year, he decided to bring yet an- 11 a.m. until dark Saturday. Pre- other festival to Colby which mier Kites and Designs, a “world- reflects the town’s motto, “The class” kite maker, will show off Oasis on the Plains.” His daugh- everything from small toy kites ter Nicole Weigel of Colby, owner to some of the largest ever made. of Nicole’s School of Dance, is Tolling bell marks 9/11 today Admission to the festival is free, helping to make the event a reality as is parking. Organizers encour- again this year. Rachelle Blidner us, America stands tall and Amer- artifacts and graphic photos of the etery. I would never go to the Ho- age people to bring their lawn There are several big festivals and Jonathan Lemire ica stands proud,” the president attacks – is open. Fences around locaust museum and take a selfie.” chairs and sunscreen. on the coasts, he said last year, but Associated Press said. the memorial plaza have come But for others, the changes are In case the festival gets rained he would like to bring them to the The shadow of a renewed threat down, integrating the sacred site an important part of the healing out, the makeup day for the event Midwest. This year’s Scottsbluff NEW YORK (AP) – With the hung over the New York City more fully with the streets of process. will be Sunday. In fact, organizer festival lasted for three days and solemn toll of a bell and a moment ceremony, where the sad roll call Manhattan. “When I first saw (One World Curt Giebler said, if the festival drew thousands of people. of silence, the nation paused to- paused six times: to mark the mo- A new mayor is in office, Bill Trade Center), it really made my goes well enough on Saturday, it The company plans to bring day to mark the 13th anniversary ments when the first plane struck de Blasio, one far less linked to heart sing,” said Debra Burlin- will be stretch over two days any- back its giant Rieleit Foil, a of the Sept. 11 attacks at the hal- the World Trade Center, when the the attacks and their aftermath game, whose brother Charles Bur- way. 75-foot-long kite that was vis- lowed site just hours after Presi- second plane struck, when the first than his immediate predecessors. lingame was piloting the plane be- “Winging It on the Plains” start- ible across town last year, and a dent Barack Obama promised to tower fell, when the second tower And finally, a nearly completed fore it crashed into the Pentagon. ed last year when Giebler, who 50-foot-long, hollow Wind Tur- root out and destroy a new group fell, when the third plane struck One World Trade Center has ris- “It does every time I see it because owns a retail store, Stuff, decided bine. There will be more practical of terrorists threatening the U.S. the Pentagon and when the fourth en 1,776 feet above ground zero it’s so symbolic of what the coun- to bring a kite festival to Colby. kites on hand for people looking Family and friends of those who plane crashed in Pennsylvania. and will soon be filled with office try went through.” “Last year seemed to be a huge to make a purchase, including died read the names of the nearly Eileen Mora, 31, came to re- workers. “I want to see it bustling,” she success,” he said. “You know, we the still-large Giant Flo-Tails and 3,000 people killed in New York, member her cousin who died in But painful memories lin- said. “I want to see more housing did it with last-minute advertising Deltas and Dual Line and Quad at the Pentagon and near Shanks- the attack. She said at first she ger. Franklin Murray of New down there; I want to see it alive and planning.” Line stunt kites, along with expe- ville, Pa. Thelma Stuart, whose was angry about the timing of the York wore a shirt with a photo and bursting with businesses.” He said is hoping for better rienced kite pilots to teach people husband, Walwyn Wellington president’s announcement. of his brother, Harry Glenn, who The memorial plaza will be weather and lots of people this how to fly. Stuart Jr., 28, was a Port Author- “Do it three weeks ago or do it worked at Cantor Fitzgerald, one closed to the public for the day and year. Through his retail outlet, ity Police Department officer, said in three weeks,” she said. “We’re of the companies that lost the most available only to family members. the nation should pray for its lead- all walking out the door today with workers. It will reopen at 6 p.m., at which ers, “that God will grant them wis- tragic and sad and scary memories He said it gave him a “funny point thousands of New Yorkers dom, knowledge and understand- on us … it’s an invitation to fight feeling” to know there was now a are expected to mark the anniver- Oakley man ing on directing them on moving on a day where we lost.” memorial. He has come to the cer- sary at the twin reflecting pools forward.” Joanne Barbara, whose husband emony before but “before it was where the towers once stood. In an address Wednesday, of 30 years, Gerard Barbara, was getting harder, so I forced myself The first ceremony at the site Obama authorized airstrikes in- a FDNY captain who died, urged to get down here. Coming down to was held six months later and was side Syria along with expanded all to feel for not only the lost the area is rough.” organized by then-Mayor Michael charged in death strikes in Iraq as part of “a steady, but “those who continue to suffer For some, the increasing feel of Bloomberg and his aides. Bloom- relentless effort” to root out Islam- from the aftermath.” a return to normalcy in the area berg, who took office just three An Oakley man made a first ap- tions for the Kansas attorney gen- ic State extremists. “May God bless America, and threatens to obscure the tragedy months after the attacks, remained pearance Friday in a murder case eral’s office. Bond was set at $1 Today, the president observed may we never, never forget,” she that took place there and interfere in charge, acting as the master of involving the death of an infant million for Force, who is being a moment of silence outside the said.
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