Property of the Watertown Historical Society The watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWatertown - Oakville TOWN Weekly TIMES Vol. 11, No. 557 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Y Single Copy, 10 Cents August 7. itSS All Full-Time Teacher Vacancies Filled By Hiring Of 18 Teachers AH full time teacher position va- assistant elementary Art teacher. cancies in the Watertown Public The Superintendent announced Schools have been filled, accord- the names of eighteen teachers ing to an announcement this week who" have been hired, by the Pub- from the office of Joseph B. Por- lic Schools Department this year. ter, Watertown Superintendent of He emphasized that only three of Schools. 'The sole remaining va- this number represent additional cancy in. the system, at the pre- teaching positions this year, with sent time' is that of a part-time the remainder hired to fill vacan- ces in the system caused by re- tirement or resignations. The Superintendent's office' gave the following list of newly-hired" Net Seriously Hurt teachers, along with their teach- ing assignments. List New Teacheirs After Stepping lit § Miss Nancy Alexander, of Beers Street, will be assigned as a sec- ond grade ' teacher at Judson Stream Of Traffic School. She .graduated, this, year Thomas Quea, of Cutler Street:, from Wheelock: College, Boston, escaped serious injury Monday Mass., morning when he stepped into the path of a moving automobile on Burton A. A Id rich will teach- Main Street at the center of Water- General Science at Gordon C. town's business district. He was Swift Junior High School. A, 're- Shown examining a setup of "Radar Speed Meter" equipment during a demonstration July 31 on Litch- taken, by "ambulance to Water- sident of Kensington,, Conn,.,, Mr. field Road are, IL to R, Police Chief Frank L. Minucci, and Police Commissioners George B, Ryan, bury Hospital where he was treat- Aldrich graduated this year from Alexander Agnew, Jr., and Charles Monterose. Th e" Commissioners voted to purchase the equipment ed for1 abrasions of the legs and Teachers College of Connecticut at for better control of speeders on local highways. The men are gathered about the indicator and re- New Britain. discharged. Herman A. Anderson Jr., now in cording equipment, which is connected by a cable with the transmitting unit, seen inside, to the left of Police said that he stepped be- military service, will, be assigned,' the open automobile trunk. (Photo by Messier) tween two cars parked at the curb to' 'the fifth grade at Judson School into the path of a vehicle travelling upon his release from sen-ice in, south and driven by Mrs. Ellen, A. November. He is a graduate of" "Radar Speed Meier" To Be Delivered Van Horsten, Middlebury Road. Danbury State Teachers College, No charges were placed against: .and 'previously taught in the local' This Week To Local Police Department Calendar Of Events the driver. schools during the year 1955-56. Investigating officers in the ac- Until he rejoins the local school ' The Watertown Police Commis- operation as soon as the permit is August 4 through 15 — Vacation cident were Henry .Boucher and, system, Mrs. Ruth Lyrnan will- sion, has decided to purchase received. Church School at Christ Church Joseph Ciriello. teach in his place. "Radar Speed, Meter" for use lo- 9:30' to 11:30 a.m. The Commisisoners and police Mrs. Joseph Cianclolo, Wedge- cally by the Police Department. officers -present 'were favorably im- August, 7 — Watertown Golf Club The decision was made after the pressed 'by 'the demonstration as Supr " r at the Clubhouse, 7 p.m. wood Drive, will teach 'the fourth" three members of the Commission the meter needle .and recording August, 11 — Last day for with- Oakville Comm. grade at Judson, School. She is a and, officers of the Police Depart- pen moved -to pinpoint ex.aet.lv the drawing books from, Watertown graduate of Teachers College of: ment witnessed an, impressive dem-> speed of each, and, every vehicle 'Library for month closed period Connecticut, New Britain,, ^and 4gp&tratioit of the equipment on passing Jby its location. white moving to 'new building Opens Bids On 18th taught for three years in the 'Bris- liilchfield Road by a manufac See story this .issue. tol school system. tuner's representative. 'Officials hope that ' a, de- August 14 — School Registration Miss Cathleen Cooke, of Tyler . Individuals prone to exceed. the crease in .the •numbers, of Day for pupils not previously re- For Sewer Project Lake, West Goshen, will be as- speed limits on' local "roads should persons who. .speed, within" the gistered in, local schools. See signed to teaching History and So- note that .the. compact equipment* town limits will be' brought about story this issue for details- Contractors' bids on construction cial Studies at Gordon C. .Swift: is very sensitive to moving objects, by use of 'the - machine lo- August 15— Watertown Golf Club of the "Turkey Brook Interceptor"' Junior High School. She graduat- and, will record, their speed, perma- (Continued on Page 20) Bridge Party at the Clubhouse, sewer in Oakville will be opened ed, 'this year from Albertus Magnus- nently with a. high degree of ac- 8 p.m. August 18 at 8 p.m. at a, special College, New Haven. curacy. meeting of 'the Oakville Fire Dis- The transmitting unit, painted trict's Public Works Commission. (Continued, on Page 12) green, is approximately the size of The invitation to' bid was published a. portable typewriter case, and, is,KiHorin Road Home 'this week. •connected, by a cable to the meter- Special Fund In The job calls for the construc- Slight Increase In; Ing and recording' devices, of ton of approximately 7,300 feet of slightly smaller size. Robbed, Ransacked Memory Of Robert fifteen, 'twelve, ten and eight .inch Building Permits Local police department offi- The home of Carlton K. Gensler vitrified tile and cast iron pipe cials applied, this.week .to the Fed- on •* Killocin. -Hd. was ransacked Russell Created santary sewers and, appurtenanc- Over June Law eral Communications Commission and robbed,- -during' .the family's The Robert' Russell Fund has es. for a. permit to operate the device, absence sometime during 'the lat- been established in, memory of the The "Turkey Brook Interceptor"" Building Activities in, Watertown > and said, that it would be put into ter part of last week, it was 're- young boy who lost his life re- will run, generally,, up Falls Ave- rose only slightly over 'the June' ported by • Police Chief Frank cently in, an accidental drowning, nue. Copies of plans and specifi- total during the month, of July, Minucci. The burglary: was 'dis- it •was announced, this week by cations for the project are on file with a, total valuation' on building Campbell Opens covered, late' Saturday night, when Walter D. Nelson, treasurer of at the Fire District Office, and, projects here of $172,300, accord- the family returned, home from, a the Oakville - Watertown Little 'Contractors may obtain 'them there ing to records of building permits- "upon, payment of a deposit fee. issued by Zoning Enforcement Of- Law 'Office.Here trip. League. ficer Michael 'V. Dunn. June saw 'The community was deeply sad- Articles amounting to an esti- a, low figure of $170,510, while May,' dened, by the death of the young lad a peak 'month this year, had, an mated $5,000' were stolen, and. in and many 'persons, 'wished to ex- addition, the thieves broke three Parking Tags Mount unofficial total of $423,385' in value press 'their sympathy. His par- of permits issued. picture windows, damaged 'the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. ceiling of a room and wrecked the Russell, asked' that flowers be Permits for the construction of living room. Some of the stolen, omitted and suggested 'that instead July Arrests Drop seven dwellings, with a. total es- articles listed with" the police de- contributions be sent to the Little timated value of $17,800, -were is--, partment included a. television League. • sued in July, as compared to per- set, a radio, guns, tools, and The very large response result- Statistics Indicate mits for ten, dwellings valued at. a- costly radio testing equipment.. ed' in 'the idea of creating a, special, Total arrests made by local po- total of $117,000 in, June. Robert Russell .Fund, with the con- lice during July dropped,, but at, Garage construction was up. with - Lt. Carlo Palomba and officer the same time the number of park- five garages valued, at a total of' Joseph Cinello have been inves- tributions received to be used for $5,400 the subject of permits is- tigating the case. the benefit of 'the local Little ing tickets, issued, increased sub- League of which. Robert had 'been, stantially during the month, accor- sued in, July, as compared to one a member. Contributions may be ding to the monthly report to the garage valued at $1,000 in June. sent to Mr. Nelson, c/o the Wat- Board, of Police Commissioners of A factory alteration project by Town Comm's To ertown office of '(he Thomaston Chief of Police Frank L. 'Minucci. the Princeton, Knitting Mills, Inc., Savings Bank. The report notes that during Ju- accounted for $75,000 of the July ly, local police officers investi- total. Name Candidates gated, 326 complaints, made 27 ar- The value of additions and al- The Democratic Town, Commit- Health Director rests, and wrote 166 parking terations for which permits were tee meets tonight to endorse can- tickets,. issued 'dropped with ten such pro- didates 'for the office of Probate Of the 3,26: complaints, 288 were jects, accouunting for a total of- Judge, 'two State Representatives Hears Claims In classified as "general" in nature, $13,100 in July, as compared to- Henry C.
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